As an activity in the VISION project, NILU’s health effect laboratory offers an open course in writing project proposals.
The course “How to write a project proposal” is over two days May 6-7 2021. It will take place online as a webinar. The webinar is free and open to anyone interested.
Why this course?
Based on the fact that NILU has extensive experience in writing project proposals and has had success in obtaining grants from the EU, we want to share our experiences with you by this webinar. There will be theoretical and practical training in how to write proposals, with focus on innovative goals, feasible work plan, etc.
The course will be followed up by a course in project management in September.
More information and registration
Link to registration here:
About the VISION project
The main objective of the project VISION (Strategies to strengthen scientific excellence and innoVation capacIty for early diagnoSIs of gastrOintestinal caNcers) is to strengthen excellence and innovation capacity of Biomedical Research Center of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (BMC SAV).
Close cooperation with four European leading research institutions will enhance the credibility, competitiveness and recognition of BMC SAV, contribute to overcome existing gaps in oncology research and reinforce the capacity for early diagnostics and innovative treatment approaches.
Beyond increased scientific performance, collaborative approach may help to identify factors contributing to an extremely high incidence of colon and pancreatic cancer in Slovakia.
The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under grant agreement No 857381.
Read more about the projects on their own webpages: