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Jozef M. Pacyna

Former employee


Jozef M. Pacyna has 185 publications at NILU:

Technical and environmental viability of a European CO2 EOR system

Thorne, Rebecca Jayne; Sundseth, Kyrre; Bouman, Evert; Czarnowska, Lucyna; Mathisen, Anette; Skagestad, Ragnhild; Stanek, Wojciech; Pacyna, Jozef M; Pacyna, Elisabeth G


Environmental impacts of a chemical looping combustion power plant

Thorne, Rebecca Jayne; Bouman, Evert; Sundseth, Kyrre; Sanchez, Maria Asuncion Aranda; Czakiert, Tomasz; Pacyna, Jozef M; Pacyna, Elisabeth G; Krauz, Mariusz; Celińska, Agnieszka


Fluxes of trace metals on a global scale

Thorne, Rebecca Jayne; Pacyna, Jozef M; Sundseth, Kyrre; Pacyna, Elisabeth G


Fluxes of trace metals on a global scale.

Thorne, R. J.; Pacyna, J. M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E. G.


Global sources and pathways of mercury in the context of human health.

Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J. M.; Pacyna, E. G.; Pirrone, N.; Thorne, R. J.


Modeling the global atmospheric transport and deposition of mercury to the Great Lakes.

Cohen, M. D.; Draxler, R. R.; Artz, R. S.; Blanchard, P.; Gustin, M. S.; Han, Y.-J.; Holsen, T. M.; Jaffe, D. A.; Kelley, P.; Lei, H.; Loughner, C. P.; Luke, W. T.; Lyman, S. N.; Niemi, D.; Pacyna, J. M.; Pilote, M.; Poissant, L.; Ratte, D.; Ren, X.; Steenhuisen, F.; Steffen, A.; Tordon, Wilson, S. J.


Sources and fluxes of harmful metals.

Pacyna, J.P, Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.


Environmental determinants of human health.

Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G. (eds.)


Current and future levels of mercury atmospheric pollution on a global scale.

Pacyna, J.M.; Travnikov, O.; De Simone, F.; Hedgecock, I.M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.; Steenhuisen, F.; Pirrone, N.; Munthe, J.; Kindbom, K.


Control of metals from energy and industrial sources.

Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.


Greenhouse gas inventory for the Abu Dhabi Emirate. Projections until the year 2030.

Thorne, R.J.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Hamed, H.I.



Klimata izmainas, ko rada antropogenie procesi – atkritumu un notekudenu apsaimniekosana.

Bendere, R.; Teibe, I.; Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Kasparinskis, R.; Kudrenickis, I.; Šmigins, R.; Vidužs, A.; Burlakovs, J.


Importance of integration and implementation of emerging and future mercury research into the Minamata convention.

Gustin, M.S.; Evers, D.C.; Bank, M.S.; Hammerschmidt, C.R.; Pierce, A.; Basu, N.; Blum, J.; Bustamante, P.; Chen, C.; Driscoll, C.T.; Horvat, M.; Jaffe, D.; Pacyna, J.; Pirrone, N.; Selin, N.


Greenhouse gas inventory for the Abu Dhabi Emirate. Technical basis & results of the second inventory.

Thorne, R.J.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Hamed, H.I.


Mercury in atmospheric aerosols: A preliminary case study for the city of Krakow, Poland.

Styszko, K.; Szramowiat, K.; Kistler, M.; Kasper-Giebl, A.; Samek, L.; Furman, L.; Pacyna, J.; Golas, J.


Metals in the environment as risk factors for infectious diseases. Gaps and opportunities.

Ackland, M.L.; Bornhorst, J.; Dedoussis, G.V.; Dietert, R.R.; Nriagu, J.O.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pettifor, J.M.


New technologies using trace metals of concern.

Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.


Impacts on human health in the Arctic owing to climate-induced changes in contaminant cycling – The EU ArcRisk project policy outcome.

Pacyna, J.M.; Cousins, I.T.; Halsall, C.; Rautio, A.; Pawlak, J.; Pacyna, E.G.; Sundseth, K.; Wilson, S.; Munthe, J.


The ArcRisk mercury (Hg) case study.

Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Banel, A.; Pacyna, E.G.


Arctic contaminant occurrence and effects in a changing climate – a synthesis of the ArcRisk project results.

Munthe, J.; Brorström-Lunden, E.; Cousins, I.; Halsall, C.; Rautio, A.; Wilson, S.; Pacyna, J.; Pawlak, J.


The ArcRisk mercury (Hg) case study.

Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Banel, A.; Pacyna, E.G.


Comparison of anthropogenic and natural emissions of mercury.

Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Banel, A.; Sundseth, K.


Global emissions of mercury to the atmosphere.

Wilson, S.; Kondbom, K.; Yaramenka, K.; Steenhuisen, F.; Telmer, K.; Munthe, J. Contributing authors: Devia, L.; Gustafsson, T.; Jozewicz, W.; Kumari, R.; Leaner, J.; Maag, J.; Maioli, O.L.G.; Maxson, P.; Nelson, P.; Pacyna, J.; Pudasainee, D.; Seo, Y.C.; Sloss, L.; Solorzano, G.; Strum, M.; Sundseth, K.; Suzuki, N.


Toward the next generation of air quality monitoring: Mercury.

Pirrone, N.; Aas, W.; Cinnirella, S.; Ebinghaus, R.; Hedgecock, I.M.; Pacyna, J.; Sprovieri, F.; Sunderland, E.M.


Economic benefits from mercury emission reductions in Europe.

Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Travnikov, O.


To what extent will projected changes in global emissions affect the mercury levels in the Arctic atmosphere and ocean?

Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Christensen, J.; Dastoor, A.; Macdonald, R.; Munthe, J.; Ryzhkov, A.; Travnikov, O.; Wilson, S.


Where does mercury in the Arctic environment come from, and how does it get there?

Munthe, J.; Goodsite, M.; Berg, T.; Chételat, J.; Dastoor, A.; Douglas, T.; Durnford, D.; Goodsite, M.; Macdonald, R.; Muir, D.; Outridge, P.; Pacyna, J.; Ryzhkov, A.; Skov, H.; Steffen, A.; Sundseth, K.; Travnikov, O.; Wängberg, I.; Wilson, S.


Mercury emissions on a global scale and their control options.

Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.


Global perspectives on managing mercury emissions.

Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Sundseth, K.; Munthe, J.; Kindbom, K.; Wilson, S.; Panasiuk, D.; Chmielniak, T.


Emission inventories and projections for assessing hemispheric or intercontinental transport of persistent organic pollutants.

Theloke, J.; Li, Y.-F.; Breivik, K.; Denier van der Gon,H.; Pacyna, J.; Panasiuk, D.; Sundseth, K.; Tao, S.



Cinnirella, S.; Feng, X.; Friedli, H.; Levin, L.; Pacyna, J.; Pacyna, E.G.; Streets, D.; Sundseth, K.


Arctic pollution 2011.

Ravilious, K.; NILU contributors: Pacyna, J.; Sandanger, T.M.; Sundseth, K.


Global emissions of industrial POPs – is there a shift in source regions?

Breivik, K.; Chakraborty, P.; Eckhardt, S.; Gioia, R.; Jones, K.C.; Pacyna, J.M.; Sweetman, A.J.; Zhang, G.


Scenarios for EU-27 heavy metals and POPs emissions to air, water and soil until 2050.

Sundseth, K.; Panasiuk, D.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Glodek, A.


Global emissions of mercury to the atmosphere in 2005 and their 2020 scenarios.

Pacyna, J.M, Pacyna, E.G.; Sundseth, K.; Munthe, J.; Wilson, S.; Leaner, J.


Global perspectives on managing mercury emissions.

Munthe, J.; Kindbom, K.; Pacyna, J.; Sundseth, K.; Panasuik, D.; Wilson, S.


Global emissions of mercury to the atmosphere in 2005 and their 2020 scenarios.

Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Sundseth, K.; Munthe, J.; Wilson, S.; Leaner, J.


POP emission inventories on different scales and their future trends.

Theloke, J.; Breivik, K.; van der Gon, H.D.; Kugler, U.; Li, Y-F.; Pacyna, J.; Panasiuk, D.; Sundseth, K.; Sweetman, A.; Tao, S.


Study on mercury sources and emissions, and analysis of cost and effectiveness of control measures. UNEP Paragraph 29 study.

Munthe, J.; Kindbom, K.; Pacyna, J.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.; Wilson, S.; Panasiuk, D.


Updating historical global inventories of anthropogenic mercury emissions to air.

Wilson, S.; Munthe, J.; Sundseth, K.; Kindbom, K.; Maxzson, P.; Pacyna, J.; Steenhuisen, F.


An assessment of costs and benefits associated with mercury emission reductions from major anthropogenic sources.

Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.; Jozewicz, W.; Munthe, J.; Belhaj, M.; Astrom, S.


Economic benefits from decreased mercury emissions: Projections for 2020.

Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Munthe, J.; Belhaj, M.; Aström, S.


Global emission of mercury to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources in 2005 and projections to 2020.

Pacyna, E.G.; Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Munthe, J.; Kindborn, K.; Wilson, S.; Steenhuisen, F.; Maxson, P.


Global emissions of mercury to the atmosphere in 2005 and their 2020 scenarios.

Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Sundseth, K.; Munthe, J.; Wilson, S.; Leaner, J.


Heavy metal emissions in Europe.

Theloke, J.; Friedrich, R.; Pacyna, J.; Pacyna, E.G.; Nitter, S.; Kummer, U.


Integrated assessment of releases of heavy metals in Europe.

Friedrich, R.; Pacyna, J.; Theloke, J.; Nitter, S.; Dutchak, S.; Fantke, P.; Fudala, J.; Hawiczka, S.; Huck, I.; Munthe, J.; Searl, A.; Strzelecka-Jastrzab, E.; Travnikov, O.


Priority substances and the Water Framework Directive – supporting the implementation of a new European policy.

Munthe, J.; Belhaj, M.; Brignon, J.M.; Brorström-Lundén, E.; Jöborn, A.; Pacyna, J.; Van Tongeren, W.; Palm-Cousins, A.; Hansson, K.; Andersson, H.


A decision support system for management of priority substances in river basin management plans.

Baartmans, R.; van der Vlies, J.; van Tongeren, W.; Jöborn, A.; Palm-Cousins, A.; Belhaj, M.; Munthe, J.; Mattila, T.; Ullrich, S.; Pacyna, J.; Sundseth, K.


Material flow analysis for selected priority substances in the EU SOCOPSE project.

Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.; Cousins, A.P.; Hansson, K.; Guerra, P.; Eljerrat, E.; Krupanek, J.; Zielonka, U.


Air quality and human welfare.

Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.


Human exposure to mercury in the vicinity of chlor-alkali plant.

Gibicar, D.; Horvat, M.; Logar, M.; Fajon, V.; Falnoga, I.; Ferrara, R.; Lanzillotta, E.; Ceccarini, C.; Mazzolai, B.; Denby, B.; Pacyna, J.


Technical background report to the global atmospheric mercury assessment.

Pacyna, J.M.; Munthe, J.; Wilson, S. Co-authors: Maxson, P.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.; Harper, E.; Kindbom, K.; Wangberg, I.; Panasiuk, D.; Glodek, A.; Leaner, J.; Dabrowski, J.


Report presenting the costs and benefits for each of the strategic objectives of the UNEP Ad Hoc Ooen-ended Working Group on Mercury.

Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.; Munthe, J.; Belhaj, M.; Astrom, S.; Panasiuk, D.; Glodek, A.


Socio-economic costs of continuing the status-quo of mercury pollution.

Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.; Munthe, J.; Belhaj, M.; Åström, S.; Panasiuk, D.; Glodek, A.


Atmospheric heavy metal deposition accumulated in rural forest soils of southern Scandinavia.

Hovmand, M.F.; Kemp, K.; J. Kystol, K.; Johnsen, I.; Riis-Nielsen, T.; Pacyna, J.M.


REanalysis of the TROpospheric chemical composition over the past 40 years. A long-term global modeling study of tropospheric chemistry funded under the 5th EU framework programme.

Schultz, M.G. (eds.) Backman, L.; Balkanski, Y.; Bjoerndalsaeter, S.; Brand, R.; Burrows, J.P.; Dalsoeren, S.; de Vasconcelos, M.; Grodtmann, B.; Hauglustaine, D.A.; Heil, A.; Hoelzemann, J.J.; Isaksen, I.S.A.,Kaurola, J.; Knorr, W.; Ladstaetter-Weißenmayer, A.; Mota, B.; Oom, D.; Pacyna, J.; Panasiuk, D.; Pereira, J.M.C.; Pulles, T.; Pyle, J.; Rast, S.; Richter, A.; Savage, N.; Schnadt, C.; Schulz, M.; Spessa, A.; Staehelin, J.; Sundet, J.K.; Szopa, S.; Thonicke, K.; van het Bolscher, M.; van Noije, T.; van Velthoven,P.; Vik, A.F.; Wittrock, F.


Global satellite observations of greenhouse gas emissions.

Goede, A.P.H.; Meirink, J.F.; Buchwitz, M.; Burrows, J.P, de Beek, R.; Frieß, U.; Monks, P.; Remedios, J.J.; Frankenberg, C.; Platt, U.; Grzegorski, M.; Wagner, T.; Stordal, F.; Pacyna, J.M.; Lükewille, A.; Gloudemans, A.; Schrijver, H.; Aben, E.A.A.; van den Broek, M.; Heimann, M.; De Mazière, M.; Dils, B.; Müller, J.-F.; Stavrakou, T.; Granier, C.; Meyrahn, H.; Zander, R.; Mahieu, E.; Bergamaschi, P.


Current and future emissions of selected heavy metals to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources in Europe.

Pacyna, E.G.; Pacyna, J.M.; Fudala, J.; Strzelecka-Jastrzab, E.; Hlawiczka, S.; Panasiuk, D.; Nitter, S.; Pregger, T.; Pfeiffer, H.; Friedrich, R.


Coordinated European Particulate Matter Emission Inventory Program (CEPMEIP).

Visschedijk, A.; Pacyna, J.; Pulles, T.; Zandveld, P.; Denier van der Gon, H.


Intercomparison study of atmospheric mercury models: 2. Modelling results vs. long-term observations and comparison of country deposition budgets.

Ryaboshapko, A.; Bullock Jr.; O.R.; Christensen, J.; Cohen, M.; Dastoor, A.; Ilyin, I.; Petersen, G.; Syrakov, D.; Travnikov, O.; Artz, R.S.; Davignon, D.; Draxler, R.R.; Munthe, J.; Pacyna, J.


Global anthropogenic emissions of mercury to the atmosphere.

Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Steenhuisen, F.; Wilson, S. (Lead authors); Zaikowski, L. (Topic editor).


Socioeconomic consequences of mercury use and pollution.

Swain, E.B.; Jakus, P.M.; Rice, G.; Lupi, F.; Maxson, P.A.; Pacyna, J.M.; Penn, A.; Spiegel, S.J.; Veiga, M.M.


Socioeconomic consequences of mercury use and pollution. Panel conclusion.

Swain, E. (chair), Jakus, P.; Lupi, F.; Maxson, P.A.; Pacyna, J.M.; Penn, A.; Rice, G.; Spiegel, S.J.; Veiga, M.M.


Prognosis of European emissions of Hg to the atmosphere until 2020 ( in Polish).

Strzelecka-Jastrzab, E.; Panasiuk, D.; Fudala, J.; Pacyna, J.M.,, Hlawiczka, S.


Inventory Review 2006; Emission Data reported to the LRTAP Convention and NEC Directive. Stage 1, 2 and 3 review and evaluation of inventories of HMs and POPs.

Vestreng, V.; Rigler, E.; Adams, M.; Kindbom, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; van der Gon, H.D.; Reis, S.; Travnikov, O.


Urinary mercury in adults in Poland living near a chloralkali plant.

Jarosinska, D.; Barregård, L.; Biesiada, M.; Muszynska-Graca, M.; Dabkowska, B.; Denby, B.; Pacyna, J.; Fudala, J.; Zielonka, U.


Mercury emissions to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources in Europe in 2000 and their scenarios until 2020.

Pacyna, E.G.; Pacyna, J.M.; Fudala, J.; Strzelecka-Jastrzab, E.; Hlawiczka, S.; Panasiuk, S.


Global anthropogenic mercury emission inventory for 2000.

Pacyna, E.G.; Pacyna, J.M.; Steenhuisen, F.; Wilson, S.


Inventory review 2005. Emission data reported to LRTAP Convention and NEC Directive. Initial review for HMs and POPs.

Vestreng, V.; Breivik, K.; Adams, M.; Wagner, A.; Goodwin, J.; Rozovskaya, O.; Pacyna J.M.


An evaluation of emission data for POPs and HMs with emphasis on model applicability.

Breivik, K.; Vestreng, V.; Rozovskaya, O.; Pacyna, J.M.


An initial review of emission data for heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants.

Breivik, K.; Vestreng, V.; Rozovskaya, O.; Pacyna, J.M.


Emission data reported to LRTAP Convention and NEC Directive. Initial review for HMs and POPs.

Vestreng, V.; Breivik, K.; Adams, M.,Wagner, A.; Goodwin, J.; Rozovskaya, O.; Pacyna, J.M.


Intercomparison study of numerical models for long-range atmospheric transport of mercury. Stage III. Comparison of modelling results with long-term observations and comparison of calculated items of regional balances.

Ryaboshapko, A.; Artz, R.; Bullock, R.; Christensen, J.; Cohen, M.; Draxler, R.; Ilyin, I.; Munthe, J.; Pacyna, J.; Petersen, G.; Syrakov, D.; Travnikov, O.



Tropospheric ozone and aerosols in climate agreements: scientific and political challenges.

Rypdal, K.; Berntsen, T.; Fuglestvedt, J.; Aunan, K.; Torvanger, A.; Stordal, F.; Pacyna, J.M.; Nygaard, L.P.


Persistent organic pollutants.

Shatalov, V.; Breivik, K.; Berg, T.; Dutchak, S.; Pacyna, J.


Heavy metals.

Ilyin, I.; Berg, T.; Dutchak, S.; Pacyna, J.


Primary sources of selected POPs: regional and global scale emission inventories.

Breivik, K.; Alcock, R.; Li, Y.-F.; Bailey, R.E.; Fiedler, H.; Pacyna, J.


Physical, chemical and biological changes in the Gulf of Gdansk ecosystem (Southern Baltic Sea).

Kot-Wasik, A.; Zukowska, B.; Dabrowska, D.; Debska, J.; Pacyna, J.; Namiesnik, J.


Emission inventories for POPs – on our understanding of the historical emissions of PCBs at global scale.

Breivik, K.; Daly, G.; Grimalt, J.O.; Jones, K.C.; Meijer, S.N.; Ockenden, W.A.; Pacyna, P.M.; Su, Y.; Sweetman, A.; Wania, F.


Emission impossible? On our understanding of the historical sources and emissions of PCBs at global scale.

Breivik, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Sweetman, A.,Jones, K.C.; Meijer, S.N.; Ockenden, W.A.; Grimalt, J.O.; Wania, F.; Daly, G.; Su, Y.


Preface: Supplement on ELOISE II.

Pirrone, N.; Pacyna, J.M.; Munthe, J.; Barth, H.


Dynamic processes of mercury over the Mediterranean region: results from the Mediterranean Atmospheric Mercury Cycle System (MAMCS) project.

Pirrone, N.; Ferrara, R.; Hedgecock, I.M.; Kallos, G.; Mamane, Y.; Munthe, J.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pytharoulis, I.; Sprovieri, F.; Voudouri, A.; Wangberg, I.


The Oslofjord POP Model v.1.0. A fugacity-based non-steady state non-equilibrium multimedia fate and transport model.

Breivik, K.; Bjerkeng, B.; Wania, F.; Magnusson, J.; Helland, A.; Pacyna, J. M.


Mapping 1995 global anthropogenic emissions of mercury.

Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Steenhuisen, F.; Wilson, S.


Primary sources of selected POPs – regional and global scale inventories.

Breivik, K.; Alcock, R.; Li, Y.F.; Bailey, R.E.; Fiedler, H.; Pacyna, J.M.


Interactions between river catchments and the coastal zone: the EuroCat-VisCat project.

Buszewski, B.; Kowalska, J.; Pacyna, J.M.; Kot, A.,, Namiesnik, J.


Reassessing past European gasoline lead policies.

von Storch, H.; Hagner, C.; Costa-Cabral, M.; Feser, F.; Pacyna, J.; Pacyna, E.; Kolb, S.


A module to calculate primary particulate matter emissions and abatement measures in Europe.

Lükewille, A.; Bertok, I.; Amann, M.; Cofala, J.; Gyarfas, F.; Johansson, M.; Klimont, Z.; Pacyna, E.; Pacyna, J.


Case studies on persistence and long-range transport of persistent organic pollutants.

Macdonald, R.W.; Eisenreich, S.J.; Bidleman, T.F.; Dachs, J.; Pacyna, J.M.; Jones, K.C.; Bailey, R.E.; Swackhamer, D.L.; Muir, D.C.G.


Status report with respect to measurements, modelling and emissions of particulate matter in EMEP: An integrated approach.

Contributions from: Lazaridis, M.; Semb, A.; Pacyna, J.; Hov, Ø.; Schaug, J.; Larssen, S.; Tarrasón, L.; Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Olendrzynski, K.; Andersson-Sköld, Y.


Status report with respect to measurements of particulate matter in EMEP.

Lazaridis, M.; Semb, A.; Larssen, S.; Pacyna, J.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Hov, Ø.; Hanssen, J.E.; Schaug, J.; Tarrasón, L.; Tsyro, S.


Jozef M. Pacyna has 185 publications at NILU:

Technical and environmental viability of a European CO2 EOR system

Thorne, Rebecca Jayne; Sundseth, Kyrre; Bouman, Evert; Czarnowska, Lucyna; Mathisen, Anette; Skagestad, Ragnhild; Stanek, Wojciech; Pacyna, Jozef M; Pacyna, Elisabeth G


Environmental impacts of a chemical looping combustion power plant

Thorne, Rebecca Jayne; Bouman, Evert; Sundseth, Kyrre; Sanchez, Maria Asuncion Aranda; Czakiert, Tomasz; Pacyna, Jozef M; Pacyna, Elisabeth G; Krauz, Mariusz; Celińska, Agnieszka


Fluxes of trace metals on a global scale

Thorne, Rebecca Jayne; Pacyna, Jozef M; Sundseth, Kyrre; Pacyna, Elisabeth G


Fluxes of trace metals on a global scale.

Thorne, R. J.; Pacyna, J. M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E. G.


Global sources and pathways of mercury in the context of human health.

Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J. M.; Pacyna, E. G.; Pirrone, N.; Thorne, R. J.


Modeling the global atmospheric transport and deposition of mercury to the Great Lakes.

Cohen, M. D.; Draxler, R. R.; Artz, R. S.; Blanchard, P.; Gustin, M. S.; Han, Y.-J.; Holsen, T. M.; Jaffe, D. A.; Kelley, P.; Lei, H.; Loughner, C. P.; Luke, W. T.; Lyman, S. N.; Niemi, D.; Pacyna, J. M.; Pilote, M.; Poissant, L.; Ratte, D.; Ren, X.; Steenhuisen, F.; Steffen, A.; Tordon, Wilson, S. J.


Sources and fluxes of harmful metals.

Pacyna, J.P, Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.


Environmental determinants of human health.

Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G. (eds.)


Current and future levels of mercury atmospheric pollution on a global scale.

Pacyna, J.M.; Travnikov, O.; De Simone, F.; Hedgecock, I.M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.; Steenhuisen, F.; Pirrone, N.; Munthe, J.; Kindbom, K.


Control of metals from energy and industrial sources.

Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.


Greenhouse gas inventory for the Abu Dhabi Emirate. Projections until the year 2030.

Thorne, R.J.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Hamed, H.I.



Klimata izmainas, ko rada antropogenie procesi – atkritumu un notekudenu apsaimniekosana.

Bendere, R.; Teibe, I.; Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Kasparinskis, R.; Kudrenickis, I.; Šmigins, R.; Vidužs, A.; Burlakovs, J.


Importance of integration and implementation of emerging and future mercury research into the Minamata convention.

Gustin, M.S.; Evers, D.C.; Bank, M.S.; Hammerschmidt, C.R.; Pierce, A.; Basu, N.; Blum, J.; Bustamante, P.; Chen, C.; Driscoll, C.T.; Horvat, M.; Jaffe, D.; Pacyna, J.; Pirrone, N.; Selin, N.


Greenhouse gas inventory for the Abu Dhabi Emirate. Technical basis & results of the second inventory.

Thorne, R.J.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Hamed, H.I.


Mercury in atmospheric aerosols: A preliminary case study for the city of Krakow, Poland.

Styszko, K.; Szramowiat, K.; Kistler, M.; Kasper-Giebl, A.; Samek, L.; Furman, L.; Pacyna, J.; Golas, J.


Metals in the environment as risk factors for infectious diseases. Gaps and opportunities.

Ackland, M.L.; Bornhorst, J.; Dedoussis, G.V.; Dietert, R.R.; Nriagu, J.O.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pettifor, J.M.


New technologies using trace metals of concern.

Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.


Impacts on human health in the Arctic owing to climate-induced changes in contaminant cycling – The EU ArcRisk project policy outcome.

Pacyna, J.M.; Cousins, I.T.; Halsall, C.; Rautio, A.; Pawlak, J.; Pacyna, E.G.; Sundseth, K.; Wilson, S.; Munthe, J.


The ArcRisk mercury (Hg) case study.

Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Banel, A.; Pacyna, E.G.


Arctic contaminant occurrence and effects in a changing climate – a synthesis of the ArcRisk project results.

Munthe, J.; Brorström-Lunden, E.; Cousins, I.; Halsall, C.; Rautio, A.; Wilson, S.; Pacyna, J.; Pawlak, J.


The ArcRisk mercury (Hg) case study.

Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Banel, A.; Pacyna, E.G.


Comparison of anthropogenic and natural emissions of mercury.

Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Banel, A.; Sundseth, K.


Global emissions of mercury to the atmosphere.

Wilson, S.; Kondbom, K.; Yaramenka, K.; Steenhuisen, F.; Telmer, K.; Munthe, J. Contributing authors: Devia, L.; Gustafsson, T.; Jozewicz, W.; Kumari, R.; Leaner, J.; Maag, J.; Maioli, O.L.G.; Maxson, P.; Nelson, P.; Pacyna, J.; Pudasainee, D.; Seo, Y.C.; Sloss, L.; Solorzano, G.; Strum, M.; Sundseth, K.; Suzuki, N.


Toward the next generation of air quality monitoring: Mercury.

Pirrone, N.; Aas, W.; Cinnirella, S.; Ebinghaus, R.; Hedgecock, I.M.; Pacyna, J.; Sprovieri, F.; Sunderland, E.M.


Economic benefits from mercury emission reductions in Europe.

Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Travnikov, O.


To what extent will projected changes in global emissions affect the mercury levels in the Arctic atmosphere and ocean?

Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Christensen, J.; Dastoor, A.; Macdonald, R.; Munthe, J.; Ryzhkov, A.; Travnikov, O.; Wilson, S.


Where does mercury in the Arctic environment come from, and how does it get there?

Munthe, J.; Goodsite, M.; Berg, T.; Chételat, J.; Dastoor, A.; Douglas, T.; Durnford, D.; Goodsite, M.; Macdonald, R.; Muir, D.; Outridge, P.; Pacyna, J.; Ryzhkov, A.; Skov, H.; Steffen, A.; Sundseth, K.; Travnikov, O.; Wängberg, I.; Wilson, S.


Mercury emissions on a global scale and their control options.

Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.


Global perspectives on managing mercury emissions.

Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Sundseth, K.; Munthe, J.; Kindbom, K.; Wilson, S.; Panasiuk, D.; Chmielniak, T.


Emission inventories and projections for assessing hemispheric or intercontinental transport of persistent organic pollutants.

Theloke, J.; Li, Y.-F.; Breivik, K.; Denier van der Gon,H.; Pacyna, J.; Panasiuk, D.; Sundseth, K.; Tao, S.



Cinnirella, S.; Feng, X.; Friedli, H.; Levin, L.; Pacyna, J.; Pacyna, E.G.; Streets, D.; Sundseth, K.


Arctic pollution 2011.

Ravilious, K.; NILU contributors: Pacyna, J.; Sandanger, T.M.; Sundseth, K.


Global emissions of industrial POPs – is there a shift in source regions?

Breivik, K.; Chakraborty, P.; Eckhardt, S.; Gioia, R.; Jones, K.C.; Pacyna, J.M.; Sweetman, A.J.; Zhang, G.


Scenarios for EU-27 heavy metals and POPs emissions to air, water and soil until 2050.

Sundseth, K.; Panasiuk, D.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Glodek, A.


Global emissions of mercury to the atmosphere in 2005 and their 2020 scenarios.

Pacyna, J.M, Pacyna, E.G.; Sundseth, K.; Munthe, J.; Wilson, S.; Leaner, J.


Global perspectives on managing mercury emissions.

Munthe, J.; Kindbom, K.; Pacyna, J.; Sundseth, K.; Panasuik, D.; Wilson, S.


Global emissions of mercury to the atmosphere in 2005 and their 2020 scenarios.

Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Sundseth, K.; Munthe, J.; Wilson, S.; Leaner, J.


POP emission inventories on different scales and their future trends.

Theloke, J.; Breivik, K.; van der Gon, H.D.; Kugler, U.; Li, Y-F.; Pacyna, J.; Panasiuk, D.; Sundseth, K.; Sweetman, A.; Tao, S.


Study on mercury sources and emissions, and analysis of cost and effectiveness of control measures. UNEP Paragraph 29 study.

Munthe, J.; Kindbom, K.; Pacyna, J.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.; Wilson, S.; Panasiuk, D.


Updating historical global inventories of anthropogenic mercury emissions to air.

Wilson, S.; Munthe, J.; Sundseth, K.; Kindbom, K.; Maxzson, P.; Pacyna, J.; Steenhuisen, F.


An assessment of costs and benefits associated with mercury emission reductions from major anthropogenic sources.

Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.; Jozewicz, W.; Munthe, J.; Belhaj, M.; Astrom, S.


Economic benefits from decreased mercury emissions: Projections for 2020.

Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Munthe, J.; Belhaj, M.; Aström, S.


Global emission of mercury to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources in 2005 and projections to 2020.

Pacyna, E.G.; Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Munthe, J.; Kindborn, K.; Wilson, S.; Steenhuisen, F.; Maxson, P.


Global emissions of mercury to the atmosphere in 2005 and their 2020 scenarios.

Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Sundseth, K.; Munthe, J.; Wilson, S.; Leaner, J.


Heavy metal emissions in Europe.

Theloke, J.; Friedrich, R.; Pacyna, J.; Pacyna, E.G.; Nitter, S.; Kummer, U.


Integrated assessment of releases of heavy metals in Europe.

Friedrich, R.; Pacyna, J.; Theloke, J.; Nitter, S.; Dutchak, S.; Fantke, P.; Fudala, J.; Hawiczka, S.; Huck, I.; Munthe, J.; Searl, A.; Strzelecka-Jastrzab, E.; Travnikov, O.


Priority substances and the Water Framework Directive – supporting the implementation of a new European policy.

Munthe, J.; Belhaj, M.; Brignon, J.M.; Brorström-Lundén, E.; Jöborn, A.; Pacyna, J.; Van Tongeren, W.; Palm-Cousins, A.; Hansson, K.; Andersson, H.


A decision support system for management of priority substances in river basin management plans.

Baartmans, R.; van der Vlies, J.; van Tongeren, W.; Jöborn, A.; Palm-Cousins, A.; Belhaj, M.; Munthe, J.; Mattila, T.; Ullrich, S.; Pacyna, J.; Sundseth, K.


Material flow analysis for selected priority substances in the EU SOCOPSE project.

Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.; Cousins, A.P.; Hansson, K.; Guerra, P.; Eljerrat, E.; Krupanek, J.; Zielonka, U.


Air quality and human welfare.

Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.


Human exposure to mercury in the vicinity of chlor-alkali plant.

Gibicar, D.; Horvat, M.; Logar, M.; Fajon, V.; Falnoga, I.; Ferrara, R.; Lanzillotta, E.; Ceccarini, C.; Mazzolai, B.; Denby, B.; Pacyna, J.


Technical background report to the global atmospheric mercury assessment.

Pacyna, J.M.; Munthe, J.; Wilson, S. Co-authors: Maxson, P.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.; Harper, E.; Kindbom, K.; Wangberg, I.; Panasiuk, D.; Glodek, A.; Leaner, J.; Dabrowski, J.


Report presenting the costs and benefits for each of the strategic objectives of the UNEP Ad Hoc Ooen-ended Working Group on Mercury.

Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.; Munthe, J.; Belhaj, M.; Astrom, S.; Panasiuk, D.; Glodek, A.


Socio-economic costs of continuing the status-quo of mercury pollution.

Pacyna, J.M.; Sundseth, K.; Pacyna, E.G.; Munthe, J.; Belhaj, M.; Åström, S.; Panasiuk, D.; Glodek, A.


Atmospheric heavy metal deposition accumulated in rural forest soils of southern Scandinavia.

Hovmand, M.F.; Kemp, K.; J. Kystol, K.; Johnsen, I.; Riis-Nielsen, T.; Pacyna, J.M.


REanalysis of the TROpospheric chemical composition over the past 40 years. A long-term global modeling study of tropospheric chemistry funded under the 5th EU framework programme.

Schultz, M.G. (eds.) Backman, L.; Balkanski, Y.; Bjoerndalsaeter, S.; Brand, R.; Burrows, J.P.; Dalsoeren, S.; de Vasconcelos, M.; Grodtmann, B.; Hauglustaine, D.A.; Heil, A.; Hoelzemann, J.J.; Isaksen, I.S.A.,Kaurola, J.; Knorr, W.; Ladstaetter-Weißenmayer, A.; Mota, B.; Oom, D.; Pacyna, J.; Panasiuk, D.; Pereira, J.M.C.; Pulles, T.; Pyle, J.; Rast, S.; Richter, A.; Savage, N.; Schnadt, C.; Schulz, M.; Spessa, A.; Staehelin, J.; Sundet, J.K.; Szopa, S.; Thonicke, K.; van het Bolscher, M.; van Noije, T.; van Velthoven,P.; Vik, A.F.; Wittrock, F.


Global satellite observations of greenhouse gas emissions.

Goede, A.P.H.; Meirink, J.F.; Buchwitz, M.; Burrows, J.P, de Beek, R.; Frieß, U.; Monks, P.; Remedios, J.J.; Frankenberg, C.; Platt, U.; Grzegorski, M.; Wagner, T.; Stordal, F.; Pacyna, J.M.; Lükewille, A.; Gloudemans, A.; Schrijver, H.; Aben, E.A.A.; van den Broek, M.; Heimann, M.; De Mazière, M.; Dils, B.; Müller, J.-F.; Stavrakou, T.; Granier, C.; Meyrahn, H.; Zander, R.; Mahieu, E.; Bergamaschi, P.


Current and future emissions of selected heavy metals to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources in Europe.

Pacyna, E.G.; Pacyna, J.M.; Fudala, J.; Strzelecka-Jastrzab, E.; Hlawiczka, S.; Panasiuk, D.; Nitter, S.; Pregger, T.; Pfeiffer, H.; Friedrich, R.


Coordinated European Particulate Matter Emission Inventory Program (CEPMEIP).

Visschedijk, A.; Pacyna, J.; Pulles, T.; Zandveld, P.; Denier van der Gon, H.


Intercomparison study of atmospheric mercury models: 2. Modelling results vs. long-term observations and comparison of country deposition budgets.

Ryaboshapko, A.; Bullock Jr.; O.R.; Christensen, J.; Cohen, M.; Dastoor, A.; Ilyin, I.; Petersen, G.; Syrakov, D.; Travnikov, O.; Artz, R.S.; Davignon, D.; Draxler, R.R.; Munthe, J.; Pacyna, J.


Global anthropogenic emissions of mercury to the atmosphere.

Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Steenhuisen, F.; Wilson, S. (Lead authors); Zaikowski, L. (Topic editor).


Socioeconomic consequences of mercury use and pollution.

Swain, E.B.; Jakus, P.M.; Rice, G.; Lupi, F.; Maxson, P.A.; Pacyna, J.M.; Penn, A.; Spiegel, S.J.; Veiga, M.M.


Socioeconomic consequences of mercury use and pollution. Panel conclusion.

Swain, E. (chair), Jakus, P.; Lupi, F.; Maxson, P.A.; Pacyna, J.M.; Penn, A.; Rice, G.; Spiegel, S.J.; Veiga, M.M.


Prognosis of European emissions of Hg to the atmosphere until 2020 ( in Polish).

Strzelecka-Jastrzab, E.; Panasiuk, D.; Fudala, J.; Pacyna, J.M.,, Hlawiczka, S.


Inventory Review 2006; Emission Data reported to the LRTAP Convention and NEC Directive. Stage 1, 2 and 3 review and evaluation of inventories of HMs and POPs.

Vestreng, V.; Rigler, E.; Adams, M.; Kindbom, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; van der Gon, H.D.; Reis, S.; Travnikov, O.


Urinary mercury in adults in Poland living near a chloralkali plant.

Jarosinska, D.; Barregård, L.; Biesiada, M.; Muszynska-Graca, M.; Dabkowska, B.; Denby, B.; Pacyna, J.; Fudala, J.; Zielonka, U.


Mercury emissions to the atmosphere from anthropogenic sources in Europe in 2000 and their scenarios until 2020.

Pacyna, E.G.; Pacyna, J.M.; Fudala, J.; Strzelecka-Jastrzab, E.; Hlawiczka, S.; Panasiuk, S.


Global anthropogenic mercury emission inventory for 2000.

Pacyna, E.G.; Pacyna, J.M.; Steenhuisen, F.; Wilson, S.


Inventory review 2005. Emission data reported to LRTAP Convention and NEC Directive. Initial review for HMs and POPs.

Vestreng, V.; Breivik, K.; Adams, M.; Wagner, A.; Goodwin, J.; Rozovskaya, O.; Pacyna J.M.


An evaluation of emission data for POPs and HMs with emphasis on model applicability.

Breivik, K.; Vestreng, V.; Rozovskaya, O.; Pacyna, J.M.


An initial review of emission data for heavy metals and persistent organic pollutants.

Breivik, K.; Vestreng, V.; Rozovskaya, O.; Pacyna, J.M.


Emission data reported to LRTAP Convention and NEC Directive. Initial review for HMs and POPs.

Vestreng, V.; Breivik, K.; Adams, M.,Wagner, A.; Goodwin, J.; Rozovskaya, O.; Pacyna, J.M.


Intercomparison study of numerical models for long-range atmospheric transport of mercury. Stage III. Comparison of modelling results with long-term observations and comparison of calculated items of regional balances.

Ryaboshapko, A.; Artz, R.; Bullock, R.; Christensen, J.; Cohen, M.; Draxler, R.; Ilyin, I.; Munthe, J.; Pacyna, J.; Petersen, G.; Syrakov, D.; Travnikov, O.



Tropospheric ozone and aerosols in climate agreements: scientific and political challenges.

Rypdal, K.; Berntsen, T.; Fuglestvedt, J.; Aunan, K.; Torvanger, A.; Stordal, F.; Pacyna, J.M.; Nygaard, L.P.


Persistent organic pollutants.

Shatalov, V.; Breivik, K.; Berg, T.; Dutchak, S.; Pacyna, J.


Heavy metals.

Ilyin, I.; Berg, T.; Dutchak, S.; Pacyna, J.


Primary sources of selected POPs: regional and global scale emission inventories.

Breivik, K.; Alcock, R.; Li, Y.-F.; Bailey, R.E.; Fiedler, H.; Pacyna, J.


Physical, chemical and biological changes in the Gulf of Gdansk ecosystem (Southern Baltic Sea).

Kot-Wasik, A.; Zukowska, B.; Dabrowska, D.; Debska, J.; Pacyna, J.; Namiesnik, J.


Emission inventories for POPs – on our understanding of the historical emissions of PCBs at global scale.

Breivik, K.; Daly, G.; Grimalt, J.O.; Jones, K.C.; Meijer, S.N.; Ockenden, W.A.; Pacyna, P.M.; Su, Y.; Sweetman, A.; Wania, F.


Emission impossible? On our understanding of the historical sources and emissions of PCBs at global scale.

Breivik, K.; Pacyna, J.M.; Sweetman, A.,Jones, K.C.; Meijer, S.N.; Ockenden, W.A.; Grimalt, J.O.; Wania, F.; Daly, G.; Su, Y.


Preface: Supplement on ELOISE II.

Pirrone, N.; Pacyna, J.M.; Munthe, J.; Barth, H.


Dynamic processes of mercury over the Mediterranean region: results from the Mediterranean Atmospheric Mercury Cycle System (MAMCS) project.

Pirrone, N.; Ferrara, R.; Hedgecock, I.M.; Kallos, G.; Mamane, Y.; Munthe, J.; Pacyna, J.M.; Pytharoulis, I.; Sprovieri, F.; Voudouri, A.; Wangberg, I.


The Oslofjord POP Model v.1.0. A fugacity-based non-steady state non-equilibrium multimedia fate and transport model.

Breivik, K.; Bjerkeng, B.; Wania, F.; Magnusson, J.; Helland, A.; Pacyna, J. M.


Mapping 1995 global anthropogenic emissions of mercury.

Pacyna, J.M.; Pacyna, E.G.; Steenhuisen, F.; Wilson, S.


Primary sources of selected POPs – regional and global scale inventories.

Breivik, K.; Alcock, R.; Li, Y.F.; Bailey, R.E.; Fiedler, H.; Pacyna, J.M.


Interactions between river catchments and the coastal zone: the EuroCat-VisCat project.

Buszewski, B.; Kowalska, J.; Pacyna, J.M.; Kot, A.,, Namiesnik, J.


Reassessing past European gasoline lead policies.

von Storch, H.; Hagner, C.; Costa-Cabral, M.; Feser, F.; Pacyna, J.; Pacyna, E.; Kolb, S.


A module to calculate primary particulate matter emissions and abatement measures in Europe.

Lükewille, A.; Bertok, I.; Amann, M.; Cofala, J.; Gyarfas, F.; Johansson, M.; Klimont, Z.; Pacyna, E.; Pacyna, J.


Case studies on persistence and long-range transport of persistent organic pollutants.

Macdonald, R.W.; Eisenreich, S.J.; Bidleman, T.F.; Dachs, J.; Pacyna, J.M.; Jones, K.C.; Bailey, R.E.; Swackhamer, D.L.; Muir, D.C.G.


Status report with respect to measurements, modelling and emissions of particulate matter in EMEP: An integrated approach.

Contributions from: Lazaridis, M.; Semb, A.; Pacyna, J.; Hov, Ø.; Schaug, J.; Larssen, S.; Tarrasón, L.; Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Olendrzynski, K.; Andersson-Sköld, Y.


Status report with respect to measurements of particulate matter in EMEP.

Lazaridis, M.; Semb, A.; Larssen, S.; Pacyna, J.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Hov, Ø.; Hanssen, J.E.; Schaug, J.; Tarrasón, L.; Tsyro, S.