Publication details
Series: NILU OR 73/2011
Publisher: NILU
Year: 2011
ISBN: 978-82-425-2467-6
NILU OR 73/2011 (pdf)
Summary: NILU-Norwegian Institute for Air Research has carried out a monitoring campaign around the Mongstad industrial area on behalf of CO2 Technology Centre Mongstad (TCM) to establish the current levels of air and precipitation quality prior to the start-up of the TCM, as well as using the collected data for a recommended permanent surveillance monitoring network in the area. The levels of NOX, particulate matter, formaldehyd and NH3 was at typical rural background level. Ethylamine, methylamine and dimethylamine was found above detection limits. Nitrosamines, nitramines and isocyanates were not found above detection limits. Two of the locations from the baseline study have been recommended