Daniel Dean Moran
Daniel Moran is an environmental economist whose work quantifies the biophysical resources used by the economy. He is an active contributor to global multi-region input-output models (MRIOs) which provide digital twins of the world economy and are used to generate Scope 3 carbon footprint results. Dr. Moran also works with Scope 1 GHG emissions models. His work using data science to develop high-resolution environmental footprints has been featured in National Geographic, the New York Times, and The Economist.
Before starting his academic career Dr. Moran worked on Wall Street pricing ESG risk at MSCI and assisted Nobel laureate Paul Romer writing a Principles of Economics textbook.
Clarivate/Web of Science Highly Cited Researcher in 2022, 2021, 2020, and 2019. Among all scientists and social scientists globally, Highly Cited Researchers™ are 1 in 1,000. Stanford/Elsevier/Scopus highly cited researcher during 2021, 2020, 2019 (Top 1.5% percentile in Environmental Sciences; top 3% in Economics)
- 2013 - PhD, School of Physics, The University of Sydney
- 2007 - MS, Environmental Studies and Sustainability, Lund University
- 2001 - BA, Philosophy, Whitman College
Key words:
data science; industrial ecology; environmental economics; carbon footprinting; biodiversity footprints; embodied water; scope 3; consumption-based accounting; LCA; input-output; material flow analysis; high performance computing
Evert Alwin Bouman
Evert A. Bouman PhD, Senior Scientist, Department of Environmental Impacts and Sustainability at NILU, P.O. Box 100, NO-2027 Kjeller, Norway
Evert Bouman works on developing methods within the field of Industrial Ecology. His expertise lies in the development of life-cycle based scenario models, drawing on methods such as Life Cycle Assessment, Input-Output Analysis and Material Flow Analysis. These models provide insight in environmental trade-offs, co-benefits and problem shifting related to climate change mitigation policies and policies aimed at circular and sustainable transitions.
He holds Master degrees in Industrial Ecology (2011) and Chemical Engineering (2012) and a PhD in Industrial Ecology (2015). At NILU, Bouman has been task leader for various tasks in the European Topic Centres on Air Pollution, Noise, Transport and Industrial Pollution (ETC/ATNI) and Climate Change Mitigation and Energy (ETC/CME) for the European Environment Agency, working among others on methodologies for assessing the benefits and trade-offs of renewable energy sources in the European energy system, decomposition analysis of emissions trends, and emissions outsourcing in global trade. In addition, he is Work Package leader for risk-benefit assessment of engineered nanomaterials in the Horizon 2020 funded European research project RiskGONE, work package leader on the life cycle impacts of plastic recycling scenarios in the nationally funded project Plastcycle, and NILUs principal investigator in the national funded Centre for Science-Based Innovation (SFI) earthresQue. Finally, Bouman leads NILUs in-house model development for sustainability assessment in the project DECIAS.