This is a short presentation of some of NILU’s projects. Click on the project to see more information.
Development, improvement and maintenance of high-resolution modelling for Residential Wood Combustion emissions
MetVed is a long-standing project that began in 2017 with the development the MedVed model, a methodology to estimate Residential Wood Burning emissions at high spatial resolution in Norway. In […]
NatureScape – Pioneering Urban Sustainability through Nature-Based Solutions
NatureScape project, in an ambitious initiative led by NILU aimed at transforming urban environments into sustainable and resilient spaces through the strategic integration of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). Funded by national […]
Copernicus Atmospheric Monitoring Service Policy User Support (CAMS Policy User Support)
The Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) is funded by the European Union and administered by ECMWF. CAMS is the dedicated service within the Copernicus programme for providing services and data products […]
User-driven Health risk Assessment Services and Innovative ADAPTation options against Threats from Heatwaves, Air Pollution, Wildfire Emission and Pollen (healthRiskADAPT)
Transformative adaptation is gaining recognition as the appropriate response to climate change as the current adaptive measures reach their limits. In addressing health risks associated with heat waves, air pollution, […]
Airborne Microplastic Detection, Origin, Transport and Global Radiative Impact (MAGIC)
Alternative title: Deteksjon, opprinnelse, transport og global strålingspåvirkning av luftbåren mikroplast The project with the short name "MAGIC" will incorporate advances in atmospheric sampling (e.g., from Global Atmosphere Watch stations, GAW) and detection […]
GRC pilot – Enhancing Climate, Air Quality, Well-being, and Sustainable Development Goals (MASSEV)
Alternative title: GRC-pilot: Overvåking, kartlegging og modellering av luftkvalitet for bærekraftige miljøer i byer og samfunn Overview The MASSEV project is a pioneering initiative designed to enhance health, urban living, and […]
Identification of chemical and biological determinants, their sources, and strategies to promote healthier homes in Europe (INQUIRE)
Enabling homes to realise zero pollution holds multiple health benefits for all Europeans – especially our children. This is the goal of the EU-funded INQUIRE project. It will provide the knowledge, […]
Efficient Recycling of E-Waste through Automated and Intelligent Resource Dataflow (REWARD)
Alternativ tittel: Effektiv resirkulering av ee-avfall gjennom automatisert og intelligent ressurs dataflyt The rapid technological advances with increasing application of ICT have accelerated the generation of electronic waste (e-waste). In addition, […]
Norwegian initiative for EarthCARE Validation of Aerosol uncertainties and Radiation products in the Arctic (NEVAR)
The “Norwegian initiative for EarthCARE Validation of Aerosol uncertainties and Radiation products in the Arctic” (NEVAR) project aims at supporting the geophysical validation of the EarthCARE data products. The EarthCARE (Earth Clouds Aerosols and […]
Copernicus Climate Change Service Evolution
The CERISE project kicked-off January 1 2023. It aims to enhance the quality of the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) reanalysis and seasonal forecast portfolio, with a focus on land-atmosphere coupling. It […]
Circular Economy Resource Information System (CE-RISE)
What is the CE-RISE project? What is the CE-RISE project? The rising demand and limited supply of critical raw materials (CRMs) impair the ability to rapidly adopt technological change toward […]
ETC Human health and the environment (ETC HE)
The European Topic Centre on Human Health and the Environment (ETC HE) is a Consortium of 10 partners with expertise in air quality, air pollution, industrial emissions, chemicals, noise and […]
Miljøgifter i bydyr (MILBY)
Environmental toxins in urban animals (MILBY) is a program commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency. The program is led by NILU in collaboration with the Norwegian Institute for Nature Research […]
Plastic pollution; global sources causing consequences for the Arctic, Towards international state-of-the-art understanding and education (PlastPoll2021)
Being a fast developing field of research of increasing complexity, education and training on the impact and fate of MP pollution is lacking behind both in teaching state-of-the art research […]
Global snow depths from spaceborne remote sensing for permafrost, high-elevation precipitation, and climate reanalyses (SNOWDEPTH)
Alternativ tittel: SNOWDEPTH – Globale snødybdemålinger fra satellittdata for permafrost, nedbør i høyfjellet og klima-reanalyser The SNOWDEPTH project will, as the first in the world, directly measure snow depths globally at […]
Autonomous Multi-Format In-Situ Observation Platform for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Methane Monitoring in Permafrost & Wetlands (MISO)
Climate warming is driven by increased concentrations of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) e.g., CO2 and CH4, in the atmosphere. Existing observatories are able to capture GHG information for large-scale global assessments, […]
Transformative interaction between digital technologies and people for a sustainable indoor climate in schools (DIGG-MIN-SKOLE)
A good indoor environment at school is important for the health and well-being of pupils and staff, and has a significant impact on pupils' learning outcomes. Good maintenance of buildings […]
Low Latency Air Quality Management (AirQMAN)
Existing air quality (AQ) monitoring and management (AQMS) methods and evolving modelling practices across Norwegian and European cities have achieved significant improvements of AQ but further progress is needed due […]
REliable Global Methane Emissions estimates in a changing world (REGAME)
In REGAME we will update chemistry transport models (FLEXPART, OsloCTM) to include the kinetic isotope effect (KIE) of methane (CH4), enabling better constraints on the CH4 budget (KIE is dependent […]
Climate response to a Bluer Arctic with increased newly-formed winter Sea ICe (BASIC)
The scientific community still has no consensus on if and how Arctic warming and sea ice loss can influence weather and climate in the Northern Hemisphere. The BASIC project sets […]
F.A.I.R. information cube (FAIRiCUBE)
The core objective of FAIRiCUBE is to enable players from beyond classic Earth Observation (EO) domains to provide, access, process, and share gridded data and algorithms in a FAIR and […]
Improved energy efficiency of school buildings in Zulawy Wislane (Green Żuławy)
Climate change is manifested through rising sea levels, heat waves, forest fires, droughts, floods and increasing temperatures. They all affect ecosystems and biodiversity, as well as economic growth, infrastructure, and […]
Integrated Risk Assessment Framework for Evaluating the Combined Impacts of Multiple Pressures on Arctic Ecosystems (COPE)
The primary objective of this proposal is to develop, explore, and evaluate a novel integrated risk assessment framework for assessing combined impacts of multiple pressures on the state of Arctic […]
Suburban dream vs. climate-friendly transport? Environmental sustainability of urban sprawl development of Polish cities
Socio-economic growth has led to rapid urban development in Polish cities, and major and recurrent challenges have arisen linked to uncontrollable urban sprawl development (e.g., transport congestion, high traffic emissions). […]
Engaging citizens in food diversity in cities (SmartFood)
“Grow your own food in the corridor of your building, reduce GHG (greenhouse gas) emission, the waste of food and energy and transportation costs! Improve your physical health by changing […]
Schools of a good climate – construction of educational green zones in primary schools no. 1 and no. 4 in Kozienice to mitigate climate change and adapt to its effects (GreenZone)
The GeenZone project aims to i) strengthen the resilience in the schools to the negative effects of climate change; ii) raise students and teachers' awareness of climate change; and iii) […]
Development of Environmental performance and Climate Impact indicators for the Assessment of Sustainability (DECIAS)
The DECIAS project is aimed at developing a modelling toolbox for environmental sustainability assessment based upon Life Cycle Assessment (LCA), dynamic Material Flow Analysis (MFA), and multiregional Input Output Analysis […]
VOC-monitoring at Hydrovolt, Fredrikstad (VOC Hydrovolt 2023)
Hydrovolt is a joint venture owned by Hydro (NO) and Northvolt (SE), and the company operates a battery recycling facility in Fredrikstad, S-E Norway. The purpose of the NILU monitoring […]
Plastic cycle – Optimizing resource efficiency while minimizing recycling of hazardous chemicals in a circular economy (PLASTCYCLE)
PLASTCYCLE will provide a comprehensive overview of fate of different plastic types and additive chemicals in the waste stream. We will also provide solutions for optimizing plastic waste management by coupling scientific findings with information and knowledge of industrial partners, municipalities and waste management companies across Norway.
Highly Accurate and Autonomous Programmable Platform for Providing Air Pollution Data Services to Drivers and the Public (HAPADS)
HAPADS is an ambitious project that will custom design and build a novel air mobile monitoring system (devices, data acquisition, analysis, and user interface), which will enable end-users (drivers, transport […]
Dacon – VOC-monitoring in working environment (Dacon VOC)
Dacon is a small production facility located in Baerum, west of Oslo, Norway. The main products are equipment for search and rescue designed for boats and maritime sector. During the […]
Analysis techniques for quantifying nano-and microplastic particles and their degradation in the marine environment (ANDROMEDA)
In ANDROMEDA, a combination of advanced techniques, such as µFTIR, Raman and SEM-EDX, should be optimized and used for characterization and quantification of microplastics and nanoplastics in the order of 1 µm, 0.2 µm and less. Particular focus will be given to types of MP that are challenging to detect, such as microfibers, paint flakes and tire wear particles.
Fluxes and fate of microplastics in Northern European waters (FACTS)
The project FACTS will create new knowledge and improve our understanding on the sources, transport, occurrence, and fate of small microplastics (MP) in the northern marine waters. FACTS will combine newest methods to describe transport and geographical sources of microplastics contamination. We will also investigate where microplastic particles will end up both in temperate waters of the southern North Sea and the Arctic waters of the Barents Sea.
Intelligent remediation system for removal of harmful contaminants in water using modified reticulated vitreous carbon foams (i-CLARE)
The goal of i-CLARE is to design and produce the electrochemical water treatment system, with implemented artificial intelligence procedures dedicated to identifying and learn the most efficient operating parameters to […]
SO2 measurement in the surroundings of Elkem Carbon and REC Solar (SO2 Fiskå)
Measuring of SO2 in the residential areas around the companies Elkem Carbon and REC Solar at Fiskå / Kristiansand. SO2 is measured in the residential areas around the companies Elkem […]
Cross-cutting topics on urban sustainable development and SDGs (Urban SDGs)
This SIS-project is designed in a close collaboration between NILU and NIVA with an overall objective to develop a methodological framework which can help with structure thinking and provide a […]
EUROpean quality Controlled Harmonization Assuring Reproducible Monitoring and assessment of plastic pollution (EUROqCHARM)
Plastic pollution has become a global environmental and societal concern in recent years. Numerous protocols have been developed to monitor plastic debris, but these are rarely comparable. This has hindered […]
Field evaluation of Vaisala sensor systems
The aim of the project was to perform a field test of three commercial Vaisala sensor system units to validate the measurements of NO2, O3, PM2.5 and PM10 against results […]
Diffuse emissions of dust from LKAB Narvik
NILU has, on behalf of LKAB Norge AS, carried out emission and dispersion calculations for combined emissions from point sources and diffuse sources from the facility in Narvik. The purpose […]
Science-based risk governance of nanotechnology (RiskGone)
Engineered nanomaterials (ENMs) are covered by REACH/CLP regulations; the general opinion is that the risk assessment (RA) approach routinely used for conventional chemicals is also applicable to ENMs. However, as […]
Revision of air quality assessment for Drammen
NILU, in collaboration with Asplan Viak AS, has prepared a local air quality assessment for Drammen municipality. The project includes an assessment of air quality in Drammen through traffic calculations […]
Nordic participatory, healthy and people-centred cities (nordicPATH)
NordicPATH’s overall objective is to establish a new model for citizens’ participation and collaborative planning in Nordic countries to create healthy and people-centred cities. The project is tackling complex environmental […]
Sentinel EO-based Emission and Deposition Service (SEEDS)
The SEEDS project is a Horizon 2020 funded project. SEEDS aims at using all available satellite observations to improve estimates of European air quality and pollutant emissions. In addition to the […]
Air quality assessment for Lørenskog municipality
The air quality assessment for Lørenskog municipality covers mapping of the air quality through traffic, emission and dispersion calculations of PM10, PM2,5 and NO2 for the present situation (2019) and […]
PEER Research on Sustainable Development Goals: Tackling and Managing Risks with SDGs (PEER-TRISD)
The Partnership for European Environmental Research (PEER) as a network excels in the research on the biophysical and socio-ecological impacts linked to the implementation of the SDGs and the associated […]
Revised local air quality assessment for Bergen
NILU has prepared a revised air quality assessment for Bergen. The assessment with an action plan for improved local air quality aims to ensure that pollution levels remain within the […]
CeO2 Nanoparticles-assisted stem-based cell therapy: an innovative nanopharmaceutical approach to treat retinal degenerative diseases
The main aim of CELLUX is to develop a novel pharmaceutical based on CeO2 nanoparticles (NPs) eye drops to treat Age Macular Degeneration (AMD) that in combination with stem cell-based […]
Strategies to strengthen scientific excellence and innoVation capacIty for early diagnoSIs of gastrOintestinal caNcers
Slovakia belongs to countries with the highest incidence of colorectal and pancreatic cancer in Europe. Therefore, the main goal of the VISION proposal is to strengthen the scientific excellence and […]
Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase Nanoparticles targeted to the Brain for Neuroprotection in Ischemic Stroke (GOTTARG)
The project will develop and test the first targeted and long-acting nanomedicine with neuroprotective properties for ischemic stroke, with potential application in other neurological diseases. The Team will demonstrate that […]