Lecture FUTUREVOLC: A European volcanological supersite in Iceland, a monitoring system and network for the future. Sigmundsson, F.; Hooper, A.; Prata, F.; Gudmundsson, M.T.; Kylling, A.; Hreinsdottir, S.; Ofeigsson, B.G.; Spaans, K.; Vincent, D.; Jordan, C.J.; Vogfjord, K.; Kristinsson, I.; Loughlin, S.; Ilyinskaya, E.; Witham, C.; Bean, C.; Ripepe, M.; Minet, C.; FUTUREVOLC Consortium. Publication details Presented at ESA Living Planet Symposium 2013, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, September 9-13, 2013. Link: http://www.livingplanet2013.org/abstracts/850595.htm