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Air quality calculations for Oslo Airport.

Tønnesen, D.; Hak, C.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Sousa Santos, G.; Vogt, M.; Berdal, M.; Lindholm, M.

Publication details

Series: NILU rapport 33/2016

Publisher: NILU

Year: 2016

ISBN: 978-82-425-2864-3

File: NILU rapport 33/2016 (pdf)

Summary: Modelling of emission and dispersion shows that the largest emissions of NOX are caused by airplanes during take-off and final approach, but these emissions have little impact on ground level concentrations. The highest modelled concentration levels are located within the airport area, and are of similar size as concentrations modelled in central areas of Norwegian medium sized cities. The largest contribution comes from the aircrafts. The concentration of PM is largely decided by the background contribution. Occurrence of odour in the vicinity of the airport can be explained by the emission of hydrocarbons from aircraft in taxi-modes. Occurrence of darkening on house walls in vicinity of and further away from the airport has been investigated. It is mainly caused by growth of fungus. Investigation of possible impact from airport activity on fresh water bodies indicate that the glycol content in the use of de-icing of aircraft has the largest potential impact.