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Scientific journal publication

Numerical Study of Non-Linear Effects for a Swept Bias Langmuir Probe

Kjølerbakken, Kai Morgan; Miloch, Wojciech Jacek; Martinsen, Ørjan Grøttem; Pabst, Oliver; Røed, Ketil

Publication details

Journal: IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science, vol. 50, 1237–1245, 2022


We present a numerical study disclosing non-linear effects and hysteresis loops for a swept bias Langmuir probe. A full kinetic particle in cell (PIC) model has been used to study the temporal sheath effects and the probe current. Langmuir "close to steady state" condition is required to characterize the plasma. However, during operations above frequencies normally used, capacitive and non-linear resistive effects are being unveiled. We demonstrate how ion and electron density and temperature change properties of the probe-plasma system. We also show that a swept Langmuir probe exhibits essential properties described as the "fingerprint of memristors" and how a Langmuir probe can be identified as a transversal memristor. Understanding non-linear processes might enable new ways to operate Langmuir probes with higher sampling rates and better accuracy.