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Ingjerd Sunde Krogseth

Senior Scientist

+47 63 89 82 98

+47 977 11 839

Environmental Chemistry and Health Effects

Fram Centre, Tromsø

Ingjerd Sunde Krogseth.

Dr. Ingjerd S. Krogseth is a senior scientist in the Department of Environmental Chemistry and Health Effects at NILU, as well as an adjunct professor at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. She is located in the Fram Centre in Tromsø.

Krogseth conducts research on how organic contaminants behave in the environment and food chains, motivated by a desire to protect the environment, ecosystems, and humans from harmful compounds. She is particularly interested in new environmental contaminants that are still unregulated, in order to contribute to a sound scientific basis for decision-making for national and international environmental authorities. Another focus area is how ongoing climate change affects the fate of organic contaminants in the environment and ecosystems.

Krogseth works extensively with the development, evaluation and application of contaminant models for ecosystems and food chains. These models are used in combination with actual measurements from the environment to understand more about how the contaminants are transported to and end up in organisms and food chains. She is particularly interested in organic contaminants in Arctic ecosystems, and she works closely with biologists and ecotoxicologists at other institutions in the Fram Centre through the Fram Centre’s research programmes.

Ingjerd Sunde Krogseth has 104 publications at NILU:

The Research Software Engineering Group at UiT

Dietze, Jörn Lukas Franz; Decristoforo, Gregor; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde


NEM – et verktøy for å granske endringsdrivere for miljøgifter i Arktis

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; Pedersen, Lovise Skogeng


Dechloranes and chlorinated paraffins in sediments and biota of two subarctic lakes

Arriola, Aline; Al Saify, Insam; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Herzke, Dorte; Harju, Mikael; Amundsen, Per-Arne; Evenset, Anita; Möckel, Claudia; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde


Where do contaminants in the Arctic come from? Meet the Nested Exposure Model.

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; Solbakken, Christine Forsetlund


Impacts of a warming climate on concentrations of organochlorines in a fasting high arctic marine bird: Direct vs. indirect effects?

Bustnes, Jan Ove; Bårdsen, Bård-Jørgen; Moe, Børge; Herzke, Dorte; Ballesteros, Manuel; Fenstad, Anette; Borgå, Katrine; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Eulaers, Igor; Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing; Hanssen, Sveinn Are


Modelling PCB-153 in northern ecosystems across time, space, and species using the nested exposure model

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Breivik, Knut; Frantzen, Sylvia; Nilsen, Bente Merete; Eckhardt, Sabine; Nøst, Therese Haugdahl; Wania, Frank


Spatial distribution of Dechlorane Plus and dechlorane related compounds in European background air

Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; Herzke, Dorte; Möckel, Claudia; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde


Nested multimedia fate and exposure modelling

Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd; McLachlan, Michael S.; Wania, Frank


Avian sentinels of the impact of Atlantification on the contaminant state of Kongsfjorden: strengths and pitfalls of a data analytical toolbox.

Eulaers, Igor; Blévin, Pierre; Bustamante, Paco; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Chastel, Olivier; Descamps, Sebastien; Fort, J.; Herzke, Dorte; Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd; Moe, Børge; Neumann, S.; Sagerup, Kjetil; Stople, T.; Varpe, Øystein; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing


Modelling the influence of climate change on contaminant exposure in three key seabird species in the European Arctic

Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Eulaers, Igor; Blévin, Pierre; Sagerup, Kjetil; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing; Eckhardt, Sabine; Frank, Wania; Breivik, Knut; Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd


Development, evaluation, and application of a mechanistic bioaccumulation model for organic contaminants in Svalbard polar bears

Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd; Routti, Heli Anna Irmeli; Eulaers, Igor; Breivik, Knut; Aars, Jon; Eckhardt, Sabine; Frank, Wania


Merverdi av samarbeidet i flaggskipet Miljøgifter: How to COPE?

Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd; Blévin, Pierre; Borch, Trude Kristin; Breivik, Knut; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Chastel, Olivier; Eckhardt, Sabine; Eulaers, Igor; Evenset, Anita; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing; Griffith, Gary; Herzke, Dorte; Pethybridge, Heidi R.; Routti, Heli Anna Irmeli; Sagerup, Kjetil; Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Solbakken, Christine Forsetlund; Verrault, Jonathan; Wania, Frank


Temporal trends of legacy organochlorines in a high Arctic seabird over 15 years: preliminary results

Blévin, Pierre; Chastel, Olivier; Angelier, Frédéric; Bech, Claus; Bustamante, Paco; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Herzke, Dorte; Goutte, Aurélie; Jouanneau, William; Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd; Leandri-Breton, Don-Jean; Moe, Børge; Sagerup, Kjetil; Sebastiano, Manrico; Tartu, Sabrina; Eulaers, Igor; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing


Modelling the influence of climate change on contaminant exposure in three key seabird species in the European Arctic

Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Eulaers, Igor; Blévin, Pierre; Sagerup, Kjetil; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing; Eckhardt, Sabine; Wania, Frank; Breivik, Knut; Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd


Modelling organic contaminants in northern ecosystems across time, space and species using the integrated NEM model

Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd; Breivik, Knut; Frantzen, Sylvia; Nilsen, Bente Merete; Eckhardt, Sabine; Nøst, Therese Haugdahl; Wania, Frank


Main sources controlling atmospheric burdens of persistent organic pollutants on a national scale

Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Eckhardt, Sabine; Gusev, Alexey; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Möckel, Claudia; Shatalov, Victor; Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Breivik, Knut


How to COPE? Contaminant–climate change interactions in the Arctic.

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Solbakken, Christine Forsetlund; Borch, Trude


Main sources controlling atmospheric burdens of persistant organic pollutants across Norway

Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Eckhardt, Sabine; Gusev, Alexey; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Möckel, Claudia; Shatalov, Victor; Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Breivik, Knut


Spatial distribution of dechlorane plus and analogs in European background air

Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Möckel, Claudia; Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Eckhardt, Sabine; Breivik, Knut


Volatile Methyl Siloxanes in Polar Regions

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Environmental behaviour and bioaccumulation of chlorinated paraffins, dechloranes and PCBs in northern freshwater ecosystems

Arriola, Aline; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Herzke, Dorte; Evenset, Anita; Möckel, Claudia; Breivik, Knut


Reducing sampling artifacts in active air sampling methodology for remote monitoring and atmospheric fate assessment of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes

Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Bjørneby, Stine Marie; Kierkegaard, Amelie; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla


Introducing a Nested Exposure Model for organic contaminants (NEM): Part 1. The physical environment.

Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; MacLeod, M.; Wania, F.


Towards a temporally and spatially resolved Nested Exposure Model for organic contaminants in Arctic ecosystems

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; MacLeod, M.; Wania, F.


Modellering som verktøy til å forstå utslipp, eksponering og bioakkumulering

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Nøst, Therese Haugdahl; Breivik, Knut



Environmental behavior and bioaccumulation of contaminants of emerging concern in northern freshwater ecosystems

Arriola, Aline; Evenset, Anita; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Herzke, Dorte; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Möckel, Claudia; Breivik, Knut


Air pollution

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde


Screening Programme 2017 – AMAP Assessment Compounds

Schlabach, Martin; van Bavel, Bert; Baz-Lomba, Jose Antonio; Borgen, Anders; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Götsch, Arntraut; Halse, Anne Karine; Hanssen, Linda; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Nygård, Torgeir; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Reid, Malcolm James; Rostkowski, Pawel; Samanipour, Saer


Reducing sampling artifacts in air measurements: Improvement of active air sampling methodologies for accurate measurements of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in remote regions.

Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Kierkegaard, A; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla


Spatial distribution of short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in European background air

Möckel, Claudia; Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Pedersen, Lovise Skogeng; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Borgen, Anders; Schlabach, Martin; Breivik, Knut


Passive air sampling of POPs in background air along a European-Arctic transect

Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Möckel, Claudia; Pedersen, Lovise Skogeng; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Schlabach, Martin; Breivik, Knut


Spatial distribution of short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in European background air

Möckel, Claudia; Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Pedersen, Lovise Skogeng; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Borgen, Anders; Schlabach, Martin; Breivik, Knut


Environmental fate and bioaccumulation of cVMS in a subarctic freshwater lake

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Undeman, E.; Evenset, Anita; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, Knut; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Organic contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) as indicators for thorough source elucidation and risk evaluation in modern Arctic environmental assessments.

Kallenborn, R.; Strømberg, J. S.; Brorstrøm-Lundén, E.; Reiersen, L.-O.; Carlsson, P.; Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N. A.; Vasskog, T.


Factors affecting bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in a subarctic benthopelagic food web.

Krogseth, I. S.; Undeman, E.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Warner, N. A.


Source-exposure relationships for airborne organic contaminants of emerging concern in Northern terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems

Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Möckel, C.; Herzke, D.; Eckhardt, S.; Bohlin-Nizzetto, P.; Krogseth, I. S.; Stohl, A.; Hung, H.; Wania, F.


Elucidating the behavior of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in a subarctic freshwater food web: A modeled and measured approach.

Krogseth, I. S.; Undeman, E. M.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, K.; Warner, N. A.


Factors affecting bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in a subarctic benthopelagic food web.

Krogseth, I. S.; Undeman, E.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Warner, N. A.


Environmental behavior of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in a high latitude lake: a modelled and measured approach.

Warner, N.A.; Krogseth, I.S.; Whelan, M. J.; Christensen, G.; Evenset, A.; Breivik, K.


Modelling the behavior of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in an Arctic benthopelagic freshwater food-web.

Krogseth, I.S.; Undeman, E.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Warner, N.A.


Is dilution the solution? Impact of urbanization on chemical emissions to Arctic environments.

Warner, N.A.; Krogseth, I.S.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Christoffersen, L.


Personal care product ingredients in Arctic Char and Brown Trout in a North-Norwegian lake.

Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in an Arctic lake.

Krogseth, I.; Warner, N.; Christensen,G.; Whelan, M.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in an Arctic lake.

Krogseth, I.; Warner, N.; Christensen,G.; Whelan, M.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.,Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Assessing the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes experiencing seasonal environmental changes.

Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.


Assessment of environmental residence times for cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes.

Warner, N.; Almeida, G.; Krogseth, I.S.; Whelan, M.J.; Hangstad, T.A.


Assessment of environmental residence times for cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes.

Warner, N.; Almeida, G.; Krogseth, I.S.; Whelan, M.J.; Hangstad, T.A.


NORDIC-LACS: Nordic lake exposure to cyclic siloxanes – assessment of transport, distribution & fate.

Krogseth, I.S.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Assessing the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes experiencing seasonal environmental changes.

Krogseth, I.; Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.,Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N.A.; Breivik, K.; Whealan, M.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G.N.; Wassbotten, I.H.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.,Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Calibration of a passive air sampler for volatile methyl siloxanes.

Krogseth, I.S.; Zhang, X.; Lei, Y.D.; Wania, F.; Breivik, K.


Integrated modeling and monitoring of emerging organic contaminants in the Nordic region.

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik, K.; Schlabach, M.; McLachlan, M.S.; Wania, F.; Arnot, J.


Calibration and application of a passive air sampler (XAD-PAS) for volatile methyl siloxanes.

Krogseth, I.S.; Zhang, X.; Lei, Y.D.; Wania, F.; Breivik, K.


Integrated modeling and monitoring of emerging organic contaminants in the Nordic region.

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik, K.; Schlabach, M.; McLachlan, M.S.; Wania, F.; Arnot, J.


Occurrence and seasonality of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic air.

Krogseth, I.S.; Kierkegaard, A.; Mclachlan, M.S.; Breivik, K.; Hansen, K.M.; Schlabach, M.


Integrated modeling and monitoring of emerging organic contaminants in the Nordic region

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik, K.; Schlabach, M.,McLachlan, M.S.; Wania, F.; Arnot, J.


Occurrence and seasonality of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic air.

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik, K.; Schlabach, M.; Kierkegaard, A.; McLachlan, M.S.; Hansen, K.M.


Calibration of a passive air sampler for volatile methyl siloxanes.

Krogseth, I.S.; Zhang, X.; Lei, Y.D.; Wania, F.; Breivik, K.


Occurrence and seasonality of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic air.

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik, K.; Schlabach, M.; Kierkegaard, A.; Mclachlan, M.S.; Hansen, K.M.


Occurrence and seasonality of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic air.

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik, K.; Schlabach, M.; Kierkegaard, A.; Mclachlan, M.S.


Modeling of short chain chlorinated paraffins in the Nordic environment.

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik,K.; Schlabach, M.; Wania, F.; Arnot, J.


Nye organiske miljøgifter i nordisk miljø: analyse og modellering.

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik, K.; Shlabach, M.; McLachlan, M.; Wania, F.; Arnot, J.


Integrated Risk Assessment Framework for Evaluating the Combined Impacts of Multiple Pressures on Arctic Ecosystems (COPE)

The primary objective of this proposal is to develop, explore, and evaluate a novel integrated risk assessment framework for assessing combined impacts of multiple pressures on the state of Arctic […]

Project period: 2019 – 2024


Dr. Ingjerd S. Krogseth is a senior scientist in the Department of Environmental Chemistry and Health Effects at NILU, as well as an adjunct professor at UiT – The Arctic University of Norway. She is located in the Fram Centre in Tromsø.

Krogseth conducts research on how organic contaminants behave in the environment and food chains, motivated by a desire to protect the environment, ecosystems, and humans from harmful compounds. She is particularly interested in new environmental contaminants that are still unregulated, in order to contribute to a sound scientific basis for decision-making for national and international environmental authorities. Another focus area is how ongoing climate change affects the fate of organic contaminants in the environment and ecosystems.

Krogseth works extensively with the development, evaluation and application of contaminant models for ecosystems and food chains. These models are used in combination with actual measurements from the environment to understand more about how the contaminants are transported to and end up in organisms and food chains. She is particularly interested in organic contaminants in Arctic ecosystems, and she works closely with biologists and ecotoxicologists at other institutions in the Fram Centre through the Fram Centre’s research programmes.

Ingjerd Sunde Krogseth has 104 publications at NILU:

The Research Software Engineering Group at UiT

Dietze, Jörn Lukas Franz; Decristoforo, Gregor; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde


NEM – et verktøy for å granske endringsdrivere for miljøgifter i Arktis

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; Pedersen, Lovise Skogeng


Dechloranes and chlorinated paraffins in sediments and biota of two subarctic lakes

Arriola, Aline; Al Saify, Insam; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Herzke, Dorte; Harju, Mikael; Amundsen, Per-Arne; Evenset, Anita; Möckel, Claudia; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde


Where do contaminants in the Arctic come from? Meet the Nested Exposure Model.

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; Solbakken, Christine Forsetlund


Impacts of a warming climate on concentrations of organochlorines in a fasting high arctic marine bird: Direct vs. indirect effects?

Bustnes, Jan Ove; Bårdsen, Bård-Jørgen; Moe, Børge; Herzke, Dorte; Ballesteros, Manuel; Fenstad, Anette; Borgå, Katrine; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Eulaers, Igor; Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing; Hanssen, Sveinn Are


Modelling PCB-153 in northern ecosystems across time, space, and species using the nested exposure model

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Breivik, Knut; Frantzen, Sylvia; Nilsen, Bente Merete; Eckhardt, Sabine; Nøst, Therese Haugdahl; Wania, Frank


Spatial distribution of Dechlorane Plus and dechlorane related compounds in European background air

Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; Herzke, Dorte; Möckel, Claudia; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde


Nested multimedia fate and exposure modelling

Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd; McLachlan, Michael S.; Wania, Frank


Avian sentinels of the impact of Atlantification on the contaminant state of Kongsfjorden: strengths and pitfalls of a data analytical toolbox.

Eulaers, Igor; Blévin, Pierre; Bustamante, Paco; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Chastel, Olivier; Descamps, Sebastien; Fort, J.; Herzke, Dorte; Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd; Moe, Børge; Neumann, S.; Sagerup, Kjetil; Stople, T.; Varpe, Øystein; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing


Modelling the influence of climate change on contaminant exposure in three key seabird species in the European Arctic

Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Eulaers, Igor; Blévin, Pierre; Sagerup, Kjetil; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing; Eckhardt, Sabine; Frank, Wania; Breivik, Knut; Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd


Development, evaluation, and application of a mechanistic bioaccumulation model for organic contaminants in Svalbard polar bears

Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd; Routti, Heli Anna Irmeli; Eulaers, Igor; Breivik, Knut; Aars, Jon; Eckhardt, Sabine; Frank, Wania


Merverdi av samarbeidet i flaggskipet Miljøgifter: How to COPE?

Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd; Blévin, Pierre; Borch, Trude Kristin; Breivik, Knut; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Chastel, Olivier; Eckhardt, Sabine; Eulaers, Igor; Evenset, Anita; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing; Griffith, Gary; Herzke, Dorte; Pethybridge, Heidi R.; Routti, Heli Anna Irmeli; Sagerup, Kjetil; Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Solbakken, Christine Forsetlund; Verrault, Jonathan; Wania, Frank


Temporal trends of legacy organochlorines in a high Arctic seabird over 15 years: preliminary results

Blévin, Pierre; Chastel, Olivier; Angelier, Frédéric; Bech, Claus; Bustamante, Paco; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Herzke, Dorte; Goutte, Aurélie; Jouanneau, William; Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd; Leandri-Breton, Don-Jean; Moe, Børge; Sagerup, Kjetil; Sebastiano, Manrico; Tartu, Sabrina; Eulaers, Igor; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing


Modelling the influence of climate change on contaminant exposure in three key seabird species in the European Arctic

Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Eulaers, Igor; Blévin, Pierre; Sagerup, Kjetil; Bustnes, Jan Ove; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing; Eckhardt, Sabine; Wania, Frank; Breivik, Knut; Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd


Modelling organic contaminants in northern ecosystems across time, space and species using the integrated NEM model

Sunde Krogseth, Ingjerd; Breivik, Knut; Frantzen, Sylvia; Nilsen, Bente Merete; Eckhardt, Sabine; Nøst, Therese Haugdahl; Wania, Frank


Main sources controlling atmospheric burdens of persistent organic pollutants on a national scale

Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Eckhardt, Sabine; Gusev, Alexey; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Möckel, Claudia; Shatalov, Victor; Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Breivik, Knut


How to COPE? Contaminant–climate change interactions in the Arctic.

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Solbakken, Christine Forsetlund; Borch, Trude


Main sources controlling atmospheric burdens of persistant organic pollutants across Norway

Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Eckhardt, Sabine; Gusev, Alexey; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Möckel, Claudia; Shatalov, Victor; Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Breivik, Knut


Spatial distribution of dechlorane plus and analogs in European background air

Skogeng, Lovise Pedersen; Möckel, Claudia; Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Eckhardt, Sabine; Breivik, Knut


Volatile Methyl Siloxanes in Polar Regions

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Environmental behaviour and bioaccumulation of chlorinated paraffins, dechloranes and PCBs in northern freshwater ecosystems

Arriola, Aline; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Herzke, Dorte; Evenset, Anita; Möckel, Claudia; Breivik, Knut


Reducing sampling artifacts in active air sampling methodology for remote monitoring and atmospheric fate assessment of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes

Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Bjørneby, Stine Marie; Kierkegaard, Amelie; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla


Introducing a Nested Exposure Model for organic contaminants (NEM): Part 1. The physical environment.

Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; MacLeod, M.; Wania, F.


Towards a temporally and spatially resolved Nested Exposure Model for organic contaminants in Arctic ecosystems

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; MacLeod, M.; Wania, F.


Modellering som verktøy til å forstå utslipp, eksponering og bioakkumulering

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Nøst, Therese Haugdahl; Breivik, Knut



Environmental behavior and bioaccumulation of contaminants of emerging concern in northern freshwater ecosystems

Arriola, Aline; Evenset, Anita; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Herzke, Dorte; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Möckel, Claudia; Breivik, Knut


Air pollution

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde


Screening Programme 2017 – AMAP Assessment Compounds

Schlabach, Martin; van Bavel, Bert; Baz-Lomba, Jose Antonio; Borgen, Anders; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Götsch, Arntraut; Halse, Anne Karine; Hanssen, Linda; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Nygård, Torgeir; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Reid, Malcolm James; Rostkowski, Pawel; Samanipour, Saer


Reducing sampling artifacts in air measurements: Improvement of active air sampling methodologies for accurate measurements of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in remote regions.

Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Kierkegaard, A; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla


Spatial distribution of short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in European background air

Möckel, Claudia; Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Pedersen, Lovise Skogeng; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Borgen, Anders; Schlabach, Martin; Breivik, Knut


Passive air sampling of POPs in background air along a European-Arctic transect

Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Möckel, Claudia; Pedersen, Lovise Skogeng; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Schlabach, Martin; Breivik, Knut


Spatial distribution of short- and medium-chain chlorinated paraffins in European background air

Möckel, Claudia; Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Pedersen, Lovise Skogeng; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Borgen, Anders; Schlabach, Martin; Breivik, Knut


Environmental fate and bioaccumulation of cVMS in a subarctic freshwater lake

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Undeman, E.; Evenset, Anita; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, Knut; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Organic contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) as indicators for thorough source elucidation and risk evaluation in modern Arctic environmental assessments.

Kallenborn, R.; Strømberg, J. S.; Brorstrøm-Lundén, E.; Reiersen, L.-O.; Carlsson, P.; Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N. A.; Vasskog, T.


Factors affecting bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in a subarctic benthopelagic food web.

Krogseth, I. S.; Undeman, E.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Warner, N. A.


Source-exposure relationships for airborne organic contaminants of emerging concern in Northern terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems

Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Möckel, C.; Herzke, D.; Eckhardt, S.; Bohlin-Nizzetto, P.; Krogseth, I. S.; Stohl, A.; Hung, H.; Wania, F.


Elucidating the behavior of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in a subarctic freshwater food web: A modeled and measured approach.

Krogseth, I. S.; Undeman, E. M.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, K.; Warner, N. A.


Factors affecting bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in a subarctic benthopelagic food web.

Krogseth, I. S.; Undeman, E.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Warner, N. A.


Environmental behavior of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in a high latitude lake: a modelled and measured approach.

Warner, N.A.; Krogseth, I.S.; Whelan, M. J.; Christensen, G.; Evenset, A.; Breivik, K.


Modelling the behavior of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in an Arctic benthopelagic freshwater food-web.

Krogseth, I.S.; Undeman, E.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Warner, N.A.


Is dilution the solution? Impact of urbanization on chemical emissions to Arctic environments.

Warner, N.A.; Krogseth, I.S.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Christoffersen, L.


Personal care product ingredients in Arctic Char and Brown Trout in a North-Norwegian lake.

Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in an Arctic lake.

Krogseth, I.; Warner, N.; Christensen,G.; Whelan, M.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in an Arctic lake.

Krogseth, I.; Warner, N.; Christensen,G.; Whelan, M.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.,Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Assessing the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes experiencing seasonal environmental changes.

Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.


Assessment of environmental residence times for cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes.

Warner, N.; Almeida, G.; Krogseth, I.S.; Whelan, M.J.; Hangstad, T.A.


Assessment of environmental residence times for cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes.

Warner, N.; Almeida, G.; Krogseth, I.S.; Whelan, M.J.; Hangstad, T.A.


NORDIC-LACS: Nordic lake exposure to cyclic siloxanes – assessment of transport, distribution & fate.

Krogseth, I.S.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Assessing the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes experiencing seasonal environmental changes.

Krogseth, I.; Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.,Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N.A.; Breivik, K.; Whealan, M.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G.N.; Wassbotten, I.H.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.,Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Calibration of a passive air sampler for volatile methyl siloxanes.

Krogseth, I.S.; Zhang, X.; Lei, Y.D.; Wania, F.; Breivik, K.


Integrated modeling and monitoring of emerging organic contaminants in the Nordic region.

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik, K.; Schlabach, M.; McLachlan, M.S.; Wania, F.; Arnot, J.


Calibration and application of a passive air sampler (XAD-PAS) for volatile methyl siloxanes.

Krogseth, I.S.; Zhang, X.; Lei, Y.D.; Wania, F.; Breivik, K.


Integrated modeling and monitoring of emerging organic contaminants in the Nordic region.

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik, K.; Schlabach, M.; McLachlan, M.S.; Wania, F.; Arnot, J.


Occurrence and seasonality of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic air.

Krogseth, I.S.; Kierkegaard, A.; Mclachlan, M.S.; Breivik, K.; Hansen, K.M.; Schlabach, M.


Integrated modeling and monitoring of emerging organic contaminants in the Nordic region

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik, K.; Schlabach, M.,McLachlan, M.S.; Wania, F.; Arnot, J.


Occurrence and seasonality of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic air.

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik, K.; Schlabach, M.; Kierkegaard, A.; McLachlan, M.S.; Hansen, K.M.


Calibration of a passive air sampler for volatile methyl siloxanes.

Krogseth, I.S.; Zhang, X.; Lei, Y.D.; Wania, F.; Breivik, K.


Occurrence and seasonality of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic air.

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik, K.; Schlabach, M.; Kierkegaard, A.; Mclachlan, M.S.; Hansen, K.M.


Occurrence and seasonality of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic air.

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik, K.; Schlabach, M.; Kierkegaard, A.; Mclachlan, M.S.


Modeling of short chain chlorinated paraffins in the Nordic environment.

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik,K.; Schlabach, M.; Wania, F.; Arnot, J.


Nye organiske miljøgifter i nordisk miljø: analyse og modellering.

Krogseth, I.S.; Breivik, K.; Shlabach, M.; McLachlan, M.; Wania, F.; Arnot, J.


Integrated Risk Assessment Framework for Evaluating the Combined Impacts of Multiple Pressures on Arctic Ecosystems (COPE)

The primary objective of this proposal is to develop, explore, and evaluate a novel integrated risk assessment framework for assessing combined impacts of multiple pressures on the state of Arctic […]

Project period: 2019 – 2024
