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Autonomous Multi-Format In-Situ Observation Platform for Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Methane Monitoring in Permafrost & Wetlands


Climate warming is driven by increased concentrations of greenhouse gasses (GHGs) e.g., CO2 and CH4, in the atmosphere. Existing observatories are able to capture GHG information for large-scale global assessments, but short-term natural variability and climate-driven changes in atmospheric CO2 and CH4 remain less known. There is also currently a lack of sufficiently precise, autonomous, and cost-efficient GHG sensors for GHG monitoring at sufficient spatial scale, and in hard-to-reach areas.

MISO will develop and demonstrate an autonomous in-situ observation platform for use in hard to reach areas (Arctic, wetlands), for detecting and quantifying carbon dioxide and methane gasses, using a combination of stationary and mobile (drone) solutions and requiring minimum on-site intervention when deployed.

To achieve this objective, MISO will improve detection limit and accuracy of a NDIR GHG sensor, which will then be used in three observing platforms (a static tower, a static chamber and a UAV-mounted sensor) operated with the help of a central base unit. All elements will be designed for operation in harsh environments and with minimum human intervention. The static observatories will be powered by a unique geothermal device.

Communication between the three observatories and a data cloud will use a combination of P2P, G4/G5/LTE, LORAWAN and wifi technologies. The specifications of the platform will be co-developed with stakeholders from academia, monitoring and measurement systems, industry and policy.

A clear DCE strategy and focus on short-term impact management and medium and long-term commercialization will target several user groups including industries and representatives of main monitoring systems and infrastructures (e.g., ICOS). This will support innovative governance models and science-based policy design, implementation and monitoring. Sustainability performance and competitiveness in the domains covered by HE Cluster 6 will be enhanced.

Project DOI: https://doi.org/10.3030/101086541