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Found 9640 publications. Showing page 382 of 386:


A holistic aproach to assess traffic measures.

Klaeboe, R.; Kolbenstvedt, M.; Clench-Aas, J.; Bartonova, A.


A history about Lagrangian modelling - transport of hazardous substances through the atmosphere

Eckhardt, Sabine; Sigl, Michael; Pisso, Ignacio; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Stebel, Kerstin


A high-throughput method to screen organic chemicals in commerce for emissions. NILU PP

Breivik, K.; Arnot, J.A.; Brown, Wania, F.; McLachlan, M.S.


A high-resolution dynamic probabilistic material flow analysis of seven plastic polymers; A case study of Norway

Abbasi, Golnoush; Hauser, Marina Jennifer; Baldé, Cornelis Peter; Bouman, Evert Alwin

Plastic pollution has long been identified as one of the biggest challenges of the 21st century. To tackle this problem, governments are setting stringent recycling targets to keep plastics in a closed loop. Yet, knowledge of the stocks and flows of plastic has not been well integrated into policies. This study presents a dynamic probabilistic economy-wide material flow analysis (MFA) of seven plastic polymers (HDPE, LDPE, PP, PS, PVC, EPS, and PET) in Norway from 2000 to 2050. A total of 40 individual product categories aggregated into nine industrial sectors were examined. An estimated 620 ± 23 kt or 114 kg/capita of these seven plastic polymers was put on the Norwegian market in 2020. Packaging products contributed to the largest share of plastic put on the market (∼40%). The accumulated in-use stock in 2020 was about 3400 ± 56 kt with ∼60% remaining in buildings and construction sector. In 2020, about 460 ± 22 kt of plastic waste was generated in Norway, with half originating from packaging. Although ∼50% of all plastic waste is collected separately from the waste stream, only around 25% is sorted for recycling. Overall, ∼50% of plastic waste is incinerated, ∼15% exported, and ∼10% landfilled. Under a business-as-usual scenario, the plastic put on the market, in-use stock, and waste generation will increase by 65%, 140%, and 90%, respectively by 2050. The outcomes of this work can be used as a guideline for other countries to establish the stocks and flows of plastic polymers from various industrial sectors which is needed for the implementation of necessary regulatory actions and circular strategies. The systematic classification of products suitable for recycling or be made of recyclate will facilitate the safe and sustainable recycling of plastic waste into new products, cap production, lower consumption, and prevent waste generation.



A global strategy for atmospheric interdisciplinary research in the European research area, AIRES in ERA. Air pollution report, 76; EUR 19436

Hov, Ø.; Amanatidis, G.T.; Angeletti, G.; Brasseur, G.; Harris, N.; Mégie, G, Schumann, U.; Slania, S. (eds.)


A global satellite-based trend analysis of tropospheric nitrogen dioxide. NILU F

Schneider, P.; van der A, R.; Valdebenito, A.


A global re-analysis of regionally resolved emissions and atmospheric mole fractions of SF6 for the period 2005–2021

Vojta, Martin; Plach, Andreas; Annadate, Saurabh; Park, Sunyoung; Lee, Gawon; Purohit, Pallav; Lindl, Florian; Lan, Xin; Mühle, Jens; Thompson, Rona Louise; Stohl, Andreas

We determine the global emission distribution of the potent greenhouse gas sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) for the period 2005–2021 using inverse modelling. The inversion is based on 50 d backward simulations with the Lagrangian particle dispersion model (LPDM) FLEXPART and on a comprehensive observation data set of SF6 mole fractions in which we combine continuous with flask measurements sampled at fixed surface locations and observations from aircraft and ship campaigns. We use a global-distribution-based (GDB) approach to determine baseline mole fractions directly from global SF6 mole fraction fields at the termination points of the backward trajectories. We compute these fields by performing an atmospheric SF6 re-analysis, assimilating global SF6 observations into modelled global three-dimensional mole fraction fields. Our inversion results are in excellent agreement with several regional inversion studies in the USA, Europe, and China. We find that (1) annual US SF6 emissions strongly decreased from 1.25 Gg in 2005 to 0.48 Gg in 2021; however, they were on average twice as high as the reported emissions to the United Nations. (2) SF6 emissions from EU countries show an average decreasing trend of −0.006 Gg yr−1 during the period 2005 to 2021, including a substantial drop in 2018. This drop is likely a direct result of the EU's F-gas regulation 517/2014, which bans the use of SF6 for recycling magnesium die-casting alloys as of 2018 and requires leak detection systems for electrical switch gear. (3) Chinese annual emissions grew from 1.28 Gg in 2005 to 5.16 Gg in 2021, with a trend of 0.21 Gg yr−1, which is even higher than the average global total emission trend of 0.20 Gg yr−1. (4) National reports for the USA, Europe, and China all underestimated their SF6 emissions. (5) Our results indicate increasing emissions in poorly monitored areas (e.g. India, Africa, and South America); however, these results are uncertain due to weak observational constraints, highlighting the need for enhanced monitoring in these areas. (6) Global total SF6 emissions are comparable to estimates in previous studies but are sensitive to a priori estimates due to the low network sensitivity in poorly monitored regions. (7) Monthly inversions indicate that SF6 emissions in the Northern Hemisphere were on average higher in summer than in winter throughout the study period.


A global database of lake surface temperatures from 1985-2009.

Gray, D.; Sharma, S.; Read, J.S.; O'Reilly, C.M.; Schneider, P.; Lenters, J.D.; Hook, S.J.; Dong, B.; Gries, C.; Hampton, S.; GLTC Contributors.


A global database of lake surface temperatures collected by in situ and satellite methods from 1985-2009.

Sharma, S.; Gray, D. K.; Read, J. S.; O'Reilly, C. M.; Schneider, P.; Qudrat, A.; Gries, C.; Stefanoff, S.; Hampton, S. E.; Hook, S.; Lenters, J. D.; Livingstone, D. M.; Mcintyre, P. B.; Adrian, R.; Allan, M. G.; Anneville, O.; Arvola, L.; Austin, J.; Bailey, J.; Baron, J. S.; Brookes, J.; Chen, Y.; Daly, R.; Dokulil, M.; Dong, B.; Ewing, K.; De Eyto, E.; Hamilton, D.; Havens, K.; Haydon, S.; Hetzenauer, H.; Heneberry, J.; Hetherington, A. L.; Higgins, S. N.; Hixson, E.; Izmest'eva, L. R.; Jones, B. M.; Kangur, K.; Kasprzak, P.; Köster, O.; Kraemer, B. M.; Kumagai, M.; Kuusisto, E.; Leshkevich, G.; May, L.; Macintyre, S.; Müller-Navarra, D.; Naumenko, M.; Noges, P.; Noges, T.; Niederhauser, P.; North, R. P.; Paterson, A. M.; Plisnier, P.-D.; Rigosi, A.; Rimmer, A.; Rogora, M.; Rudstam, L.; Rusak, J. A.; Salmaso, N.; Samal, N. R.; Schindler, D. E.; Schladow, G.; Schmidt, S. R.; Schultz, T.; Silow, E. A.; Straile, D.; Teubner, K.; Verburg, P.; Voutilainen, A.; Watkinson, A.; Weyhenmeyer, G. A.; Williamson, C. E.; Woo, K. H.


A global assessment of precipitation chemistry and deposition of sulfur, nitrogen, sea salt, base cations, organic acids, acidity and pH, and phosphorus.

Vet, R.; Artz, R.S.; Carou, S.; Shaw, M.; Ro, C.-U.; Aas, W.; Baker, A.; Bowersox, V.C.; Dentener, F.; Galy-Lacaux, C.; Hou, A.; Pienaar, J.J.; Gillett, R.; Forti, M.C.; Gromov, S.; Hara, H.; Khodzher, T.; Mahowald, N.M, Nickovic, S.; Rao, P.S.P.; Reid, N.W.


A global analysis of climate-relevant aerosol properties retrieved from the network of Global Atmosphere Watch (GAW) near-surface observatories

Laj, Paolo; Bigi, Alessandro; Rose, Clemence; Andrews, Elisabeth; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Coen, Martine Collaud; Lin, Yong; Wiedensohler, Alfred; Schulz, Michael; Ogren, John A.; Fiebig, Markus; Gliss, Jonas; Mortier, Augustin; Pandolfi, Marco; Petäjä, Tuukka; Kim, Sang-Woo; Aas, Wenche; Putaud, Jean-Philippe; Mayol-Bracero, Olga; Keywood, Melita; Labrador, Lorenzo; Aalto, Pasi; Ahlberg, Erik; Arboledas, Lucas Alados; Alastuey, Andrés; Andrade, Marcos; Artiñano, Begoña; Ausmeel, Stina; Arsov, Todor; Asmi, Eija; Backman, John; Baltensprenger, Urs; Bastian, Susanne; Bath, Olaf; Beukes, Johan Paul; Brem, Benjamin T.; Bukowiecki, Nicolas; Conil, Sébastien; Couret, Cedric; Day, Derek; Dayantolis, Wan; Degorska, Anna; Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos; Fetfatzis, Prodromos; Favez, Olivier; Flentje, Harald; Gini, Maria I.; Gregorič, Asta; Gysel-Beer, Martin; Hallar, A. Gannet; Hand, Jenny; Hoffer, András; Hueglin, Christoph; Hooda, Rakesh K.; Hyvärinen, Antti; Kalapov, Ivo; Kalivitis, Nikos; Kasper-Giebl, Anne; Kim, Jeong Eun; Kouvarakis, Giorgos; Kranjc, Irena; Krejci, Radovan; Kulmala, Markku; Labuschagne, Casper; Lee, Hae-Jung; Lihavainen, Heikki; Lin, Neng-Huei; Löschau, Gunter; Luoma, Krista; Marinoni, Angela; Dos Santos, Sebastiao Martins; Meinhardt, Frank; Merkel, Maik; Metzger, Jean-Marc; Mihalopoulos, Nikolaos; Nguyen, Nhat Anh; Ondráček, Jakub; Pérez, Noemi; Perrone, Maria Rita; Petit, Jean-Eudes; Picard, David; Pichon, Jean-Marc; Pont, Veronique; Prats, Natalia; Prenni, Anthony; Reisen, Fabienne; Romano, Salvatore; Sellegri, Karine; Sharma, Sangeeta; Schauer, Gerhard; Sheridan, Patrick; Sherman, James Patrick; Schütze, Maik; Schwerin, Andreas; Sohmer, Ralf; Sorribas, Mar; Steinbacher, Martin; Sun, Junying; Titos, Gloria; Toczko, Barbara


A global analysis of climate-relevant aerosol properties retrieved from the network of GAW near-surface observatories

Laj, Paolo; Rose, Clemence; Bigi, Alessandro; Coen, Martine Collaud; Andrews, Elisabeth; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Fiebig, Markus; Aas, Wenche; Wiedensohler, Alfred; Schulz, Michael; Mortier, Augustin; Gliss, Jonas; Putaud, Jean-Philippe; Kim, Sang-Woo; Mayol, Olga; Keywood, Melita; Petäjä, Tuukka; Pandolfi, Marco; Labrador, Lorenzo; Ogren, John; SARGAN team, The


A GIS based Air Quality Management System. NILU F

Sivertsen, B.; Naseer, A.A.


A geostationary thermal infrared sensor to monitor the lowermost troposphere: O3 and CO retrieval studies.

Claeyman, M.; Attié, J.-L.; Peuch, V.-H.; El Amraoui, L.; Lahoz, W.A.; Josse, B.; Ricaud, P.; von Clarmann, T.; Höpfner, M.; Orphal, J.; Flaud, J.-M.; Edwards, D.P.; Chance, K.; Liu, X.; Pasternak, F.; Cantié, R.


A generic database for earth observation data. The ESA campaign data service.

Vik, A.F.; Krognes, T, Bjørndalsæter, S.; Stoll, C.; Walker, S.E.; Gloslie, B.; Paltiel, R.; Bårde, T.; Våler, R.L.

