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Rapid warming of the World’s lakes: A global assessment of recent lake temperature trends using in situ and satellite-based records.

Lenters, J. D.; Adrian, R.; Allan, M.; de Eyto, E.; Hamilton, D. P.; Hook, S. J.; Izmestyeva, L.; Kraemer, B.; Kratz, T.; Livingstone, D.; Mcintyre, P.; Montz, P.; Noges, P.; Noges, T.; O'Reilly, C.; Read, J.; Sandilands, K.; Schindler, D.; Schneider, P.; Silow, E.; Straile, D.; Van Cleave, K.; Zhdanov, F.

Publication details

Presented at AGU Chapman Conference on Remote Sensing of the Terrestrial Water Cycle, February 19--22, Kona, Hawaii, USA.