Publication details
Series: Eionet Report - ETC/ATNI 2020/11
Publisher: ETC/ATNI
Year: 2021
ISBN: 978-82-93752-32-5
Air quality European-wide annual maps based on the Air Quality (AQ) e-Reporting validated (E1a) measurement data, the EMEP modelling data and other supplementary data have been regularly produced, using the Regression – Interpolation – Merging Mapping (RIMM) methodology. However, due to the time schedule of production of the validated AQ measurement and the EMEP modelling data, the RIMM air quality maps of a year Y have typically not been available until May of year Y+2. In this report, we examine the AQ interim mapping, based on the preliminary (E2a) measurement and the CAMS Ensemble Forecast modelling data. Such interim maps could be prepared one year earlier than the validated maps. In order to overcome an obstacle of data gaps of E2a data in several areas, so-called pseudo stations data in areas with no E2a data are estimated, based on regression relation between E2a data from year Y and validated E1a data from year Y-1, together with the ratio of the modelling results from years Y and Y-1. The analysis have been performed for the PM10 annual average, the NO2 annual average and the ozone indicator SOMO35, based on the 2017 data. We evaluate these maps using the validated E1a data. Based on the results, we recommend the regular production of the interim AQ maps for the examined indicators, in addition to the regular AQ maps.