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Biplab Kumar Datta – new Director of Innovation at NILU

Biplab Kumar Datta has been hired as the new Director of Innovation at NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research from 1 March 2021.

Biplab Kumar Datta joins NILU from the position as head of the patent and innovation department in Tandberg Innovation AS. Previously, he has also worked with system and technology development in oil, gas and seismic for Semcon Devotek (at that time Kongsberg Devotek), and headed the powder technology department at Tel-tek (now Sintef). He has also held an additional position as professor of powder technology at Telemark University College, and now sits in Standards Norway Expert Committee for innovation management.

Datta has a doctorate in mechanical engineering with an emphasis on pneumatic transport system design and optimization from Jadavpur University in India. During his education, he also taught various mechanical engineering subjects at the university.

Datta says that he has always been concerned with being able to develop technology in a way that benefits society.

– It is a driving force for me, he says. – By developing more energy-efficient technology, we can also contribute to more environmentally friendly solutions.

Biplab Kumar Datta takes over the management of NILU’s Innovation Department from Pål Midtlien Danielsen, who went over to a government position in 2020.

– Having our own innovation department is important to us, says CEO Kari Nygaard.

– NILU’s Innovation Department helps to ensure that we develop and apply new, research-based solutions of high relevance to society.