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Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual Report 2022.

Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen

Publication details

Series: NILU rapport 11/2023

Publisher: NILU

Year: 2023

ISBN: 978-82-425-3122-3

Arkiv: hdl.handle.net/11250/3083929

This report presents results from the monitoring of atmospheric composition and deposition of air pollution in 2022, and focuses on main components in air and precipitation, particulate and gaseous phase of inorganic constituents, particulate carbonaceous matter, ground level ozone and particulate matter. The level of pollution in 2022 was generally low though a few high episodes occurred, i.e., one in March with elevated aerosol concentrations and one during July, with high ozone levels.