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Scientific journal publication

Chemical ozone loss in the Arctic winter 2002/2003 determined with Match.

Streibel, M.; Rex, M. von der Gathen, P.; Lehmann, R.; Harris, N.R.P.; Braathen, G.O.; Reimer, E.; Deckelmann, H.; Chipperfield, M.; Millard, G.; Allaart, M.; Andersen, S.B.; Claude, H.; Davies, J.; De Backer, H.; Dier, H.; Dorokov, V.; Fast, H.; Gerding, M.; Kyrö, E.; Litynska, Z.; Moore, D.; Moran, E.; Nagai, T.; Nakane, H.; Parrondo, C.; Skrivankova, P.; Stübi, R.; Vaughan, G.; Viatte, P.; Yushkov, V.

Publication details

Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 6, 2783–2792, 2006

Link: http://www.atmos-chem-phys.net/6/2783/2006/