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Urban air pollution 2000-2015. Results from monitoring and modeling in Oslo and Trondheim.

Tønnesen, D.

Publication details

Series: NILU OR 51/2010

Publisher: NILU

Year: 2010

ISBN: 978-82-425-2261-0

File: OR 51/2010 (pdf, 1.53 MB)

Summary: The expected changes in emission profiles for vehicular traffic has been investigated by Ecotraffic on behalf of Statoil. This report gives a trend analysis of monitoring and model results for air quality in Oslo and Trondheim. The period covered is 2000 to 2015, the last third of the period is covered only by modelling. The impact of introduction of bio fuel have been reflected upon, based on the changes in emission profiles given by Ecotraffic. For particulate matter, the introduction of bio fuels will likely contribute to a continuous reduction of ambient air concentrations. For NOX and NO2, introduction of bio fuel will have an adverse effect, and the urban air pollution level of NO2 is no longer decreasing.