Found 9381 publications. Showing page 1 of 376:
Data Report 2022. Particulate matter, carbonaceous and inorganic compounds
This report presents an overview of annual statistical summaries and methods for sampling and analysis of particulate matter, carbonaceous and inorganic compounds measured under the EMEP monitoring programme in 2022.
Heavy metals and POP measurements 2022
This report presents an overview of the annual statistics and results from the monitoring programme of heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in EMEP in 2022.
Monitoring of the atmospheric ozone layer and natural ultraviolet radiation. Annual Report 2023
This report summarizes the results from the Norwegian monitoring programme on stratospheric ozone and UV radiation measurements. The ozone layer has been measured at three locations since 1979: In Oslo/Kjeller, Tromsø/Andøya and Ny-Ålesund. The UV measurements started in 1995. The results show that there was a significant decrease in stratospheric ozone above Norway between 1979 and 1997. After that, the ozone layer stabilized at a level ~2% below pre-1980 level. The year 2023 was characterized by low ozone values in winter, high spring values, and annual average total ozone values slightly below the long-term mean.
A machine learning algorithm combined with measurements obtained by a NILU-UV irradiance meter enables the determination of total ozone column (TOC) amount and cloud optical depth (COD). In the New York City area, a NILU-UV instrument on the rooftop of a Stevens Institute of Technology building (40.74° N, −74.03° E) has been used to collect data for several years. Inspired by a previous study [Opt. Express 22, 19595 (2014)], this research presents an updated neural-network-based method for TOC and COD retrievals. This method provides reliable results under heavy cloud conditions, and a convenient algorithm for the simultaneous retrieval of TOC and COD values. The TOC values are presented for 2014–2023, and both were compared with results obtained using the look-up table (LUT) method and measurements by the Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI), deployed on NASA’s AURA satellite. COD results are also provided.
Global nitrous oxide budget (1980–2020)
Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a long-lived potent greenhouse gas and stratospheric ozone-depleting substance that has been accumulating in the atmosphere since the preindustrial period. The mole fraction of atmospheric N2O has increased by nearly 25 % from 270 ppb (parts per billion) in 1750 to 336 ppb in 2022, with the fastest annual growth rate since 1980 of more than 1.3 ppb yr−1 in both 2020 and 2021. According to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC AR6), the relative contribution of N2O to the total enhanced effective radiative forcing of greenhouse gases was 6.4 % for 1750–2022. As a core component of our global greenhouse gas assessments coordinated by the Global Carbon Project (GCP), our global N2O budget incorporates both natural and anthropogenic sources and sinks and accounts for the interactions between nitrogen additions and the biogeochemical processes that control N2O emissions. We use bottom-up (BU: inventory, statistical extrapolation of flux measurements, and process-based land and ocean modeling) and top-down (TD: atmospheric measurement-based inversion) approaches. We provide a comprehensive quantification of global N2O sources and sinks in 21 natural and anthropogenic categories in 18 regions between 1980 and 2020. We estimate that total annual anthropogenic N2O emissions have increased 40 % (or 1.9 Tg N yr−1) in the past 4 decades (1980–2020). Direct agricultural emissions in 2020 (3.9 Tg N yr−1, best estimate) represent the large majority of anthropogenic emissions, followed by other direct anthropogenic sources, including fossil fuel and industry, waste and wastewater, and biomass burning (2.1 Tg N yr−1), and indirect anthropogenic sources (1.3 Tg N yr−1) . For the year 2020, our best estimate of total BU emissions for natural and anthropogenic sources was 18.5 (lower–upper bounds: 10.6–27.0) Tg N yr−1, close to our TD estimate of 17.0 (16.6–17.4) Tg N yr−1. For the 2010–2019 period, the annual BU decadal-average emissions for both natural and anthropogenic sources were 18.2 (10.6–25.9) Tg N yr−1 and TD emissions were 17.4 (15.8–19.20) Tg N yr−1. The once top emitter Europe has reduced its emissions by 31 % since the 1980s, while those of emerging economies have grown, making China the top emitter since the 2010s. The observed atmospheric N2O concentrations in recent years have exceeded projected levels under all scenarios in the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 6 (CMIP6), underscoring the importance of reducing anthropogenic N2O emissions. To evaluate mitigation efforts and contribute to the Global Stocktake of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, we propose the establishment of a global network for monitoring and modeling N2O from the surface through to the stratosphere. The data presented in this work can be downloaded from (Tian et al., 2023).
Monitoring of environmental contaminants in freshwater food webs (MILFERSK), 2023
Norsk institutt for vannforskning
Roadmap for action for advancing aggregate exposure to chemicals in the EU
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) has a goal to efficiently conduct aggregate exposure assessments (AEAs) for chemicals using both exposure models and human biomonitoring (HBM) data by 2030. To achieve EFSA's vision, a roadmap for action for advancing aggregate exposure (AE) in the EU was developed. This roadmap was created by performing a series of engagement and data collection activities to map the currently available methods, data, and tools for assessing AE of chemicals, against the needs and priorities of EFSA. This allowed for the creation of a AEA framework, identification of data and knowledge gaps in our current capabilities, and identification of the challenges and blockers that would hinder efforts to fill the gaps. The roadmap identifies interdependent working areas (WAs) where additional research and development are required to achieve EFSA's goal. It also proposes future collaboration opportunities and recommends several project proposals to meet EFSA's goals. Eight proposal projects supported by SWOT analysis are presented for EFSA's consideration. The project proposals inform high-level recommendations for multi-annual and multi-partner projects. Recommendations to improve stakeholder engagement and communication of EFSA's work on AEA were gathered by surveying stakeholders on specific actions to improve EFSA's communication on AE, including webinars, virtual training, social media channels, and newsletters.