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Målinger av SO2 i omgivelsene til Elkem Carbon og REC Solar. September 2019 – august 2020.

Hak, Claudia

Publication details

Series: NILU rapport 20/2020

Publisher: NILU

Year: 2020

ISBN: 978-82-425-3022-6


On behalf of Elkem Carbon AS, NILU has carried out measurements of SO2 in the surroundings of Elkem Carbon and REC Solar in Vågsbygd (Kristiansand municipality). The companies were ordered by the Norwegian Environment Agency to carry out SO2 measurements in ambient air. The measurements were performed with an SO2 monitor in the residential area at
Fiskåtangen (Konsul Wilds vei) and with passive SO2 samplers at 6 locations around the industries. The report covers
measurements in the period 1. September 2019 – 31. August 2020. Norwegian limit values for air quality (SO2) were complied with at Konsul Wilds vei for all averaging periods required by the air quality directive (annual average, winter average, daily average and hourly average). The most polluted locations during the measurement period were Konsul Wilds vei and Fiskåveien just south of the industries.