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Ingrid Sundvor

Former Employee


Ingrid Sundvor has 78 publications at NILU:

Jo, miljø­farts­grenser reduserer mengden svevestøv

Grythe, Henrik; Sundvor, Ingrid (interview subjects); Lindin, Ina-Kristin (journalist)


Evaluation of traffic control measures in Oslo region and its effect on current air quality policies in Norway

Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Sundvor, Ingrid; Vogt, Matthias; Grythe, Henrik; Haug, Tormod Wergeland; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad; Tarrasón, Leonor


The influence of residential wood combustion on the concentration of PM2.5 in four Nordic cities

Kukkonen, J.; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Segersson, D.; Geels, C; Kangas, Leena; Kauhaniemi, M; Maragkidou, Androniki; Jensen, A.; Assmuth, Timo; Karppinen, A; Sofiev, M; Hellén, Heidi; Riikonen, K.; Nikmo, Juha; Kousa, A.; Niemi, J. V.; Karvosenoja, N.; Sundvor, Ingrid; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Im, U; Christensen, J. H.; Nielsen, O. K.; Plejdrup, M. S.; Nøjgaard, J.K.; Omstedt, G; Andersson, C.; Forsberg, B.; Brandt, J.


The influence of residential wood combustion on the concentrations of PM2.5 in four Nordic cities

Kukkonen, Jaakko; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Segersson, David; Geels, Camilla; Kangas, Leena; Kauhaniemi, Mari; Maragkidou, Androniki; Jensen, Anne; Assmuth, Timo; Karppinen, Ari; Sofiev, Mikhail; Hellén, Heidi; Riikonen, Kari; Nikmo, Juha; Kousa, Anu; Niemi, Jarkko; Karvosenoja, Niko; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Sundvor, Ingrid; Im, Ulas; Christensen, Jesper H.; Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth; Plejdrup, Marlene S.; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Omstedt, Gunnar; Andersson, Camilla; Forsberg, Bertil; Brandt, Jørgen


NORDUST : Nordic Road Dust Project

Gjerstad, Karl Idar; Gustafsson, Mats; Blomqvist, Göran; Denby, Bruce; Elmgren, Max; Grythe, Henrik; Janhäll, Sara; Järlskog, Ida; Johansson, Christer; Kulovuori, Sami; Kupiainen, Kaarle; Lundberg, Joacim; Malinen, Aleksi; Norman, Michael; Ritola, Roosa; Silvergren, Sanna; Stojilkovic, Ana; Sundvor, Ingrid; Thorsteinsson, Throstur; Stefani, Martina; Vogt, Matthias


Air quality in Norwegian cities in 2015. Evaluation Report for NBV Main Results.

Tarrasón, Leonor; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Vo, Dam Thanh; Vogt, Matthias; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Denby, Bruce; Tønnesen, Dag Arild; Sundvor, Ingrid; Røen, Håvard Vika; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad


Air quality plan for improved air quality in Bergen.

Høiskar, B. A. H.; Sundvor, I.; Johnsrud, M.; Haug, T. W.; Solli, H.


Tiltaksutredning for lokal luftkvalitet. Drammen kommune.

Haug, T. W.; Solli, H.; Høiskar, B.A.; Sundvor, I.; Johnsrud, M.


Air quality in Norwegian cities in 2015. Evaluation report for NBV main results.

Tarrasón, L.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vo, D. T.; Vogt, M.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Denby, B.; Tønnesen, D.; Sundvor, I.; Røen, H. V.; Høiskar, B. A.


Road dust and PM10 in the Nordic countries. Measures to reduce road dust emissions from traffic.

Kupiainen, K.; Denby, B. R.; Gustafsson, M.; Johansson, C.; Ketzel, M.; Kukkonen, J.; Norman, M.; Pirjola, L.; Sundvor, I.; Bennett, C.; Blomqvist, G.; Janhäll, S.; Karppinen, A.; Kauhaniemi, M.; Malinen, A.; Stojijkovic, A.


Lessons learnt from the use of MACC boundary conditions in downstream applications in Norway and China.

Tarrasón, L.; Sousa Santos, G.; Li, L.; Sundvor, I.; Slørdal, L. H.; Guerreiro, C.


Lokal luftforurensning.

Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vogt, M.


Road salt emissions: A comparison of measurements and modelling using the NORTRIP road dust emission model.

Denby, B.R.; Ketzel, M.; Ellermann, T.; Stojiljkovic, A.; Kupiainen, K.; Niemi, J.V.; Norman, M.; Johansson, C.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Janhäll, S.; Sundvor, I.


Effekter av ulike tiltak for å redusere NO2-nivået – modellresultater.

Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vogt, M.; Haug, T.; Strand, A.; Fridstrøm, L.; Aas, H.


Modelling road dust emission abatement measures using the NORTRIP model: Vehicle speed and studded tyre reduction.

Norman, M.; Sundvor, I.; Denby, B.R.; Johansson, C.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Janhäll, S.


Road dust modeling for air quality forecasting in Norway.

Sundvor, I.; Denby, B.R.; Vallejo, I.; Süld, J.K.; Sousa Santos, G.


Modelling road dust emission abatement measures using the NORTRIP model: vehicle speed and studded tyre reduction.

Norman, M.; Sundvor, I.; Denby, B.R.; Johansson, C.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Janhäll, S.


Short term actions for abatement of NO2: traffic and air quality modeling.

Sundvor, I.; Haug, T. W.; Høiskar, B. A.; Sousa Santos, G.


Can floating car data help improving traffic emissions estimates?

Castell, N.; Vogt, M.; Thanh, D. Vo, Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Sundvor, I.


Lokal luftforurensning.

Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vogt, M.


Oslolufta på helsa løs?

Høiskar, B. A. K.; Sundvor, I.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vogt, M.


Free public transport as an air pollution abatement measure.

Aas, H.; Fridstrøm, L.; Haug, T.W.; Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.


Bedre byluft 2014/2015. Prognoser for meteorologi og luftkvalitet i norske byer vinteren 2014-2015.

Denby, B.R.; Süld, J.; Sundvor, I.; Høiskar, B.A.K.; Nilssen, U.; Gislefoss, K.; Olsen, T.; Kristensen, A.



Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.


Impact of short-term measure on NO2-concentrations during high pollution episodes.

Høiskar, B. A. K.; Sundvor, I.; Haug, T. W.; Sousa Santos, G.


New action plans for Oslo and Bærum municipalities to comply with the air quality limit values.

Sundvor, I.; Strand, A.; Høiskar, B. A.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vogt, M.; Tarrasón, L.


Benchmarking of the urban air dispersion model EPISODE.

Sousa Santos, G.; Guerreiro, C.; Sundvor, I.; Tarrasón, L.


Tiltaksutredning for luftkvalitet i Oslo og Bærum 2015-2020.

Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.; Strand, A.



The impact of traffic mitigation measures on NO2-concentrations.

Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.; Haug, T.W.; Solli, H.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vogt, M.


Is bioethanol a sustainable fuel? – Contribution through an integrative approach.

Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Hak, C.; Sundvor, I.; Sundseth, K.


A coupled road dust and surface moisture model to predict non-exhaust road traffic induced particle emissions (NORTRIP). Part 2: Surface moisture and salt impact modelling.

Denby, B.R.; Sundvor, I.; Johansson, C.; Pirjola, L.; Ketzel, M.; Norman, M.; Kupiainen, K.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Kauhaniemi, M.; Omstedt, G.


Road traffic’s contribution to air quality in European cities.

Sundvor, I.; Castell Balaguer, N.; Viana, M.; Querol, X.; Reche, C.; Amato, F.; Mellios, G.; Guerreiro, C.


A coupled road dust and surface moisture model to predict non-exhaust road traffic induced particle emissions (NORTRIP). Part 1: Road dust loading and suspension modelling.

Denby, B.R.; Sundvor, I.; Johansson, C.; Pirjola, L.; Ketzel, M.; Norman, M.; Kupiainen, K.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Omstedt, G.


Assessment of air quality and mitigation analysis.

Gjerstad, K.I.; Sundvor, I.; Tønnesen, D.


NORTRIP. NOn-exhaust Road TRaffic Induced Particle emissions. Development of a model for assessing the effect on air quality and exposure.

Johansson, C.; Denby, B.R.; Sundvor, I.; Kauhaniemi, M.; Härkönen, J.; Kukkonen, J.; Karppinen, A.; Kangas, L.; Omstedt, G.; Ketzel, M.; Massling, A.; Pirjola, L.; Norman, M.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Bennet, C.; Kupiainen, K.; Karvosenoja, N.


A coupled road dust and surface moisture model for calculating traffic induced emissions from road wear, salting and sanding.

Denby, B.R.; Sundvor, I.; Johansson, C.; Kauhaniemi, M.; Ketzel, M.; Norman, M.; Kupiainen, K.; Gustafsson, M.


Intercomparison of five urban scale air quality models.

Meijer, E.W.; Jonkers, S.; Zandveld, P.Y.J.; Denby, B.; Sundvor, I.; Barmpas, F.; Douros, I.; Moussiopoulos, N.; Singh, V.; Sokhi, R.S.; Karppinen, A.; Kangas, L.


A coupled road dust and surface moisture model for calculating traffic induced emissions from road wear, salting and sanding.

Denby, B.R.; Sundvor, I.; Johansson, C.; Kauhaniemi, M.; Ketzel, M.; Norman, M.; Kupiainen, K.; Gustafsson, M.


Luftforurensing i norske byer.

Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.; Tarrasón, L.; Endregard, G.


Progress towards traffic induced road dust and salt emission modelling: model development within NORTRIP.

Denby, B.R.; Sundvor, I.; Johansson, C.; Kauhaniemi, M.; Härkönen, J.; Kukkonen, J.; Omstedt, G.; Ketzel, M.; Pirjola, L.; Norman, M.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Bennet, C.; Kupiainen, K.


Spatial mapping of air quality trends in Europe.

Denby, B.; Sundvor, I.; Cassiani, M.


Spatial mapping of ozone and SO2 trends in Europe.

Denby, B.; Sundvor, I.; Cassiani, M.; de Smet, P.; de Leeuw, F.; Horálek, J.


Measurement data July 2008 – June 2009.

Liu, L.; Gjerstad, K.I.; Sundvor, I. Yttri, K.E.


Health impacts and air pollution – An exploration of factors influencing estimates of air pollution impact upon the health of European citizens.

Barrett, K.; de Leeuw, F.; Fiala, J.; Larssen, S.; Sundvor, I.; Fjellsbø, L.; Dusinska, M.; Ostatnicka, J.; Horalek, J.; Cernikovsky, L.; Barmpas, F.; Moussipoulos, N.; Vlahocostas, C.


Air quality plan for improved air quality in Bergen

NILU and Urbanet Analyze (UA) have prepared a revised air quality plan for Bergen city. The air quality plan will help to reduce the air pollution to a level that […]

Project period: 2016 – 2017


Ingrid Sundvor has 78 publications at NILU:

Jo, miljø­farts­grenser reduserer mengden svevestøv

Grythe, Henrik; Sundvor, Ingrid (interview subjects); Lindin, Ina-Kristin (journalist)


Evaluation of traffic control measures in Oslo region and its effect on current air quality policies in Norway

Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Sundvor, Ingrid; Vogt, Matthias; Grythe, Henrik; Haug, Tormod Wergeland; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad; Tarrasón, Leonor


The influence of residential wood combustion on the concentration of PM2.5 in four Nordic cities

Kukkonen, J.; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Segersson, D.; Geels, C; Kangas, Leena; Kauhaniemi, M; Maragkidou, Androniki; Jensen, A.; Assmuth, Timo; Karppinen, A; Sofiev, M; Hellén, Heidi; Riikonen, K.; Nikmo, Juha; Kousa, A.; Niemi, J. V.; Karvosenoja, N.; Sundvor, Ingrid; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Im, U; Christensen, J. H.; Nielsen, O. K.; Plejdrup, M. S.; Nøjgaard, J.K.; Omstedt, G; Andersson, C.; Forsberg, B.; Brandt, J.


The influence of residential wood combustion on the concentrations of PM2.5 in four Nordic cities

Kukkonen, Jaakko; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Segersson, David; Geels, Camilla; Kangas, Leena; Kauhaniemi, Mari; Maragkidou, Androniki; Jensen, Anne; Assmuth, Timo; Karppinen, Ari; Sofiev, Mikhail; Hellén, Heidi; Riikonen, Kari; Nikmo, Juha; Kousa, Anu; Niemi, Jarkko; Karvosenoja, Niko; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Sundvor, Ingrid; Im, Ulas; Christensen, Jesper H.; Nielsen, Ole-Kenneth; Plejdrup, Marlene S.; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Omstedt, Gunnar; Andersson, Camilla; Forsberg, Bertil; Brandt, Jørgen


NORDUST : Nordic Road Dust Project

Gjerstad, Karl Idar; Gustafsson, Mats; Blomqvist, Göran; Denby, Bruce; Elmgren, Max; Grythe, Henrik; Janhäll, Sara; Järlskog, Ida; Johansson, Christer; Kulovuori, Sami; Kupiainen, Kaarle; Lundberg, Joacim; Malinen, Aleksi; Norman, Michael; Ritola, Roosa; Silvergren, Sanna; Stojilkovic, Ana; Sundvor, Ingrid; Thorsteinsson, Throstur; Stefani, Martina; Vogt, Matthias


Air quality in Norwegian cities in 2015. Evaluation Report for NBV Main Results.

Tarrasón, Leonor; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Vo, Dam Thanh; Vogt, Matthias; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Denby, Bruce; Tønnesen, Dag Arild; Sundvor, Ingrid; Røen, Håvard Vika; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad


Air quality plan for improved air quality in Bergen.

Høiskar, B. A. H.; Sundvor, I.; Johnsrud, M.; Haug, T. W.; Solli, H.


Tiltaksutredning for lokal luftkvalitet. Drammen kommune.

Haug, T. W.; Solli, H.; Høiskar, B.A.; Sundvor, I.; Johnsrud, M.


Air quality in Norwegian cities in 2015. Evaluation report for NBV main results.

Tarrasón, L.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vo, D. T.; Vogt, M.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Denby, B.; Tønnesen, D.; Sundvor, I.; Røen, H. V.; Høiskar, B. A.


Road dust and PM10 in the Nordic countries. Measures to reduce road dust emissions from traffic.

Kupiainen, K.; Denby, B. R.; Gustafsson, M.; Johansson, C.; Ketzel, M.; Kukkonen, J.; Norman, M.; Pirjola, L.; Sundvor, I.; Bennett, C.; Blomqvist, G.; Janhäll, S.; Karppinen, A.; Kauhaniemi, M.; Malinen, A.; Stojijkovic, A.


Lessons learnt from the use of MACC boundary conditions in downstream applications in Norway and China.

Tarrasón, L.; Sousa Santos, G.; Li, L.; Sundvor, I.; Slørdal, L. H.; Guerreiro, C.


Lokal luftforurensning.

Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vogt, M.


Road salt emissions: A comparison of measurements and modelling using the NORTRIP road dust emission model.

Denby, B.R.; Ketzel, M.; Ellermann, T.; Stojiljkovic, A.; Kupiainen, K.; Niemi, J.V.; Norman, M.; Johansson, C.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Janhäll, S.; Sundvor, I.


Effekter av ulike tiltak for å redusere NO2-nivået – modellresultater.

Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vogt, M.; Haug, T.; Strand, A.; Fridstrøm, L.; Aas, H.


Modelling road dust emission abatement measures using the NORTRIP model: Vehicle speed and studded tyre reduction.

Norman, M.; Sundvor, I.; Denby, B.R.; Johansson, C.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Janhäll, S.


Road dust modeling for air quality forecasting in Norway.

Sundvor, I.; Denby, B.R.; Vallejo, I.; Süld, J.K.; Sousa Santos, G.


Modelling road dust emission abatement measures using the NORTRIP model: vehicle speed and studded tyre reduction.

Norman, M.; Sundvor, I.; Denby, B.R.; Johansson, C.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Janhäll, S.


Short term actions for abatement of NO2: traffic and air quality modeling.

Sundvor, I.; Haug, T. W.; Høiskar, B. A.; Sousa Santos, G.


Can floating car data help improving traffic emissions estimates?

Castell, N.; Vogt, M.; Thanh, D. Vo, Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Sundvor, I.


Lokal luftforurensning.

Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vogt, M.


Oslolufta på helsa løs?

Høiskar, B. A. K.; Sundvor, I.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vogt, M.


Free public transport as an air pollution abatement measure.

Aas, H.; Fridstrøm, L.; Haug, T.W.; Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.


Bedre byluft 2014/2015. Prognoser for meteorologi og luftkvalitet i norske byer vinteren 2014-2015.

Denby, B.R.; Süld, J.; Sundvor, I.; Høiskar, B.A.K.; Nilssen, U.; Gislefoss, K.; Olsen, T.; Kristensen, A.



Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.


Impact of short-term measure on NO2-concentrations during high pollution episodes.

Høiskar, B. A. K.; Sundvor, I.; Haug, T. W.; Sousa Santos, G.


New action plans for Oslo and Bærum municipalities to comply with the air quality limit values.

Sundvor, I.; Strand, A.; Høiskar, B. A.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vogt, M.; Tarrasón, L.


Benchmarking of the urban air dispersion model EPISODE.

Sousa Santos, G.; Guerreiro, C.; Sundvor, I.; Tarrasón, L.


Tiltaksutredning for luftkvalitet i Oslo og Bærum 2015-2020.

Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.; Strand, A.



The impact of traffic mitigation measures on NO2-concentrations.

Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.; Haug, T.W.; Solli, H.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vogt, M.


Is bioethanol a sustainable fuel? – Contribution through an integrative approach.

Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Hak, C.; Sundvor, I.; Sundseth, K.


A coupled road dust and surface moisture model to predict non-exhaust road traffic induced particle emissions (NORTRIP). Part 2: Surface moisture and salt impact modelling.

Denby, B.R.; Sundvor, I.; Johansson, C.; Pirjola, L.; Ketzel, M.; Norman, M.; Kupiainen, K.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Kauhaniemi, M.; Omstedt, G.


Road traffic’s contribution to air quality in European cities.

Sundvor, I.; Castell Balaguer, N.; Viana, M.; Querol, X.; Reche, C.; Amato, F.; Mellios, G.; Guerreiro, C.


A coupled road dust and surface moisture model to predict non-exhaust road traffic induced particle emissions (NORTRIP). Part 1: Road dust loading and suspension modelling.

Denby, B.R.; Sundvor, I.; Johansson, C.; Pirjola, L.; Ketzel, M.; Norman, M.; Kupiainen, K.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Omstedt, G.


Assessment of air quality and mitigation analysis.

Gjerstad, K.I.; Sundvor, I.; Tønnesen, D.


NORTRIP. NOn-exhaust Road TRaffic Induced Particle emissions. Development of a model for assessing the effect on air quality and exposure.

Johansson, C.; Denby, B.R.; Sundvor, I.; Kauhaniemi, M.; Härkönen, J.; Kukkonen, J.; Karppinen, A.; Kangas, L.; Omstedt, G.; Ketzel, M.; Massling, A.; Pirjola, L.; Norman, M.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Bennet, C.; Kupiainen, K.; Karvosenoja, N.


A coupled road dust and surface moisture model for calculating traffic induced emissions from road wear, salting and sanding.

Denby, B.R.; Sundvor, I.; Johansson, C.; Kauhaniemi, M.; Ketzel, M.; Norman, M.; Kupiainen, K.; Gustafsson, M.


Intercomparison of five urban scale air quality models.

Meijer, E.W.; Jonkers, S.; Zandveld, P.Y.J.; Denby, B.; Sundvor, I.; Barmpas, F.; Douros, I.; Moussiopoulos, N.; Singh, V.; Sokhi, R.S.; Karppinen, A.; Kangas, L.


A coupled road dust and surface moisture model for calculating traffic induced emissions from road wear, salting and sanding.

Denby, B.R.; Sundvor, I.; Johansson, C.; Kauhaniemi, M.; Ketzel, M.; Norman, M.; Kupiainen, K.; Gustafsson, M.


Luftforurensing i norske byer.

Høiskar, B.A.K.; Sundvor, I.; Tarrasón, L.; Endregard, G.


Progress towards traffic induced road dust and salt emission modelling: model development within NORTRIP.

Denby, B.R.; Sundvor, I.; Johansson, C.; Kauhaniemi, M.; Härkönen, J.; Kukkonen, J.; Omstedt, G.; Ketzel, M.; Pirjola, L.; Norman, M.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Bennet, C.; Kupiainen, K.


Spatial mapping of air quality trends in Europe.

Denby, B.; Sundvor, I.; Cassiani, M.


Spatial mapping of ozone and SO2 trends in Europe.

Denby, B.; Sundvor, I.; Cassiani, M.; de Smet, P.; de Leeuw, F.; Horálek, J.


Measurement data July 2008 – June 2009.

Liu, L.; Gjerstad, K.I.; Sundvor, I. Yttri, K.E.


Health impacts and air pollution – An exploration of factors influencing estimates of air pollution impact upon the health of European citizens.

Barrett, K.; de Leeuw, F.; Fiala, J.; Larssen, S.; Sundvor, I.; Fjellsbø, L.; Dusinska, M.; Ostatnicka, J.; Horalek, J.; Cernikovsky, L.; Barmpas, F.; Moussipoulos, N.; Vlahocostas, C.


Air quality plan for improved air quality in Bergen

NILU and Urbanet Analyze (UA) have prepared a revised air quality plan for Bergen city. The air quality plan will help to reduce the air pollution to a level that […]

Project period: 2016 – 2017
