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Fra Dhaka, Bangladesh. Mann bærer bør på hodet. Fabrikkpiper med svart røyk i bakgrunnen.
Foto: Scott Randall

NILU has expanded its efforts in Bangladesh

The recent kick-off of the second major project in Bangladesh demonstrates NILUs cooperative efforts in assessing and managing the air quality problems in the country.

The end of last month NILU started a new project in Bangladesh focusing on emissions and air quality studies in the capital city Dhaka, as well as in the next largest city Chittagong.  This new project entitled Bangladesh Air Pollution Studies (BAPS) runs parallel and in conjunction with the existing project – Bangladesh Air Pollution Management (BAPMAN).

The BAPS project is comprised of collecting data and compiling assessment reports for the Bangladesh Department of Environment on the following 5 separate studies:

  1. Emissions Inventory for Dhaka and Chittagong
  2. Dispersion Modeling for Dhaka and Chittagong
  3. Source Apportionment Study for PM2.5 and PM10 (4 cities)
  4. Assessment of Dust Control Measures for Dhaka
  5. Industrial Emissions Estimate for Dhaka and Chittagong

The BAPS project will run until August 2014, and is being undertaken will a local sub-contractor (Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Chemical Engineering Department).

The BAPS project will provide valuable input to the existing BAPMAN project – a project which primarily focuses on NILU training the Bangladesh Department of Environment on proper management of air quality and emissions data using AirQUIS.

Project Manager and Research Scientist, Scott Randall (
NILU’s endeavors in Bangladesh have recently been highlighted in the UD brochure “Bangladesh & Norway: platform for partnerships”