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Atmospheric deposition of heavy metals in Norway. National moss survey 2015.

Steinnes, E.; Uggerud, H. T.; Pfaffhuber, K. A.; Berg, T.

Publication details

Series: NILU report 28/2016

Publisher: NILU

Year: 2016

ISBN: 978-82-425-2859-9

File: NILU report 28/2016 (pdf)

Summary: Commissioned by the Norwegian Environment Agency, NILU - Norwegian Institute for Air Research in collaboration with Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), collected moss from 230 sites and determined the content of 53 metals in these. The purpose of the survey is to map atmospheric deposition of heavy metals in Norway. Compared with data from 2005, a decrease is observed in the deposition of vanadium and lead. For chromium, nickel, copper, zinc, arsenic, cadmium and antimony, there is no appreciable change in deposition from 2005 to 2015