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Nicholas Warner

Former Employee


Nicholas Warner has 113 publications at NILU:

Stepping-up accurate quantification of chlorinated paraffins: Successful certification of the first matrix reference material

Ricci, Marina; de Boer, Jacob; Johansen, Jon Eigill; Huiling, Liu; Dumas, Pierre; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Pērkons, Ingus; McGrath, Thomas Jacob; Borgen, Anders; Bjørneby, Stine Marie; Tomasko, Jakub; Steer, Helena; Lentjes, Anouk; van Velzen, Martin; van Mourik, Louise


Dechloranes and chlorinated paraffins in sediments and biota of two subarctic lakes

Arriola, Aline; Al Saify, Insam; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Herzke, Dorte; Harju, Mikael; Amundsen, Per-Arne; Evenset, Anita; Möckel, Claudia; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde


Emerging contaminant accumulation in an Arctic marine food web

Giebichenstein, Julia; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Routti, Heli Anna Irmeli; Harju, Mikael; Varpe, Øystein; Andersen, Tom; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing; Borgå, Katrine


An Approach to Assess the Biological Effects of Semi-Volatile Organic Chemicals in Indoor Air

Halse, Anne Karine; Longhin, Eleonora Marta; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Mariussen, Espen; Borgen, Anders; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Physical and chemical processes driving remote seasonal atmospheric exposure to cyclic volatile methysiloxanes and short-chain chlorinated paraffins

Al Saify, Insam; Brandsma, Sicco H.; van Mourik, Louise M.; Eckhardt, Sabine; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Seasonal and latitudinal variability in the atmospheric concentrations of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in the Northern Hemisphere

Wania, Frank; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; McLachlan, Michael S; Durham, Jeremy; Lei, Ying Duan; Xu, Shihe


Differences in Trophic Level, Contaminant Load, and DNA Damage in an Urban and a Remote Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) Breeding Colony in Coastal Norway

Keilen, Ellen Kristine; Borgå, Katrine; Thorstensen, Helene Skjeie; Hylland, Ketil; Helberg, Morten; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Bæk, Kine; Reiertsen, Tone Kristin; Ruus, Anders


Chlorinated paraffins in polar cod and capelin from the Barents Sea

Giebichenstein, Julia; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Varpe, Øystein; Andersen, Tom; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Borgå, Katrine


Is Glacial Meltwater a Secondary Source of Legacy Contaminants to Arctic Coastal Food Webs?

Mcgovern, Maeve; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Borgå, Katrine; Evenset, Anita; Carlsson, Pernilla; Skogsberg, Emelie; Søreide, Janne; Ruus, Anders; Christensen, Guttorm; Poste, Amanda


Hormonforstyrrende aktivitet av semiflyktige organiske kjemikalier i inneluft

Halse, Anne Karine; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Mariussen, Espen; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Borgen, Anders


Optimization of a low flow sampler for improved assessment of gas and particle bound exposure to chlorinated paraffins

Al Saify, Insam; Cioni, Lara; van Mourik, Louise M.; Brandsma, Sicco H.; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Trophic and fitness correlates of mercury and organochlorine compound residues in egg-laying Antarctic petrels

Carravieri, Alice; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Herzke, Dorte; Brault-Favrou, Maud; Tarroux, Arnaud; Fort, Jérôme; Bustamante, Paco; Descamps, Sebastien


Volatile Methyl Siloxanes in Polar Regions

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Environmental behaviour and bioaccumulation of chlorinated paraffins, dechloranes and PCBs in northern freshwater ecosystems

Arriola, Aline; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Herzke, Dorte; Evenset, Anita; Möckel, Claudia; Breivik, Knut


Reducing sampling artifacts in active air sampling methodology for remote monitoring and atmospheric fate assessment of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes

Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Bjørneby, Stine Marie; Kierkegaard, Amelie; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla


Investigating the presence and persistence of volatile methylsiloxanes in Arctic sediments

Abrahamsson, Dimitri Panagopoulos; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Jantunen, Liisa; Jahnke, Annika; Wong, Fiona; MacLeod, Matthew


Trophic and fitness correlates of Hg and POP exposure in incubating female Antarctic petrels

Carravieri, Alice; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Tarroux, Arnaud; Descamps, Sebastien; Bustamante, P.


Avian wildlife: contaminant temporal trends and the bipolar perspective

Borgå, Katrine; Eckbo, Norith; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Le Bohec, Celine; Herzke, Dorte; Planas-Bielsa, Victor; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Descamps, Sebastien; Bustnes, Jan Ove


Smører du deg med god samvittighet?

Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Environmental Contaminants in an Urban Fjord, 2018

Ruus, Anders; Bæk, Kine; Rundberget, Thomas; Allan, Ian; Beylich, Bjørnar; Schlabach, Martin; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Borgå, Katrine; Helberg, Morten; Helberg, Morten


Monitoring of environmental contaminants in freshwater ecosystems 2018 – Occurrence and biomagnification

Jartun, Morten; Økelsrud, Asle; Rundberget, Thomas; Enge, Ellen Katrin; Rostkowski, Pawel; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Harju, Mikael; Johansen, Ingar


Snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivealis) as bio-indicators for exposure differences to legacy and emerging persistent organic pollutants from the Arctic terrestrial environment

Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Sagerup, Kjetil; Kristoffersen, Siv; Herzke, Dorte; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Jenssen, Bjørn Munro


Development of an active air sampling method for the determination of chlorinated paraffins

Cioni, L.; Borgen, Anders; Cincinelli, A.; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Environmental behavior and bioaccumulation of contaminants of emerging concern in northern freshwater ecosystems

Arriola, Aline; Evenset, Anita; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Herzke, Dorte; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Möckel, Claudia; Breivik, Knut


Long-range transport potential and atmospheric persistence of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes based on global measurements

Xu, Shihe; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Durham, Jeremy; McNett, Debra


Potential Effect of Migration Strategy on Pollutant Occurrence in Eggs of Arctic Breeding Barnacle Geese (Branta leucopsis)

Hitchcock, Daniel James; Andersen, Tom; Varpe, Øystein; Loonen, Maarten; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Herzke, Dorte; Tombre, Ingunn; Griffin, Larry R.; Shimmings, Paul; Borgå, Katrine


Individual variability in contaminants and physiological status in a resident Arctic seabird species

Eckbo, Norith; Le Bohec, Céline; Planas-Bielsa, Victor; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Schull, Quentin; Herzke, Dorte; Zahn, Sandrine; Haarr, Ane; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Borgå, Katrine


Environmental Contaminants in an Urban Fjord, 2017

Ruus, Anders; Bæk, Kine; Petersen, Karina; Allan, Ian; Beylich, Bjørnar; Schlabach, Martin; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Borgå, Katrine; Helberg, Morten


Monitoring of environmental contaminants in air and precipitation. Annual report 2017.

Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Aas, Wenche; Warner, Nicholas


Reducing sampling artifacts in air measurements: Improvement of active air sampling methodologies for accurate measurements of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in remote regions.

Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Kierkegaard, A; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla


Environmental fate and bioaccumulation of cVMS in a subarctic freshwater lake

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Undeman, E.; Evenset, Anita; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, Knut; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Migration effects on pollutants in eggs of Arctic – breeding geese

Hitchcock, Daniel James; Loonen, M. J.; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Herzke, Dorte; Tombre, Ingunn; Shimmings, Paul; Griffin, L. R.; Varpe, Øystein; Andersen, Tom; Borgå, Katrine


Sminkerester funnet i fisk utenfor Svalbard

Warner, Nicholas Alexander (interview subject); Juell, Ingrid Henriksen; Steinholt, Martin (journalists)



Warner, N. A.


Environmental pollutants in large Norwegian lakes, 2016.

Fjeld, E.; Bæk, K.; Rognerud, S.; Rundberget, J.T.; Schlabach, M.; Warner, N.A.


Organic contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) as indicators for thorough source elucidation and risk evaluation in modern Arctic environmental assessments.

Kallenborn, R.; Strømberg, J. S.; Brorstrøm-Lundén, E.; Reiersen, L.-O.; Carlsson, P.; Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N. A.; Vasskog, T.


Factors affecting bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in a subarctic benthopelagic food web.

Krogseth, I. S.; Undeman, E.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Warner, N. A.


Environmental contaminants in an urban fjord, 2016.

Ruus, A.; Bæk, K.; Petersen, K.; Allan, I.; Beylich, B.; Schlabach, M.; Warner, N.; Borgå, K.; Helberg, M.


Elucidating the behavior of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in a subarctic freshwater food web: A modeled and measured approach.

Krogseth, I. S.; Undeman, E. M.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, K.; Warner, N. A.


Factors affecting bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in a subarctic benthopelagic food web.

Krogseth, I. S.; Undeman, E.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Warner, N. A.


Screening programme 2015. Benzothiazoles, siloxanes, pigments & PBT compounds.

van Bavel, B.; Thomas, K.V.; Langford, K.; Reid, M.; Vogelsang, C.; Øxnevad, S.; Bæk, K.; Fjeld, E.; Brooks, S.; Schlabach, M.; Rostkowski, P.; Warner, N.; Borgen, A.; Halse, A.K.; Davanger, K.; Gundersen, H.


Environmental pollutants in large Norwegian lakes, 2015.

Fjeld, E.; Bæk, K.; Rognerud, S.; Rundberget, J.T.; Schlabach, M.; Warner, N.A.


Environmental contaminants in an urban fjord, 2015.

Ruus, A.; Bæk, K.; Petersen, K.; Allan, I.; Beylich, B.; Schlabach, M.; Warner, N.; Helberg, M.


Black guillemot sheds light on local pollution in the Arctic: Levels, profiles and effects of PFAS.

Eckbo, N.; Herzke, D.; Haarr, A.; Hylland, K.; Warner, N.A.; Gabrielsen, G.; Borga, K.


Environmental chemistry.

Warner, N. A.; Herzke, D.


Environmental behavior of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in a high latitude lake: a modelled and measured approach.

Warner, N.A.; Krogseth, I.S.; Whelan, M. J.; Christensen, G.; Evenset, A.; Breivik, K.


Modelling the behavior of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in an Arctic benthopelagic freshwater food-web.

Krogseth, I.S.; Undeman, E.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Warner, N.A.


Is dilution the solution? Impact of urbanization on chemical emissions to Arctic environments.

Warner, N.A.; Krogseth, I.S.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Christoffersen, L.


Seasonal variation in accumulation of persistent organic pollutants in an Arctic marine benthic food web.

Evenset, A.; Hallanger, I.G.; Tessmann, M.; Warner, N.; Ruus, A.; Borgå, K.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Christensen, G.; Renaud, P.E.


Environmental pollutants in large Norwegian lakes, 2014.

Fjeld, E.; Bæk, K.; Rognerud, S.; Rundberget, J.T.; Schlabach, M.; Warner, N.A.


Personal care product ingredients in Arctic Char and Brown Trout in a North-Norwegian lake.

Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


A broad cocktail of environmental pollutants found in eggs of three seabird species from remote colonies in Norway.

Huber, S.; Warner, N.A.; Nygård, T.; Remberger, M.; Harju, M.; Uggerud, H.T.; Kaj, L.; Hanssen, L.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in an Arctic lake.

Krogseth, I.; Warner, N.; Christensen,G.; Whelan, M.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.,Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Assessing the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes experiencing seasonal environmental changes.

Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.


Assessment of environmental residence times for cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes.

Warner, N.; Almeida, G.; Krogseth, I.S.; Whelan, M.J.; Hangstad, T.A.


Assessment of environmental residence times for cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes.

Warner, N.; Almeida, G.; Krogseth, I.S.; Whelan, M.J.; Hangstad, T.A.


NORDIC-LACS: Nordic lake exposure to cyclic siloxanes – assessment of transport, distribution & fate.

Krogseth, I.S.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Assessing the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes experiencing seasonal environmental changes.

Krogseth, I.; Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.,Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


First investigation of a broad cocktail of environmental pollutants in eggs of three seabird species from remote areas within the Norwegian marine environment.

Huber, S.; Warner, N.A.; Nygård, T.; Remberger, M.; Harju, M.; Uggerud, H.T.; Kaj,L.; Schlabach, M.; Hanssen, L.


Environmental pollutants in large Norwegian lakes, 2013.

Fjeld, E.; Bæk, K.; Rognerud, S.; Rundberget, J.T.; Schlabach, M.; Warner, N.A.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N.A.; Breivik, K.; Whealan, M.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G.N.; Wassbotten, I.H.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.,Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Screening of environmental pollutants in seabird eggs from Sklinna and Røst.

Huber, S.; Nygård, T.; Warner, N.A.; Remberger, M.; Harju, M.; Uggerud, H.T.; Kaj, L.; Schlabach, M.; Hanssen, L.


Introducing FP7 CLEANSEA: Towards a clean, litter-free European marine environment through scientific evidence, innovative tools and good governance.

Leslie, H.; Vethaak, D.; Galloway, T.; Perez, C.; Brouwer, R.; van Bavel, B.; Altvater, S.; Boon, A.; Veiga, J.; Ferreira, M.; Fernandez, P.; Nilsson, H.; Kalfagianni, A.; van der Grijp, N.; Cristea, M.; Sheremet, O.; Papyrakis, E.; Anton, E.; Tiganov, G.; Nicolaev, S.; Lewis, C.; Tyler, C.; Depledge, M.; Skourtos, M.; Kontogianni, A.; Gerritse, J.; Kleissen, F.; ElSerafy, G.; Robbens, J.; Devriese, L.; De Witte, B.; Bekaert, K.; Grahn, H.; Geladi, P.; Nordstrom, G.; Papathanassiou, E.; Kaberi, E.; Wolthuis, Y.; Veerman, B.; Westerman, W.; Hadzhiyska, D.; Rasheva, K.; Rashev, B.; Christiansen, K.; Christiansen, L.; Stephensen, P.; Herzke, D.; Warner, N.; Mc Innes, T.; de Boer, J.; Rashid, R.


Miljøgifter i egg fra snøspurv (Plectrophenax nivalis) fra fire bosettinger på Svalbard. Sluttrapport til Svalbards Miljøvernfond.

Kristoffersen, S.; Sagerup, K.; Jenssen, B.M.; Warner, N.; Herzke, D.; Gabrielsen, G.W.


Influence of climate change on contaminant distribution and effects in Arctic marine food webs – Summary of the IPY project COPOL.

Evenset, A.; Borgå, K.; Warner, N.; Bustnes, J.O.; Ruus, A.; Christensen, G.; Heimstad, E.S.; Overjord, J.; Hallanger, I.G.; Gabrielsen, G.W.


Factors of change: using trophic magnification factors (TMFs) to assess changes in POP bioaccumulation in Arctic food webs.

Warner, N.A.; Hallanger, I.G.; Ruus, A.; Evenset, A.; Herzke, D.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Borgå, K.


Influence of climate and biomagnification in species of Arctic zooplankton.

Hallanger, I.; Ruus, A.; Warner, N.; Evenseth, A.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Borgå, K.


Contaminants in polar regions – COPOL.

Evenseth, A.; Borgå, K.; Warner, N.; Ruus, A.; Hallanger, I.; Christensen, G.N.; Heimstad, E.S.; Gabrielsen, G.W.


Persistent organic pollutants in benthic communities in Svalbard: Seasonal and spatial trends.

Evenset, A.; Hallanger, I.; Renaud, P.; Tessmann, M.; Warner, N.; Christensen, G.; Ruus, A.; Borgå, K.; Gabrielsen, G.W.


Seasonality in contaminant accumulation in Arctic marine pelagic food webs using trophic magnification factor as a measure of bioaccumulation.

Hallanger, I. G.; Warner, N. A.; Ruus, A.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G.; Herzke, D.; Gabrielsen, G. W.; Borgå, K.


Differences between Arctic and Atlantic fjord systems on bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in zooplankton from Svalbard.

Hallanger, I.G.; Ruus, A.; Warner, N.A.; Herzke, D.; Evenset, A.; Schøyen, M.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Borgå, K.


Influence of season, location, and feeding strategy on bioaccumulation of halogenated organic contaminants in Arctic marine zooplankton.

Hallanger, I.G.; Ruus, A.; Herzke, D.; Nicholas A. Warner, N.A.; Evenset, A.; Eldbjørg S. Heimstad, E.S.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Borgå, K.


Volatile siloxanes in the European Arctic: assessment of sources and spatial distribution.

Warner, N.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Borgå, K.; Leknes, H.


Influence of seasonality and climate change on organic contaminant bioaccumulation in Arctic marine pelagic food webs.

Hallanger, I.G.; Warner, N.A.; Ruus, A.; Evenset, A, Herzke, D.; Gabrielsen, G.W.


Influences of climate change on concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in benthic communities in Svalbard.

Evenset, A.; Angot, H.; Tessmann, M.; Warner, N.; Christensen, G.; Ruus, A.; Borgå, K.; Gabrielsen, G.


Spatial distribution of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) within the Norwegian Arctic.

Warner, N.A.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Borgå, K.; Leknes, H.


Seasonality in field derived bioaccumulation factors for OCs in Arctic marine species of zooplankton.

Hallander, I.G.; Ruus, A.; Warner, N.A.; Evenset, A.; Herzke, D.; Heimstad, E.S.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Borgå, K.


Nicholas Warner has 113 publications at NILU:

Stepping-up accurate quantification of chlorinated paraffins: Successful certification of the first matrix reference material

Ricci, Marina; de Boer, Jacob; Johansen, Jon Eigill; Huiling, Liu; Dumas, Pierre; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Pērkons, Ingus; McGrath, Thomas Jacob; Borgen, Anders; Bjørneby, Stine Marie; Tomasko, Jakub; Steer, Helena; Lentjes, Anouk; van Velzen, Martin; van Mourik, Louise


Dechloranes and chlorinated paraffins in sediments and biota of two subarctic lakes

Arriola, Aline; Al Saify, Insam; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Herzke, Dorte; Harju, Mikael; Amundsen, Per-Arne; Evenset, Anita; Möckel, Claudia; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde


Emerging contaminant accumulation in an Arctic marine food web

Giebichenstein, Julia; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Routti, Heli Anna Irmeli; Harju, Mikael; Varpe, Øystein; Andersen, Tom; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing; Borgå, Katrine


An Approach to Assess the Biological Effects of Semi-Volatile Organic Chemicals in Indoor Air

Halse, Anne Karine; Longhin, Eleonora Marta; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Mariussen, Espen; Borgen, Anders; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Physical and chemical processes driving remote seasonal atmospheric exposure to cyclic volatile methysiloxanes and short-chain chlorinated paraffins

Al Saify, Insam; Brandsma, Sicco H.; van Mourik, Louise M.; Eckhardt, Sabine; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Seasonal and latitudinal variability in the atmospheric concentrations of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in the Northern Hemisphere

Wania, Frank; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; McLachlan, Michael S; Durham, Jeremy; Lei, Ying Duan; Xu, Shihe


Differences in Trophic Level, Contaminant Load, and DNA Damage in an Urban and a Remote Herring Gull (Larus argentatus) Breeding Colony in Coastal Norway

Keilen, Ellen Kristine; Borgå, Katrine; Thorstensen, Helene Skjeie; Hylland, Ketil; Helberg, Morten; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Bæk, Kine; Reiertsen, Tone Kristin; Ruus, Anders


Chlorinated paraffins in polar cod and capelin from the Barents Sea

Giebichenstein, Julia; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Varpe, Øystein; Andersen, Tom; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Borgå, Katrine


Is Glacial Meltwater a Secondary Source of Legacy Contaminants to Arctic Coastal Food Webs?

Mcgovern, Maeve; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Borgå, Katrine; Evenset, Anita; Carlsson, Pernilla; Skogsberg, Emelie; Søreide, Janne; Ruus, Anders; Christensen, Guttorm; Poste, Amanda


Hormonforstyrrende aktivitet av semiflyktige organiske kjemikalier i inneluft

Halse, Anne Karine; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Mariussen, Espen; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Borgen, Anders


Optimization of a low flow sampler for improved assessment of gas and particle bound exposure to chlorinated paraffins

Al Saify, Insam; Cioni, Lara; van Mourik, Louise M.; Brandsma, Sicco H.; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Trophic and fitness correlates of mercury and organochlorine compound residues in egg-laying Antarctic petrels

Carravieri, Alice; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Herzke, Dorte; Brault-Favrou, Maud; Tarroux, Arnaud; Fort, Jérôme; Bustamante, Paco; Descamps, Sebastien


Volatile Methyl Siloxanes in Polar Regions

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Environmental behaviour and bioaccumulation of chlorinated paraffins, dechloranes and PCBs in northern freshwater ecosystems

Arriola, Aline; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Herzke, Dorte; Evenset, Anita; Möckel, Claudia; Breivik, Knut


Reducing sampling artifacts in active air sampling methodology for remote monitoring and atmospheric fate assessment of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes

Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Bjørneby, Stine Marie; Kierkegaard, Amelie; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla


Investigating the presence and persistence of volatile methylsiloxanes in Arctic sediments

Abrahamsson, Dimitri Panagopoulos; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Jantunen, Liisa; Jahnke, Annika; Wong, Fiona; MacLeod, Matthew


Trophic and fitness correlates of Hg and POP exposure in incubating female Antarctic petrels

Carravieri, Alice; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Tarroux, Arnaud; Descamps, Sebastien; Bustamante, P.


Avian wildlife: contaminant temporal trends and the bipolar perspective

Borgå, Katrine; Eckbo, Norith; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Le Bohec, Celine; Herzke, Dorte; Planas-Bielsa, Victor; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Descamps, Sebastien; Bustnes, Jan Ove


Smører du deg med god samvittighet?

Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Environmental Contaminants in an Urban Fjord, 2018

Ruus, Anders; Bæk, Kine; Rundberget, Thomas; Allan, Ian; Beylich, Bjørnar; Schlabach, Martin; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Borgå, Katrine; Helberg, Morten; Helberg, Morten


Monitoring of environmental contaminants in freshwater ecosystems 2018 – Occurrence and biomagnification

Jartun, Morten; Økelsrud, Asle; Rundberget, Thomas; Enge, Ellen Katrin; Rostkowski, Pawel; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Harju, Mikael; Johansen, Ingar


Snow buntings (Plectrophenax nivealis) as bio-indicators for exposure differences to legacy and emerging persistent organic pollutants from the Arctic terrestrial environment

Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Sagerup, Kjetil; Kristoffersen, Siv; Herzke, Dorte; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Jenssen, Bjørn Munro


Development of an active air sampling method for the determination of chlorinated paraffins

Cioni, L.; Borgen, Anders; Cincinelli, A.; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Environmental behavior and bioaccumulation of contaminants of emerging concern in northern freshwater ecosystems

Arriola, Aline; Evenset, Anita; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Herzke, Dorte; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Möckel, Claudia; Breivik, Knut


Long-range transport potential and atmospheric persistence of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes based on global measurements

Xu, Shihe; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Durham, Jeremy; McNett, Debra


Potential Effect of Migration Strategy on Pollutant Occurrence in Eggs of Arctic Breeding Barnacle Geese (Branta leucopsis)

Hitchcock, Daniel James; Andersen, Tom; Varpe, Øystein; Loonen, Maarten; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Herzke, Dorte; Tombre, Ingunn; Griffin, Larry R.; Shimmings, Paul; Borgå, Katrine


Individual variability in contaminants and physiological status in a resident Arctic seabird species

Eckbo, Norith; Le Bohec, Céline; Planas-Bielsa, Victor; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Schull, Quentin; Herzke, Dorte; Zahn, Sandrine; Haarr, Ane; Gabrielsen, Geir W.; Borgå, Katrine


Environmental Contaminants in an Urban Fjord, 2017

Ruus, Anders; Bæk, Kine; Petersen, Karina; Allan, Ian; Beylich, Bjørnar; Schlabach, Martin; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Borgå, Katrine; Helberg, Morten


Monitoring of environmental contaminants in air and precipitation. Annual report 2017.

Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Aas, Wenche; Warner, Nicholas


Reducing sampling artifacts in air measurements: Improvement of active air sampling methodologies for accurate measurements of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in remote regions.

Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Kierkegaard, A; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla


Environmental fate and bioaccumulation of cVMS in a subarctic freshwater lake

Krogseth, Ingjerd Sunde; Undeman, E.; Evenset, Anita; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, Knut; Warner, Nicholas Alexander


Migration effects on pollutants in eggs of Arctic – breeding geese

Hitchcock, Daniel James; Loonen, M. J.; Warner, Nicholas Alexander; Herzke, Dorte; Tombre, Ingunn; Shimmings, Paul; Griffin, L. R.; Varpe, Øystein; Andersen, Tom; Borgå, Katrine


Sminkerester funnet i fisk utenfor Svalbard

Warner, Nicholas Alexander (interview subject); Juell, Ingrid Henriksen; Steinholt, Martin (journalists)



Warner, N. A.


Environmental pollutants in large Norwegian lakes, 2016.

Fjeld, E.; Bæk, K.; Rognerud, S.; Rundberget, J.T.; Schlabach, M.; Warner, N.A.


Organic contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) as indicators for thorough source elucidation and risk evaluation in modern Arctic environmental assessments.

Kallenborn, R.; Strømberg, J. S.; Brorstrøm-Lundén, E.; Reiersen, L.-O.; Carlsson, P.; Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N. A.; Vasskog, T.


Factors affecting bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in a subarctic benthopelagic food web.

Krogseth, I. S.; Undeman, E.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Warner, N. A.


Environmental contaminants in an urban fjord, 2016.

Ruus, A.; Bæk, K.; Petersen, K.; Allan, I.; Beylich, B.; Schlabach, M.; Warner, N.; Borgå, K.; Helberg, M.


Elucidating the behavior of cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes in a subarctic freshwater food web: A modeled and measured approach.

Krogseth, I. S.; Undeman, E. M.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, K.; Warner, N. A.


Factors affecting bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in a subarctic benthopelagic food web.

Krogseth, I. S.; Undeman, E.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G. N.; Whelan, M. J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Warner, N. A.


Screening programme 2015. Benzothiazoles, siloxanes, pigments & PBT compounds.

van Bavel, B.; Thomas, K.V.; Langford, K.; Reid, M.; Vogelsang, C.; Øxnevad, S.; Bæk, K.; Fjeld, E.; Brooks, S.; Schlabach, M.; Rostkowski, P.; Warner, N.; Borgen, A.; Halse, A.K.; Davanger, K.; Gundersen, H.


Environmental pollutants in large Norwegian lakes, 2015.

Fjeld, E.; Bæk, K.; Rognerud, S.; Rundberget, J.T.; Schlabach, M.; Warner, N.A.


Environmental contaminants in an urban fjord, 2015.

Ruus, A.; Bæk, K.; Petersen, K.; Allan, I.; Beylich, B.; Schlabach, M.; Warner, N.; Helberg, M.


Black guillemot sheds light on local pollution in the Arctic: Levels, profiles and effects of PFAS.

Eckbo, N.; Herzke, D.; Haarr, A.; Hylland, K.; Warner, N.A.; Gabrielsen, G.; Borga, K.


Environmental chemistry.

Warner, N. A.; Herzke, D.


Environmental behavior of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in a high latitude lake: a modelled and measured approach.

Warner, N.A.; Krogseth, I.S.; Whelan, M. J.; Christensen, G.; Evenset, A.; Breivik, K.


Modelling the behavior of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in an Arctic benthopelagic freshwater food-web.

Krogseth, I.S.; Undeman, E.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Warner, N.A.


Is dilution the solution? Impact of urbanization on chemical emissions to Arctic environments.

Warner, N.A.; Krogseth, I.S.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Christoffersen, L.


Seasonal variation in accumulation of persistent organic pollutants in an Arctic marine benthic food web.

Evenset, A.; Hallanger, I.G.; Tessmann, M.; Warner, N.; Ruus, A.; Borgå, K.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Christensen, G.; Renaud, P.E.


Environmental pollutants in large Norwegian lakes, 2014.

Fjeld, E.; Bæk, K.; Rognerud, S.; Rundberget, J.T.; Schlabach, M.; Warner, N.A.


Personal care product ingredients in Arctic Char and Brown Trout in a North-Norwegian lake.

Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


A broad cocktail of environmental pollutants found in eggs of three seabird species from remote colonies in Norway.

Huber, S.; Warner, N.A.; Nygård, T.; Remberger, M.; Harju, M.; Uggerud, H.T.; Kaj, L.; Hanssen, L.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in an Arctic lake.

Krogseth, I.; Warner, N.; Christensen,G.; Whelan, M.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.,Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Assessing the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes experiencing seasonal environmental changes.

Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.


Assessment of environmental residence times for cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes.

Warner, N.; Almeida, G.; Krogseth, I.S.; Whelan, M.J.; Hangstad, T.A.


Assessment of environmental residence times for cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes.

Warner, N.; Almeida, G.; Krogseth, I.S.; Whelan, M.J.; Hangstad, T.A.


NORDIC-LACS: Nordic lake exposure to cyclic siloxanes – assessment of transport, distribution & fate.

Krogseth, I.S.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Assessing the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes experiencing seasonal environmental changes.

Krogseth, I.; Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.,Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


First investigation of a broad cocktail of environmental pollutants in eggs of three seabird species from remote areas within the Norwegian marine environment.

Huber, S.; Warner, N.A.; Nygård, T.; Remberger, M.; Harju, M.; Uggerud, H.T.; Kaj,L.; Schlabach, M.; Hanssen, L.


Environmental pollutants in large Norwegian lakes, 2013.

Fjeld, E.; Bæk, K.; Rognerud, S.; Rundberget, J.T.; Schlabach, M.; Warner, N.A.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.S.; Warner, N.A.; Breivik, K.; Whealan, M.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G.N.; Wassbotten, I.H.


Understanding the fate and bioaccumulation of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) in Arctic lakes.

Krogseth, I.,Warner, N.A.; Christensen, G.N.; Whelan, M.J.; Breivik, K.; Evenset, A.; Wasbotten, I.H.


Screening of environmental pollutants in seabird eggs from Sklinna and Røst.

Huber, S.; Nygård, T.; Warner, N.A.; Remberger, M.; Harju, M.; Uggerud, H.T.; Kaj, L.; Schlabach, M.; Hanssen, L.


Introducing FP7 CLEANSEA: Towards a clean, litter-free European marine environment through scientific evidence, innovative tools and good governance.

Leslie, H.; Vethaak, D.; Galloway, T.; Perez, C.; Brouwer, R.; van Bavel, B.; Altvater, S.; Boon, A.; Veiga, J.; Ferreira, M.; Fernandez, P.; Nilsson, H.; Kalfagianni, A.; van der Grijp, N.; Cristea, M.; Sheremet, O.; Papyrakis, E.; Anton, E.; Tiganov, G.; Nicolaev, S.; Lewis, C.; Tyler, C.; Depledge, M.; Skourtos, M.; Kontogianni, A.; Gerritse, J.; Kleissen, F.; ElSerafy, G.; Robbens, J.; Devriese, L.; De Witte, B.; Bekaert, K.; Grahn, H.; Geladi, P.; Nordstrom, G.; Papathanassiou, E.; Kaberi, E.; Wolthuis, Y.; Veerman, B.; Westerman, W.; Hadzhiyska, D.; Rasheva, K.; Rashev, B.; Christiansen, K.; Christiansen, L.; Stephensen, P.; Herzke, D.; Warner, N.; Mc Innes, T.; de Boer, J.; Rashid, R.


Miljøgifter i egg fra snøspurv (Plectrophenax nivalis) fra fire bosettinger på Svalbard. Sluttrapport til Svalbards Miljøvernfond.

Kristoffersen, S.; Sagerup, K.; Jenssen, B.M.; Warner, N.; Herzke, D.; Gabrielsen, G.W.


Influence of climate change on contaminant distribution and effects in Arctic marine food webs – Summary of the IPY project COPOL.

Evenset, A.; Borgå, K.; Warner, N.; Bustnes, J.O.; Ruus, A.; Christensen, G.; Heimstad, E.S.; Overjord, J.; Hallanger, I.G.; Gabrielsen, G.W.


Factors of change: using trophic magnification factors (TMFs) to assess changes in POP bioaccumulation in Arctic food webs.

Warner, N.A.; Hallanger, I.G.; Ruus, A.; Evenset, A.; Herzke, D.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Borgå, K.


Influence of climate and biomagnification in species of Arctic zooplankton.

Hallanger, I.; Ruus, A.; Warner, N.; Evenseth, A.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Borgå, K.


Contaminants in polar regions – COPOL.

Evenseth, A.; Borgå, K.; Warner, N.; Ruus, A.; Hallanger, I.; Christensen, G.N.; Heimstad, E.S.; Gabrielsen, G.W.


Persistent organic pollutants in benthic communities in Svalbard: Seasonal and spatial trends.

Evenset, A.; Hallanger, I.; Renaud, P.; Tessmann, M.; Warner, N.; Christensen, G.; Ruus, A.; Borgå, K.; Gabrielsen, G.W.


Seasonality in contaminant accumulation in Arctic marine pelagic food webs using trophic magnification factor as a measure of bioaccumulation.

Hallanger, I. G.; Warner, N. A.; Ruus, A.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G.; Herzke, D.; Gabrielsen, G. W.; Borgå, K.


Differences between Arctic and Atlantic fjord systems on bioaccumulation of persistent organic pollutants in zooplankton from Svalbard.

Hallanger, I.G.; Ruus, A.; Warner, N.A.; Herzke, D.; Evenset, A.; Schøyen, M.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Borgå, K.


Influence of season, location, and feeding strategy on bioaccumulation of halogenated organic contaminants in Arctic marine zooplankton.

Hallanger, I.G.; Ruus, A.; Herzke, D.; Nicholas A. Warner, N.A.; Evenset, A.; Eldbjørg S. Heimstad, E.S.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Borgå, K.


Volatile siloxanes in the European Arctic: assessment of sources and spatial distribution.

Warner, N.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Borgå, K.; Leknes, H.


Influence of seasonality and climate change on organic contaminant bioaccumulation in Arctic marine pelagic food webs.

Hallanger, I.G.; Warner, N.A.; Ruus, A.; Evenset, A, Herzke, D.; Gabrielsen, G.W.


Influences of climate change on concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in benthic communities in Svalbard.

Evenset, A.; Angot, H.; Tessmann, M.; Warner, N.; Christensen, G.; Ruus, A.; Borgå, K.; Gabrielsen, G.


Spatial distribution of cyclic volatile methyl siloxanes (cVMS) within the Norwegian Arctic.

Warner, N.A.; Evenset, A.; Christensen, G.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Borgå, K.; Leknes, H.


Seasonality in field derived bioaccumulation factors for OCs in Arctic marine species of zooplankton.

Hallander, I.G.; Ruus, A.; Warner, N.A.; Evenset, A.; Herzke, D.; Heimstad, E.S.; Gabrielsen, G.W.; Borgå, K.