Publication details
Series: NILU OR 08/2010
Year: 2010
ISBN: 978-82-425-2173-6
OR 08/2010 (pdf, 1.94 MB)
Summary: The gas phase photo-oxidation of 2-aminoethanol (MEA, NH2CH2CH2OH) has been studied in a series of experiments at the European Photochemical Reactor, EUPHORE, in Valencia (Spain). The results show that the branching in the OH initiated H-abstraction reaction with NH2CH2CH2OH is: <10 % from -NH2, >80 % from –CH2–, and <10 % from –CH2OH. The major products in the photo-oxidation are formamide, NH2CHO, and formaldehyde, CH2O. Amino acetaldehyde, NH2CH2CHO, and/or 2-imino ethanol, HN=CHCH2OH, and 2-oxo acetamide, NH2C(O)CHO are formed as minor products. 2-(Nitroamino) ethanol,O2NNHCH2CH2OH, has been unambiguouslyidentified as a minor product in the MEA photo-oxidation. It is estimated that less than 3 ‰ of MEA emitted to the atmosphere will end up as the possibly carcinogenic nitramine in rural regions.