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Goats act as a natural measure against forest fires
Photo: Cristina Guerreiro

Stakeholder meeting: Climate Change Adaptation in Vila Nova de Poiares

Portugal, 21st and 22nd March 2022: The project “Climate Change Adaptation in Vila Nova de Poiares” held its second stakeholder meeting with the Norwegian partner NILU – Norwegian Institute for Air Research.

The aim of the meeting was to promote the debate about the measures present in the Climate Change Adaptation Plan of Vila Nova de Poiares, and the exchange of good practices developed by the Norwegian partner NILU.

Good practice visits were carried out of the Municipality of Vila Nova de Poiares, such as: Capril São Miguel; Charca de S. Miguel; Quinta da Moenda; Condominiums Project of Aldeia, Ribas and Fonte Longa and the hoisting of the eco-schools’ flag 2020-2021.

This project aims to reinforce the strategy of Vila Nova de Poiares – continuous and integrated – and its ultimate goal is to minimize and prevent extreme weather events.

Workshop in Vila Nova
Workshop meeting in Vila Nova, Portugal.