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Scientific journal publication

Intercomparison of satellite retrieved aerosol optical depth over ocean during the period September 1997 to December 2000.

Myhre, G.; Stordal, F.; Johnsrud, M.; Diner, D.J.; Geogdzhayev, I.V.; Hatwood, J.M.; Holben, B.; Holzer-Popp, T.; Ignatov, A.; Kahn, R.; Kaufman, Y.J.; Loeb, N.; Martonchik, J.; Mishchenko, M.I.; Nalli, N.R.; Remer, L.A.; Schroedter-Homscheidt, M.; Tanré, D.; Torres, O.; Wang, M.

Publication details

Journal: Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 5, 1697–1719, 2005