This is a short presentation of some of NILU’s projects. Click on the project to see more information.
Air pollution & distribution of related health impact and welfare in Nordic Countries (NordicWelfAir)
Air pollution has serious impacts on human health, wellbeing and welfare. The main challenge is to understand how to regulate air pollution in an optimal way both on global and […]
Air quality assessment for Levanger municipality
NILU har utarbeidet en tiltaksutredning del I (kartlegging) for lokal luftkvalitet i Levanger. Utredningen er gjennomført på oppdrag for Levanger kommune etter anbefaling fra Miljødirektoratet. Tiltaksutredningen gjør rede for forurensningssituasjonen og […]
Towards a reliable assessment of nanomaterial health effects using advanced biological models and assays (NanoBioReal)
A sound scientific basis is needed to assess the risks to workers and consumers, to inform regulatory bodies and to ensure a responsible development of nanotechnology. Most of the existing […]
Development of a pollen information service based on data from Sentinel satellite plattforms– Phase 2 (SEN4POL-2)
The project is a continuation of the first phase of the SEN4POL project and will evaluate the potential of using satellite data for mapping and predicting birch pollen in Norway. […]
Participatory science toolkit against pollution (ACTION)
ACTION will transform the way we do citizen science (CS) today: from a mostly scientist-led process to a more participatory, inclusive, citizen-led one, which acknowledges the diversity of the CS […]
Method development for estimating emissions from construction sites (MD EmSite)
The overall aim of our study is to develop a concept model to estimate emissions (the following components are included: CO2, BC, CH4, NH3, NMVOC, PM10, PM2.5 and NOx) from […]
Innovativ administration of air and environment in Norwegian municipalities (iFLINK)
The iFLINK project shall facilitate for monitoring AQ at many different places at low costs. Scientists working in the project will develop and use new calibration and visualization methods based […]
Intelligent Environmental Reporters (INTER)
The main objective of the INTER project is to develop Intelligent Environmental Reporters- green nanoparticles that can be used to measure residual oil directly in an environmentally friendly manner. To […]
More than half of the world’s population is living in cities. According to the WHO air quality database, 80% of people living in urban areas that monitor air pollution are […]
Plastic pollution; a global challenge towards harmonised understanding, education and methodology in Europe, USA and China (PlastPoll)
Being a fast developing field of research of increasing complexity, education on the impact and fate of MP pollution is lacking behind both in teaching, state-of-the art research as well […]
Model Advancements for high Spatial and TEmporal Resolution simulations of environmental toxics (SIS MASTER)
The main goal of the project is to modify and enhance NILUs existing atmospheric models to allow for improved simulation of traditional air pollutants (e.g., NO2, PM2.5, PM10) at very […]
Dispersion modeling of air pollution from Årdal Metallverk
NILU has studied the effect of aluminum production on the environment around Norwegian aluminum smelters by doing calculations and measurements since the early 1970s. In this project, surface concentrations have […]
Air quality profiling using low-cost gas and particle sensors (Airify)
Airify is an industrial innovation project where NILU will contribute to evaluate the performance of novel low-cost sensor systems developed by LASTING Software. During the project we will test Airify […]
Climate gas emissions from tourist mobility in Norway (co2rism)
This is a project for Innovation Norway to estimate the CO2 emissions of transport from the movement of tourists to, in and from Norway. Emissions are calculated from detailed input […]
Boliden – Diffuse emissions from unloading of zinc concentrate (Boliden)
Diffuse emissions from the unloading of zinc (Zn) concentrate in Odda, Western Norway have been quantified using an inverse modelling approach. Eleven deposition samplers were strategically placed around the plant […]
Deployment and testing of lower-cost ambient air quality sensor systems in urban environment (sensEURcity )
The ‘sensEURcity’ project was launched because measurements from cheaper (low cost) air quality sensors are still too unreliable and data quality is insufficiently known. With this project, the Directorate-General of the European Joint Research Centre (DG JRC), with funding from the Directorate-General for Environment, aims to help evaluate the performance and potential of low-cost sensor systems for air quality and make comparisons with conventional measurement methods.
Innovative Nanopharmaceuticals: Targeting Breast Cancer Stem Cells by Novel Combination of Epigenetic and Anticancer Drugs with Gene Therapy (INNOCENT)
A challenge in the treatment of breast cancer patients is frequent relapses. This project focuses at circulating cancer stem cells, which are a main cause of relapses in the patients. The aim of this project is to develop a new drug for treatment of breast cancer, by targeting stem cells, based on nanoparticles.
Hyperlocal precipitation forecast everywhere in the world on a simple demand? (PrecX)
The PrecX project will develop a forecast service that provides highly accurate, hyper-local, and on demand precipitation prediction everywhere in the world. PrecX will be a ready-to-go digital solution for […]
Air quality assessment for Tromsø
NILU and Urbanet analyse have prepared a revised air quality assessment for Tromsø. The action plan, including strategies and measures, aims to reduce air pollution to a level that meets […]
Used tires in asphalt production – Feasibility Study (RubberRoad)
How should we best dispose of our used car tires? The RubberRoad project addresses the responsible use of tires, stimulating the production of asphalt with rubber content in Norway. Used […]
iResponse: Social Responsible Crowdsourcing for Environmental Research and Decision-Making (iResponse )
The iResponse project will develop and study social responsible ICT-based crowdsourcing tools for environmental research and decision-making processes based on citizen participation and engagement (crowdsourcing).
Collective awareness platform for outdoor air pollution (hackAIR)
The overall objective of hackAIR is to develop and pilot test an open platform that will enable communities of citizens to easily set up air quality monitoring networks and engage […]
Air quality plan for improved air quality in Bergen
NILU and Urbanet Analyze (UA) have prepared a revised air quality plan for Bergen city. The air quality plan will help to reduce the air pollution to a level that […]
Development of sensor-based Citizens’ Observatory Community for improving quality of life in cities (CITI-SENSE)
The CITI-SENSE project developed and tested components of environmental monitoring and information systems based on innovative and novel Earth Observation capabilities. The applications focused on the citizens’ immediate environment regarding […]
UV Intercomparison and Integration in a High Arctic Environment (UVAC)
The Arctic is a region which to high extent influences the atmospheric behaviour in the Northern hemisphere and for this reason attracts the attention of the scientific community. The Atmosphere […]