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Suburban dream vs. climate-friendly transport? Environmental sustainability of urban sprawl development of Polish cities


Socio-economic growth has led to rapid urban development in Polish cities, and major and recurrent challenges have arisen linked to uncontrollable urban sprawl development (e.g., transport congestion, high traffic emissions).

This feedback relation is not properly understood by decision-makers, often due to missing evidence-based support.

We aim at developing an integrated framework for analyzing the nexus land use – transport – traffic emissions (LUTEm) associated with urban sprawl development in Polish cities by combining advanced multimodal transport planning and emission modelling.

The LUTEm framework will be applied to real-world case studies in Polish cities to

    1. underline negative effects induced by suburbanisation,
    2. assess intervention scenarios and
    3. formulate paths towards green transition in land-use-transport development in case-study cities.

The results will be a novel research support for decision-makers in understanding the land-use-transport interactions, and resultant traffic emissions to improve air quality and mitigate climate change.

To achieve this, we will perform transport modelling, where the effects of spatial development vs. transport system structures upon travel choices will be simulated.

The transport model will be integrated with a state-of-the-art model to estimate air pollutant and GHGs emissions to provide insights on the relationship between urban planning and environmental sustainability across the case-studies.

The LUTEm analysis will reveal co-beneficial interventions and measures to mitigate the negative urban sprawl consequences for traffic emissions, discussed then with city policymakers and stakeholders.