Publication details
Series: NILU rapport 23/2020
Publisher: NILU
Year: 2020
ISBN: 978-82-425-3025-7
On behalf of Elkem Carbon AS, NILU has carried out measurements of arsenic (As) in the surroundings of Elkem Carbon in Vågsbygd (Kristiansand municipality). The company was ordered by the Norwegian Environment Agency to carry out As-measurements in ambient air. PM10 samples taken with a filter sampler in the residential area on Fiskåtangen (Konsul Wilds vei) were analysed for As by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). This report covers measurements in the period 25 September 2019 – 28 September 2020. The annual average concentration of As was measured at 2.38 ng/m3. The target value in the air quality directive of 6 ng/m3 was complied with by a good margin. The annual average value was marginally lower than the lower assessment threshold of 2.4 ng/m3. A long range transported contribution to the two highest registered daily As-concentrations cannot be ruled out.