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Foto: Ingar Næss

Cristina Guerreiro new Research Director at NILU

Cristina de Brito Beirão Guerreiro is appointed Research Director of NILU’s Department for Industry and Environmental Economics

Cristina is currently working as a senior scientist and scientific leader on European assessments at NILU’s Urban Environment and Industry Department, where she conducts research on air pollution in Europe. She has led a number of different projects and worked with European, national and regional authorities, as well as research institutions and industry in both Europe and Africa.

With her more than 20 years of experience in air quality assessment and management, including monitoring, modelling, emission inventorying, environmental impact assessment and mitigation analyzes, she is today a renowned scientist.

Cristina has lead NILU’s work for the European Topic Centre for Air pollution and Climate change Mitigation (ETC / ACM) for the European Environment Agency (EEA) since 2007. She has also been the lead author of the European Environmental Agency’s annual reports “Air Quality in Europe” since 2011.

Cristina is currently coordinating lead author of the UNEP’s flagship report “Global Environment Outlook” GEO-6, with responsibility for the chapter on atmosphere. She is also the convenor of the European Standardization Organization Group CEN/TC264/WG43, which will draft a European standard for “Modelling Quality Objectives”. She is also actively involved in FAIRMODE-Forum for air quality modelling in Europe, as co-chair of the working group 1 on assessment.

Cristina is the Norwegian representative as “National Reference Centre for Air Quality” in EIONET (European Environment Information and Observation Network) and represents NILU as member of the Reference Group for European Environmental Issues of the Norwegian Ministry of Environment. She is also a member of TFIAM (Task Force for Integrated Assessment Modelling) under the Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution.

Cristina Guerreiro takes over the department from Professor Jozef Marian Pacyna, who will take a position as a senior adviser.

– NILU wants to contribute to the green shift, and it is therefore important that we have a department with solid expertise both in environmental economics and in environmental impact assessment. That is how we can provide a research-based foundation to support the private sector making good environmental and competitive choices. This will serve both business and society as a whole, says Managing Director Kari Nygaard.