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Found 214 publications. Showing page 3 of 9:


Development of an Indicator to Reflect the Specificities of Habitat and Ecosystems in Chemical Risk Assessment

Andres, Sandrine; Kotschik, Pia; Malherbe, Laure; Carré, Aurélien; Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie; Halvorsen, Helene Lunder; Balde, Mamadou-Bailo; Nipen, Maja; Arts, Gertie H.; Vuaille, Jeanne; Trier, Xenia


Leaching of Organic Compounds from Microrubber Under Conditions Simulating the Sea Surface and the Deep Sea

Schmidt, Natascha; Herzke, Dorte; Garel, Marc; Foscari, Aurelio Giovanni; Seiwert, Bettina; Reemtsma, Thorsten; Tamburini, Christian; Sempere, Richard


Considerations for Designing an Antarctica Monitoring Program for Cyclic Volatile Methylsiloxanes (cVMS)

Durham, Jeremy; McNett, Debra; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Xu, Shihe; Plotzke, Kathleen


Supramolecular Solvent-Based Extraction Method for the Determination of a Wide Range of Legacy and Emerging Environmental Contaminants in Indoor Dust

Marcinekova, Paula; Martinelli, Erika; Melymuk, Lisa; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Rostkowski, Pawel


Plastic ingestion by fulmar fledglings from Svalbard

Collard, France; Benjaminsen, Stine Charlotte; Herzke, Dorte; Husabø, Eirin; Tulatz, Felix; Sagerup, Kjetil; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing


Plastic ingestion and associated additives in Faroe Islands chicks of the Northern Fulmar Fulmarus glacialis

Collard, France; Leconte, Simon; Danielsen, Johannis; Halsband, Claudia; Herzke, Dorte; Harju, Mikael; Tulatz, Felix; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing; Tarroux, Arnaud


Plastic burdens in northern fulmars from Svalbard: looking back 25 years

Collard, France; Bangjord, Georg; Herzke, Dorte; Gabrielsen, Geir Wing


An integrated tool for the screening of fate, persistence and long-range transport of organic chemicals

Sangion, Alessandro; Breivik, Knut; Toose, Liisa; Armitage, James M; Wania, Frank; Arnot, Jon A.


Are Ingredients of Personal Care Products Likely to Undergo Long Range Transport to Remote Regions?

D'Amico, Marianna; Frank, Wania; Breivik, Knut; Gambaro, Andrea; Vecchiato, Marco


Screening chemicals for POP-like long range transport behavior

Breivik, Knut; McLachlan, Michael S.; Frank, Wania


Impact of the Pacific sector sea ice loss on the sudden stratospheric warming characteristics

Zhang, Jiarong; Orsolini, Yvan Joseph Georges Emile G.; Limpasuvan, Varavut


A First Estimate of Present and Future Shortwave Radiative Forcing due to Tyre and Brake Wear Microplastics

Kylling, Arve; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Eckhardt, Sabine; Stohl, Andreas


Constraining black carbon emissions from wildfires and anthropogenic sources at contrasting Canadian sites

Lynch, Jada; Huang, Lin; Zhang, Wendy; Eckhardt, Sabine; Chang, Rachel


Trends and Inferred Emissions of Atmospheric Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) in East Asia

Choi, Haklim; Redington, Alison; Park, Hyeri; Kim, Jooil; Thompson, Rona Louise; Kim, Yeaseul; Muhle, Jens; Salameh, Peter K.; Harth, Christina M.; Weiss, Ray F. ; Manning, Alistair J.; Park, Sunyoung


Impact of Eurasian autumn snow on the winter North Atlantic Oscillation in seasonal forecasts of the 20th century

Wegmann, Martin; Orsolini, Yvan J.; Weisheimer, Antje; van den Hurk, Bert; Lohmann, Gerrit


A Systematic Review of plastic analytical protocols and Reproducible Analytical Pipelines

Aliani, Stefano; Suaria, Giuseppe; Herzke, Dorte; De Witte, Bavo P.; Primpke, Sebastian; Nikiforov, Vladimir; Strand, Jakob; Da Silva, Vitor; Lusher, Amy Lorraine


Microplastics in the atmosphere and cryosphere in the circumpolar North: A case for multi-compartment monitoring

Hamilton, Bonnie M.; Jantunen, Liisa; Bergmann, Melanie; Vorkamp, Katrin; Aheme, Julian; Magnusson, Kerstin; Herzke, Dorte; Granberg, Maria; Hallanger, Ingeborg G.; Gomiero, Alessio; Peeken, Ilka


Monitoring of microplastics: Microplastics in Norwegian coastal areas, rivers, lakes, and air (MIKRONOR)

Lusher, Amy Lorraine; Bråte, Inger Lise Nerland; Singdahl-Larsen, Cecilie; Consolaro, Chiara; Hjelset, Sverre; Lund, Espen; Buenaventura, Nina Tuscano; Hurley, Rachel; Rødland, Elisabeth Strandbråten; Herzke, Dorte; Van Bavel, Albert


Plastics as a carrier of chemical additives to the Arctic: Possibilities for strategic monitoring across the circumpolar North

Hamilton, Bonnie M.; Baak, Julia E.; Vorkamp, Katrin; Hammer, Sjúrður; Granberg, Maria; Herzke, Dorte; Provencher, Jennifer F.


Characterisation of cumulative risk of contaminants to organisms exposed to stormwater in Oslo, Norway

Ruus, Anders; Xie, Li; Wolf, Raoul; Petersen, Karina; Færgestad, E. M.; Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie; Harju, Mikael; Tollefsen, Knut-Erik


Characterisation of cumulative risk of pollutants to marine organisms in Sørfjorden, Norway

Petersen, Karina; Xie, Li; Wolf, Raoul; Ruus, Anders; Færgestad, E. M.; Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie; Harju, Mikael; Tollefsen, Knut-Erik


Characterisation of cumulative risk of contaminants to organisms exposed to stormwater in Oslo, Norway

Ruus, Anders; Xie, Li; Wolf, Raoul; Petersen, Karina; Færgestad, E. M.; Heimstad, Eldbjørg Sofie; Harju, Mikael; Tollefsen, Knut-Erik

