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Foto: Colourbox

Development of a pollen information service based on data from Sentinel satellite plattforms– Phase 2 (SEN4POL-2)

Project details

Status: Ongoing

Project period: 2020–2022

Principal: Norwegian SPace Agency (NIT.10.19.5)

Coordinating institution: Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Society

Collaborators: NILU, Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association (NAAF), Norwegian Computing Center

The project is a continuation of the first phase of the SEN4POL project and will evaluate the potential of using satellite data for mapping and predicting birch pollen in Norway.

The project exploits the satellite data provided by the Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 platforms, that are operated by the European Copernicus programme, in order to provide spatially more detailed information about vegetation status and surface properties.

This information is then used to developed improved predictions regarding the onset of the birch pollen season. We primarily use the Ocean and Land Color Instrument (OLCI) and the Sea and Land Surface Temperature Radiometer (SLSTR) on Sentinel-3 and the Multi Spectral Instrument (MSI) onboard of the Sentinel-2-plattform.

The long-term goal of this multiple-phase project is to develop an automated satellite-based pollen service that can be operated and used internally at NAAF for contributing to the ongoing work related to the governmental mandate that this organisation has to deliver pollen predictions to the public.

The project is a collaboration between NILU, Norwegian Computing Center and the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Association.

Updated: 17.09.2021