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Scientific journal publication

Assessment of source contributions to the urban air quality for the Bristol ClairCity pilot case

Oliveira, Kevin; Rodrigues, Vera; Coelho, Silvia; Fernandes, Ana Patrícia; Rafael, Sandra; Faria, Carlos; Ferreira, Joana; Borrego, Carlos; Husby, Trond; Diafas, Iason; Sieverts Nielsen, Per; Liu, Xiufeng; Kewo, Angreine; Trozzi, Carlo; Piscitello, Enzo; Vanherle, Kris; Knudsen, Svein Laurits; Bouman, Evert Alwin; Barnes, Jo; Slingerland, Stephan; Hayes, Enda; Bolscher, Hans; Lopes, Myriam

Publication details

Journal: WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environment, vol. 236, 89–98, 2019
