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Air quality plan for improved air quality in Bergen.

Høiskar, B. A. H.; Sundvor, I.; Johnsrud, M.; Haug, T. W.; Solli, H.

Publication details

Series: NILU rapport 15/2017

Publisher: NILU

Year: 2017

ISBN: 978-82-425-2886-5

Files: Tiltaksutredning for lokal luftkvalitet i Bergen - Kortversjon (pdf)
Assessment of measures to improve local air quality in Bergen - Abridged version (pdf)
NILU rapport 15/2017 (pdf)
Notat - Korrigerte tall for svevestøv - PM10 og PM (November 2017) (pdf)

Summary: The air quality plan will help to reduce the air pollution to a level that meets the requirements of the pollution regulations. This revised action plan includes air quality calculations for Bergen for NO2, PM10 and PM2.5 for the present situation (2015) and scenario calculations for the year 2021 following a business as usual (BAU) emission scenario. Mitigation scenario calculations of air quality in 2021, with the introduction of a new set of measures to control pollution levels Bergen, were also carried out. Based on the results of the calculations and in dialogue with Bergen municipality and stakeholders, a revised 10-point action program has been proposed to be addressed politically.