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NILUs mercury team top cited authors in Atmospheric Environment

Jozef Pacyna, Elisabeth Pacyna og Kyrre Sundseth
Foto: Ingunn Trones, NILU

Dr. Elisabeth Pacyna, Prof. Jozef Pacyna and dr. Kyrre Sundseth receive award for having an article among the “Top-50 most cited articles” published in Atmospheric Environment (2010-2011).

The article “Global emission of mercury to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources in 2005 and projections to 2020”, contains results of the team’s research on emissions and emission scenarios for mercury carried out for for UNEP and a few EU projects. The presented results are a summary on the team’s work for justification of establishment of a UN convention on mercury reduction on global scale. The results were also the basis for Elisabeth’s Ph. D. thesis.Artikkelen kan leses her: