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Rushtid i Dhaka, Bangladesh

Dhaka: The Dusty City

The first results from the collaboration between the Department of Environment in Bangladesh and NILU.

This fall, a three-year institutional collaboration was established between Norwegian Institute for Air Research (NILU) and the Department of Environment in Bangladesh. With support from Norway, the goal is to improve local expertise in air quality monitoring and planning in one of the world’s most densely populated cities. To determine where to place the permanent monitoring system, and to get an idea of the current air quality, a delegation from NILU recently traveled to Bangladesh to conduct an initial screening study in Dhaka. – During the winter season, Dhaka is probably the most polluted city in the world, says NILU scientist Scott Randall following his visit.

Read the whole article at The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Dhaka:–Research/Dhaka-The-Dusty-City/