Publication details
Series: Report M-322
Publisher: Norwegian Environment Agency
Year: 2015
Summary: The report presents the levels of sulphur dioxide (SO2) and heavy metals (nickel and copper) in ambient air at the Russian monitoring stations in Nikel and Zapoljarny and the Norwegian stations in Karpdalen and Svanvik. MUGMS and NILU use internationally well recognized the state-of-the-art methods for analyzing both SO2 and heavy metals. SO2 emissions and ambient air levels have decreased over the last two decades, but elevated levels of SO2 were observed in Nikel and Zapoljarny in the period 2009-2012, exceeding the Russian norms. The border areas in Norway experienced levels of SO2 exceeding the Norwegian air quality standards over the years 2011-2012. The levels of heavy metals did not exceed neither the Russian norms for heavy metals, nor the Norwegian annual mean target values for heavy metal. The levels of both SO2 and heavy metals were higher at the Russian stations than the Norwegian stations. The Russian monitoring stations are located closer to the emission sources in Nikel and Zapoljarny.