Project details
Status: Ongoing
Project period: 2021–2026
Principal: Research Council of Norway (RCN) (322191)
Coordinating institution: NILU
Being a fast developing field of research of increasing complexity, education and training on the impact and fate of MP pollution is lacking behind both in teaching state-of-the art research as well as methodology.
After 2 years of the first phase project PlastPoll, this objective has become even more crucial, acting on the increase of available methodology and understanding of the impacts of nano- and microplastic pollution, as a global challenge impacting even remote and fragile regions as the Arctic.
An overall goal is to train students in combining theoretical, experimental and field approaches for an excellent and sound scientific understanding of relevant processes and observations while at the same time contributing to the understanding of the fate and impact of MPs in the environment by developing this still young field of research on a global scale together.
An invaluable added value to the underlying JPI projects ANDROMEDA and FACTS will result in the evolution of the scope from temperate regions to arctic and high arctic regions. The continuation of the successfully established collaboration between Norway, China and USA will support the strong interaction between not only the supervisors, but also the students themselves. They will be both encouraged and facilitated by exchange visits, webinars and winter-/ summer schools including from the ANDROMEDA and FACTS consortia.
We will additionally offer master student projects in all three locations, which will create additional opportunities for students to participate in specific parts of this project.
At the same time, the exchange of experts will ensure the direct transfer of recent knowledge, leading on arctic research of MP in the environment.
The unique combination of participating research institutions (NILU, NPI) and universities (UiT, UCSF, TU) is complementary in scientific quality, academic programs, experience and qualification.