Luca Pozzoli
Senior Scientist
+47 63 89 81 95
+47 934 05 311
Urban Environment and Industry
Dr Luca Pozzoli, PhD serves as Senior scientist, Manager of the European Topic Centre on Human health and the Environment (ETC-HE), currently posted at Kjeller, Norway.
He has a MSc degree in Environmental Sciences from the Faculty of Science, Milano-Bicocca University, Milano, IT. His PhD in Environmental Engineering is from the Faculty of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, CH.
His research interests include the relationship between atmospheric chemistry and climate interactions, human health and well-being and the environment, integrated assessment, human exposure assessment for air pollution, and the science for policy support.
Luca started at NILU as a senior scientist in June 2023, to be part of the management and coordination team of the ETC-HE, a consortium of 10 partners with expertise in air quality, air pollution, industrial emissions, chemicals, noise and environmental health. The ETC-HE is one of the eight centres of thematic expertise in environmental issues contracted by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The ETC-HE is a partner of the European Environment Information and Observation Network (Eionet) to gather and develop data, knowledge, and advice to policy makers about Europe’s environment.
Before joining NILU, he worked for eight years at the European Commission – Joint Research Centre. He conducted scientific research and acted as project leader and manager of two projects about the Arctic, on the impacts of European and global air quality and climate policies on the environmental, climate and societal impacts of a changing Arctic. He also contributed to the further development and application of an Impact Assessment Model that provides information about the air quality impacts and costs on health, crops and ecosystems.
Luca Pozzoli has 3 publications at NILU:
ETC Human health and the environment (ETC HE)
The European Topic Centre on Human Health and the Environment (ETC HE) is a Consortium of 10 partners with expertise in air quality, air pollution, industrial emissions, chemicals, noise and […]
Dr Luca Pozzoli, PhD serves as Senior scientist, Manager of the European Topic Centre on Human health and the Environment (ETC-HE), currently posted at Kjeller, Norway.
He has a MSc degree in Environmental Sciences from the Faculty of Science, Milano-Bicocca University, Milano, IT. His PhD in Environmental Engineering is from the Faculty of Architecture, Civil and Environmental Engineering of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology, Lausanne, CH.
His research interests include the relationship between atmospheric chemistry and climate interactions, human health and well-being and the environment, integrated assessment, human exposure assessment for air pollution, and the science for policy support.
Luca started at NILU as a senior scientist in June 2023, to be part of the management and coordination team of the ETC-HE, a consortium of 10 partners with expertise in air quality, air pollution, industrial emissions, chemicals, noise and environmental health. The ETC-HE is one of the eight centres of thematic expertise in environmental issues contracted by the European Environment Agency (EEA). The ETC-HE is a partner of the European Environment Information and Observation Network (Eionet) to gather and develop data, knowledge, and advice to policy makers about Europe’s environment.
Before joining NILU, he worked for eight years at the European Commission – Joint Research Centre. He conducted scientific research and acted as project leader and manager of two projects about the Arctic, on the impacts of European and global air quality and climate policies on the environmental, climate and societal impacts of a changing Arctic. He also contributed to the further development and application of an Impact Assessment Model that provides information about the air quality impacts and costs on health, crops and ecosystems.
Luca Pozzoli has 3 publications at NILU:
ETC Human health and the environment (ETC HE)
The European Topic Centre on Human Health and the Environment (ETC HE) is a Consortium of 10 partners with expertise in air quality, air pollution, industrial emissions, chemicals, noise and […]