Sunday 1 September 2024, our Swedish subsidiary turned 1 year old!
Who and where is NILU AB?
NILU Klimat- och miljöinstitutet AB has offices in Göteborg and Stockholm. They are four employees:
- Johanna Berlin
- Charlotta Möller
- Pernilla Holgersson
- Niklas Schmidt – who started September 1st
In addition, they have an hourly employee, Henrik Dahl, who works closely with smaller companies.
“Over the past year, we have become better acquainted with the Norwegian institute sector,” says Johanna. “We know the Swedish institute sector well from before, but it has been very interesting to gain much more insight into how things are done on the other side of the border.”
What does NILU AB do?
NILU AB works to ensure that research is more often used in industry, municipalities and cities, and works as closely as possible to the core of the issue. NILU AB’s two main goals are “sustainable transition”, supporting customers in achieving their sustainability goals, and circular economy.
In 2025, the plan is to expand the area of impact from environmental system analyzes and guidelines/policies, management and circular economy to also include resilience and “sustainable defence”.
NILU AB works with artificial turf, the project Grøn omställning in Norrland, industrial symbiosis and life cycle analysis. They participate in the Swedish Life Cycle Center and help organize SETAC’s LCA conference in Göteborg.
In addition, they recently got their first EU project, Infinity.
Otherwise, Johanna has recently been invited to assess received applications within “Net Zero Industry” for Vinnova. Charlotta is currently working on a circular economy project for the Norwegian Ministry of Climate and Environment, while Pernilla works closely with various businesses and cities, and assists them in putting good environmental guidelines in place.
Together, Johanna and Pernilla also work with industrial symbiosis in Norrland. It is a consultancy assignment where NILU AB has been hired to identify opportunities for the various companies in the area to interact and exchange resources in a better way. They also want to investigate whether it is possible to combine the material symbiosis with establishing a common culture.
“We didn’t even exist a year ago! The fact that we now have an office with four employees and receive assignments from industry, universities and colleges is really fun,” says Johanna.