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Survey on possible source of HCB, PCB, and PCDD/F emission to air. An expert assessment of the Norwegian silicon and ferrosilicon production.

Schlabach, M.

Publication details

Series: NILU OR 66/2011

Publisher: NILU

Year: 2011

ISBN: 978-82-425-2460-7

File: NILU OR 66/2011 (pdf)

Summary: On behalf of the Norwegian Ferroalloy Producers Research Association (FFF) NILU has assessed possible airborne emissions of HCB, PCB, and PCDD/F from Norwegian silicon and ferrosilicon production. The report concludes with that the Norwegian silicon and ferrosilicon melting process does most certainly not lead to a 'de novo' formation of organochlorines. The report summaries all performed emission measurements. It states that, even in worst case, the annual contribution from Norwegian silicon and ferrosilicon production does not exceed one percent of the total annual load. Thus the contribution is regarded as negligible.