Publication details
Series: Eionet Report - ETC/ATNI 2021/11
Publisher: ETC/ATNI
Year: 2021
ISBN: 978-82-93752-35-6
This report analyses evolution and trends of air quality in Europe, based on a 15-year time series of spatial data fusion maps for the years 2005-2019. The analysis has been performed for PM10 annual average, the ozone indicator SOMO35 and NO2 annual average. For the purpose of the Eionet Report - ETC/ATNI 2021/11 trend analysis, a consistent reconstruction of the full 15-year time series of air quality maps has been performed, based on a consistent mapping methodology and input data. For the reconstruction, the Regression – Interpolation – Merging Mapping (RIMM) methodology as routinely used in the regular European-wide annual mapping has been applied.
The trend analysis has been performed based on time series of the aggregated data for individual countries, for large European regions and for the entire mapping area, both for spatial and population-weighted aggregations. In addition, maps of trends have been constructed based on the trend estimates for all grid cells of a map.
For the European-wide aggregations across the whole mapping area, statistically significant downward trend have been estimated for PM10 and NO2, while no significant trend was detected in the case of ozone.