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NatureScape – Pioneering Urban Sustainability through Nature-Based Solutions


NatureScape project, in an ambitious initiative led by NILU aimed at transforming urban environments into sustainable and resilient spaces through the strategic integration of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). Funded by national and European research grants under the European Biodiversity Partnership, NatureScape has secured a total budget of €2 million for its operations spanning from 2025 to 2028.

NatureScape's Vision

NatureScape seeks to address the critical post-implementation phases of NBS, enhancing not only biodiversity and climate resilience but also the health and well-being of urban populations. With a focus on creating dynamic urban spaces that respond to environmental challenges, the project underscores NILU’s commitment to leading edge research and development in environmental sciences.

Core Objectives

The primary goals of NatureScape include developing robust indicators for assessing the functionality and impact of NBS, and establishing NBS Transformation Labs (T-Labs) in key cities across Europe. These labs will serve as hubs of innovation and community engagement, fostering the co-development of sustainable urban solutions. The project will also delve into analyzing the synergies and trade-offs associated with NBS, drawing lessons to refine future strategies and creating comprehensive tools and guidelines for urban planners.

European Cities as Living Labs

Demonstrating its strategies across seven diverse cities including Oslo, Dublin, Riga, Milan, Lisbon, Lublin, and Saint-Gallen, NatureScape aims to showcase the adaptability and effectiveness of NBS in various urban settings. Each city was selected for its unique characteristics, providing a rich ground for testing and optimizing NBS approaches.

Innovative Approaches and Tools

The project will employ a mix of cutting-edge methodologies:

  • Community Engagement: Utilizing citizen science and geo-based platforms to ensure inclusive stakeholder involvement.
  • Environmental Governance Models: To enhance stewardship of urban NBS.
  • Impact Assessment Frameworks: Sophisticated tools to enhance NBS synergies and minimize trade-offs.
  • Causal Loop Diagrams (CLD): For visualizing and analyzing the complex dynamics within NBS ecosystems.
  • Challenge-Based Methodologies: To foster adaptive urban planning and policy development.

A Strong Consortium

Under the coordination of NILU, NatureScape brings together a consortium of esteemed institutions including the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, University College Dublin, Politecnico di Milano, Lisboa E-Nova, Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Lublinie, and Nodibinajums Baltic Studies Centre. This diverse team ensures a robust multidisciplinary approach to tackling urban environmental issues.

ETC Human health and the environment (ETC HE)


The European Topic Centre on Human Health and the Environment (ETC HE) is a Consortium of 10 partners with expertise in air quality, air pollution, industrial emissions, chemicals, noise and environmental health.

The lead institution of the ETC HE is the Environment and Climate Institute NILU (NO), supported by the German Environment Agency who acts as a scientific co-coordinator.

The ETC HE assists the European Environment Agency (EEA) in the following areas:

- Better understanding of health impacts form environment and climate pressures

- Benefits to well-being delivered by healthy environments

- Supporting policy implementation: Air quality, Air pollutant emissions, Chemicals, Environmental noise, Industrial releases

- Exploring links between environment/climate pressures and social inequalities, socio-economic dimensions

- Zero pollution ambition for a toxic free environment

- Chemical strategy for sustainability

- Just transition.

Air quality assessment for Levanger municipality


NILU har utarbeidet en tiltaksutredning del I (kartlegging) for lokal luftkvalitet i Levanger. Utredningen er gjennomført på oppdrag for Levanger kommune etter anbefaling fra Miljødirektoratet.

Tiltaksutredningen gjør rede for forurensningssituasjonen og mulige tiltak for å redusere nivået av luftforurensning innenfor kravene i forurensningsforskriften.

Tiltaksutredningen omfatter en kartlegging med utslipps- og spredningsberegninger for alle relevante kilder til PM10 og PM2,5 i 2017 og 2019. I tillegg er det utført målinger av disse komponentene gjennom hele 2021 ved en målestasjon (Kirkegata) i Levanger sentrum.

Basert på resultatene fra kartleggingen, er det foreslått en handlingsplan med fire hovedpunkter som kan bidra til å redusere forurensningsnivåene i Levanger.


Air quality assessment for Tromsø


NILU and Urbanet analyse have prepared a revised air quality assessment for Tromsø.

The action plan, including strategies and measures, aims to reduce air pollution to a level that meets the requirements of the regulation.

The air quality assessment covers mapping of the air quality in Tromsø through traffic, emission and dispersion calculations of PM10, PM2,5 and NO2 for the current situation in 2016 and future situation in 2023 with and without measures to combat particulate matter.

Based on the results from the calculations and in collaboration with Tromsø municipality and the working group, a revised action and emergency plan has been proposed for political consideration.