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Núria Castell

Senior Scientist

+47 63 89 82 54

Urban Environment and Industry


Núria Castell

Núria Castell, Senior Scientist at NILU, is the coordinator of the Technology and Society group, leading national and international research projects focused on the uptake and validation of novel sensor technologies and the integration of citizen observations in policy and research.

She is currently coordinating the Horizon Europe CitiObs project, aiming at enhancing Citizen Observatories for urban environmental monitoring in 85 cities in Europe.

Núria’s academic pursuits encompass a wide-ranging spectrum of fields, including sustainable urban development, citizen science, environmental governance, planetary health, urban living labs experimentation and the intersection of science and art.

Núria also holds the position of co-chair of the Citizen Science Global Partnership group on Scaling-up citizen science Air-quality monitoring and the European Citizen Science Association‘s working group on air quality.

Núria Castell has 181 publications at NILU:

Advancing Air Quality Awareness and Action: Insights from the SOCIO-BEE Project on Community-Based Monitoring

Hassani, Amirhossein; Kyfonidis, Charalampos; Casado Mansilla, Diego; Salamalikis, Vasileios; Kotzagianni, Maria; Roussos, Anargyros; Castell, Nuria; Udina, Sergi; Morresi, Nicole; Casccia, Sara; Revel, Gian Marco; Angelis, Georgios-Fotios; Emvoliadis, Alexandros; Theodorou, Traianos-Ioannis; Karanassos, Dimitrios; Kopsacheilis, Evangelos; Drosou, Anastasios; Tzovaras, Dimitrios; Lopez, Carlos; Lisbona, Daniel



Enhancing Air Quality Monitoring with a Multi-Step Data Quality Framework for Low-Cost Sensors

Hassani, Amirhossein; Castell, Nuria; Schneider, Philipp; Salamalikis, Vasileios; Shetty, Shobitha


Air quality and transport behaviour: sensors, field, and survey data from Warsaw, Poland

Hassani, Amirhossein; Nicińska, Anna; Drabicki, Arkadiusz; Zawojska, Ewa; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Kula, Grzegorz; Grythe, Henrik; Zawieska, Jakub; Jaczewska, Joanna; Rachubik, Joanna; Archanowicz-Kudelska, Katarzyna; Zagorska, Katarzyna; Grzenda, Maciej; Kubecka, Magdalena; Luckner, Marcin; Jakubczyk, Michał; Wolański, Michał; Castell, Nuria; Gora, Paweł; Skedsmo, Pål Wilter; Rożynek, Satia; Horosiewicz, Szymon


Understanding thermal comfort expectations in older adults: The role of long-term thermal history

Hassani, Amirhossein; Jancewicz, Barbara; Wrotek, Malgorzata; Chwałczyk, Franciszek; Castell, Nuria


Simultaneous analysis of indoor and outdoor PM2.5 in Legionowo, Poland

Salamalikis, Vasileios; Hassani, Amirhossein; Castell, Nuria


A machine learning-based framework for decision-ready PM2.5 mapping using mobile low-cost sensors

Hassani, Amirhossein; Castell, Nuria; Salamalikis, Vasileios; Schneider, Philipp


Are parents driving air pollution at schools?

Grythe, Henrik; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Castell, Nuria


Reassessing the role of urban green space in air pollution control

Venter, Zander; Hassani, Amirhossein; Stange, Erik; Schneider, Philipp; Castell, Nuria


Deployment and evaluation of network of open low-cost air quality sensor systems

Dauge, Franck Rene; Schneider, Philipp; Vogt, Matthias; Haugen, Rolf; Hassani, Amirhossein; Castell, Nuria; Bartonova, Alena


Agency and responsibility in smart air pollution monitoring

Ekman, Karin; Ponti, Marisa; Grau, Marc Peñalver; Castell, Nuria; Steffansen, Rasmus Nedergård; Lissandrello, Enza


Citizen Science for Environmental Governance in the Nordic Region

Castell, Nuria; Ponti, Marisa; Ekman, Karin; Watne, Ågot K.


Deployment and Evaluation of Networks of Open Air Quality Sensor Systems – Experiences from deployments in Stavanger and Oslo

Schneider, Philipp; Vogt, Matthias; Haugen, Rolf; Hassani, Amirhossein; Castell, Nuria; Peters, Jan; Yatkin, Sinan; Gerboles, Michel; Matheeussen, Christina; Davila, Silvije; Signorini, Marco; Dauge, Franck Rene; Skaar, Jøran Solnes; Bartonova, Alena


Low-cost sensors and Machine Learning aid in identifying environmental factors affecting particulate matter emitted by household heating

Hassani, Amirhossein; Bykuć, Sebastian; Schneider, Philipp; Zawadzki, Paweł; Chaja, Patryk; Castell, Nuria


Urban Living Labs for Healthy and People-Centered Cities: A Nordic Model

Steffansen, Rasmus Nedergård; Lissandrello, Enza; Castell, Nuria


Low-Cost Particulate Matter Sensors for Monitoring Residential Wood Burning

Hassani, Amirhossein; Schneider, Philipp; Vogt, Matthias; Castell, Nuria


Deployment and Evaluation of a Network of Open Low-Cost Air Quality Sensor Systems

Schneider, Philipp; Vogt, Matthias; Haugen, Rolf; Hassani, Amirhossein; Castell, Nuria; Dauge, Franck Rene; Bartonova, Alena


Multisensory Representation of Air Pollution in Virtual Reality: Lessons from Visual Representation

Pochwatko, Grzegorz; Swidrak, Justyna; Kopec, Wieslaw; Jedrzejewski, Zbigniew; Feledyn, Agata; Vogt, Matthias; Castell, Nuria; Zagorska, Katarzyna


Assessing air pollution from wood burning using low-cost sensors and citizen science

Castell, Nuria; Vogt, Matthias; Schneider, Philipp; Grossberndt, Sonja


Calibration of CO, NO2, and O3 Using Airify: A Low-Cost Sensor Cluster for Air Quality Monitoring

Ionascu, Marian-Emanuel; Castell, Nuria; Boncalo, Oana; Schneider, Philipp; Darie, Marius; Marcu, Marius


Tackling Data Quality When Using Low-Cost Air Quality Sensors in Citizen Science Projects

Watne, Ågot K.; Linden, Jenny; Willhelmsson, Jens; Fridén, Håkan; Gustafsson, Malin; Castell, Nuria


An update on low-cost sensors for the measurement of atmospheric composition

Peltier, Richard E.; Castell, Nuria; Clements, Andrea L.; Dye, Tim; Hüglin, Christoph; Kroll, Jesse H.; Lung, Shih-Chun Candice; Ning, Zhi; Parsons, Matthew; Penza, Michèle; Reisen, Fabienne; Scheidemesser, Erika von; Arfire, Adrian; Boso, Àlex; Fu, Qingyan; Hagan, David; Henshaw, Geoff; Jayaratne, Rohan; Jones, Roderic; Kelly, Kerry; Kilaru, Vasu; Mead, Iq; Morawska, Lidia; Papale, Dario; Polidori, Andrea; Querol, Xavier; Seddon, Jessica; Schneider, Philipp; Tarasova, Oksana; Yu, Alfred LC; Zellweger, Christoph


Implementing Citizen Science in Primary Schools: Engaging Young Children in Monitoring Air Pollution

Castell, Nuria; Grossberndt, Sonja; Gray, Laura; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Skaar, Jøran Solnes; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad


Trenger du egentlig en inneklimasensor?

Castell, Nuria (interview subject); Åserud, Rikke (journalist)


Ren luft for alle. ExtraStiftelsen project 2019/HE1-263918.

Castell, Nuria; Grossberndt, Sonja; Gray, Laura; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad


Engaging citizens in improving air quality and designing healthy and people-centred cities. The NordicPATH project in Scandinavia.

Castell, Nuria; Grossberndt, Sonja; Lissandrello, Enza; Steffansen, Rasmus; Morelli, Nicola; Linden, Jenny; Segura, Marta; Ekman, Karin; Ponti, Marisa; Broberg, Anna


Introducing citizen science air quality monitoring projects in elementary schools in Norway

Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura; Grossberndt, Sonja; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad


Encounters in Citizen Science (keynote speech)

Castell, Nuria; Sherson, Jacob; Michelucci, Pietro; Mayer, Katja


Public Perception of Urban Air Quality Using Volunteered Geographic Information Services

Grossberndt, Sonja; Schneider, Philipp; Liu, Hai-Ying; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Castell, Nuria; Syropoulou, Panagiota; Bartonova, Alena


Cheaper air quality sensors arrived just in time for the climate catastrophe

Castell, Nuria (interview subject); Calma, Justine (journalist)


Air quality mitigation in European cities: Status and challenges ahead

Viana, Mar; de Leeuw, Frank; Bartonova, Alena; Castell, Nuria; Öztürk, Evrim Dogan; Ortiz, Alberto González


Toward a unified terminology of processing levels for low-cost air-quality sensors

Schneider, Philipp; Bartonova, Alena; Castell, Nuria; Dauge, Franck Rene; Gerboles, Michel; Hagler, Gayle S. W.; Huglin, Christoph; Jones, Roderic L.; Khan, Sean; Lewis, Alastair C.; Mijling, Bas; Müller, Michael; Penza, Michele; Spinelle, Laurent; Stacey, Brian; Vogt, Matthias; Wesseling, Joost; Williams, Ronald W.


Mapping urban air quality using low-cost sensor networks

Schneider, Philipp; Castell, Nuria; Bartonova, Alena


Networks of air quality sensors and their use for high-resolution mapping of urban air quality

Schneider, Philipp; Castell, Nuria; Hamer, Paul David; Walker, Sam-Erik; Bartonova, Alena


On the robustness of field calibration for smart air quality monitors

De Vito, Saverio; Esposito, Elena; Castell, Nuria; Schneider, Philipp; Bartonova, Alena


Opportunities and barriers for microsensor systems for air quality: practical experiences from Oslo

Bartonova, Alena; Castell, Nuria; Schneider, Philipp; Dauge, Franck Rene; Grossberndt, Sonja; Lepioufle, Jean-Marie; Liu, Hai-Ying; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad


Air pollution: can subjective perception be related to objective measures?

Bartonova, Alena; Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria


Citizens and sensors for air quality. NILU’s activities 2012-2019.

Bartonova, Alena; Castell, Nuria; Dauge, Franck Rene; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Grossberndt, Sonja; Liu, Hai-Ying; Schneider, Philipp


Air quality and public perception in Belgrade

Jovasevic-Stojanovic, Milena; Davidovic, Milos; Lazovic, Ivan; Zivkovic, M.; Topalovic, Dusan; Jovanovic, Maja; Castell, Nuria; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Liu, Hai-Ying; Bartonova, Alena


Innovative environmental monitoring for Norwegian municipalities using low-cost sensor networks. The iFLINK project.

Castell, Nuria; Dauge, Franck Rene; Grossberndt, Sonja; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad; Lahoz, William A.; Lepioufle, Jean-Marie; Logna, Robert; Schneider, Philipp; Vallejo, Islen; Vogt, Matthias; Bartonova, Alena


Can low-cost air quality sensor platforms help to build healthier cities?

Castell, Nuria; Schneider, Philipp; Vogt, Matthias; Dauge, Franck Rene; Lahoz, William A.; Grossberndt, Sonja; Bartonova, Alena


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Det er noe i luften

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria


Urban Air Quality Perception

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Schneider, Philipp; Bartonova, Alena


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria


Low cost sensor systems for air quality assessment. Possibilities and challenges.

Bartonova, Alena; Castell, Nuria; Colette, Augustin; Schneider, Philipp; Viana, Mar; Voogt, Marita; Weijers, Ernie; Wesseling, Joost; Blokhuis, Christa; Malherbe, Laure; Spinelle, Laurent; Gonzalez-Ortiz, Alberto


El escarabajo verde – Ciudades

Castell, Nuria; Tarrasón, Leonor (interview subjects)


Low-cost air quality sensors and their use for urban-scale modelling

Schneider, Philipp; Liu, Hai-Ying; Castell, Nuria; Hamer, Paul David; Vogt, Matthias; Dauge, Franck Rene; Bartonova, Alena


Urban particulate matter: technologies for assessment and need for information

Bartonova, Alena; Castell, Nuria; Dauge, Franck Rene; Grossberndt, Sonja; Schneider, Philipp


Toward a Unified Terminology of Processing Levels for Low-Cost Air-Quality Sensors

Schneider, Philipp; Bartonova, Alena; Castell, Nuria; Dauge, Franck Rene; Gerboles, Michel; Hagler, Gayle S. W.; Huglin, C.; Jones, Roderic L.; Khan, Sean; Lewis, Alastair C.; Mijling, Bas; Müller, Michael; Penza, Michèle; Spinelle, Laurent; Stacey, Brian; Vogt, Matthias; Wesseling, Joost; Williams, Ronald W.


Using low-cost air quality sensors for personal exposure assessment

Schneider, Philipp; Castell, Nuria; Bartonova, Alena


Mapping urban air quality using a network of low-cost sensors: A data assimilation approach

Schneider, Philipp; Castell, Nuria; Bartonova, Alena; Lahoz, William A.


Assessment of air quality microsensors versus reference methods: The EuNetAir Joint Exercise – Part II

Borrego, Carlos; Ginja, Joao; Coutinho, Miguel; Ribeiro, Clara; Karatzas, Kostas; Sioumis, Th.; Katsifarakis, Nikos; Konstantinidis, Konstantinos; De Vito, Saverio; Esposito, Elena; Salvato, Maria; Smith, Paul D.; Andre, Nicolas; Gerard, Pierre; Francis, Laurent Alain; Castell, Nuria; Schneider, Philipp; Viana, Mar; Minguillón, María Cruz; Reimringer, Wolfhard; Otjes, Rene; von Sicard, Oliver; Pohle, Roland; Elen, Bart; Suriano, Domenico; Pfister, Valerio; Prato, Mario; Dipinto, S.; Penza, Michèle


Can low-cost air quality sensors help to monitor air pollution in cities?

Castell, Nuria; Schneider, Philipp; Vogt, Matthias; Dauge, Franck Rene; Lahoz, William A.; Bartonova, Alena


The role of citizen science data in air quality research data management and sharing

Castell, Nuria; Bartonova, Alena; Grossberndt, Sonja; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad


Assessing the Relocation Robustness of on Field Calibrations for Air Quality Monitoring Devices

Esposito, E; Salvato, M; De Vito, S.; Fattoruso, G; Castell, Nuria; Karatzas, K.; Francia, G Di


A network of low-cost air quality sensors and its use for mapping urban air quality

Schneider, Philipp; Castell, Nuria; Dauge, Franck Rene; Vogt, Matthias; Lahoz, William A.; Bartonova, Alena


Localized real-time information on outdoor air quality at kindergartens in Oslo, Norway using low-cost sensor nodes

Castell, Nuria; Schneider, Philipp; Grossberndt, Sonja; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Vogt, Matthias; Bartonova, Alena


Urban particulate matter: Technologies for assessment and need for information.

Bartonova, A.; Castell, N.; Dauge, F. R.; Grossberndt. S.; Schneider, P.


PM data from sensors: the CITI-SENSE (2012-2016) experience.

Bartonova, A.; Castell N.; Schneider P. .


CITI-SENSE: Experience after the project end.

Bartonova, A.; Castell, N.; Dauge, F. R.; Fredriksen, M. F.; Grossberndt, S.; Høiskar, B. A. K.; Lahoz, W.; Liu, H. Y.; Schneider, S.


Public empowerment in air quality monitoring. A critical example.

Grossberndt, S.; Castell, N.; Fredriksen, M.; Bartonova, A.


Can low-cost air quality sensor platforms help to build healthier cities?

Castell, N.; Schneider, P.; Vogt, M.; Dauge, F.R.; Lahoz, W.; Grossberndt, S.; Bartonova, A.


Det er noe i luften.

Grossberndt, S.; Castell, N, Dauge, F. R.; Schneider, P.; Bartonova, A.


The potential of low-cost sensor networks for monitoring and modelling urban air quality.

Schneider, P.; Castell, N.; Dauge, F. R.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.


Monitoring urban air quality using a high-density network of low-cost sensor nodes in Oslo, Norway.

Castell, N.; Schneider, P.; Vogt, M.; Dauge, F. R.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.


Mapping urban air quality in real-time: Applications of crowdsourced microsensor data.

Schneider, P.; Castell, N.; Vogt, M.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.


NILU’s Strategic Institute Initiatives (SIS) 2016.

Aas, W.; Rundén-Pran, E.; Breivik, K.; Sundseth, K.; Høiskar, B. A.; Platt, S.; Castell, N.; Schlabach, M.


Laboratory and field evaluation of a low-cost commercial sensor platform in Oslo, Norway.

Castell, N.; Dauge, F. R.; Schneider, P.; Vogt, M.; Bartonova, A.


Can commercial low-cost sensor platforms contribute to air quality monitoring and exposure estimates?

Castell, N.; Dauge, F.R.; Schneider, P.; Vogt, M.; Lerner, U.; Fishbain, B.; Broday, D.; Bartonova, A.


An evaluation tool kit of air quality micro-sensing units.

Fishbain, B.; Lerner, U.; Castell, N.; Cole-Hunter, T.; Popoola, O.; Broday, D.M.; Iñiguez, T.M.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Jovasevic-Stojanovic, M.; Topalovic, D.; Jones, R.L.; Galea, K.S.; Etzion, Y.; Kizel, F.; Golumbic, Y.N.; Baram-Tsabari, A.; Yacobi, T.; Drahler, D.; Robinson, J.A.; Kocman, D.; Horvat, M.; Svecova, V.; Arpaci, A.; Bartonova, A.


Noise in Europe 2017: updated assessment.

Blanes, N.; Fons, J.; Houthuijs, D.; Swart, W.; de la Maza, M. S.; Ramos, M. J.; Castell, N.; van Kampen, E.


Can low-cost sensors contribute to air quality assessment and citizen science?

Castell, N.; Lerner, U.; Fishbain, B.; Dauge, F. R.; Schneider, P.; Vogt, M.; Bartonova, A.


Comparison of air quality and public perception data collected within Citizens’ Observatories tools for Citi-sense project studies in Belgrade and Oslo.

Jovaševic-Stojanovic, M.; Castell, N.; Topalovic, D.; Davidovic, M.; Schneider, P.; Lazovic, I.; Liu, H.-Y.; Bartonova, A.


Artificial intelligence models for calibration of low-cost electrochemical sensors in high-density air pollution monitoring networks.

Topalovic, D.B.; Ristovski, Z.; Bartonova, A.; Castell, N.; Davidovic, M.; Jovaševic-Stojanovic, M.


CTT 2.0 Carbon Track and Trace, NILUs know-how and experience from previous research activities.

Sundseth, K.; Castell, N.; Marsteen, L.; Dauge, F.R.; Ødegård, R.; Driscoll, P.; Anthonisen, F.; Vesterkjær, A.


Mapping urban air quality using low-cost sensors: Opportunities and challenges.

Schneider, P.; Castell, N.; Lahoz, W.; Vallejo, I.; Bartonova, A.


CITI-SENSE: from sensor technology to citizen engagement.

Castell, N.; Grossberndt, S.; Schneider, P.; Bartonova, A.


Engaging schoolchildren in understanding the indoor environment using citizen science.

Robinson, J.A.; Crawford, J.; Golumbic, Y.N, Høiskar, B.A.K.; Holøs, S.B.; Jovaševic-Stojanovic, M.; Topalovic, D.; Davidovic, M.; Kocman, D.; Castell, N.; Bartonova, A.


Assessment of air quality microsensors versus reference methods: The EuNetAir joint exercise.

Borrego, C.; Costa, A.M.; Ginja, J.; Amorim, M.; Coutinho, M.; Karatzas, K.; Sioumis, T.; Katsifarakis, N.; Konstantinidis, K.; De Vito, S.; Esposito, E.; Smith, P.; André, N.; Gérard, P.; Francis, L.A.; Castell, N.; Schneider, P.; Viana, M.; Minguillón, M.C.; Reimringer, W.; Otjes, R.P.; Sicard, O.V.; Pohle, R.; Elen, B.; Suriano, D.; Pfister, V.; Prato, M.; Dipinto, S.; Penza, M.


Citizens and air quality: do the information supply and demand match?

Bartonova, A.; Grossberndt, S.; Castell, N.; Schneider, P.; Lahoz, W.; Fredriksen, M.; Liu, H.-Y.; Citi-Sense Consortium, Keune, H.


Personal and public perception of air quality in eight European cities: the CITI-SENSE Citizens’ Observatory Toolbox.

Cole-Hunter, T.; Santiago, L.; Arpaci, A.; Broday, D.; Castell, N.; Galea, K.; Jovasevic-Stojanovic, M.; Martinez, T.; Robinson, J.; Svecova, V.; Keune, H.; Hurley, F.; Liu, H.-Y.; Berre, A.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Bartonova, A.


Visualising and evaluating objective citizen-contributed environmental information: the CITI-SENSE Citizens’ Observatory Toolbox.

Cole-Hunter, T.; Santiago, L.; Arpaci, A.; Broday, D.; Castell, N.; Galea, K.; Jovasevic-Stojanovic, M.; Martinez, T.; Robinson, J.; Svecova, V.; Keune, H.; Hurley, F.; Liu, H.-Y.; Berre, A.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Bartonova, A.


Towards crowd-sourced air quality and physical activity monitoring by a low-cost mobile platform.

Yang, B.; Castell, N.; Pei, J.; Du, Y.; Gebremedhin, A.; Kirkevold, Ø.


Public air quality information and perception in eight cities: the CITI-SENSE empowerment initiative.

Cole-Hunter, T.; Berre, A.; Castell, N.; Fredriksen, M.F.; Robinson, J.; Santiago, L.; Lahoz, W.; Liu, H.-Y.; Martinez, T.; Schneider, P.; CITI-SENSE consortium, Aivalioti, S.; Grossberndt, S.; Keune, H.; Hurley, F.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Bartonova, A.


CityAir app: Mapping air-quality perception using people as sensors.

Castell, N.; Fredriksen, M.; Cole-Hunter, T.; Robinson, J.; Keune, H.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Bartonova, A.


Uncertainty in air quality observations using low-cost sensors.

Castell, N.; Dauge, F.R.; Dongol, R.; Vogt, M.; Schneider, P.


Uncertainty in mapping urban air quality using crowdsourcing techniques.

Schneider, P.; Castell, N.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.; the CITI-SENSE Consortium Team.


Exploiting crowdsourced observations: High-resolution mapping of real-time urban air quality throughout Europe.

Schneider, P.; Castell, N.; Vallejo, I.; van den Bossche, J.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.; the CITI-SENSE Consortium Team.


Modelling of arsenic aerosol in South-West Spain.

Milford, C.; Marrero, C.; Sánchez de la Campa, A.; Fernández-Camacho, R.; Bustos, J.J.; Rodríguez, S.; Castell, N.; De la Rosa, J.; Stein, A.F.


Can floating car data help improving traffic emissions estimates?

Castell, N.; Vogt, M.; Thanh, D. Vo, Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Sundvor, I.


Black carbon aerosol measurements and simulation in two ci ties in south-west Spain.

Milford, C.; Fernández-Camacho, R.; de la Campa, A.M.S.; Rodríguez, S.; Castell, N.; Marrero, C.; Bustos, J.J.; de la Rosa, J.D.; Stein, A.F.


Modeling and evaluation of urban pollution events of atmospheric heavy metals from a large Cu-smelter.

Chen, B.; Stein, A.F.; Castell, N.; Gonzalez-Castanedo, Y.; de la Campa, A.M.S.; de la Rosa, J.D.


CITI-SENSE. Citizens’ observatories – version 1. Deliverable D4.3.

Liu, H.-Y. (eds.) Bartonova, A.; Berre, A.; Broday, D.; Castell, N.; Cole-Hunter, T.; Fredriksen, M.F.; Grossberndt, S.; Høiskar, B.A.; Holøs, S.B.; Kobernus, M.; Keune, H.; Liu, H.-Y.; Robinson, J.; Santiago, L.; Soloaga, I.A.


High-resolution mapping of urban air quality using low-cost sensors.

Schneider, P.; Castell, N.; Van den Bossche, J.; Lahoz, W.


Making visible the invisible: communicating air quality.

Castell, N.; Noll, J.; Fayyad, S.; Fredriksen, M.F.; Schneider, P.; Liu, H.-Y.; Lahoz, W.


Estimating personal exposure to air pollution – can wearable low-cost sensors help?

Castell, N.; Liu, H.-Y.; Schneider, P.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.


Towards a personalized environmental health information service using low-cost sensors and crowdsourcing.

Castell, N.; Liu, H.-Y.; Schneider, P.; Cole-Hunter, T.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.


Mobile technologies and services for environmental monitoring: The Citi-Sense-MOB approach.

Castell, N.; Kobernus, M.; Liu, H.-Y.; Schneider, P.; Lahoz, W.; Berre, A.J.; Noll, J.


Citi-Sense MOB. Provisioning of social media platform.

Liu, H.-Y.; Kobernus, M.; Castell, N.; Cagatay, E.


The use of micro-sensors in air quality monitoring.

Castell, N.; Viana, M.; Minguillón, M.C.; Guerreiro, C.B.; Querol, X.


Can low-cost air quality sensors help citizens to create smart cities?

Castell, N.; Liu, H.-Y.; Kobernus, M.; Schneider, P.; Lahoz, W.; Grossberndt, S.; Bartonova, A.


Fighting air pollution: people can help.

Castell, N.; Liu, H.-Y.; Kobernus, M.; Schneider, P.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.


Citi-Sense-MOB. Conceptual services design document.

Liu, H.-Y. (eds.) Berre, A.J.; Cagatay, E.; Liu, H.-Y.; Noll, J.; Kobernus, M.; Castell, N.; Fayyad, S.; Khattak, W.


Measurements and modelling of black carbon in two cities in south-west Spain.

Milford, C.; Fernández-Camacho, R.; Sánchez de la Campa, A.; Rodríguez, S.; Castell, N.; Marrero, C.; De la Rosa, J.; Stein, A.F.


Building and evaluating sensor-based Citizens’ Observatories for improving quality of life in cities.

Castell, N.; Lahoz, W.; Schneider, P.; Hoiskar, B.A.; Grossberndt, S.; Naderer, C.; Robinson, J.; Kocman, D.; Horvat, M.; Bartonova, A.


Air quality forecasting and information towards public demonstrated in Wuhan, Hubei province, China.

Liu, L.; Svendby, T.M.; Hak, C.; Solberg, S.; Vo, D.T.; Schneider, P.; Slørdal, L.H.; Castell, N.; Vallejo, I.


Uncertainties in assessing the environmental impact of amine emissions from a CO2 capture plant.

Karl, M.; Castell, N.; Simpson, D.; Solberg, S.; Starrfelt, J.; Svendby, T.; Walker, S.-E.; Wright, R.F.


Citi-Sense-MOB: Monitoring air quality on mobile platforms.

Castell, N.; Berre, A.; Dauge, F.R.; Fredriksen, M.F.; Gandal, R.; Kobernus, M.; Noll, J.


Real-world application of new sensor technologies for air quality monitoring.

Castell, N.; Viana, M.; Minguillon, M.C.; Guerreiro, C.; Querol, X.


Air implementation pilot- Lessons learnt from the implementation of air quality legislation at urban level.

González Ortiz, A.; Mourelatou, A.; Schilling J.; Verheye, T.; Brockett, S.; Buzica, D.; Arduino G.; de Wilt W.; Castell, N.; Nagl, C.; Malherbe, L.; de Leeuw, F.; Targa, J.; Viana, M.; Döring, U.; Rouïl, L.; Guerreiro, C.; Tarrasón, L.


Air implementation pilot: Workshop on measures, Copenhagen, February 27th 2013.

Viana, M.; Castell, N.; Doering, U.; de Leeuw, F.; Malherbe, L.; Nagl, C.; Rouil, L.; Guerreiro, C.; Ruyssenaars, P.; Ortiz, A.G.


Air implementation pilot: Assessing the modelling activities.

Castell, N.; Denby, B.R.; Guerreiro, C.


Road traffic’s contribution to air quality in European cities.

Sundvor, I.; Castell Balaguer, N.; Viana, M.; Querol, X.; Reche, C.; Amato, F.; Mellios, G.; Guerreiro, C.


Progressing to cleaner air: Evaluating non-attainment areas.

de Leeuw, F.; Ruyssenaars, P.; Castell, N.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.


Measurements and simulation of speciated PM2.5 in south-west Europe.

Milford, C.; Castell, N.; Marrero, C.; Rodríguez, S.; Sánchez de la Campa, A.M.; Fernández-Camacho, R.; de la Rosa, J.; Stein, A.F.


CITI-SENSE: Development of a sensor-based citizens’ observatory community for improving quality of life in cities.

Castell-Balaguer, N.; Bartonova, A.; Grossberndt, S.; Lahoz, W.; Schneider, P.; Vik, A.


Modelling PM2.5 chemical composition with CAMx in Southwest Spain.

Milford, C.; Castell.; N.; Marrero, C.; Sánchez de la Campa, A.; Fernández-Camacho, R.; Rodríguez, S.; de la Rosa, J.D.; Stein, A.F.


Modelling of secondary aerosols in urban and rural areas of southwest Spain.

Milford, C.; Castell, N.; Marrero, C.; Sánchez de la Campa, A.; Fernández-Camacho, R.; Rodriguez, S.; De la Rosa, J.; Stein, A.


Air quality impact assessment, Maria Gleta Power Plant, Benin.

Sivertsen, B.; Liu, L.; Castell Balaguer, N.


Identification of chemical and biological determinants, their sources, and strategies to promote healthier homes in Europe (INQUIRE)

Enabling homes to realise zero pollution holds multiple health benefits for all Europeans – especially our children. This is the goal of the EU-funded INQUIRE project. It will provide the knowledge, […]

Project period: 2022 – 2027


Nordic participatory, healthy and people-centred cities (nordicPATH)

NordicPATH’s overall objective is to establish a new model for citizens’ participation and collaborative planning in Nordic countries to create healthy and people-centred cities. The project is tackling complex environmental […]

Project period: 2020 – 2023


Innovativ administration of air and environment in Norwegian municipalities (iFLINK)

The iFLINK project shall facilitate for monitoring AQ at many different places at low costs. Scientists working in the project will develop and use new calibration and visualization methods based […]

Project period: 2019 – 2021


Air quality profiling using low-cost gas and particle sensors (Airify)

Airify is an industrial innovation project where NILU will contribute to evaluate the performance of novel low-cost sensor systems developed by LASTING Software. During the project we will test Airify […]

Project period: 2020 – 2021


Development of sensor-based Citizens’ Observatory Community for improving quality of life in cities (CITI-SENSE)

The CITI-SENSE project developed and tested components of environmental monitoring and information systems based on innovative and novel Earth Observation capabilities. The applications focused on the citizens’ immediate environment regarding […]

Project period: 2012 – 2016


Núria Castell, Senior Scientist at NILU, is the coordinator of the Technology and Society group, leading national and international research projects focused on the uptake and validation of novel sensor technologies and the integration of citizen observations in policy and research.

She is currently coordinating the Horizon Europe CitiObs project, aiming at enhancing Citizen Observatories for urban environmental monitoring in 85 cities in Europe.

Núria’s academic pursuits encompass a wide-ranging spectrum of fields, including sustainable urban development, citizen science, environmental governance, planetary health, urban living labs experimentation and the intersection of science and art.

Núria also holds the position of co-chair of the Citizen Science Global Partnership group on Scaling-up citizen science Air-quality monitoring and the European Citizen Science Association‘s working group on air quality.

Núria Castell has 181 publications at NILU:

Advancing Air Quality Awareness and Action: Insights from the SOCIO-BEE Project on Community-Based Monitoring

Hassani, Amirhossein; Kyfonidis, Charalampos; Casado Mansilla, Diego; Salamalikis, Vasileios; Kotzagianni, Maria; Roussos, Anargyros; Castell, Nuria; Udina, Sergi; Morresi, Nicole; Casccia, Sara; Revel, Gian Marco; Angelis, Georgios-Fotios; Emvoliadis, Alexandros; Theodorou, Traianos-Ioannis; Karanassos, Dimitrios; Kopsacheilis, Evangelos; Drosou, Anastasios; Tzovaras, Dimitrios; Lopez, Carlos; Lisbona, Daniel



Enhancing Air Quality Monitoring with a Multi-Step Data Quality Framework for Low-Cost Sensors

Hassani, Amirhossein; Castell, Nuria; Schneider, Philipp; Salamalikis, Vasileios; Shetty, Shobitha


Air quality and transport behaviour: sensors, field, and survey data from Warsaw, Poland

Hassani, Amirhossein; Nicińska, Anna; Drabicki, Arkadiusz; Zawojska, Ewa; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Kula, Grzegorz; Grythe, Henrik; Zawieska, Jakub; Jaczewska, Joanna; Rachubik, Joanna; Archanowicz-Kudelska, Katarzyna; Zagorska, Katarzyna; Grzenda, Maciej; Kubecka, Magdalena; Luckner, Marcin; Jakubczyk, Michał; Wolański, Michał; Castell, Nuria; Gora, Paweł; Skedsmo, Pål Wilter; Rożynek, Satia; Horosiewicz, Szymon


Understanding thermal comfort expectations in older adults: The role of long-term thermal history

Hassani, Amirhossein; Jancewicz, Barbara; Wrotek, Malgorzata; Chwałczyk, Franciszek; Castell, Nuria


Simultaneous analysis of indoor and outdoor PM2.5 in Legionowo, Poland

Salamalikis, Vasileios; Hassani, Amirhossein; Castell, Nuria


A machine learning-based framework for decision-ready PM2.5 mapping using mobile low-cost sensors

Hassani, Amirhossein; Castell, Nuria; Salamalikis, Vasileios; Schneider, Philipp


Are parents driving air pollution at schools?

Grythe, Henrik; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Castell, Nuria


Reassessing the role of urban green space in air pollution control

Venter, Zander; Hassani, Amirhossein; Stange, Erik; Schneider, Philipp; Castell, Nuria


Deployment and evaluation of network of open low-cost air quality sensor systems

Dauge, Franck Rene; Schneider, Philipp; Vogt, Matthias; Haugen, Rolf; Hassani, Amirhossein; Castell, Nuria; Bartonova, Alena


Agency and responsibility in smart air pollution monitoring

Ekman, Karin; Ponti, Marisa; Grau, Marc Peñalver; Castell, Nuria; Steffansen, Rasmus Nedergård; Lissandrello, Enza


Citizen Science for Environmental Governance in the Nordic Region

Castell, Nuria; Ponti, Marisa; Ekman, Karin; Watne, Ågot K.


Deployment and Evaluation of Networks of Open Air Quality Sensor Systems – Experiences from deployments in Stavanger and Oslo

Schneider, Philipp; Vogt, Matthias; Haugen, Rolf; Hassani, Amirhossein; Castell, Nuria; Peters, Jan; Yatkin, Sinan; Gerboles, Michel; Matheeussen, Christina; Davila, Silvije; Signorini, Marco; Dauge, Franck Rene; Skaar, Jøran Solnes; Bartonova, Alena


Low-cost sensors and Machine Learning aid in identifying environmental factors affecting particulate matter emitted by household heating

Hassani, Amirhossein; Bykuć, Sebastian; Schneider, Philipp; Zawadzki, Paweł; Chaja, Patryk; Castell, Nuria


Urban Living Labs for Healthy and People-Centered Cities: A Nordic Model

Steffansen, Rasmus Nedergård; Lissandrello, Enza; Castell, Nuria


Low-Cost Particulate Matter Sensors for Monitoring Residential Wood Burning

Hassani, Amirhossein; Schneider, Philipp; Vogt, Matthias; Castell, Nuria


Deployment and Evaluation of a Network of Open Low-Cost Air Quality Sensor Systems

Schneider, Philipp; Vogt, Matthias; Haugen, Rolf; Hassani, Amirhossein; Castell, Nuria; Dauge, Franck Rene; Bartonova, Alena


Multisensory Representation of Air Pollution in Virtual Reality: Lessons from Visual Representation

Pochwatko, Grzegorz; Swidrak, Justyna; Kopec, Wieslaw; Jedrzejewski, Zbigniew; Feledyn, Agata; Vogt, Matthias; Castell, Nuria; Zagorska, Katarzyna


Assessing air pollution from wood burning using low-cost sensors and citizen science

Castell, Nuria; Vogt, Matthias; Schneider, Philipp; Grossberndt, Sonja


Calibration of CO, NO2, and O3 Using Airify: A Low-Cost Sensor Cluster for Air Quality Monitoring

Ionascu, Marian-Emanuel; Castell, Nuria; Boncalo, Oana; Schneider, Philipp; Darie, Marius; Marcu, Marius


Tackling Data Quality When Using Low-Cost Air Quality Sensors in Citizen Science Projects

Watne, Ågot K.; Linden, Jenny; Willhelmsson, Jens; Fridén, Håkan; Gustafsson, Malin; Castell, Nuria


An update on low-cost sensors for the measurement of atmospheric composition

Peltier, Richard E.; Castell, Nuria; Clements, Andrea L.; Dye, Tim; Hüglin, Christoph; Kroll, Jesse H.; Lung, Shih-Chun Candice; Ning, Zhi; Parsons, Matthew; Penza, Michèle; Reisen, Fabienne; Scheidemesser, Erika von; Arfire, Adrian; Boso, Àlex; Fu, Qingyan; Hagan, David; Henshaw, Geoff; Jayaratne, Rohan; Jones, Roderic; Kelly, Kerry; Kilaru, Vasu; Mead, Iq; Morawska, Lidia; Papale, Dario; Polidori, Andrea; Querol, Xavier; Seddon, Jessica; Schneider, Philipp; Tarasova, Oksana; Yu, Alfred LC; Zellweger, Christoph


Implementing Citizen Science in Primary Schools: Engaging Young Children in Monitoring Air Pollution

Castell, Nuria; Grossberndt, Sonja; Gray, Laura; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Skaar, Jøran Solnes; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad


Trenger du egentlig en inneklimasensor?

Castell, Nuria (interview subject); Åserud, Rikke (journalist)


Ren luft for alle. ExtraStiftelsen project 2019/HE1-263918.

Castell, Nuria; Grossberndt, Sonja; Gray, Laura; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad


Engaging citizens in improving air quality and designing healthy and people-centred cities. The NordicPATH project in Scandinavia.

Castell, Nuria; Grossberndt, Sonja; Lissandrello, Enza; Steffansen, Rasmus; Morelli, Nicola; Linden, Jenny; Segura, Marta; Ekman, Karin; Ponti, Marisa; Broberg, Anna


Introducing citizen science air quality monitoring projects in elementary schools in Norway

Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura; Grossberndt, Sonja; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad


Encounters in Citizen Science (keynote speech)

Castell, Nuria; Sherson, Jacob; Michelucci, Pietro; Mayer, Katja


Public Perception of Urban Air Quality Using Volunteered Geographic Information Services

Grossberndt, Sonja; Schneider, Philipp; Liu, Hai-Ying; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Castell, Nuria; Syropoulou, Panagiota; Bartonova, Alena


Cheaper air quality sensors arrived just in time for the climate catastrophe

Castell, Nuria (interview subject); Calma, Justine (journalist)


Air quality mitigation in European cities: Status and challenges ahead

Viana, Mar; de Leeuw, Frank; Bartonova, Alena; Castell, Nuria; Öztürk, Evrim Dogan; Ortiz, Alberto González


Toward a unified terminology of processing levels for low-cost air-quality sensors

Schneider, Philipp; Bartonova, Alena; Castell, Nuria; Dauge, Franck Rene; Gerboles, Michel; Hagler, Gayle S. W.; Huglin, Christoph; Jones, Roderic L.; Khan, Sean; Lewis, Alastair C.; Mijling, Bas; Müller, Michael; Penza, Michele; Spinelle, Laurent; Stacey, Brian; Vogt, Matthias; Wesseling, Joost; Williams, Ronald W.


Mapping urban air quality using low-cost sensor networks

Schneider, Philipp; Castell, Nuria; Bartonova, Alena


Networks of air quality sensors and their use for high-resolution mapping of urban air quality

Schneider, Philipp; Castell, Nuria; Hamer, Paul David; Walker, Sam-Erik; Bartonova, Alena


On the robustness of field calibration for smart air quality monitors

De Vito, Saverio; Esposito, Elena; Castell, Nuria; Schneider, Philipp; Bartonova, Alena


Opportunities and barriers for microsensor systems for air quality: practical experiences from Oslo

Bartonova, Alena; Castell, Nuria; Schneider, Philipp; Dauge, Franck Rene; Grossberndt, Sonja; Lepioufle, Jean-Marie; Liu, Hai-Ying; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad


Air pollution: can subjective perception be related to objective measures?

Bartonova, Alena; Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria


Citizens and sensors for air quality. NILU’s activities 2012-2019.

Bartonova, Alena; Castell, Nuria; Dauge, Franck Rene; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Grossberndt, Sonja; Liu, Hai-Ying; Schneider, Philipp


Air quality and public perception in Belgrade

Jovasevic-Stojanovic, Milena; Davidovic, Milos; Lazovic, Ivan; Zivkovic, M.; Topalovic, Dusan; Jovanovic, Maja; Castell, Nuria; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Liu, Hai-Ying; Bartonova, Alena


Innovative environmental monitoring for Norwegian municipalities using low-cost sensor networks. The iFLINK project.

Castell, Nuria; Dauge, Franck Rene; Grossberndt, Sonja; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad; Lahoz, William A.; Lepioufle, Jean-Marie; Logna, Robert; Schneider, Philipp; Vallejo, Islen; Vogt, Matthias; Bartonova, Alena


Can low-cost air quality sensor platforms help to build healthier cities?

Castell, Nuria; Schneider, Philipp; Vogt, Matthias; Dauge, Franck Rene; Lahoz, William A.; Grossberndt, Sonja; Bartonova, Alena


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Gray, Laura


Det er noe i luften

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria


Urban Air Quality Perception

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Schneider, Philipp; Bartonova, Alena


Lufta er for alle!

Grossberndt, Sonja; Castell, Nuria


Low cost sensor systems for air quality assessment. Possibilities and challenges.

Bartonova, Alena; Castell, Nuria; Colette, Augustin; Schneider, Philipp; Viana, Mar; Voogt, Marita; Weijers, Ernie; Wesseling, Joost; Blokhuis, Christa; Malherbe, Laure; Spinelle, Laurent; Gonzalez-Ortiz, Alberto


El escarabajo verde – Ciudades

Castell, Nuria; Tarrasón, Leonor (interview subjects)


Low-cost air quality sensors and their use for urban-scale modelling

Schneider, Philipp; Liu, Hai-Ying; Castell, Nuria; Hamer, Paul David; Vogt, Matthias; Dauge, Franck Rene; Bartonova, Alena


Urban particulate matter: technologies for assessment and need for information

Bartonova, Alena; Castell, Nuria; Dauge, Franck Rene; Grossberndt, Sonja; Schneider, Philipp


Toward a Unified Terminology of Processing Levels for Low-Cost Air-Quality Sensors

Schneider, Philipp; Bartonova, Alena; Castell, Nuria; Dauge, Franck Rene; Gerboles, Michel; Hagler, Gayle S. W.; Huglin, C.; Jones, Roderic L.; Khan, Sean; Lewis, Alastair C.; Mijling, Bas; Müller, Michael; Penza, Michèle; Spinelle, Laurent; Stacey, Brian; Vogt, Matthias; Wesseling, Joost; Williams, Ronald W.


Using low-cost air quality sensors for personal exposure assessment

Schneider, Philipp; Castell, Nuria; Bartonova, Alena


Mapping urban air quality using a network of low-cost sensors: A data assimilation approach

Schneider, Philipp; Castell, Nuria; Bartonova, Alena; Lahoz, William A.


Assessment of air quality microsensors versus reference methods: The EuNetAir Joint Exercise – Part II

Borrego, Carlos; Ginja, Joao; Coutinho, Miguel; Ribeiro, Clara; Karatzas, Kostas; Sioumis, Th.; Katsifarakis, Nikos; Konstantinidis, Konstantinos; De Vito, Saverio; Esposito, Elena; Salvato, Maria; Smith, Paul D.; Andre, Nicolas; Gerard, Pierre; Francis, Laurent Alain; Castell, Nuria; Schneider, Philipp; Viana, Mar; Minguillón, María Cruz; Reimringer, Wolfhard; Otjes, Rene; von Sicard, Oliver; Pohle, Roland; Elen, Bart; Suriano, Domenico; Pfister, Valerio; Prato, Mario; Dipinto, S.; Penza, Michèle


Can low-cost air quality sensors help to monitor air pollution in cities?

Castell, Nuria; Schneider, Philipp; Vogt, Matthias; Dauge, Franck Rene; Lahoz, William A.; Bartonova, Alena


The role of citizen science data in air quality research data management and sharing

Castell, Nuria; Bartonova, Alena; Grossberndt, Sonja; Høiskar, Britt Ann Kåstad


Assessing the Relocation Robustness of on Field Calibrations for Air Quality Monitoring Devices

Esposito, E; Salvato, M; De Vito, S.; Fattoruso, G; Castell, Nuria; Karatzas, K.; Francia, G Di


A network of low-cost air quality sensors and its use for mapping urban air quality

Schneider, Philipp; Castell, Nuria; Dauge, Franck Rene; Vogt, Matthias; Lahoz, William A.; Bartonova, Alena


Localized real-time information on outdoor air quality at kindergartens in Oslo, Norway using low-cost sensor nodes

Castell, Nuria; Schneider, Philipp; Grossberndt, Sonja; Fredriksen, Mirjam; Sousa Santos, Gabriela; Vogt, Matthias; Bartonova, Alena


Urban particulate matter: Technologies for assessment and need for information.

Bartonova, A.; Castell, N.; Dauge, F. R.; Grossberndt. S.; Schneider, P.


PM data from sensors: the CITI-SENSE (2012-2016) experience.

Bartonova, A.; Castell N.; Schneider P. .


CITI-SENSE: Experience after the project end.

Bartonova, A.; Castell, N.; Dauge, F. R.; Fredriksen, M. F.; Grossberndt, S.; Høiskar, B. A. K.; Lahoz, W.; Liu, H. Y.; Schneider, S.


Public empowerment in air quality monitoring. A critical example.

Grossberndt, S.; Castell, N.; Fredriksen, M.; Bartonova, A.


Can low-cost air quality sensor platforms help to build healthier cities?

Castell, N.; Schneider, P.; Vogt, M.; Dauge, F.R.; Lahoz, W.; Grossberndt, S.; Bartonova, A.


Det er noe i luften.

Grossberndt, S.; Castell, N, Dauge, F. R.; Schneider, P.; Bartonova, A.


The potential of low-cost sensor networks for monitoring and modelling urban air quality.

Schneider, P.; Castell, N.; Dauge, F. R.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.


Monitoring urban air quality using a high-density network of low-cost sensor nodes in Oslo, Norway.

Castell, N.; Schneider, P.; Vogt, M.; Dauge, F. R.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.


Mapping urban air quality in real-time: Applications of crowdsourced microsensor data.

Schneider, P.; Castell, N.; Vogt, M.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.


NILU’s Strategic Institute Initiatives (SIS) 2016.

Aas, W.; Rundén-Pran, E.; Breivik, K.; Sundseth, K.; Høiskar, B. A.; Platt, S.; Castell, N.; Schlabach, M.


Laboratory and field evaluation of a low-cost commercial sensor platform in Oslo, Norway.

Castell, N.; Dauge, F. R.; Schneider, P.; Vogt, M.; Bartonova, A.


Can commercial low-cost sensor platforms contribute to air quality monitoring and exposure estimates?

Castell, N.; Dauge, F.R.; Schneider, P.; Vogt, M.; Lerner, U.; Fishbain, B.; Broday, D.; Bartonova, A.


An evaluation tool kit of air quality micro-sensing units.

Fishbain, B.; Lerner, U.; Castell, N.; Cole-Hunter, T.; Popoola, O.; Broday, D.M.; Iñiguez, T.M.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Jovasevic-Stojanovic, M.; Topalovic, D.; Jones, R.L.; Galea, K.S.; Etzion, Y.; Kizel, F.; Golumbic, Y.N.; Baram-Tsabari, A.; Yacobi, T.; Drahler, D.; Robinson, J.A.; Kocman, D.; Horvat, M.; Svecova, V.; Arpaci, A.; Bartonova, A.


Noise in Europe 2017: updated assessment.

Blanes, N.; Fons, J.; Houthuijs, D.; Swart, W.; de la Maza, M. S.; Ramos, M. J.; Castell, N.; van Kampen, E.


Can low-cost sensors contribute to air quality assessment and citizen science?

Castell, N.; Lerner, U.; Fishbain, B.; Dauge, F. R.; Schneider, P.; Vogt, M.; Bartonova, A.


Comparison of air quality and public perception data collected within Citizens’ Observatories tools for Citi-sense project studies in Belgrade and Oslo.

Jovaševic-Stojanovic, M.; Castell, N.; Topalovic, D.; Davidovic, M.; Schneider, P.; Lazovic, I.; Liu, H.-Y.; Bartonova, A.


Artificial intelligence models for calibration of low-cost electrochemical sensors in high-density air pollution monitoring networks.

Topalovic, D.B.; Ristovski, Z.; Bartonova, A.; Castell, N.; Davidovic, M.; Jovaševic-Stojanovic, M.


CTT 2.0 Carbon Track and Trace, NILUs know-how and experience from previous research activities.

Sundseth, K.; Castell, N.; Marsteen, L.; Dauge, F.R.; Ødegård, R.; Driscoll, P.; Anthonisen, F.; Vesterkjær, A.


Mapping urban air quality using low-cost sensors: Opportunities and challenges.

Schneider, P.; Castell, N.; Lahoz, W.; Vallejo, I.; Bartonova, A.


CITI-SENSE: from sensor technology to citizen engagement.

Castell, N.; Grossberndt, S.; Schneider, P.; Bartonova, A.


Engaging schoolchildren in understanding the indoor environment using citizen science.

Robinson, J.A.; Crawford, J.; Golumbic, Y.N, Høiskar, B.A.K.; Holøs, S.B.; Jovaševic-Stojanovic, M.; Topalovic, D.; Davidovic, M.; Kocman, D.; Castell, N.; Bartonova, A.


Assessment of air quality microsensors versus reference methods: The EuNetAir joint exercise.

Borrego, C.; Costa, A.M.; Ginja, J.; Amorim, M.; Coutinho, M.; Karatzas, K.; Sioumis, T.; Katsifarakis, N.; Konstantinidis, K.; De Vito, S.; Esposito, E.; Smith, P.; André, N.; Gérard, P.; Francis, L.A.; Castell, N.; Schneider, P.; Viana, M.; Minguillón, M.C.; Reimringer, W.; Otjes, R.P.; Sicard, O.V.; Pohle, R.; Elen, B.; Suriano, D.; Pfister, V.; Prato, M.; Dipinto, S.; Penza, M.


Citizens and air quality: do the information supply and demand match?

Bartonova, A.; Grossberndt, S.; Castell, N.; Schneider, P.; Lahoz, W.; Fredriksen, M.; Liu, H.-Y.; Citi-Sense Consortium, Keune, H.


Personal and public perception of air quality in eight European cities: the CITI-SENSE Citizens’ Observatory Toolbox.

Cole-Hunter, T.; Santiago, L.; Arpaci, A.; Broday, D.; Castell, N.; Galea, K.; Jovasevic-Stojanovic, M.; Martinez, T.; Robinson, J.; Svecova, V.; Keune, H.; Hurley, F.; Liu, H.-Y.; Berre, A.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Bartonova, A.


Visualising and evaluating objective citizen-contributed environmental information: the CITI-SENSE Citizens’ Observatory Toolbox.

Cole-Hunter, T.; Santiago, L.; Arpaci, A.; Broday, D.; Castell, N.; Galea, K.; Jovasevic-Stojanovic, M.; Martinez, T.; Robinson, J.; Svecova, V.; Keune, H.; Hurley, F.; Liu, H.-Y.; Berre, A.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Bartonova, A.


Towards crowd-sourced air quality and physical activity monitoring by a low-cost mobile platform.

Yang, B.; Castell, N.; Pei, J.; Du, Y.; Gebremedhin, A.; Kirkevold, Ø.


Public air quality information and perception in eight cities: the CITI-SENSE empowerment initiative.

Cole-Hunter, T.; Berre, A.; Castell, N.; Fredriksen, M.F.; Robinson, J.; Santiago, L.; Lahoz, W.; Liu, H.-Y.; Martinez, T.; Schneider, P.; CITI-SENSE consortium, Aivalioti, S.; Grossberndt, S.; Keune, H.; Hurley, F.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Bartonova, A.


CityAir app: Mapping air-quality perception using people as sensors.

Castell, N.; Fredriksen, M.; Cole-Hunter, T.; Robinson, J.; Keune, H.; Nieuwenhuijsen, M.; Bartonova, A.


Uncertainty in air quality observations using low-cost sensors.

Castell, N.; Dauge, F.R.; Dongol, R.; Vogt, M.; Schneider, P.


Uncertainty in mapping urban air quality using crowdsourcing techniques.

Schneider, P.; Castell, N.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.; the CITI-SENSE Consortium Team.


Exploiting crowdsourced observations: High-resolution mapping of real-time urban air quality throughout Europe.

Schneider, P.; Castell, N.; Vallejo, I.; van den Bossche, J.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.; the CITI-SENSE Consortium Team.


Modelling of arsenic aerosol in South-West Spain.

Milford, C.; Marrero, C.; Sánchez de la Campa, A.; Fernández-Camacho, R.; Bustos, J.J.; Rodríguez, S.; Castell, N.; De la Rosa, J.; Stein, A.F.


Can floating car data help improving traffic emissions estimates?

Castell, N.; Vogt, M.; Thanh, D. Vo, Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Sundvor, I.


Black carbon aerosol measurements and simulation in two ci ties in south-west Spain.

Milford, C.; Fernández-Camacho, R.; de la Campa, A.M.S.; Rodríguez, S.; Castell, N.; Marrero, C.; Bustos, J.J.; de la Rosa, J.D.; Stein, A.F.


Modeling and evaluation of urban pollution events of atmospheric heavy metals from a large Cu-smelter.

Chen, B.; Stein, A.F.; Castell, N.; Gonzalez-Castanedo, Y.; de la Campa, A.M.S.; de la Rosa, J.D.


CITI-SENSE. Citizens’ observatories – version 1. Deliverable D4.3.

Liu, H.-Y. (eds.) Bartonova, A.; Berre, A.; Broday, D.; Castell, N.; Cole-Hunter, T.; Fredriksen, M.F.; Grossberndt, S.; Høiskar, B.A.; Holøs, S.B.; Kobernus, M.; Keune, H.; Liu, H.-Y.; Robinson, J.; Santiago, L.; Soloaga, I.A.


High-resolution mapping of urban air quality using low-cost sensors.

Schneider, P.; Castell, N.; Van den Bossche, J.; Lahoz, W.


Making visible the invisible: communicating air quality.

Castell, N.; Noll, J.; Fayyad, S.; Fredriksen, M.F.; Schneider, P.; Liu, H.-Y.; Lahoz, W.


Estimating personal exposure to air pollution – can wearable low-cost sensors help?

Castell, N.; Liu, H.-Y.; Schneider, P.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.


Towards a personalized environmental health information service using low-cost sensors and crowdsourcing.

Castell, N.; Liu, H.-Y.; Schneider, P.; Cole-Hunter, T.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.


Mobile technologies and services for environmental monitoring: The Citi-Sense-MOB approach.

Castell, N.; Kobernus, M.; Liu, H.-Y.; Schneider, P.; Lahoz, W.; Berre, A.J.; Noll, J.


Citi-Sense MOB. Provisioning of social media platform.

Liu, H.-Y.; Kobernus, M.; Castell, N.; Cagatay, E.


The use of micro-sensors in air quality monitoring.

Castell, N.; Viana, M.; Minguillón, M.C.; Guerreiro, C.B.; Querol, X.


Can low-cost air quality sensors help citizens to create smart cities?

Castell, N.; Liu, H.-Y.; Kobernus, M.; Schneider, P.; Lahoz, W.; Grossberndt, S.; Bartonova, A.


Fighting air pollution: people can help.

Castell, N.; Liu, H.-Y.; Kobernus, M.; Schneider, P.; Lahoz, W.; Bartonova, A.


Citi-Sense-MOB. Conceptual services design document.

Liu, H.-Y. (eds.) Berre, A.J.; Cagatay, E.; Liu, H.-Y.; Noll, J.; Kobernus, M.; Castell, N.; Fayyad, S.; Khattak, W.


Measurements and modelling of black carbon in two cities in south-west Spain.

Milford, C.; Fernández-Camacho, R.; Sánchez de la Campa, A.; Rodríguez, S.; Castell, N.; Marrero, C.; De la Rosa, J.; Stein, A.F.


Building and evaluating sensor-based Citizens’ Observatories for improving quality of life in cities.

Castell, N.; Lahoz, W.; Schneider, P.; Hoiskar, B.A.; Grossberndt, S.; Naderer, C.; Robinson, J.; Kocman, D.; Horvat, M.; Bartonova, A.


Air quality forecasting and information towards public demonstrated in Wuhan, Hubei province, China.

Liu, L.; Svendby, T.M.; Hak, C.; Solberg, S.; Vo, D.T.; Schneider, P.; Slørdal, L.H.; Castell, N.; Vallejo, I.


Uncertainties in assessing the environmental impact of amine emissions from a CO2 capture plant.

Karl, M.; Castell, N.; Simpson, D.; Solberg, S.; Starrfelt, J.; Svendby, T.; Walker, S.-E.; Wright, R.F.


Citi-Sense-MOB: Monitoring air quality on mobile platforms.

Castell, N.; Berre, A.; Dauge, F.R.; Fredriksen, M.F.; Gandal, R.; Kobernus, M.; Noll, J.


Real-world application of new sensor technologies for air quality monitoring.

Castell, N.; Viana, M.; Minguillon, M.C.; Guerreiro, C.; Querol, X.


Air implementation pilot- Lessons learnt from the implementation of air quality legislation at urban level.

González Ortiz, A.; Mourelatou, A.; Schilling J.; Verheye, T.; Brockett, S.; Buzica, D.; Arduino G.; de Wilt W.; Castell, N.; Nagl, C.; Malherbe, L.; de Leeuw, F.; Targa, J.; Viana, M.; Döring, U.; Rouïl, L.; Guerreiro, C.; Tarrasón, L.


Air implementation pilot: Workshop on measures, Copenhagen, February 27th 2013.

Viana, M.; Castell, N.; Doering, U.; de Leeuw, F.; Malherbe, L.; Nagl, C.; Rouil, L.; Guerreiro, C.; Ruyssenaars, P.; Ortiz, A.G.


Air implementation pilot: Assessing the modelling activities.

Castell, N.; Denby, B.R.; Guerreiro, C.


Road traffic’s contribution to air quality in European cities.

Sundvor, I.; Castell Balaguer, N.; Viana, M.; Querol, X.; Reche, C.; Amato, F.; Mellios, G.; Guerreiro, C.


Progressing to cleaner air: Evaluating non-attainment areas.

de Leeuw, F.; Ruyssenaars, P.; Castell, N.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.


Measurements and simulation of speciated PM2.5 in south-west Europe.

Milford, C.; Castell, N.; Marrero, C.; Rodríguez, S.; Sánchez de la Campa, A.M.; Fernández-Camacho, R.; de la Rosa, J.; Stein, A.F.


CITI-SENSE: Development of a sensor-based citizens’ observatory community for improving quality of life in cities.

Castell-Balaguer, N.; Bartonova, A.; Grossberndt, S.; Lahoz, W.; Schneider, P.; Vik, A.


Modelling PM2.5 chemical composition with CAMx in Southwest Spain.

Milford, C.; Castell.; N.; Marrero, C.; Sánchez de la Campa, A.; Fernández-Camacho, R.; Rodríguez, S.; de la Rosa, J.D.; Stein, A.F.


Modelling of secondary aerosols in urban and rural areas of southwest Spain.

Milford, C.; Castell, N.; Marrero, C.; Sánchez de la Campa, A.; Fernández-Camacho, R.; Rodriguez, S.; De la Rosa, J.; Stein, A.


Air quality impact assessment, Maria Gleta Power Plant, Benin.

Sivertsen, B.; Liu, L.; Castell Balaguer, N.


Identification of chemical and biological determinants, their sources, and strategies to promote healthier homes in Europe (INQUIRE)

Enabling homes to realise zero pollution holds multiple health benefits for all Europeans – especially our children. This is the goal of the EU-funded INQUIRE project. It will provide the knowledge, […]

Project period: 2022 – 2027


Nordic participatory, healthy and people-centred cities (nordicPATH)

NordicPATH’s overall objective is to establish a new model for citizens’ participation and collaborative planning in Nordic countries to create healthy and people-centred cities. The project is tackling complex environmental […]

Project period: 2020 – 2023


Innovativ administration of air and environment in Norwegian municipalities (iFLINK)

The iFLINK project shall facilitate for monitoring AQ at many different places at low costs. Scientists working in the project will develop and use new calibration and visualization methods based […]

Project period: 2019 – 2021


Air quality profiling using low-cost gas and particle sensors (Airify)

Airify is an industrial innovation project where NILU will contribute to evaluate the performance of novel low-cost sensor systems developed by LASTING Software. During the project we will test Airify […]

Project period: 2020 – 2021


Development of sensor-based Citizens’ Observatory Community for improving quality of life in cities (CITI-SENSE)

The CITI-SENSE project developed and tested components of environmental monitoring and information systems based on innovative and novel Earth Observation capabilities. The applications focused on the citizens’ immediate environment regarding […]

Project period: 2012 – 2016
