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Karl Espen Yttri

Senior Scientist

+47 63 89 82 39

Atmosphere and Climate


Karl Espen Yttri

Dr. Karl Espen Yttri is a senior scientist at NILU with a Ph.D. in aerosol science. He has extensive expertise in atmospheric aerosols and their chemical composition across diverse environments, ranging from urban areas to the pristine Arctic and Antarctic.

His primary focus is on carbonaceous aerosols, using both on-line and off-line methodologies for the source apportionment of anthropogenic and natural aerosol sources. This includes developing analytical methods for carbonaceous aerosol, including source-specific organic tracers.

As a member of the Chemical Coordinating Centre of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) at NILU, he contributes to research on the long-range atmospheric transport of aerosol particles.

Karl Espen Yttri has 209 publications at NILU:

A European aerosol phenomenology – 9: Light absorption properties of carbonaceous aerosol particles across surface Europe

Rovira, Jordi; Savadkoohi, Marjan; Močnik, Griša; Chen, Gang I.; Aas, Wenche; Alados-Arboledas, Lucas; Artiñano, Begoña; Aurela, Minna; Backman, John; Banerji, Sujai; Beddows, David; Brem, Benjamin T.; Chazeau, Benjamin; Coen, Martine Collaud; Colombi, Cristina; Conil, Sébastien; Costabile, Francesca; Coz, Esther; De Brito, Joel F.; Eleftheriadis, Kostas; Favez, Olivier; Flentje, Harald; Freney, Evelyn; Gregorič, Asta; Gysel-Beer, Martin; Harrison, Roy M.; Hueglin, Christoph; Hyvärinen, Antti; Ivančič, Matic; Kalogridis, Athina-Cerise; Keernik, Hannes; Konstantinos, Granakis; Laj, Paolo; Liakakou, Eleni; Lin, Chunshui; Listrani, Stefano; Luoma, Krista; Maasikmets, Marek; Manninen, Hanna; Marchand, Nicolas; Dos Santos, Sebastiao Martins; Mbengue, Saliou; Mihalopoulos, Nikos; Nicolae, Doina; Niemi, Jarkko V; Norman, Michael; Ovadnevaite, Jurgita; Petit, Jean Eudes; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Prévôt, André S.H.; Pujadas, Manuel; Putaud, Jean-Philippe; Riffault, Véronique; Rigler, Martin; Rinaldi, Matteo; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Silvergren, Sanna; Teinemaa, Erik; Teinilä, Kimmo; Timonen, Hilkka; Titos, Gloria; Tobler, Anna; Vasilescu, Jeni; Vratolis, Stergios; Yttri, Karl Espen; Yubero, Eduardo; Zíková, Naděžda; Alastuey, Andrés; Petäjä, Tuukka; Querol, Xavier; Yus-Díez, Jesús; Pandolfi, Marco


Primary Biological Aerosol Particle (PBAP) modelling in EMEP

Lange, Gunnar Felix; Simpson, David; Yttri, Karl Espen; Valdebenito, Alvaro; Oliviè, Dirk Jan Leo; van Caspel, Willem; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Dominutti, Pamela; Uzu, Gaelle; Conil, Sébastien; Favez, Olivier; Fagerli, Hilde


Which organic compounds can we see in Antarctica? Nontarget analysis of air and water samples from Antarctica by high-resolution mass spectrometry.

Froment, Jean Francois; Rostkowski, Pawel; Gundersen, Hans; Yttri, Karl Espen; Lerch, Michaela; Bengtson Nash, Susan


Intensive measurement of VOCs and organic tracers during the summer heat wave 2022

Aas, Wenche; Ge, Yao; Hellén, Heidi; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Salameh, Therese; Simpson, David; Wegener, Robert; Yttri, Karl Espen; Solberg, Sverre


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components

Fagerli, Hilde; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Blake, Lewis R.; van Caspel, Willem Elias; Denby, Bruce; Gauss, Michael; Jonson, Jan Eiof; Klein, Heiko; Lange, Gunnar Felix; Mousing, Erik Askov; Nyiri, Agnes; Oliviè, Dirk Jan Leo; Segers, Arjo; Simpson, David; Tsyro, Svetlana; Valdebenito Bustamante, Alvaro Moises; Wind, Peter Ariaan; Aas, Wenche; Fiebig, Markus; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre; Tørseth, Kjetil; Yttri, Karl Espen; Redeyoff, Oscar; Matthews, Bradley; Schindlbacher, Sabine; Ullrich, Bernhard; Wankmüller, Robert; Scheuschner, Thomas; Kuenen, Jeroen J.P.; Guevara, Marc; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Dominutti, Pamela; Uzu, Gaelle; Conil, Sébastien; Favez, Olivier; Močnik, Griša


Monitoring of greenhouse gases and aerosols at Svalbard and Birkenes in 2023. Annual report

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Svendby, Tove Marit; Hermansen, Ove; Lunder, Chris Rene; Fiebig, Markus; Fjæraa, Ann Mari; Duflot, Valentin; Schmidbauer, Norbert; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Yttri, Karl Espen; Eckhardt, Sabine; Stebel, Kerstin


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual report 2023.

Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen


Contribution of fluorescent primary biological aerosol particles to low-level Arctic cloud residuals

Pereira Freitas, Gabriel; Kopec, Ben; Adachi, Kouji; Krejci, Radovan; Heslin-Rees, Dominic; Yttri, Karl Espen; Hubbard, Alun Lloyd; Welker, Jeffrey M.; Zieger, Paul


Impact of Biomass Burning on Arctic Aerosol Composition

Gramlich, Yvette; Siegel, Karolina; Haslett, Sophie L.; Cremer, Roxana S.; Lunder, Chris Rene; Kommula, Snehitha M.; Buchholz, Angela; Yttri, Karl Espen; Chen, Gang; Krejci, Radovan; Zieger, Paul; Virtanen, Annele; Riipinen, Ilona; Mohr, Claudia


Composition and sources of carbonaceous aerosol in the European Arctic at Zeppelin Observatory, Svalbard (2017 to 2020)

Yttri, Karl Espen; Bäcklund, Are; Conen, Franz; Eckhardt, Sabine; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Fiebig, Markus; Kasper-Giebl, Anne; Gold, Avram; Gundersen, Hans; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Simpson, David; Surratt, Jason D.; Szidat, Sönke; Rauber, Martin; Tørseth, Kjetil; Ytre-Eide, Martin Album; Zhang, Zhenfa; Aas, Wenche


Trends in Air Pollution in Europe, 2000–2019

Aas, Wenche; Fagerli, Hilde; Alastuey, Andres; Cavalli, Fabrizia; Degorska, Anna; Feigenspan, Stefan; Brenna, Hans; Gliss, Jonas; Heinesen, Daniel; Hueglin, Christoph; Holubová, Adela; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Mortier, Augustin; Murovec, Marijana; Putaud, Jean-Philippe; Rüdige, Julian; Simpson, David; Solberg, Sverre; Tsyro, Svetlana; Tørseth, Kjetil; Yttri, Karl Espen


Changes in the atmospheric chemical composition and impacts on climate, health, and ecosystems

Aas, Wenche; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Eckhardt, Sabine; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Solberg, Sverre; Svendby, Tove Marit; Tørseth, Kjetil; Yttri, Karl Espen


Trends in air pollution in Europe, 2000-2019

Aas, Wenche; Fagerli, Hilde; Simpson, David; Solberg, Sverre; Tsyro, Svetlana; Yttri, Karl Espen


Source apportionment of black carbon in Oslo (Norway) and Vinca (Serbia)

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Hak, Claudia; Jovasevic-Stojanovic, Milena


Microplastic to be measured at EMEP sites in the frame of MAGIC project

Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Yttri, Karl Espen; Herzke, Dorte; Cassiani, Massimo; Eckhardt, Sabine; Kylling, Arve; Wisthaler, Armin; Stohl, Andreas; Tichy, Ondrej; Revell, Laura E.


Regionally sourced bioaerosols drive high-temperature ice nucleating particles in the Arctic

Freitas, Gabriel Pereira; Adachi, Kouji; Conen, Franz; Heslin-Rees, Dominic; Krejci, Radovan; Tobo, Yutaka; Yttri, Karl Espen; Zieger, Paul


Impact of 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns on particulate air pollution across Europe

Putaud, Jean-Philippe; Pisoni, Enrico; Mangold, Alexander; Hueglin, Christoph; Sciare, Jean; Pikridas, Michael; Savvides, Chrysantos; Ondráček, Jakub; Mbengue, Saliou; Wiedensohler, Alfred; Weinhold, Kay; Merkel, Maik; Poulain, Laurent; van Pinxteren, Dominik; Herrmann, Hartmut; Massling, Andreas; Nordstroem, Claus; Alastuey, Andres; Reche, Cristina; Perez, Noemi; Castillo, Sonia; Sorribas, Mar; Adame, Jose A.; Petäjä, Tuukka; Lehtipalo, Katrianne; Niemi, Jarkko; Riffault, Véronique; De Brito, Joel F.; Colette, Augustin; Favez, Olivier; Petit, Jean-Eudes; Gros, Valérie; Gini, Maria; Vratolis, Stergios; Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos; Diapouli, Evangelia; van der Gon, Hugo Denier; Yttri, Karl Espen; Aas, Wenche


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components

Fagerli, Hilde; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; van Caspel, Willem; Gauss, Michael; Ge, Yao; Jonson, Jan Eiof; Klein, Heiko; Nyiri, Agnes; Simpson, David; Tsyro, Svetlana; Valdebenito, Alvaro; Wind, Peter; Aas, Wenche; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre; Tørseth, Kjetil; Yttri, Karl Espen; Matthews, Bradley; Schindlbacher, Sabine; Ullrich, Bernhard; Wankmüller, Robert; Klimont, Zbigniew; Scheuschner, Thomas; Kuenen, Jeroen J.P.; Hellén, Heidi; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Tusha, Diellëza; Mothes, Falk; Salameh, Therese; van Drooge, Barend L.; Wegener, Robert


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual Report 2022.

Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen


Flyvende bildekk – mikroplast i svevestøv

Grythe, Henrik; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Yttri, Karl Espen


On coarse patterns in the atmospheric concentration of ice nucleating particles

Conen, Franz; Yakutin, Mikhail V; Puchnin, Alexander; Yttri, Karl Espen


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual Report 2021.

Aas, Wenche; Berglen, Tore Flatlandsmo; Eckhardt, Sabine; Fiebig, Markus; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components

Fagerli, Hilde; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Denby, Bruce; Gauss, Michael; Heinesen, Daniel; Jonson, Jan Eiof; Karlsen, Krister Stræte; Klein, Heiko; Mortier, Augustin; Nyiri, Agnes; Segers, Arjo; Simpson, David; Tsyro, Svetlana; Valdebenito Bustamante, Alvaro Moises; Wind, Peter; Aas, Wenche; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Tørseth, Kjetil; Yttri, Karl Espen; Matthews, Bradley; Schindlbacher, Sabine; Ullrich, Bernhard; Wankmüller, Robert; Klimont, Zbigniew; Scheuschner, Thomas; Fernandez, Ignacio A. Gonzalez; Kuenen, Jeroen


EMEP modelling of carbonaceous aerosols in Europe: status and issues

Simpson, David; van der Gon, Hugo A.C. Denier; Kuenen, Jeroen; Yttri, Karl Espen


Elucidating the present-day chemical composition, seasonality and source regions of climate-relevant aerosols across the Arctic land surface

Moschos, Vaios; Schmale, Julia; Aas, Wenche; Becagli, Silvia; Calzolai, Giulia; Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos; Moffett, Claire E.; Schnelle-Kreis, Jürgen; Severi, Mirko; Sharma, Sangeeta; Skov, Henrik; Vestenius, Mika; Zhang, Wendy; Hakola, Hannele; Hellén, Heidi; Huang, Lin; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Massling, Andreas; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Petäjä, Tuukka; Popovicheva, Olga; Sheesley, Rebecca J.; Traversi, Rita; Yttri, Karl Espen; Prévôt, André S. H.; Baltensperger, Urs; El Haddad, Imad


Long-term PM Chemical Composition and Organic Aerosol (OA) Sources in European Arctic, Svalbard

Chen, Gang; Manousakas, Manousos I.; Lunder, Chris Rene; Aas, Wenche; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Slowik, Jay; Prévôt, André S. H.


Revising PM2.5 emissions from residential combustion, 2005–2019. Implications for air quality concentrations and trends.

Simpson, David; Kuenen, Jeroen; Fagerli, Hilde; Heinesen, Daniel; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Denier van der Gon, Hugo A.C.; Visschedijk, Antoon; Klimont, Zbigniew; Aas, Wenche; Lin, Yong; Yttri, Karl Espen; Paunu, Ville-Veikko


NORDUST – On TWP size distribution

Yttri, Karl Espen; Grythe, Henrik; Vogt, Matthias; Dauge, Franck Rene; Herzke, Dorte; Gustafsson, Mats


What caused a record high PM10 episode in northern Europe in October 2020?

Zwaaftink, Christine Groot; Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Hamer, Paul David; Johnsrud, Mona; Kylling, Arve; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Stebel, Kerstin; Uggerud, Hilde Thelle; Yttri, Karl Espen


Atmospheric composition in the European Arctic and 30 years of the Zeppelin Observatory, Ny-Ålesund

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Hov, Øystein; Berg, Torunn; Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Fiebig, Markus; Fisher, Rebecca; Hansen, Georg Heinrich; Hansson, Hans-Christen; Heintzenberg, Jost; Hermansen, Ove; Heslin-Rees, Dominic; Holmén, Kim; Hudson, Stephen; Kallenborn, Roland; Krejci, Radovan; Krognes, Terje; Larssen, Steinar; Lowry, David; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Lunder, Chris Rene; Nisbet, Euan; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Park, Ki-Tae; Pedersen, Christina Alsvik; Pfaffhuber, Katrine Aspmo; Röckmann, Thomas; Schmidbauer, Norbert; Solberg, Sverre; Stohl, Andreas; Ström, Johan; Svendby, Tove Marit; Tunved, Peter; Tørnkvist, Kjersti Karlsen; van der Veen, Carina; Vratolis, Stergios; Jun Yoon, Young; Yttri, Karl Espen; Zieger, Paul; Aas, Wenche; Tørseth, Kjetil


Elucidating the present-day chemical composition, seasonality and source regions of climate-relevant aerosols across the Arctic land surface

Moschos, Vaios; Schmale, Julia; Aas, Wenche; Becagli, Silvia; Calzolai, Giulia; Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos; Moffett, Claire E.; Schnelle-Kreis, Jürgen; Severi, Mirko; Sharma, Sangeeta; Skov, Henrik; Vestenius, Mika; Zhang, Wendy; Hakola, Hannele; Hellén, Heidi; Huang, Lin; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Massling, Andreas; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Petäjä, Tuukka; Popovicheva, Olga; Sheesley, Rebecca J.; Traversi, Rita; Yttri, Karl Espen; Prévôt, André S. H.; Baltensperger, Urs; El Haddad, Imad


Equal abundance of summertime natural and wintertime anthropogenic Arctic organic aerosols

Moschos, Vaios; Dzepina, Katja; Bhattu, Deepika; Lamkaddam, Houssni; Casotto, Roberto; Daellenbach, Kaspar R.; Canonaco, Francesco; Rai, Pragati; Aas, Wenche; Becagli, Silvia; Calzolai, Giulia; Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos; Moffett, Claire E.; Schnelle-Kreis, Jürgen; Seviri, Mirko; Sharma, Sangeeta; Skov, Henrik; Vestenius, Mika; Zhang, Wendy; Hakola, Hannele; Hellén, Heidi; Huang, Lin; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Massling, Andreas; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Petäjä, Tuukka; Popovicheva, Olga; Sheesley, Rebecca J.; Traversi, Rita; Yttri, Karl Espen; Schmale, Julia; Prévôt, André S. H.; Baltensperger, Urs; El Haddad, Imad


Optimised Aerosol Fraction Separation in Arctic Aerosol for Radiocarbon Measurement

Rauber, Martin; Salazar, G.; Yttri, Karl Espen; Szidat, S.


Marine Contribution to Antarctic Carbonaceous Aerosol

Rauber, M.; Salazar, G.; Yttri, Karl Espen; Moschos, V.; Haddad, Imad El; Prévôt, A. S. H.; Glasius, M.; Szidat, S.


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components

Fagerli, Hilde; Tsyro, Svetlana; Simpson, David; Nyiri, Agnes; Wind, Peter; Gauss, Michael; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Klein, Heiko; Valdebenito Bustamante, Alvaro Moises; Mu, Qing; Wærsted, Eivind Grøtting; Gliss, Jonas; Brenna, Hans; Mortier, Augustin; Griesfeller, Jan; Aas, Wenche; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre; Tørseth, Kjetil; Yttri, Karl Espen; Mareckova, Katarina; Matthews, Bradley; Schindlbacher, Sabine; Ullrich, Bernhard; Wankmüller, Robert; Scheuschner, Thomas; Kuenen, Jeroen J.P.


Differentiation of coarse-mode anthropogenic, marine and dust particles in the High Arctic islands of Svalbard

Song, Congbo; Dall'Osto, Manuel; Lupi, Angelo; Mazzola, Mauro; Traversi, Rita; Becagli, Silvia; Gilardoni, Stefania; Vratolis, Stergios; Yttri, Karl Espen; Beddows, David C.S.; Schmale, Julia; Brean, James; Kramawijaya, Agung Ghani; Harrison, Roy M.; Shi, Zongbo


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual Report 2020.

Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Fiebig, Markus; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen; Zwaaftink, Christine Groot


Trends, composition, and sources of carbonaceous aerosol at the Birkenes Observatory, northern Europe, 2001–2018

Yttri, Karl Espen; Canonaco, Francesco; Eckhardt, Sabine; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Fiebig, Markus; Gundersen, Hans; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Prévôt, André S. H.; Simpson, David; Solberg, Sverre; Surratt, Jason D.; Tørseth, Kjetil; Uggerud, Hilde Thelle; Vadset, Marit; Wan, Xin; Aas, Wenche


Results from EMEP/COLOSSAL/ACRTIS intensive measurement campaign

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Aas, Wenche


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components

Fagerli, Hilde; Tsyro, Svetlana; Jonson, Jan Eiof; Nyiri, Agnes; Simpson, David; Wind, Peter; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Klein, Heiko; Mu, Qing; Denby, Bruce; Wærsted, Eivind Grøtting; Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Tørseth, Kjetil; Mareckova, Katarina; Matthews, Bradley; Schindlbacher, Sabine; Ullrich, Bernhard; Wankmüller, Robert; Scheuschner, Thomas; Bergström, Robert; van der Gon, Hugo A.C. Denier; Kuenen, Jeroen J.P.; Visschedijk, Antoon J.H.; Reimann, Stefan; Hill, Matthias; Claude, Anja


Review of Observation Capacities and Data Availability for Black Carbon in the Arctic Region

Tørseth, Kjetil; Andrews, Elisabeth; Asmi, Eija; Eleftheriadis, Kostas; Fiebig, Markus; Gilardoni, Stefania; Herber, Andreas; Huang, Lin; Kylling, Arve; Lupi, Angelo; Massling, Andreas; Mazzola, Mauro; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Popovicheva, Olga; Schichtel, Bret; Schmale, Julia; Sharma, Sangeeta; Skov, Henrik; Stebel, Kerstin; Vasel, Brian; Vitale, Vito; Whaley, Cynthia; Yttri, Karl Espen; Zanatta, Marco


Air monitoring at the Trollhaugen Observatory in Antarctica

Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Fiebig, Markus; Halse, Anne Karine; Hansen, Georg H.; Lunder, Chris Rene; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Pfaffhuber, Katrine Aspmo; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Schmidbauer, Norbert; Solberg, Sverre; Svendby, Tove Marit; Yttri, Karl Espen


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual Report 2019.

Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Fiebig, Markus; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen


Review of Observation Capacities and Data Availability for Black Carbon in the Arctic Region: EU Action on Black Carbon in the Arctic – Technical Report 1

Tørseth, Kjetil; Andrews, Elisabeth; Asmi, Eija; Eleftheriadis, Kostas; Fiebig, Markus; Herber, Andreas; Huang, Lin; Kylling, Arve; Lupi, Angelo; Massling, Andreas; Mazzola, Mauro; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Popovicheva, Olga; Schichtel, Bret; Schmale, Julia; Sharma, Sangeeta; Skov, Henrik; Stebel, Kerstin; Vasel, Brian; Vitale, Vito; Whaley, Cynthia; Yttri, Karl Espen; Zanatta, Marco


PMF based source apportionment of aethalometer data

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Aas, Wenche


Results from EMEP/COLOSSAL/ACRTIS intensive measurement campaign

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Aas, Wenche


Research and source apportionment at NILU

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Aas, Wenche


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components

Fagerli, Hilde; Tsyro, Svetlana; Jonson, Jan Eiof; Nyiri, Agnes; Gauss, Michael; Simpson, David; Wind, Peter; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Klein, Heiko; Mortier, Augustin; Aas, Wenche; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Tørseth, Kjetil; Gaisbauer, Silke; Mareckova, Katarina; Matthews, Bradley; Schindlbacher, Sabine; Sosa, Carlos; Tista, Melanie; Ullrich, Bernhard; Wankmüller, Robert; Scheuschner, Thomas; Bergström, Robert; Johanson, Lasse; Jalkanen, Jukka-Pekka; Metzger, Swen; van der Gon, Hugo A.C. Denier; Kuenen, Jeroen J.P.; Visschedijk, Antoon J.H.; Barregård, Lars; Molnar, Peter; Stockfelt, Leo


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual report 2018.

Aas, Wenche; Fiebig, Markus; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen


Results from EMEP/COLOSSAL/ACRTIS intensive measurement campaign

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Aas, Wenche


The EMEP Intensive Measurement Period campaign, 2008–2009: characterizing carbonaceous aerosol at nine rural sites in Europe

Yttri, Karl Espen; Simpson, David; Bergström, Robert; Kiss, Gyula; Szidat, Sönke; Ceburnis, Darius; Eckhardt, Sabine; Hueglin, Christoph; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Perrino, Cinzia; Pisso, Ignacio; Prévôt, André Stephan Henry; Putaud, Jean-Philippe; Spindler, Gerald; Vána, Milan; Zhang, Yan-Lin; Aas, Wenche


Source apportionment of circum-Arctic atmospheric black carbon from isotopes and modeling

Winiger, P.; Barrett, T. E.; Sheesley, R. J.; Huang, L.; Sharma, S.; Barrie, L. A.; Yttri, Karl Espen; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Eckhardt, Sabine; Stohl, Andreas; Klimont, Z.; Heyes, C.; Semiletov, I. P.; Dudarev, O. V.; Charkin, A.; Shakhova, N.; Holmstrand, H.; Andersson, A.; Gustafsson, Ö.


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components

Fagerli, Hilde; Tsyro, Svetlana; Jonson, Jan Eiof; Nyiri, Agnes; Gauss, Michael; Simpson, David; Wind, Peter; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Valdebenito Bustamante, Alvaro Moises; Klein, Heiko; Schulz, Michael; Mortier, Augustin; Aas, Wenche; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Rud, Richard Olav; Tørseth, Kjetil; Mareckova, Katarina; Matthews, Bradley; Tista, Melanie; Wankmüller, Robert; Posch, Maximilian; Bergström, Robert; Lazzeri, Paolo; Pandolfi, Marco; Luoma, Krista; Aurela, Minna; Lenartz, Fabian; Bergmans, Benjamin; Pittavino, Sara; Tombolato, Ivan


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway, Annual Report 2017

Aas, Wenche; Fiebig, Markus; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen


Long term observations of carbonaceous aerosol at Birkenes

Yttri, Karl Espen; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Eckhardt, Sabine; Solberg, Sverre; Aas, Wenche


Origin of elemental carbon in snow from western Siberia and northwestern European Russia during winter–spring 2014, 2015 and 2016

Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Shevchenko, Vladimir P.; Yttri, Karl Espen; Eckhardt, Sabine; Sollum, Espen; Pokrovsky, Oleg S.; Kobelev, Vasily O.; Korobov, Vladimir B.; Lobanov, Andrey A.; Starodymova, Dina P.; Vorobiev, Sergey N.; Thompson, Rona Louise; Stohl, Andreas


Composition and sources of carbonaceous aerosols in Northern Europe during winter

Glasius, M.; Hansen, A. M. K.; Claeys, M.; Henzing, J.S; Jedynska, A. D.; Kasper-Giebl, Anne; Kistler, M.; Kristensen, K.; Martinsson, J.; Maenhaut, W.; Nøjgaard, J.K.; Spindler, G.; Stenström, K. E.; Swietlicki, E.; Szidat, S.; Simpson, David; Yttri, Karl Espen


Black carbon in the Russian Arctic. Using a dispersion model to track the origin of black carbon in snow and atmosphere.

Evangeliou, N.; Popovicheva, O. B.; Shevchenko, V. P.; Yttri, K. E.; Eckhardt, S.; Pokrovsky, O. S, Eleftheriadis, K.; Stohl, A.


ACTRIS Data Centre – Data curation of in situ aerosol and trace gas data.

Myhre, C. L.; Fjæraa, A. M.; Fiebig, M.; Rud, R. O.; Yttri, K. E.; Eckhardt, P.


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components. EMEP Status Report 2017.

Fagerli, H.; Tsyro, S.; Denby, B.R.; Nyíri, A.; Gauss, M.; Simpson, D.; Wind, P.; Benedictow, A.; Jonson, J.E.; Klein, H.; Schultz, M.; Griesfeller, J.; Aas, W.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Solberg, S.; Platt, S. M.; Fiebig, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Rud, R. O.; Tørseth, K.; Mareckova, K.; Pinterits, M.; Tista, M.; Ullrich, B.; Wankmüller, R.; Posch, M.; Bergström, R.; Imhof, H.; Minguillon, M. C.; Putaud, J.-P.; Cavalli, F.; Poulain, L.; Schlag, P.; Heikkinen, L. M.; Swietlicki, E.; Martinsson, J.; Vana, M.; Smejkalova, A. H.; Kouvarakis, G.; Mihalopoulos, N.


Elemental carbon in snow from Western Siberia and Northwestern European Russia during spring 2014, 2015 and 2016.

Evangeliou, N.; Shevchenko, V.; Yttri, K. E.; Eckhardt, S.; Sollum, E.; Pokrovsky, O. S.; Kobelev, V. O.; Korobov, V. B.; Lobanov, A. A.; Starodymova, D. P.; Vorobyev, S. N.; Thompson, R.; Stohl, A.


Climate and environmental research at the atmospheric observatory at Trollhaugen.

Aas, W.; Lunder, C. R.; Fiebig, M.; Myhre, C. L.; Bohlin-Nizzetto, P.; Breivik, K.; Yttri, K. E.; Pfaffhuber, K. A.; Hansen, G. H.


European aerosol phenomenology-5: Climatology of black carbon optical properties at 9 regional background sites across Europe.

Zanatta, M.; Gysel, M.; Bukowiecki, N.; Müller, T.; Weingartner, E.; Areskoug, H.; Fiebig, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Kouvarakis, G.; Beddows, D.; Harrison, R.M.; Cavalli, F.; Putaud, J.P.; Spindler, G.; Wiedensohler, A.; Alastuey, A.; Pandolfi, M.; Sellegri, K.; Swietlicki, E.; Jaffrezo, J.L.; Baltensperger, U.; Laj, P. A.


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components. EMEP Status Report 2016.

Fagerli, H.; Tsyro, S.; Denby, B.R.; Olivié, D.; Nyíri, A.; Gauss, M.; Simpson, D.; Wind, P.; Benedictow, A.; Mortier, A.; Jonson, J.E.; Schultz, M.; Kirkevåg, A.; Valdebenito, A.; Iversen, T.; Seland, Ø.; Aas, W.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Solberg, S.; Rud, R.O.; Tørseth, K.; Yttri, K.E.; Brendle, C.; Mareckova, K.; Pinterits, M.; Schindlbacher, S.; Tista, M.; Ullrich, B.; Wankmüller, R.; Posch, M.; Mona, L.; Navarro, J.-C.A.; Ekman, A.; Hansson, H.-C.; Riipinen, I.; Struthers, H.; Varma, V.


A European aerosol phenomenology-4: Harmonized concentrations of carbonaceous aerosol at 10 regional background sites across Europe.

Cavalli, F.; Alastuey, A.; Areskoug, H.; Ceburnis, D.; Cech, J.; Genberg, J.; Harrison, R.M.; Jaffrezo, J.L.; Kiss, G.; Laj, P.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Perez, N.; Quincey, P.; Schwarz, J.; Sellegri, K.; Spindler, G.; Swietlicki, E.; Theodosi, C.; Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Putaud, J.P.


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway, annual report 2015.

Aas, W.; Fiebig, M.; Platt, S.; Solberg, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Geochemistry of PM10 over Europe during the EMEP intensive measurement periods in summer 2012 and winter 2013.

Alastuey, A.; Querol, X.; Aas, W.; Lucarelli, F.; Pérez, N.; Moreno, T.; Cavalli, F.; Areskoug, H.; Balan, V.; Catrambone, M.; Ceburnis, D.; Cerro, J. C.; Conil, S.; Gevorgyan, L.; Hueglin, C.; Imre, K.; Jaffrezo, J.-L.; Leeson, S. R.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Mitosinkova, M.; O'Dowd, C. D.; Pey, J.; Putaud, J.-P.; Riffault, V.; Ripoll, A.; Sciare, J.; Sellegri, K.; Spindler, G.; Yttri, K. E.


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components. EMEP Status Report 2015.

Fagerli, H.; Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Schulz, M.; Gauss, M.; Jonson, J.E.; Benedictow, A.; Wind, P.; Nyíri, A.; Steensen, B.M.; Valiyaveetil, S.; Aas, W.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Solberg, S.; Stebel, K.; Tørseth, K.; Yttri, K.E.; Mareckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Pinterits, M.; Ullrich, B.; Posch, M.; van der Gon, H.D.; Alastuey, A.; Theys, N.


Aerosol measurements and source apportionment at Birkenes, Norway.

Platt, S.M.; Yttri, K.E.; Fiebig, M.; Aas, W.


Evaluating the climate and air quality impacts of short-lived pollutants.

Stohl, A.; Aamaas, B.; Amann, M.; Baker, L.H.; Bellouin, N.; Berntsen, T.K.; Boucher, O.; Cherian, R.; Collins, W.; Daskalakis, N.; Dusinska, M.; Eckhardt, S.; Fuglestvedt, J.S.; Harju, M.; Heyes, C.; Hodnebrog, Ø.; Hao, J.; Im, U.; Kanakidou, M.; Klimont, Z.; Kupiainen, K.; Law, K.S.; Lund, M.T.; Maas, R.; MacIntosh, C.R.; Myhre, G.; Myriokefalitakis, S.; Olivié, D.; Quaas, J.; Quennehen, B.; Raut, J.-C.; Rumbold, S.T.; Samset, B.H.; Schulz, M.; Seland, Ø.; Shine, K.P.; Skeie, R.B.; Wang, S.; Yttri, K.E.; Zhu, T.


An intercomparison study of analytical methods used for quantification of levoglucosan in ambient aerosol filter samples.

Yttri, K. E.; Schnelle-Kreis, J.; Maenhaut, W.; Abbaszade, G.; Alves, C.; Bjerke, A.; Bonnier, N.; Bossi, R.; Claeys, M.; Dye, C.; Evtyugina, M.; García-Gacio, D.; Hillamo, R.; Hoffer, A.; Hyder, M.; Iinuma, Y.; Jaffrezo, J.-L.; Kasper-Giebl, A.; Kiss, G.; López-Mahia, P. L.; Pio, C.; Piot, C.; Ramirez-Santa-Cruz, C.; Sciare, J.; Teinilä, K.; Vermeylen, R.; Vicente, A.; Zimmermann, R.


Typifying air masses and sources at Birkenes in southern Norway by combining ACTRIS observables and model tools.

Fiebig, M.; Aas, W.; Solberg, S.; Schmidbauer, N.; Fjæraa, A.M.; Yttri, K.E.; Hamburger, T.; Lunder, C.R.; Myhre, C.L.; Wisthaler, A.; Tørseth, Hansen, G.



Yttri, K.E.


NILU at Svalbard – focusing on atmospheric compositional change and process understanding.

Myhre, C.L.; Hermansen, O.; Stohl, A.; Yttri, K.E.; Eckhardt, S.; Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Silyakova, A.; Ferré, B.; Mienert, J.; Myhre, G.; Pyle, J.; Paris, J.-D.; Greinert, J.; Nisbet, E.; Lowry, D.; Fischer, R.


NILU i Arktis og Antarktis.

Lunder, C.R.; Aas, W.; Myhre, C.L.; Bohlin-Nizzetto, P.; Tørseth, K.; Stohl, A.; Fiebig, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Eckhardt, S.; Pfaffhuber, K.A.; Edvardsen, K.; Hansen, G.; Kallenborn, R.; Stebel, K.; Hermansen, O.; Bäcklund, A.; Wasseng, J.H.; Schmidbauer, N.


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components.

Fagerli, H.; Schulz, M.; Gauss, M.; Tsyro, S.; Jonson, J.E.; Benedictow, A.; Simpson, D.; Valdebenito, A.; Griesfeller, J.; Semeena, V.S.; Wind, P.; Olivié, D.; Aas, W.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Solberg, S.; Tørseth, K.; Yttri, K.E.; Mareckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Karl, M.; Alastuey, A.; Hamburger, T.; Posch, M.; Tuovinen, J.-P.


Quantifying black carbon from biomass burning by means of levoglucosan – a one year time series at the Arctic observatory Zeppelin.

Yttri, K. E.; Myhre, C.L.; Eckhardt, S.; Fiebig, M.; Dye, C.; Hirdman, D.; Ström, J.; Klimont, Z.; Stohl, A.


New Directions: The future of European urban air quality monitoring.

Kuhlbusch, T.A.J.; Quincey, P.; Fuller, G.W.; Kelly, F.; Mudway, I.; Viana, M.; Querol, X.; Alastuey, A.; Katsouyanni, K.; Weijers, E.; Borowiak, A.; Gehrig, R.; Hueglin, C.; Bruckmann, P.; Favez, O.; Sciare, J.; Hoffmann, B.; Yttri, K.E.; Tørseth, K.; Sager, U.; Asbach, C.; Quass, U.


Contribution of wood burning to PM10 in London.

Fuller, G.W.; Tremper, A.H.; Baker, T.D.; Yttri, K.E.; Butterfield, D.


The importance of biomass burning as a source of BC in the European Arctic – Based on measurements at the Zeppelin Observatory, Svalbard.

Myhre, C.L.; Yttri, K.E.; Eckhardt, S.; Stohl, A.; Fiebig, M.; Dye, C.; Ström, J.; Klimont, Z.


EMEP intensive measurement periods in close partnership with EU projects.

Aas , W.; Alastuey, A.; Canonaco, F.; Cavalli, F.; Lucarelli, F.; Nemitz, E.; Prévôt, A.S.H.; Putaud, J.-P.; Simpson, D.; Myhre, C.L.; Querol, X.; Tsyro, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe: Status report 2013.

Aas, W.; Yttri, K.E.; Stohl, A.; Myhre, C.L.; Karl, M.; Tsyro, S.; Mareckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Klimont, Z.; Heyes, C.; Alastuey, A.; Querol, X.; Perez, N.; Moreno, T.; Lucarelli, F.; Areskoug, H.; Balan, V.; Cavalli, F.; Puyaud, J.-P.; Cape,.N.; Catrambone, M.; Ceburnis, D.; Conil, S.; Gevorgyan, L.; Jaffrezo, J.L.; Hueglin, C.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Mitosinkova, M.; Riffault, V.; Sellegri, K.; Spindel, G.; Schuck, T.; Pfeffer, U.; Breuer, L.; Adolfs, D.; Chuntonova, L.; Arabidze, M.; Abdulazizov, E.


Light-absorbing carbon in Europe – measurement and modelling, with a focus on residential wood combustion emissions.

Genberg, J.; Denier van der Gon, H. A. C.; Simpson, D.; Swietlicki, E.; Areskoug, H.; Beddows, D.; Ceburnis, D.; Fiebig, M.; Hansson, H. C.; Harrison, R. M.; Jennings, S. G.; Saarikoski, S.; Spindler, G.; Visschedijk, A. J. H.; Wiedensohler, A.; Yttri, K. E.; Bergström, R.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe: Status report 2012.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Kristiansen, N.I.; Myhre, C.L.; Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Bergström, R.; Mareckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Klimont, Z.; Amman, M.; Kouvarakis, G.N.; Laj, P.; Pappalardo, G.; Prevot, A.


Lessons learnt from the first EMEP intensive measurement periods.

Aas, W.; Tsyro, S.; Bieber, E.; Bergström, R.; Ceburnis, D.; Ellermann, T.; Fagerli, H.; Frölich, M.; Gehrig, R.; Makkonen, U.; Nemitz, E.; Otjes, R.; Perez, N.; Perrino, C.; Prévôt, A. S. H.; Putaud, J.-P.; Simpson, D.; Spindler, G.; Vana, M.; Yttri, K.E.


Snapshots of results and improvements of atmospheric observations at Birkenes and Zeppelin.

Fiebig, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Myhre, C.L.; Tunved, P.; Tørseth, K.


Monitoring long-range transboundary air pollution 2011. Summary report.

Schartau, A.K.; Fjellheim, A.; Walseng, B.; Skjelkvåle, B.L.; Framstad, E.; Halvorsen, G.A.; Bruteig, I.E.; Røsberg, I.; Kålås, J.A.; Nordbakken, J-F.; Yttri, K.E.; Andreassen, K.; Skancke, L.B.; Evju, M.; Clarke, N.; Aarrestad, P.A.; Saksgård, R.; Manø, S.; Solberg, S.; Jensen, T.C.; Økland, T.; Høgåsen, T.; Nygård, T.; Hesthagen, T.; Bakkestuen, V.; Timmermann, V.; Aas, W.; Garmo, Ø.A.


Introduction to the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) and observed atmospheric composition change during 1972-2009.

Tørseth, K.; Aas, W.; Breivik, K.; Fjæraa, A.M.; Fiebig, M.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Lund Myhre, C.; Solberg, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe: Status report 2011.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Fiebig, M.; Fjæraa, A.M.; Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Bergström, R.; Mareckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Klimont, Z.; Borken-Kleefeld, J.; Cavalli, F.; Putaud, J.-P.; Schultz, M.; Querol, X.; Alastuey, A.; Amato, F.; Cusack, M.; Reche, C.; Karanasiou, A.; Viana, M.; Moreno, T.; Pey, J.; Perez, N.; Laj, P.; Wiedersohler, A.


Source apportionment of the summer time carbonaceous aerosol at Nordic rural background sites.

Yttri, K.E.; Simpson, D.; Nøjgaard, J.K.; Kristensen, K.; Genberg, J.; Stenström, K.; Swietlicki, E.; Hillamo, R.; Aurela, M.; Bauer, H.; Offenberg, J.H.; Jaoui, M.; Dye, C.; Eckhardt, S.; Burkhart, J.F.; Stohl, A.; Glasius, M.


Monitoring long-range transboundary air pollution 2010. Summary report.

Schartau, A.K.; Fjellheim, A.; Walseng, B.; Skjelkvåle, B.L.; Framstad, E.; Halvorsen, G.A.; Bruteig, I.E.; Røsberg, I.; Kålås, J.A.; Nordbakken, J-F.; Yttri, K.E.; Andreassen, K.; Skancke, L.B.; Evju, M.; Clarke, N.; Aarrestad, P.A.; Saksgård, R.; Manø, S.; Solberg, S.; Jensen, T.C.; Økland, T.; Høgåsen, T.; Hesthagen, T.; Bakkestuen, V.; Timmermann, V.; Aas, W.


Modelling EC/OC over Europe: comparison with observations.

Bergström, R.; Simpson, D.; Yttri, K.E.; Denier van der Gon, H.


Determination and mitigation of artifacts in sampling particulate organic carbon across Europe.

Putaud, J.-P.; Cavalli, F.; Alastuey, A.; Bourcier, L.; Ceburnis, D.; Dzumbová, L.; Fors, E.; Genberg, J.; Hoffer, A.; Kiss, G.; Schwarz, J.; Sellegri, K.; Viana, M.; Yttri, K.E.


Description of a measurement campaign for the development and validation of a non-exhaust PM traffic emisson model.

Denby, B.; Yttri, K.E.; Larssen, S.; Fiebig, M.; Hak, C.; Berger, J. Tørnkvist, K.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe: Status report 2010.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Stebel, K.; Vik, A.F.; Fjæraa, A.M.; Hirdman, D.; Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Mareckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Klimont, Z.; Kupiainen, K.; Amann, M.; Bergström, R.; Nemitz, E.; Querol, X.; Alastuey, A.; Pey, J.; Gehrig, R.


Effects of relative humidity on aerosol light scattering in the Arctic.

Zieger, P.; Fierz-Schmidhauser, R.; Gysel, M.; Ström, J.; Henne, S.; Yttri, K.E.; Baltensperger, U.; Weingartner, E.


Variations of PM10 mass concentrations and correlations with other pollutants in Belgrade urban area.

Joksic, J.; Radenkovic, M.; Cvetkovic, A.; Matic-Besarabic, S.; Jovasevic-Stojanovic, M.; Bartonova, A.; Yttri, K.E.


Monitoring long-range transboundary air pollution 2009. Summary report.

Schartau, A.K.; Fjellheim, A.; Walseng, B.; Skjelkvåle, B.L.; Framstad, E.; Halvorsen, G.A.; Kålås, J.A.; Nordbakken, J-F.; Yttri, K.E.; Andreassen, K.; Skancke, L.B.; Clarke, N.; Saksgård, R.; Manø, S.; Solberg, S.; Jensen, T.C.; Økland, T.; Høgåsen, T.; Hesthagen, T.; Timmermann, V.; Aas, W.


Effects of relative humidity on aerosol light scattering in the Arctic.

Zieger, P.; Fierz-Schmidhauser, R.; Gysel, M.; Ström, J.; Henne, S.; Yttri, K.E.; Baltensperger, U.; Weingartner, E.


Måler atmosfærens sammensetning.

Myhre, C.L.; Fiebig, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.


Measurement of elemental and organic carbon in Europe. Report of the preparatory workshop for a future standard measurement method.

Kuhlbusch, T.A.J.; Borowiak, A.; Gelenscer, A.; Genberg, J.; Gladtke, D.; Maenhaut, W.; Pio, C.; Popoviecheva, O.; Putaud, J.P.; Quincey, P.; Sciare, J.; ten Brink, H.; Viana, M.; Yttri, K.E.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe: Status report 2009.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Stebel, K.; Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Marckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Klimont, Z.; Bergström, R.; Denier van der Gon, H.; Holzer-Popp, T.; Schroedter-Homscheidt, M.


Methods for air monitoring in Arctic areas.

Yttri, K.E. (eds.) Fiebig, M.; Aspmo, K.; Schmidbauer, N.; Dye, C.; Prata, F.; Stohl, A.


Physical and chemical characterization of the particulate matter suspended in aerosols from the urban area of Belgrade.

Joksic, J.D.; Jovasevic-Stojanovic, M.; Bartonova, A.; Radekovic, M.B.; Yttri, K.E.; Matic-Besarabic, S.; Ignjatovic, L.


Measurement data July 2008 – June 2009.

Liu, L.; Gjerstad, K.I.; Sundvor, I. Yttri, K.E.


Long range transported air pollution and effects in Norway – status and projections.

Aas, W.; Solberg, S.; Yttri, K.E.; Larssen, T.; Wright, R.


Monitoring long-range transboundary air pollution 2008. Summary report.

Wollan, A.K.; Schartau, A.K.; Fjellheim, A.; Walseng, B.; Skjelkvåle, B.L.; Framstad, E.; Halvorsen, G.A.; Halvorsen, G.; Bratli, H.; Bruteig, I.E.; Røsberg, I.; Kålås, J.A.; Yttri, K.E.; Andreassen, K.; Skancke, L.B.; Evju, M.; Clarke, N.; Aarrestad, P.A.; Saksgård, R.; Halvorsen, R.; Manø, S.; Solberg, S.; Økland, T.; Høgåsen, T.; Hesthagen, T.; Bakkestuen, V.; Timmermann, V.; Aas, W.


Carbonaceous aerosols in Norwegian urban areas.

Yttri, K.E.; Dye, C.; Braathen, O.-A.; Simpson, D.; Steinnes, E.


Fossil and non-fossil sources of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) in Göteborg, Sweden.

Szidat, S.; Ruff, M.; Perron, N.; Wacker, L.; Synal, H.-A.; Hallquist, M.; Shannigrahi, A.S.; Yttri, K.E.; Dye, C.; Simpson, D.


Modelled radiative forcing of the direct aerosol effect with multi-observation evaluation.

Myhre, G.; Berglen, T.F.; Johnsrud, M.; Hoyle, C.R.; Berntsen, T.K.; Christopher, S.A.; Fahey, D.W.; Isaksen, I.S.A.; Jones, T.A.; Kahn, R.A.; Loeb, N.; Quinn, P.; Remer, L.; Schwarz, J.P.; Yttri, K.E.


Atmospheric monitoring at the Norwegian Antarctic station Troll: Measurement programme and first results.

Hansen, G.; Aspmo, K.; Berg, T.; Edvardsen, K.; Fiebig, M.; Kallenborn, R.; Lunder, C.R.; Stebel, K.; Schmidbauer, N.; Solberg, S.; Wasseng, J.H.; Yttri, K.E.


Overvåking av langtransporterte forurensninger 2007. Sammendragsrapport.

Schartau, A.K.; Fjellheim, A.; Walseng, B.; Skjelkvåle, B.L.; Hagen, D.; Framstad, E.; Lund, E.; Halvorsen, G.A.; Halvorsen, G.; Bratli, H.; Bruteig, I.E.; Kålås, J.A.; Yttri, K.E.; Andreassen, K.; Skancke, L.B.; Clarke, N.; Aarrestad, P.A.; Sakgsgård, R.; Manø, S.; Solberg, S.; Økland, T.; Hesthagen, T.; Bakkestuen, V.; Timmermann, V.; Aas, W.


Contributions to carbonaceous particulate matter in Oslo, Norway.

Slørdal, L.H.; Simpson, D.; Yttri, K.E.; Svendby, T.M.; Solberg, S.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe. Status report 2008.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Stebel, K.; Nyíri, A.; Tsyro, S.; Marckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Winiwarter, W.; Bauer, H.; Caseiro, A.; Puxbaum, H.; Holzer-Popp, T.; Schroedter-Homscheidt, M.



Studies on biosphere-aerosol-cloud climate interactions within BACCI.

Kulmala, M.; Kerminen, V.-M.; Laaksonen, A.; Riipinen, I.; Sipilä, M.; Ruuskanen, T.M.; Kurtén, T.; Lauri, A.; Sogacheva, L.; Hari, P.; Bäck, J.; Lihavainen, H.; Lehtinen, K.E.J.; Hakola, H.; Viisanen, Y.; Bilde, M.; Svenningson, B.; Lazaridis, M.; Tørseth, K.; Yttri, K.E.; Tunved, P.; Nilsson, E.D.; Pryor, S.; Sørensen, L.-L.; Larsen, S.; Hõrrak, U.; Winkler, P.M.; Wagner, P.E.; Swietlicki, E.; Riekkola, M.-L.; Hartonen, K.; Ekman, A.; Krejci, R.; Grini, A.; Hoyle, C.; Hov, Ø.; Hansson, H.-C.


Measurements of particulate matter inside the EMEP framework during 2004.

Lazaridis, M.; Aleksandropoulou, V.; Yttri, K.E.; Tørseth, K.


Aerosol optical properties and distribution during the extreme Arctic haze event in spring 2006.

Myhre, C.L.; Toledano, C.; Myhre, G.; Stebel, K.; Frioud, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Johnsrud, M.


Long-range transport of air pollution into the Arctic.

Stohl, A.; Berg, T.; Breivik, K.; Burkhart, J.F.; Eckhardt, S.; Fjæraa, A.; Forster, C.; Herber, A.; Lunder, C.; McMillan, W.W.; Manø, S.; Oltmans, S.; Shiobara, M.; Stebel, K.; Hirdman, D.; Stroem, J.; Tørseth, K.; Treffeisen, R.; Virkkunen, K.; Yttri, K.E.; Andrews, E.; Kowal, D.; Mefford, T.; Ogren, J.A.; Sharma, S.; Spichtinger, N.; Stone, R.; Hoch, S.; Wehrli, C.


Intensive measurements and modelling of size segregated chemical composition of aerosols in June 2006 and January 2007 in EMEP. Powerpoint presentation.

Aas, W.; Alfarra, R.; Bieber, E.; Ceburnis, D.; Ellermann, T.; Ferm, M.; Frölich, M.; Gehrig, R.; Hansson, H.C.; Kiss, H.; Makkonen, U.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Nemitz, E.; Otjes, R.P.; Perez, N.; Perrino, C.; Putaud, J.P.; Plass-Duelmer, C.; Spindler, G.; Tsyro, S.; Vana, M.; Yttri, K.E.


Monitoring long-range transboundary air pollution 2006. Summary report.

Monsen, B.L.S. (Red.) Hovedansvarlig for "Overvåking av langtransportert luft, nedbør": Luft, nedbør: Aas, W.; Manø, S.; Solberg, S.; Yttri, K.E.


SORGA (Secondary organic aerosols in the urban environment) – Modelling and measurement of carbonaceous aerosols at a rural and urban site in Norway.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Dye, C.; Myhre, C.L.; Schmidbauer, N.J.; Simpson, D.; Slørdal, L.H.; Svendby, T.M.


Atmospheric research and monitoring at Troll; a long-term observational program. Phase 1 (2005/06) NFR/NARE project 168908/S.30.

Hansen, G.; Aspmo, K.; Berg, T.; Edvardsen, K.; Fiebig, M.; Kallenborn, R.; Lunder, C.; Nilsen, T.; Schmidbauer, N.; Solberg, S.; Stebel, K.; Wasseng, J.; Yttri, K.E.


Size segregated chemical composition of aerosols, EMEP intensive measurements 06/07.

Aas, W.; Fölich, M.; Gehrig, R.; Pérez, N.; Perrino, C.; Putaud, J.P.; Spindler, G.; Tsyro, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Aerosol optical properties and distribution during the extreme Arctic pollution event in spring 2006.

Myhre, C.L.; Toledano, C.; Myhre, G.; Stebel, K.; Frioud, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Johnsrud, M.


Elemental and organic carbon in PM10: A one year measurement campaign within the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme EMEP.

Yttri, K. E.; Aas, W.; Bjerke, A.; Cape, J. N.; Cavalli, F.; Ceburnis, D.; Dye, C.; Emblico, L.; Facchini, M. C.; Forster, C.; Hanssen, J. E.; Hansson, H. C.; Jennings, S. G.; Maenhaut, W.; Putaud, J. P.; Tørseth, K.


Modeling of elemental carbon over Europe.

Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Tarrasón, L.; Klimont, Z.; Kupiainen, K.; Pio, C.; Yttri, K.E.


Phthalate levels in Norwegian indoor air related to particle size fraction.

Rakkestad, K.E.; Dye, C.J.; Yttri, K.E.; Holme, J.A. Hongslo, J.K.; Schwarze, P.E.; Becher, R.


Modeling carbonaceous aerosol over Europe: Analysis of the CARBOSOL and EMEP EC/OC campaigns.

Simpson, D.; Yttri, K.E.; Klimont, Z.; Kupiainen, K.; Caseiro, A.; Gelencsér, A.; Pio, C.; Puxbaum, H.; Legrand, M.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe: Status report 4/2007.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Tarrasón, L.; Vestreng, V.; Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Putaud, J.P.; Cavalli, F.


EMEP particulate matter assessment report.

Aas, W.; Bruckmann, P.; Derwent, R.; Poisson, N.; Putaud, J.-P.; Rouil, L.; Vidic, S.; Yttri, K.E. (eds.)


Regional aerosol optical properties and radiative impact of the extreme smoke event in the European Arctic in spring 2006.

Myhre, C.L.; Toledano, C.; Myhre, G.; Stebel, K.; Yttri, K.E.; Aaltonen, V.; Johnsrud, M.; Frioud, M.; Cachorro, V.; de Frutos, A.; Lihavainen, H.; Campell, J.R.; Chaikovsky, A.P.; Shiobara, M.; Welton, E.J.; Tørseth, K.


Arctic smoke – record high air pollution levels in the European Arctic due to agricultural fires in Eastern Europe.

Stohl, A.; Berg, T.; Burkhart, J.F.; Fjæraa, A.M.; Forster, C.; Herber, A.; Hov, Ø.; Lunder, C.; McMillan, W.W.; Oltmans, S.; Shiobara, M.; Simpson, D.; Solberg, S.; Stebel, K.; Ström, J.; Tørseth, K.; Treffeisen, R.; Virkkunen, K.; Yttri, K.E.


Elemental and organic carbon in PM10: A one year measurements campaign within the European monitoring and evaluation programme EMEP.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Bjerke, A.; Ceburnis, D.; Dye, C.; Facchini, M.C.; Forster, C.; Hanssen, J.E.; Hansson, H.C.; Jennings, S.G.; Maenhaut, W.; Tørseth, K.


Aerosol optical properties and distribution during the extreme Arctic haze event in spring 2006.

Myhre, C.L.; Toledano, C.; Stebel, K.; Frioud, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Johnsrud, M.


Measurements of particulate matter inside the EMEP framework during 2004.

Lazaridis, M.; Alexandropoulou, V.; Yttri, K.E.; Tørseth, K.


Transboundary Particulate Matter in Europe: Status Report 2006. Joint CCC & MSC-W Report 2006.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W. (eds.) . Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Forster, C.; Tørseth, K.; Tsyro, S.; Tarrasón, L.; Simpson, D.; Vestreng, V.; Lazaridis, M.; Kopanakis, I.; Aleksandropoulou, V.; Gehrig, R.; Adams, M.; Woodfield, M.; Putaud, J.P.; Schultz, M.


Pan-Arctic enhancements of light absorbing aerosol concentrations due to North American boreal forest fires during summer 2004. Poster presentation.

Stohl, A.; Andrews, E.; Burkhart, J.F.; Forster, C.; Herber, A.; Hoch, S.W.; Kowal, D.; Lunder, C.; Mefford, T.; Ogren, J.A.; Sharma, S.; Spichtinger, N.; Stebel, K.; Stone, R.; Strom, J.; Tørseth, K.; Wehrli, C.; Yttri, K.E.


Elemental and organic carbon in PM10: A one year measurements campaign within the European monitoring and evaluation programme EMEP.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Bjerke, A.; Ceburnis, D.; Dye, C.; Facchini, M.C.; Forster, C.; Hanssen, J.E.; Hansson, H.C.; Jennings, S.G.; Maenhaut, W.; Tørseth, K.


Aerosol optical properties and distribution during the extreme Arctic haze event in spring 2006.

Myhre, C.L.; Toledano, C.; Stebel, K.; Frioud, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Johnsrud, M.


Pan-Arctic enhancements of light absorbing aerosol concentrations due to North American boreal forest fires during summer 2004.

Stohl, A.; Andrews, E.; Burkhart, J.F.; Forster, C.; Herber, A.; Hoch, S.W.; Kowal, D.; Lunder, C.; Mefford, T.; Ogren, J.A.; Sharma, S.; Spichtinger, N.; Stebel, K.; Stone, R.; Strom, J.; Tørseth, K.; Wehrli, C.; Yttri, K.E.


Monitoring long-range transboundary air pollution 2005. Summary report.

Skjelkvåle, B.L. (red.) Hovedansvarlig for "Overvåking av langtransportert forurenset luft, nedbør", OPS, TOV Luft, nedbør: Aas, W.; Berg, T.; Manø, S.; Solberg, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants. Annual report for 2005.

Aas, W.; Solberg, S.; Berg, T.; Manø, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Chemical characterisation of the urban aerosol during Göte-2005.

Hallquist, M.; Andersson, P.U.; Boman, J.; Emren, A.; Hagström, M.; Hasegawa, S.; Janhäll, S.; Langer, S.; Ljungström, E.; Nemitz, E.; Olofsson, K.F.G.; Pettersson, J.B.C.; Synal, H-A.; Szidat, S.; Shannigrahi, A.S.; Svane, M.; Thomas, R.; Yttri, K.E.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe: Status report 2005.

Yttri, K.E.; Tørseth, K. (eds.) . Yttri, K.E.; Hanssen, J.E.; Tsyro, S.; Lazaridis, M.; Facchini, M.C.; Jennings, S.G.


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants, annual report for 2004.

Aas, W.; Solberg, S.; Berg, T.; Manø, S.; Yttri, K.E.



Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants, annual report for 2003.

Aas, W.; Solberg, S.; Berg, T.; Manø, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Light alkyl nitrates in the marine environment.

Aspmo, K.; van Ekeren, J.S.; Yttri, K.E.


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants. Annual report for 2002.

Aas, W.; Solberg, S.; Berg, T.; Manø, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants. Annual report for 2001.

Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Solberg, S.; Berg, T.; Manø, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants. Annual report for 2000.

Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Solberg, S.; Berg, T.; Manø, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Airborne Microplastic Detection, Origin, Transport and Global Radiative Impact (MAGIC)

Alternative title: Deteksjon, opprinnelse, transport og global strålingspåvirkning av luftbåren mikroplast The project with the short name "MAGIC" will incorporate advances in atmospheric sampling (e.g., from Global Atmosphere Watch stations, GAW) and detection […]

Project period: 2023 – 2027


Dr. Karl Espen Yttri is a senior scientist at NILU with a Ph.D. in aerosol science. He has extensive expertise in atmospheric aerosols and their chemical composition across diverse environments, ranging from urban areas to the pristine Arctic and Antarctic.

His primary focus is on carbonaceous aerosols, using both on-line and off-line methodologies for the source apportionment of anthropogenic and natural aerosol sources. This includes developing analytical methods for carbonaceous aerosol, including source-specific organic tracers.

As a member of the Chemical Coordinating Centre of the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) at NILU, he contributes to research on the long-range atmospheric transport of aerosol particles.

Karl Espen Yttri has 209 publications at NILU:

A European aerosol phenomenology – 9: Light absorption properties of carbonaceous aerosol particles across surface Europe

Rovira, Jordi; Savadkoohi, Marjan; Močnik, Griša; Chen, Gang I.; Aas, Wenche; Alados-Arboledas, Lucas; Artiñano, Begoña; Aurela, Minna; Backman, John; Banerji, Sujai; Beddows, David; Brem, Benjamin T.; Chazeau, Benjamin; Coen, Martine Collaud; Colombi, Cristina; Conil, Sébastien; Costabile, Francesca; Coz, Esther; De Brito, Joel F.; Eleftheriadis, Kostas; Favez, Olivier; Flentje, Harald; Freney, Evelyn; Gregorič, Asta; Gysel-Beer, Martin; Harrison, Roy M.; Hueglin, Christoph; Hyvärinen, Antti; Ivančič, Matic; Kalogridis, Athina-Cerise; Keernik, Hannes; Konstantinos, Granakis; Laj, Paolo; Liakakou, Eleni; Lin, Chunshui; Listrani, Stefano; Luoma, Krista; Maasikmets, Marek; Manninen, Hanna; Marchand, Nicolas; Dos Santos, Sebastiao Martins; Mbengue, Saliou; Mihalopoulos, Nikos; Nicolae, Doina; Niemi, Jarkko V; Norman, Michael; Ovadnevaite, Jurgita; Petit, Jean Eudes; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Prévôt, André S.H.; Pujadas, Manuel; Putaud, Jean-Philippe; Riffault, Véronique; Rigler, Martin; Rinaldi, Matteo; Schwarz, Jaroslav; Silvergren, Sanna; Teinemaa, Erik; Teinilä, Kimmo; Timonen, Hilkka; Titos, Gloria; Tobler, Anna; Vasilescu, Jeni; Vratolis, Stergios; Yttri, Karl Espen; Yubero, Eduardo; Zíková, Naděžda; Alastuey, Andrés; Petäjä, Tuukka; Querol, Xavier; Yus-Díez, Jesús; Pandolfi, Marco


Primary Biological Aerosol Particle (PBAP) modelling in EMEP

Lange, Gunnar Felix; Simpson, David; Yttri, Karl Espen; Valdebenito, Alvaro; Oliviè, Dirk Jan Leo; van Caspel, Willem; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Dominutti, Pamela; Uzu, Gaelle; Conil, Sébastien; Favez, Olivier; Fagerli, Hilde


Which organic compounds can we see in Antarctica? Nontarget analysis of air and water samples from Antarctica by high-resolution mass spectrometry.

Froment, Jean Francois; Rostkowski, Pawel; Gundersen, Hans; Yttri, Karl Espen; Lerch, Michaela; Bengtson Nash, Susan


Intensive measurement of VOCs and organic tracers during the summer heat wave 2022

Aas, Wenche; Ge, Yao; Hellén, Heidi; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Salameh, Therese; Simpson, David; Wegener, Robert; Yttri, Karl Espen; Solberg, Sverre


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components

Fagerli, Hilde; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Blake, Lewis R.; van Caspel, Willem Elias; Denby, Bruce; Gauss, Michael; Jonson, Jan Eiof; Klein, Heiko; Lange, Gunnar Felix; Mousing, Erik Askov; Nyiri, Agnes; Oliviè, Dirk Jan Leo; Segers, Arjo; Simpson, David; Tsyro, Svetlana; Valdebenito Bustamante, Alvaro Moises; Wind, Peter Ariaan; Aas, Wenche; Fiebig, Markus; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre; Tørseth, Kjetil; Yttri, Karl Espen; Redeyoff, Oscar; Matthews, Bradley; Schindlbacher, Sabine; Ullrich, Bernhard; Wankmüller, Robert; Scheuschner, Thomas; Kuenen, Jeroen J.P.; Guevara, Marc; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Dominutti, Pamela; Uzu, Gaelle; Conil, Sébastien; Favez, Olivier; Močnik, Griša


Monitoring of greenhouse gases and aerosols at Svalbard and Birkenes in 2023. Annual report

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Svendby, Tove Marit; Hermansen, Ove; Lunder, Chris Rene; Fiebig, Markus; Fjæraa, Ann Mari; Duflot, Valentin; Schmidbauer, Norbert; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Yttri, Karl Espen; Eckhardt, Sabine; Stebel, Kerstin


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual report 2023.

Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen


Contribution of fluorescent primary biological aerosol particles to low-level Arctic cloud residuals

Pereira Freitas, Gabriel; Kopec, Ben; Adachi, Kouji; Krejci, Radovan; Heslin-Rees, Dominic; Yttri, Karl Espen; Hubbard, Alun Lloyd; Welker, Jeffrey M.; Zieger, Paul


Impact of Biomass Burning on Arctic Aerosol Composition

Gramlich, Yvette; Siegel, Karolina; Haslett, Sophie L.; Cremer, Roxana S.; Lunder, Chris Rene; Kommula, Snehitha M.; Buchholz, Angela; Yttri, Karl Espen; Chen, Gang; Krejci, Radovan; Zieger, Paul; Virtanen, Annele; Riipinen, Ilona; Mohr, Claudia


Composition and sources of carbonaceous aerosol in the European Arctic at Zeppelin Observatory, Svalbard (2017 to 2020)

Yttri, Karl Espen; Bäcklund, Are; Conen, Franz; Eckhardt, Sabine; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Fiebig, Markus; Kasper-Giebl, Anne; Gold, Avram; Gundersen, Hans; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Simpson, David; Surratt, Jason D.; Szidat, Sönke; Rauber, Martin; Tørseth, Kjetil; Ytre-Eide, Martin Album; Zhang, Zhenfa; Aas, Wenche


Trends in Air Pollution in Europe, 2000–2019

Aas, Wenche; Fagerli, Hilde; Alastuey, Andres; Cavalli, Fabrizia; Degorska, Anna; Feigenspan, Stefan; Brenna, Hans; Gliss, Jonas; Heinesen, Daniel; Hueglin, Christoph; Holubová, Adela; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Mortier, Augustin; Murovec, Marijana; Putaud, Jean-Philippe; Rüdige, Julian; Simpson, David; Solberg, Sverre; Tsyro, Svetlana; Tørseth, Kjetil; Yttri, Karl Espen


Changes in the atmospheric chemical composition and impacts on climate, health, and ecosystems

Aas, Wenche; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Eckhardt, Sabine; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Solberg, Sverre; Svendby, Tove Marit; Tørseth, Kjetil; Yttri, Karl Espen


Trends in air pollution in Europe, 2000-2019

Aas, Wenche; Fagerli, Hilde; Simpson, David; Solberg, Sverre; Tsyro, Svetlana; Yttri, Karl Espen


Source apportionment of black carbon in Oslo (Norway) and Vinca (Serbia)

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Hak, Claudia; Jovasevic-Stojanovic, Milena


Microplastic to be measured at EMEP sites in the frame of MAGIC project

Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Yttri, Karl Espen; Herzke, Dorte; Cassiani, Massimo; Eckhardt, Sabine; Kylling, Arve; Wisthaler, Armin; Stohl, Andreas; Tichy, Ondrej; Revell, Laura E.


Regionally sourced bioaerosols drive high-temperature ice nucleating particles in the Arctic

Freitas, Gabriel Pereira; Adachi, Kouji; Conen, Franz; Heslin-Rees, Dominic; Krejci, Radovan; Tobo, Yutaka; Yttri, Karl Espen; Zieger, Paul


Impact of 2020 COVID-19 lockdowns on particulate air pollution across Europe

Putaud, Jean-Philippe; Pisoni, Enrico; Mangold, Alexander; Hueglin, Christoph; Sciare, Jean; Pikridas, Michael; Savvides, Chrysantos; Ondráček, Jakub; Mbengue, Saliou; Wiedensohler, Alfred; Weinhold, Kay; Merkel, Maik; Poulain, Laurent; van Pinxteren, Dominik; Herrmann, Hartmut; Massling, Andreas; Nordstroem, Claus; Alastuey, Andres; Reche, Cristina; Perez, Noemi; Castillo, Sonia; Sorribas, Mar; Adame, Jose A.; Petäjä, Tuukka; Lehtipalo, Katrianne; Niemi, Jarkko; Riffault, Véronique; De Brito, Joel F.; Colette, Augustin; Favez, Olivier; Petit, Jean-Eudes; Gros, Valérie; Gini, Maria; Vratolis, Stergios; Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos; Diapouli, Evangelia; van der Gon, Hugo Denier; Yttri, Karl Espen; Aas, Wenche


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components

Fagerli, Hilde; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; van Caspel, Willem; Gauss, Michael; Ge, Yao; Jonson, Jan Eiof; Klein, Heiko; Nyiri, Agnes; Simpson, David; Tsyro, Svetlana; Valdebenito, Alvaro; Wind, Peter; Aas, Wenche; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre; Tørseth, Kjetil; Yttri, Karl Espen; Matthews, Bradley; Schindlbacher, Sabine; Ullrich, Bernhard; Wankmüller, Robert; Klimont, Zbigniew; Scheuschner, Thomas; Kuenen, Jeroen J.P.; Hellén, Heidi; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Tusha, Diellëza; Mothes, Falk; Salameh, Therese; van Drooge, Barend L.; Wegener, Robert


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual Report 2022.

Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen


Flyvende bildekk – mikroplast i svevestøv

Grythe, Henrik; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Yttri, Karl Espen


On coarse patterns in the atmospheric concentration of ice nucleating particles

Conen, Franz; Yakutin, Mikhail V; Puchnin, Alexander; Yttri, Karl Espen


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual Report 2021.

Aas, Wenche; Berglen, Tore Flatlandsmo; Eckhardt, Sabine; Fiebig, Markus; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components

Fagerli, Hilde; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Denby, Bruce; Gauss, Michael; Heinesen, Daniel; Jonson, Jan Eiof; Karlsen, Krister Stræte; Klein, Heiko; Mortier, Augustin; Nyiri, Agnes; Segers, Arjo; Simpson, David; Tsyro, Svetlana; Valdebenito Bustamante, Alvaro Moises; Wind, Peter; Aas, Wenche; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Tørseth, Kjetil; Yttri, Karl Espen; Matthews, Bradley; Schindlbacher, Sabine; Ullrich, Bernhard; Wankmüller, Robert; Klimont, Zbigniew; Scheuschner, Thomas; Fernandez, Ignacio A. Gonzalez; Kuenen, Jeroen


EMEP modelling of carbonaceous aerosols in Europe: status and issues

Simpson, David; van der Gon, Hugo A.C. Denier; Kuenen, Jeroen; Yttri, Karl Espen


Elucidating the present-day chemical composition, seasonality and source regions of climate-relevant aerosols across the Arctic land surface

Moschos, Vaios; Schmale, Julia; Aas, Wenche; Becagli, Silvia; Calzolai, Giulia; Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos; Moffett, Claire E.; Schnelle-Kreis, Jürgen; Severi, Mirko; Sharma, Sangeeta; Skov, Henrik; Vestenius, Mika; Zhang, Wendy; Hakola, Hannele; Hellén, Heidi; Huang, Lin; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Massling, Andreas; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Petäjä, Tuukka; Popovicheva, Olga; Sheesley, Rebecca J.; Traversi, Rita; Yttri, Karl Espen; Prévôt, André S. H.; Baltensperger, Urs; El Haddad, Imad


Long-term PM Chemical Composition and Organic Aerosol (OA) Sources in European Arctic, Svalbard

Chen, Gang; Manousakas, Manousos I.; Lunder, Chris Rene; Aas, Wenche; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Slowik, Jay; Prévôt, André S. H.


Revising PM2.5 emissions from residential combustion, 2005–2019. Implications for air quality concentrations and trends.

Simpson, David; Kuenen, Jeroen; Fagerli, Hilde; Heinesen, Daniel; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Denier van der Gon, Hugo A.C.; Visschedijk, Antoon; Klimont, Zbigniew; Aas, Wenche; Lin, Yong; Yttri, Karl Espen; Paunu, Ville-Veikko


NORDUST – On TWP size distribution

Yttri, Karl Espen; Grythe, Henrik; Vogt, Matthias; Dauge, Franck Rene; Herzke, Dorte; Gustafsson, Mats


What caused a record high PM10 episode in northern Europe in October 2020?

Zwaaftink, Christine Groot; Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Hamer, Paul David; Johnsrud, Mona; Kylling, Arve; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Stebel, Kerstin; Uggerud, Hilde Thelle; Yttri, Karl Espen


Atmospheric composition in the European Arctic and 30 years of the Zeppelin Observatory, Ny-Ålesund

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Hov, Øystein; Berg, Torunn; Breivik, Knut; Eckhardt, Sabine; Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Fiebig, Markus; Fisher, Rebecca; Hansen, Georg Heinrich; Hansson, Hans-Christen; Heintzenberg, Jost; Hermansen, Ove; Heslin-Rees, Dominic; Holmén, Kim; Hudson, Stephen; Kallenborn, Roland; Krejci, Radovan; Krognes, Terje; Larssen, Steinar; Lowry, David; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Lunder, Chris Rene; Nisbet, Euan; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Park, Ki-Tae; Pedersen, Christina Alsvik; Pfaffhuber, Katrine Aspmo; Röckmann, Thomas; Schmidbauer, Norbert; Solberg, Sverre; Stohl, Andreas; Ström, Johan; Svendby, Tove Marit; Tunved, Peter; Tørnkvist, Kjersti Karlsen; van der Veen, Carina; Vratolis, Stergios; Jun Yoon, Young; Yttri, Karl Espen; Zieger, Paul; Aas, Wenche; Tørseth, Kjetil


Elucidating the present-day chemical composition, seasonality and source regions of climate-relevant aerosols across the Arctic land surface

Moschos, Vaios; Schmale, Julia; Aas, Wenche; Becagli, Silvia; Calzolai, Giulia; Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos; Moffett, Claire E.; Schnelle-Kreis, Jürgen; Severi, Mirko; Sharma, Sangeeta; Skov, Henrik; Vestenius, Mika; Zhang, Wendy; Hakola, Hannele; Hellén, Heidi; Huang, Lin; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Massling, Andreas; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Petäjä, Tuukka; Popovicheva, Olga; Sheesley, Rebecca J.; Traversi, Rita; Yttri, Karl Espen; Prévôt, André S. H.; Baltensperger, Urs; El Haddad, Imad


Equal abundance of summertime natural and wintertime anthropogenic Arctic organic aerosols

Moschos, Vaios; Dzepina, Katja; Bhattu, Deepika; Lamkaddam, Houssni; Casotto, Roberto; Daellenbach, Kaspar R.; Canonaco, Francesco; Rai, Pragati; Aas, Wenche; Becagli, Silvia; Calzolai, Giulia; Eleftheriadis, Konstantinos; Moffett, Claire E.; Schnelle-Kreis, Jürgen; Seviri, Mirko; Sharma, Sangeeta; Skov, Henrik; Vestenius, Mika; Zhang, Wendy; Hakola, Hannele; Hellén, Heidi; Huang, Lin; Jaffrezo, Jean-Luc; Massling, Andreas; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Petäjä, Tuukka; Popovicheva, Olga; Sheesley, Rebecca J.; Traversi, Rita; Yttri, Karl Espen; Schmale, Julia; Prévôt, André S. H.; Baltensperger, Urs; El Haddad, Imad


Optimised Aerosol Fraction Separation in Arctic Aerosol for Radiocarbon Measurement

Rauber, Martin; Salazar, G.; Yttri, Karl Espen; Szidat, S.


Marine Contribution to Antarctic Carbonaceous Aerosol

Rauber, M.; Salazar, G.; Yttri, Karl Espen; Moschos, V.; Haddad, Imad El; Prévôt, A. S. H.; Glasius, M.; Szidat, S.


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components

Fagerli, Hilde; Tsyro, Svetlana; Simpson, David; Nyiri, Agnes; Wind, Peter; Gauss, Michael; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Klein, Heiko; Valdebenito Bustamante, Alvaro Moises; Mu, Qing; Wærsted, Eivind Grøtting; Gliss, Jonas; Brenna, Hans; Mortier, Augustin; Griesfeller, Jan; Aas, Wenche; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre; Tørseth, Kjetil; Yttri, Karl Espen; Mareckova, Katarina; Matthews, Bradley; Schindlbacher, Sabine; Ullrich, Bernhard; Wankmüller, Robert; Scheuschner, Thomas; Kuenen, Jeroen J.P.


Differentiation of coarse-mode anthropogenic, marine and dust particles in the High Arctic islands of Svalbard

Song, Congbo; Dall'Osto, Manuel; Lupi, Angelo; Mazzola, Mauro; Traversi, Rita; Becagli, Silvia; Gilardoni, Stefania; Vratolis, Stergios; Yttri, Karl Espen; Beddows, David C.S.; Schmale, Julia; Brean, James; Kramawijaya, Agung Ghani; Harrison, Roy M.; Shi, Zongbo


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual Report 2020.

Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Fiebig, Markus; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen; Zwaaftink, Christine Groot


Trends, composition, and sources of carbonaceous aerosol at the Birkenes Observatory, northern Europe, 2001–2018

Yttri, Karl Espen; Canonaco, Francesco; Eckhardt, Sabine; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Fiebig, Markus; Gundersen, Hans; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Prévôt, André S. H.; Simpson, David; Solberg, Sverre; Surratt, Jason D.; Tørseth, Kjetil; Uggerud, Hilde Thelle; Vadset, Marit; Wan, Xin; Aas, Wenche


Results from EMEP/COLOSSAL/ACRTIS intensive measurement campaign

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Aas, Wenche


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components

Fagerli, Hilde; Tsyro, Svetlana; Jonson, Jan Eiof; Nyiri, Agnes; Simpson, David; Wind, Peter; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Klein, Heiko; Mu, Qing; Denby, Bruce; Wærsted, Eivind Grøtting; Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Tørseth, Kjetil; Mareckova, Katarina; Matthews, Bradley; Schindlbacher, Sabine; Ullrich, Bernhard; Wankmüller, Robert; Scheuschner, Thomas; Bergström, Robert; van der Gon, Hugo A.C. Denier; Kuenen, Jeroen J.P.; Visschedijk, Antoon J.H.; Reimann, Stefan; Hill, Matthias; Claude, Anja


Review of Observation Capacities and Data Availability for Black Carbon in the Arctic Region

Tørseth, Kjetil; Andrews, Elisabeth; Asmi, Eija; Eleftheriadis, Kostas; Fiebig, Markus; Gilardoni, Stefania; Herber, Andreas; Huang, Lin; Kylling, Arve; Lupi, Angelo; Massling, Andreas; Mazzola, Mauro; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Popovicheva, Olga; Schichtel, Bret; Schmale, Julia; Sharma, Sangeeta; Skov, Henrik; Stebel, Kerstin; Vasel, Brian; Vitale, Vito; Whaley, Cynthia; Yttri, Karl Espen; Zanatta, Marco


Air monitoring at the Trollhaugen Observatory in Antarctica

Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Fiebig, Markus; Halse, Anne Karine; Hansen, Georg H.; Lunder, Chris Rene; Myhre, Cathrine Lund; Bohlin-Nizzetto, Pernilla; Pfaffhuber, Katrine Aspmo; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Schmidbauer, Norbert; Solberg, Sverre; Svendby, Tove Marit; Yttri, Karl Espen


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual Report 2019.

Aas, Wenche; Eckhardt, Sabine; Fiebig, Markus; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen


Review of Observation Capacities and Data Availability for Black Carbon in the Arctic Region: EU Action on Black Carbon in the Arctic – Technical Report 1

Tørseth, Kjetil; Andrews, Elisabeth; Asmi, Eija; Eleftheriadis, Kostas; Fiebig, Markus; Herber, Andreas; Huang, Lin; Kylling, Arve; Lupi, Angelo; Massling, Andreas; Mazzola, Mauro; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Popovicheva, Olga; Schichtel, Bret; Schmale, Julia; Sharma, Sangeeta; Skov, Henrik; Stebel, Kerstin; Vasel, Brian; Vitale, Vito; Whaley, Cynthia; Yttri, Karl Espen; Zanatta, Marco


PMF based source apportionment of aethalometer data

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Aas, Wenche


Results from EMEP/COLOSSAL/ACRTIS intensive measurement campaign

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Aas, Wenche


Research and source apportionment at NILU

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Aas, Wenche


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components

Fagerli, Hilde; Tsyro, Svetlana; Jonson, Jan Eiof; Nyiri, Agnes; Gauss, Michael; Simpson, David; Wind, Peter; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Klein, Heiko; Mortier, Augustin; Aas, Wenche; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Tørseth, Kjetil; Gaisbauer, Silke; Mareckova, Katarina; Matthews, Bradley; Schindlbacher, Sabine; Sosa, Carlos; Tista, Melanie; Ullrich, Bernhard; Wankmüller, Robert; Scheuschner, Thomas; Bergström, Robert; Johanson, Lasse; Jalkanen, Jukka-Pekka; Metzger, Swen; van der Gon, Hugo A.C. Denier; Kuenen, Jeroen J.P.; Visschedijk, Antoon J.H.; Barregård, Lars; Molnar, Peter; Stockfelt, Leo


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway. Annual report 2018.

Aas, Wenche; Fiebig, Markus; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen


Results from EMEP/COLOSSAL/ACRTIS intensive measurement campaign

Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Aas, Wenche


The EMEP Intensive Measurement Period campaign, 2008–2009: characterizing carbonaceous aerosol at nine rural sites in Europe

Yttri, Karl Espen; Simpson, David; Bergström, Robert; Kiss, Gyula; Szidat, Sönke; Ceburnis, Darius; Eckhardt, Sabine; Hueglin, Christoph; Nøjgaard, Jacob Klenø; Perrino, Cinzia; Pisso, Ignacio; Prévôt, André Stephan Henry; Putaud, Jean-Philippe; Spindler, Gerald; Vána, Milan; Zhang, Yan-Lin; Aas, Wenche


Source apportionment of circum-Arctic atmospheric black carbon from isotopes and modeling

Winiger, P.; Barrett, T. E.; Sheesley, R. J.; Huang, L.; Sharma, S.; Barrie, L. A.; Yttri, Karl Espen; Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Eckhardt, Sabine; Stohl, Andreas; Klimont, Z.; Heyes, C.; Semiletov, I. P.; Dudarev, O. V.; Charkin, A.; Shakhova, N.; Holmstrand, H.; Andersson, A.; Gustafsson, Ö.


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components

Fagerli, Hilde; Tsyro, Svetlana; Jonson, Jan Eiof; Nyiri, Agnes; Gauss, Michael; Simpson, David; Wind, Peter; Benedictow, Anna Maria Katarina; Valdebenito Bustamante, Alvaro Moises; Klein, Heiko; Schulz, Michael; Mortier, Augustin; Aas, Wenche; Hjellbrekke, Anne-Gunn; Solberg, Sverre; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Yttri, Karl Espen; Rud, Richard Olav; Tørseth, Kjetil; Mareckova, Katarina; Matthews, Bradley; Tista, Melanie; Wankmüller, Robert; Posch, Maximilian; Bergström, Robert; Lazzeri, Paolo; Pandolfi, Marco; Luoma, Krista; Aurela, Minna; Lenartz, Fabian; Bergmans, Benjamin; Pittavino, Sara; Tombolato, Ivan


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway, Annual Report 2017

Aas, Wenche; Fiebig, Markus; Solberg, Sverre; Yttri, Karl Espen


Long term observations of carbonaceous aerosol at Birkenes

Yttri, Karl Espen; Platt, Stephen Matthew; Eckhardt, Sabine; Solberg, Sverre; Aas, Wenche


Origin of elemental carbon in snow from western Siberia and northwestern European Russia during winter–spring 2014, 2015 and 2016

Evangeliou, Nikolaos; Shevchenko, Vladimir P.; Yttri, Karl Espen; Eckhardt, Sabine; Sollum, Espen; Pokrovsky, Oleg S.; Kobelev, Vasily O.; Korobov, Vladimir B.; Lobanov, Andrey A.; Starodymova, Dina P.; Vorobiev, Sergey N.; Thompson, Rona Louise; Stohl, Andreas


Composition and sources of carbonaceous aerosols in Northern Europe during winter

Glasius, M.; Hansen, A. M. K.; Claeys, M.; Henzing, J.S; Jedynska, A. D.; Kasper-Giebl, Anne; Kistler, M.; Kristensen, K.; Martinsson, J.; Maenhaut, W.; Nøjgaard, J.K.; Spindler, G.; Stenström, K. E.; Swietlicki, E.; Szidat, S.; Simpson, David; Yttri, Karl Espen


Black carbon in the Russian Arctic. Using a dispersion model to track the origin of black carbon in snow and atmosphere.

Evangeliou, N.; Popovicheva, O. B.; Shevchenko, V. P.; Yttri, K. E.; Eckhardt, S.; Pokrovsky, O. S, Eleftheriadis, K.; Stohl, A.


ACTRIS Data Centre – Data curation of in situ aerosol and trace gas data.

Myhre, C. L.; Fjæraa, A. M.; Fiebig, M.; Rud, R. O.; Yttri, K. E.; Eckhardt, P.


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components. EMEP Status Report 2017.

Fagerli, H.; Tsyro, S.; Denby, B.R.; Nyíri, A.; Gauss, M.; Simpson, D.; Wind, P.; Benedictow, A.; Jonson, J.E.; Klein, H.; Schultz, M.; Griesfeller, J.; Aas, W.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Solberg, S.; Platt, S. M.; Fiebig, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Rud, R. O.; Tørseth, K.; Mareckova, K.; Pinterits, M.; Tista, M.; Ullrich, B.; Wankmüller, R.; Posch, M.; Bergström, R.; Imhof, H.; Minguillon, M. C.; Putaud, J.-P.; Cavalli, F.; Poulain, L.; Schlag, P.; Heikkinen, L. M.; Swietlicki, E.; Martinsson, J.; Vana, M.; Smejkalova, A. H.; Kouvarakis, G.; Mihalopoulos, N.


Elemental carbon in snow from Western Siberia and Northwestern European Russia during spring 2014, 2015 and 2016.

Evangeliou, N.; Shevchenko, V.; Yttri, K. E.; Eckhardt, S.; Sollum, E.; Pokrovsky, O. S.; Kobelev, V. O.; Korobov, V. B.; Lobanov, A. A.; Starodymova, D. P.; Vorobyev, S. N.; Thompson, R.; Stohl, A.


Climate and environmental research at the atmospheric observatory at Trollhaugen.

Aas, W.; Lunder, C. R.; Fiebig, M.; Myhre, C. L.; Bohlin-Nizzetto, P.; Breivik, K.; Yttri, K. E.; Pfaffhuber, K. A.; Hansen, G. H.


European aerosol phenomenology-5: Climatology of black carbon optical properties at 9 regional background sites across Europe.

Zanatta, M.; Gysel, M.; Bukowiecki, N.; Müller, T.; Weingartner, E.; Areskoug, H.; Fiebig, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Kouvarakis, G.; Beddows, D.; Harrison, R.M.; Cavalli, F.; Putaud, J.P.; Spindler, G.; Wiedensohler, A.; Alastuey, A.; Pandolfi, M.; Sellegri, K.; Swietlicki, E.; Jaffrezo, J.L.; Baltensperger, U.; Laj, P. A.


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components. EMEP Status Report 2016.

Fagerli, H.; Tsyro, S.; Denby, B.R.; Olivié, D.; Nyíri, A.; Gauss, M.; Simpson, D.; Wind, P.; Benedictow, A.; Mortier, A.; Jonson, J.E.; Schultz, M.; Kirkevåg, A.; Valdebenito, A.; Iversen, T.; Seland, Ø.; Aas, W.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Solberg, S.; Rud, R.O.; Tørseth, K.; Yttri, K.E.; Brendle, C.; Mareckova, K.; Pinterits, M.; Schindlbacher, S.; Tista, M.; Ullrich, B.; Wankmüller, R.; Posch, M.; Mona, L.; Navarro, J.-C.A.; Ekman, A.; Hansson, H.-C.; Riipinen, I.; Struthers, H.; Varma, V.


A European aerosol phenomenology-4: Harmonized concentrations of carbonaceous aerosol at 10 regional background sites across Europe.

Cavalli, F.; Alastuey, A.; Areskoug, H.; Ceburnis, D.; Cech, J.; Genberg, J.; Harrison, R.M.; Jaffrezo, J.L.; Kiss, G.; Laj, P.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Perez, N.; Quincey, P.; Schwarz, J.; Sellegri, K.; Spindler, G.; Swietlicki, E.; Theodosi, C.; Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Putaud, J.P.


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants in Norway, annual report 2015.

Aas, W.; Fiebig, M.; Platt, S.; Solberg, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Geochemistry of PM10 over Europe during the EMEP intensive measurement periods in summer 2012 and winter 2013.

Alastuey, A.; Querol, X.; Aas, W.; Lucarelli, F.; Pérez, N.; Moreno, T.; Cavalli, F.; Areskoug, H.; Balan, V.; Catrambone, M.; Ceburnis, D.; Cerro, J. C.; Conil, S.; Gevorgyan, L.; Hueglin, C.; Imre, K.; Jaffrezo, J.-L.; Leeson, S. R.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Mitosinkova, M.; O'Dowd, C. D.; Pey, J.; Putaud, J.-P.; Riffault, V.; Ripoll, A.; Sciare, J.; Sellegri, K.; Spindler, G.; Yttri, K. E.


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components. EMEP Status Report 2015.

Fagerli, H.; Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Schulz, M.; Gauss, M.; Jonson, J.E.; Benedictow, A.; Wind, P.; Nyíri, A.; Steensen, B.M.; Valiyaveetil, S.; Aas, W.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Solberg, S.; Stebel, K.; Tørseth, K.; Yttri, K.E.; Mareckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Pinterits, M.; Ullrich, B.; Posch, M.; van der Gon, H.D.; Alastuey, A.; Theys, N.


Aerosol measurements and source apportionment at Birkenes, Norway.

Platt, S.M.; Yttri, K.E.; Fiebig, M.; Aas, W.


Evaluating the climate and air quality impacts of short-lived pollutants.

Stohl, A.; Aamaas, B.; Amann, M.; Baker, L.H.; Bellouin, N.; Berntsen, T.K.; Boucher, O.; Cherian, R.; Collins, W.; Daskalakis, N.; Dusinska, M.; Eckhardt, S.; Fuglestvedt, J.S.; Harju, M.; Heyes, C.; Hodnebrog, Ø.; Hao, J.; Im, U.; Kanakidou, M.; Klimont, Z.; Kupiainen, K.; Law, K.S.; Lund, M.T.; Maas, R.; MacIntosh, C.R.; Myhre, G.; Myriokefalitakis, S.; Olivié, D.; Quaas, J.; Quennehen, B.; Raut, J.-C.; Rumbold, S.T.; Samset, B.H.; Schulz, M.; Seland, Ø.; Shine, K.P.; Skeie, R.B.; Wang, S.; Yttri, K.E.; Zhu, T.


An intercomparison study of analytical methods used for quantification of levoglucosan in ambient aerosol filter samples.

Yttri, K. E.; Schnelle-Kreis, J.; Maenhaut, W.; Abbaszade, G.; Alves, C.; Bjerke, A.; Bonnier, N.; Bossi, R.; Claeys, M.; Dye, C.; Evtyugina, M.; García-Gacio, D.; Hillamo, R.; Hoffer, A.; Hyder, M.; Iinuma, Y.; Jaffrezo, J.-L.; Kasper-Giebl, A.; Kiss, G.; López-Mahia, P. L.; Pio, C.; Piot, C.; Ramirez-Santa-Cruz, C.; Sciare, J.; Teinilä, K.; Vermeylen, R.; Vicente, A.; Zimmermann, R.


Typifying air masses and sources at Birkenes in southern Norway by combining ACTRIS observables and model tools.

Fiebig, M.; Aas, W.; Solberg, S.; Schmidbauer, N.; Fjæraa, A.M.; Yttri, K.E.; Hamburger, T.; Lunder, C.R.; Myhre, C.L.; Wisthaler, A.; Tørseth, Hansen, G.



Yttri, K.E.


NILU at Svalbard – focusing on atmospheric compositional change and process understanding.

Myhre, C.L.; Hermansen, O.; Stohl, A.; Yttri, K.E.; Eckhardt, S.; Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Silyakova, A.; Ferré, B.; Mienert, J.; Myhre, G.; Pyle, J.; Paris, J.-D.; Greinert, J.; Nisbet, E.; Lowry, D.; Fischer, R.


NILU i Arktis og Antarktis.

Lunder, C.R.; Aas, W.; Myhre, C.L.; Bohlin-Nizzetto, P.; Tørseth, K.; Stohl, A.; Fiebig, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Eckhardt, S.; Pfaffhuber, K.A.; Edvardsen, K.; Hansen, G.; Kallenborn, R.; Stebel, K.; Hermansen, O.; Bäcklund, A.; Wasseng, J.H.; Schmidbauer, N.


Transboundary particulate matter, photo-oxidants, acidifying and eutrophying components.

Fagerli, H.; Schulz, M.; Gauss, M.; Tsyro, S.; Jonson, J.E.; Benedictow, A.; Simpson, D.; Valdebenito, A.; Griesfeller, J.; Semeena, V.S.; Wind, P.; Olivié, D.; Aas, W.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Solberg, S.; Tørseth, K.; Yttri, K.E.; Mareckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Karl, M.; Alastuey, A.; Hamburger, T.; Posch, M.; Tuovinen, J.-P.


Quantifying black carbon from biomass burning by means of levoglucosan – a one year time series at the Arctic observatory Zeppelin.

Yttri, K. E.; Myhre, C.L.; Eckhardt, S.; Fiebig, M.; Dye, C.; Hirdman, D.; Ström, J.; Klimont, Z.; Stohl, A.


New Directions: The future of European urban air quality monitoring.

Kuhlbusch, T.A.J.; Quincey, P.; Fuller, G.W.; Kelly, F.; Mudway, I.; Viana, M.; Querol, X.; Alastuey, A.; Katsouyanni, K.; Weijers, E.; Borowiak, A.; Gehrig, R.; Hueglin, C.; Bruckmann, P.; Favez, O.; Sciare, J.; Hoffmann, B.; Yttri, K.E.; Tørseth, K.; Sager, U.; Asbach, C.; Quass, U.


Contribution of wood burning to PM10 in London.

Fuller, G.W.; Tremper, A.H.; Baker, T.D.; Yttri, K.E.; Butterfield, D.


The importance of biomass burning as a source of BC in the European Arctic – Based on measurements at the Zeppelin Observatory, Svalbard.

Myhre, C.L.; Yttri, K.E.; Eckhardt, S.; Stohl, A.; Fiebig, M.; Dye, C.; Ström, J.; Klimont, Z.


EMEP intensive measurement periods in close partnership with EU projects.

Aas , W.; Alastuey, A.; Canonaco, F.; Cavalli, F.; Lucarelli, F.; Nemitz, E.; Prévôt, A.S.H.; Putaud, J.-P.; Simpson, D.; Myhre, C.L.; Querol, X.; Tsyro, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe: Status report 2013.

Aas, W.; Yttri, K.E.; Stohl, A.; Myhre, C.L.; Karl, M.; Tsyro, S.; Mareckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Klimont, Z.; Heyes, C.; Alastuey, A.; Querol, X.; Perez, N.; Moreno, T.; Lucarelli, F.; Areskoug, H.; Balan, V.; Cavalli, F.; Puyaud, J.-P.; Cape,.N.; Catrambone, M.; Ceburnis, D.; Conil, S.; Gevorgyan, L.; Jaffrezo, J.L.; Hueglin, C.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Mitosinkova, M.; Riffault, V.; Sellegri, K.; Spindel, G.; Schuck, T.; Pfeffer, U.; Breuer, L.; Adolfs, D.; Chuntonova, L.; Arabidze, M.; Abdulazizov, E.


Light-absorbing carbon in Europe – measurement and modelling, with a focus on residential wood combustion emissions.

Genberg, J.; Denier van der Gon, H. A. C.; Simpson, D.; Swietlicki, E.; Areskoug, H.; Beddows, D.; Ceburnis, D.; Fiebig, M.; Hansson, H. C.; Harrison, R. M.; Jennings, S. G.; Saarikoski, S.; Spindler, G.; Visschedijk, A. J. H.; Wiedensohler, A.; Yttri, K. E.; Bergström, R.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe: Status report 2012.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Kristiansen, N.I.; Myhre, C.L.; Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Bergström, R.; Mareckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Klimont, Z.; Amman, M.; Kouvarakis, G.N.; Laj, P.; Pappalardo, G.; Prevot, A.


Lessons learnt from the first EMEP intensive measurement periods.

Aas, W.; Tsyro, S.; Bieber, E.; Bergström, R.; Ceburnis, D.; Ellermann, T.; Fagerli, H.; Frölich, M.; Gehrig, R.; Makkonen, U.; Nemitz, E.; Otjes, R.; Perez, N.; Perrino, C.; Prévôt, A. S. H.; Putaud, J.-P.; Simpson, D.; Spindler, G.; Vana, M.; Yttri, K.E.


Snapshots of results and improvements of atmospheric observations at Birkenes and Zeppelin.

Fiebig, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Myhre, C.L.; Tunved, P.; Tørseth, K.


Monitoring long-range transboundary air pollution 2011. Summary report.

Schartau, A.K.; Fjellheim, A.; Walseng, B.; Skjelkvåle, B.L.; Framstad, E.; Halvorsen, G.A.; Bruteig, I.E.; Røsberg, I.; Kålås, J.A.; Nordbakken, J-F.; Yttri, K.E.; Andreassen, K.; Skancke, L.B.; Evju, M.; Clarke, N.; Aarrestad, P.A.; Saksgård, R.; Manø, S.; Solberg, S.; Jensen, T.C.; Økland, T.; Høgåsen, T.; Nygård, T.; Hesthagen, T.; Bakkestuen, V.; Timmermann, V.; Aas, W.; Garmo, Ø.A.


Introduction to the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme (EMEP) and observed atmospheric composition change during 1972-2009.

Tørseth, K.; Aas, W.; Breivik, K.; Fjæraa, A.M.; Fiebig, M.; Hjellbrekke, A.-G.; Lund Myhre, C.; Solberg, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe: Status report 2011.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Fiebig, M.; Fjæraa, A.M.; Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Bergström, R.; Mareckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Klimont, Z.; Borken-Kleefeld, J.; Cavalli, F.; Putaud, J.-P.; Schultz, M.; Querol, X.; Alastuey, A.; Amato, F.; Cusack, M.; Reche, C.; Karanasiou, A.; Viana, M.; Moreno, T.; Pey, J.; Perez, N.; Laj, P.; Wiedersohler, A.


Source apportionment of the summer time carbonaceous aerosol at Nordic rural background sites.

Yttri, K.E.; Simpson, D.; Nøjgaard, J.K.; Kristensen, K.; Genberg, J.; Stenström, K.; Swietlicki, E.; Hillamo, R.; Aurela, M.; Bauer, H.; Offenberg, J.H.; Jaoui, M.; Dye, C.; Eckhardt, S.; Burkhart, J.F.; Stohl, A.; Glasius, M.


Monitoring long-range transboundary air pollution 2010. Summary report.

Schartau, A.K.; Fjellheim, A.; Walseng, B.; Skjelkvåle, B.L.; Framstad, E.; Halvorsen, G.A.; Bruteig, I.E.; Røsberg, I.; Kålås, J.A.; Nordbakken, J-F.; Yttri, K.E.; Andreassen, K.; Skancke, L.B.; Evju, M.; Clarke, N.; Aarrestad, P.A.; Saksgård, R.; Manø, S.; Solberg, S.; Jensen, T.C.; Økland, T.; Høgåsen, T.; Hesthagen, T.; Bakkestuen, V.; Timmermann, V.; Aas, W.


Modelling EC/OC over Europe: comparison with observations.

Bergström, R.; Simpson, D.; Yttri, K.E.; Denier van der Gon, H.


Determination and mitigation of artifacts in sampling particulate organic carbon across Europe.

Putaud, J.-P.; Cavalli, F.; Alastuey, A.; Bourcier, L.; Ceburnis, D.; Dzumbová, L.; Fors, E.; Genberg, J.; Hoffer, A.; Kiss, G.; Schwarz, J.; Sellegri, K.; Viana, M.; Yttri, K.E.


Description of a measurement campaign for the development and validation of a non-exhaust PM traffic emisson model.

Denby, B.; Yttri, K.E.; Larssen, S.; Fiebig, M.; Hak, C.; Berger, J. Tørnkvist, K.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe: Status report 2010.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Stebel, K.; Vik, A.F.; Fjæraa, A.M.; Hirdman, D.; Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Mareckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Klimont, Z.; Kupiainen, K.; Amann, M.; Bergström, R.; Nemitz, E.; Querol, X.; Alastuey, A.; Pey, J.; Gehrig, R.


Effects of relative humidity on aerosol light scattering in the Arctic.

Zieger, P.; Fierz-Schmidhauser, R.; Gysel, M.; Ström, J.; Henne, S.; Yttri, K.E.; Baltensperger, U.; Weingartner, E.


Variations of PM10 mass concentrations and correlations with other pollutants in Belgrade urban area.

Joksic, J.; Radenkovic, M.; Cvetkovic, A.; Matic-Besarabic, S.; Jovasevic-Stojanovic, M.; Bartonova, A.; Yttri, K.E.


Monitoring long-range transboundary air pollution 2009. Summary report.

Schartau, A.K.; Fjellheim, A.; Walseng, B.; Skjelkvåle, B.L.; Framstad, E.; Halvorsen, G.A.; Kålås, J.A.; Nordbakken, J-F.; Yttri, K.E.; Andreassen, K.; Skancke, L.B.; Clarke, N.; Saksgård, R.; Manø, S.; Solberg, S.; Jensen, T.C.; Økland, T.; Høgåsen, T.; Hesthagen, T.; Timmermann, V.; Aas, W.


Effects of relative humidity on aerosol light scattering in the Arctic.

Zieger, P.; Fierz-Schmidhauser, R.; Gysel, M.; Ström, J.; Henne, S.; Yttri, K.E.; Baltensperger, U.; Weingartner, E.


Måler atmosfærens sammensetning.

Myhre, C.L.; Fiebig, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.


Measurement of elemental and organic carbon in Europe. Report of the preparatory workshop for a future standard measurement method.

Kuhlbusch, T.A.J.; Borowiak, A.; Gelenscer, A.; Genberg, J.; Gladtke, D.; Maenhaut, W.; Pio, C.; Popoviecheva, O.; Putaud, J.P.; Quincey, P.; Sciare, J.; ten Brink, H.; Viana, M.; Yttri, K.E.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe: Status report 2009.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Stebel, K.; Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Marckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Klimont, Z.; Bergström, R.; Denier van der Gon, H.; Holzer-Popp, T.; Schroedter-Homscheidt, M.


Methods for air monitoring in Arctic areas.

Yttri, K.E. (eds.) Fiebig, M.; Aspmo, K.; Schmidbauer, N.; Dye, C.; Prata, F.; Stohl, A.


Physical and chemical characterization of the particulate matter suspended in aerosols from the urban area of Belgrade.

Joksic, J.D.; Jovasevic-Stojanovic, M.; Bartonova, A.; Radekovic, M.B.; Yttri, K.E.; Matic-Besarabic, S.; Ignjatovic, L.


Measurement data July 2008 – June 2009.

Liu, L.; Gjerstad, K.I.; Sundvor, I. Yttri, K.E.


Long range transported air pollution and effects in Norway – status and projections.

Aas, W.; Solberg, S.; Yttri, K.E.; Larssen, T.; Wright, R.


Monitoring long-range transboundary air pollution 2008. Summary report.

Wollan, A.K.; Schartau, A.K.; Fjellheim, A.; Walseng, B.; Skjelkvåle, B.L.; Framstad, E.; Halvorsen, G.A.; Halvorsen, G.; Bratli, H.; Bruteig, I.E.; Røsberg, I.; Kålås, J.A.; Yttri, K.E.; Andreassen, K.; Skancke, L.B.; Evju, M.; Clarke, N.; Aarrestad, P.A.; Saksgård, R.; Halvorsen, R.; Manø, S.; Solberg, S.; Økland, T.; Høgåsen, T.; Hesthagen, T.; Bakkestuen, V.; Timmermann, V.; Aas, W.


Carbonaceous aerosols in Norwegian urban areas.

Yttri, K.E.; Dye, C.; Braathen, O.-A.; Simpson, D.; Steinnes, E.


Fossil and non-fossil sources of organic carbon (OC) and elemental carbon (EC) in Göteborg, Sweden.

Szidat, S.; Ruff, M.; Perron, N.; Wacker, L.; Synal, H.-A.; Hallquist, M.; Shannigrahi, A.S.; Yttri, K.E.; Dye, C.; Simpson, D.


Modelled radiative forcing of the direct aerosol effect with multi-observation evaluation.

Myhre, G.; Berglen, T.F.; Johnsrud, M.; Hoyle, C.R.; Berntsen, T.K.; Christopher, S.A.; Fahey, D.W.; Isaksen, I.S.A.; Jones, T.A.; Kahn, R.A.; Loeb, N.; Quinn, P.; Remer, L.; Schwarz, J.P.; Yttri, K.E.


Atmospheric monitoring at the Norwegian Antarctic station Troll: Measurement programme and first results.

Hansen, G.; Aspmo, K.; Berg, T.; Edvardsen, K.; Fiebig, M.; Kallenborn, R.; Lunder, C.R.; Stebel, K.; Schmidbauer, N.; Solberg, S.; Wasseng, J.H.; Yttri, K.E.


Overvåking av langtransporterte forurensninger 2007. Sammendragsrapport.

Schartau, A.K.; Fjellheim, A.; Walseng, B.; Skjelkvåle, B.L.; Hagen, D.; Framstad, E.; Lund, E.; Halvorsen, G.A.; Halvorsen, G.; Bratli, H.; Bruteig, I.E.; Kålås, J.A.; Yttri, K.E.; Andreassen, K.; Skancke, L.B.; Clarke, N.; Aarrestad, P.A.; Sakgsgård, R.; Manø, S.; Solberg, S.; Økland, T.; Hesthagen, T.; Bakkestuen, V.; Timmermann, V.; Aas, W.


Contributions to carbonaceous particulate matter in Oslo, Norway.

Slørdal, L.H.; Simpson, D.; Yttri, K.E.; Svendby, T.M.; Solberg, S.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe. Status report 2008.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Stebel, K.; Nyíri, A.; Tsyro, S.; Marckova, K.; Wankmüller, R.; Winiwarter, W.; Bauer, H.; Caseiro, A.; Puxbaum, H.; Holzer-Popp, T.; Schroedter-Homscheidt, M.



Studies on biosphere-aerosol-cloud climate interactions within BACCI.

Kulmala, M.; Kerminen, V.-M.; Laaksonen, A.; Riipinen, I.; Sipilä, M.; Ruuskanen, T.M.; Kurtén, T.; Lauri, A.; Sogacheva, L.; Hari, P.; Bäck, J.; Lihavainen, H.; Lehtinen, K.E.J.; Hakola, H.; Viisanen, Y.; Bilde, M.; Svenningson, B.; Lazaridis, M.; Tørseth, K.; Yttri, K.E.; Tunved, P.; Nilsson, E.D.; Pryor, S.; Sørensen, L.-L.; Larsen, S.; Hõrrak, U.; Winkler, P.M.; Wagner, P.E.; Swietlicki, E.; Riekkola, M.-L.; Hartonen, K.; Ekman, A.; Krejci, R.; Grini, A.; Hoyle, C.; Hov, Ø.; Hansson, H.-C.


Measurements of particulate matter inside the EMEP framework during 2004.

Lazaridis, M.; Aleksandropoulou, V.; Yttri, K.E.; Tørseth, K.


Aerosol optical properties and distribution during the extreme Arctic haze event in spring 2006.

Myhre, C.L.; Toledano, C.; Myhre, G.; Stebel, K.; Frioud, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Johnsrud, M.


Long-range transport of air pollution into the Arctic.

Stohl, A.; Berg, T.; Breivik, K.; Burkhart, J.F.; Eckhardt, S.; Fjæraa, A.; Forster, C.; Herber, A.; Lunder, C.; McMillan, W.W.; Manø, S.; Oltmans, S.; Shiobara, M.; Stebel, K.; Hirdman, D.; Stroem, J.; Tørseth, K.; Treffeisen, R.; Virkkunen, K.; Yttri, K.E.; Andrews, E.; Kowal, D.; Mefford, T.; Ogren, J.A.; Sharma, S.; Spichtinger, N.; Stone, R.; Hoch, S.; Wehrli, C.


Intensive measurements and modelling of size segregated chemical composition of aerosols in June 2006 and January 2007 in EMEP. Powerpoint presentation.

Aas, W.; Alfarra, R.; Bieber, E.; Ceburnis, D.; Ellermann, T.; Ferm, M.; Frölich, M.; Gehrig, R.; Hansson, H.C.; Kiss, H.; Makkonen, U.; Mihalopoulos, N.; Nemitz, E.; Otjes, R.P.; Perez, N.; Perrino, C.; Putaud, J.P.; Plass-Duelmer, C.; Spindler, G.; Tsyro, S.; Vana, M.; Yttri, K.E.


Monitoring long-range transboundary air pollution 2006. Summary report.

Monsen, B.L.S. (Red.) Hovedansvarlig for "Overvåking av langtransportert luft, nedbør": Luft, nedbør: Aas, W.; Manø, S.; Solberg, S.; Yttri, K.E.


SORGA (Secondary organic aerosols in the urban environment) – Modelling and measurement of carbonaceous aerosols at a rural and urban site in Norway.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Dye, C.; Myhre, C.L.; Schmidbauer, N.J.; Simpson, D.; Slørdal, L.H.; Svendby, T.M.


Atmospheric research and monitoring at Troll; a long-term observational program. Phase 1 (2005/06) NFR/NARE project 168908/S.30.

Hansen, G.; Aspmo, K.; Berg, T.; Edvardsen, K.; Fiebig, M.; Kallenborn, R.; Lunder, C.; Nilsen, T.; Schmidbauer, N.; Solberg, S.; Stebel, K.; Wasseng, J.; Yttri, K.E.


Size segregated chemical composition of aerosols, EMEP intensive measurements 06/07.

Aas, W.; Fölich, M.; Gehrig, R.; Pérez, N.; Perrino, C.; Putaud, J.P.; Spindler, G.; Tsyro, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Aerosol optical properties and distribution during the extreme Arctic pollution event in spring 2006.

Myhre, C.L.; Toledano, C.; Myhre, G.; Stebel, K.; Frioud, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Johnsrud, M.


Elemental and organic carbon in PM10: A one year measurement campaign within the European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme EMEP.

Yttri, K. E.; Aas, W.; Bjerke, A.; Cape, J. N.; Cavalli, F.; Ceburnis, D.; Dye, C.; Emblico, L.; Facchini, M. C.; Forster, C.; Hanssen, J. E.; Hansson, H. C.; Jennings, S. G.; Maenhaut, W.; Putaud, J. P.; Tørseth, K.


Modeling of elemental carbon over Europe.

Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Tarrasón, L.; Klimont, Z.; Kupiainen, K.; Pio, C.; Yttri, K.E.


Phthalate levels in Norwegian indoor air related to particle size fraction.

Rakkestad, K.E.; Dye, C.J.; Yttri, K.E.; Holme, J.A. Hongslo, J.K.; Schwarze, P.E.; Becher, R.


Modeling carbonaceous aerosol over Europe: Analysis of the CARBOSOL and EMEP EC/OC campaigns.

Simpson, D.; Yttri, K.E.; Klimont, Z.; Kupiainen, K.; Caseiro, A.; Gelencsér, A.; Pio, C.; Puxbaum, H.; Legrand, M.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe: Status report 4/2007.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Tarrasón, L.; Vestreng, V.; Tsyro, S.; Simpson, D.; Putaud, J.P.; Cavalli, F.


EMEP particulate matter assessment report.

Aas, W.; Bruckmann, P.; Derwent, R.; Poisson, N.; Putaud, J.-P.; Rouil, L.; Vidic, S.; Yttri, K.E. (eds.)


Regional aerosol optical properties and radiative impact of the extreme smoke event in the European Arctic in spring 2006.

Myhre, C.L.; Toledano, C.; Myhre, G.; Stebel, K.; Yttri, K.E.; Aaltonen, V.; Johnsrud, M.; Frioud, M.; Cachorro, V.; de Frutos, A.; Lihavainen, H.; Campell, J.R.; Chaikovsky, A.P.; Shiobara, M.; Welton, E.J.; Tørseth, K.


Arctic smoke – record high air pollution levels in the European Arctic due to agricultural fires in Eastern Europe.

Stohl, A.; Berg, T.; Burkhart, J.F.; Fjæraa, A.M.; Forster, C.; Herber, A.; Hov, Ø.; Lunder, C.; McMillan, W.W.; Oltmans, S.; Shiobara, M.; Simpson, D.; Solberg, S.; Stebel, K.; Ström, J.; Tørseth, K.; Treffeisen, R.; Virkkunen, K.; Yttri, K.E.


Elemental and organic carbon in PM10: A one year measurements campaign within the European monitoring and evaluation programme EMEP.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Bjerke, A.; Ceburnis, D.; Dye, C.; Facchini, M.C.; Forster, C.; Hanssen, J.E.; Hansson, H.C.; Jennings, S.G.; Maenhaut, W.; Tørseth, K.


Aerosol optical properties and distribution during the extreme Arctic haze event in spring 2006.

Myhre, C.L.; Toledano, C.; Stebel, K.; Frioud, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Johnsrud, M.


Measurements of particulate matter inside the EMEP framework during 2004.

Lazaridis, M.; Alexandropoulou, V.; Yttri, K.E.; Tørseth, K.


Transboundary Particulate Matter in Europe: Status Report 2006. Joint CCC & MSC-W Report 2006.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W. (eds.) . Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Forster, C.; Tørseth, K.; Tsyro, S.; Tarrasón, L.; Simpson, D.; Vestreng, V.; Lazaridis, M.; Kopanakis, I.; Aleksandropoulou, V.; Gehrig, R.; Adams, M.; Woodfield, M.; Putaud, J.P.; Schultz, M.


Pan-Arctic enhancements of light absorbing aerosol concentrations due to North American boreal forest fires during summer 2004. Poster presentation.

Stohl, A.; Andrews, E.; Burkhart, J.F.; Forster, C.; Herber, A.; Hoch, S.W.; Kowal, D.; Lunder, C.; Mefford, T.; Ogren, J.A.; Sharma, S.; Spichtinger, N.; Stebel, K.; Stone, R.; Strom, J.; Tørseth, K.; Wehrli, C.; Yttri, K.E.


Elemental and organic carbon in PM10: A one year measurements campaign within the European monitoring and evaluation programme EMEP.

Yttri, K.E.; Aas, W.; Bjerke, A.; Ceburnis, D.; Dye, C.; Facchini, M.C.; Forster, C.; Hanssen, J.E.; Hansson, H.C.; Jennings, S.G.; Maenhaut, W.; Tørseth, K.


Aerosol optical properties and distribution during the extreme Arctic haze event in spring 2006.

Myhre, C.L.; Toledano, C.; Stebel, K.; Frioud, M.; Yttri, K.E.; Johnsrud, M.


Pan-Arctic enhancements of light absorbing aerosol concentrations due to North American boreal forest fires during summer 2004.

Stohl, A.; Andrews, E.; Burkhart, J.F.; Forster, C.; Herber, A.; Hoch, S.W.; Kowal, D.; Lunder, C.; Mefford, T.; Ogren, J.A.; Sharma, S.; Spichtinger, N.; Stebel, K.; Stone, R.; Strom, J.; Tørseth, K.; Wehrli, C.; Yttri, K.E.


Monitoring long-range transboundary air pollution 2005. Summary report.

Skjelkvåle, B.L. (red.) Hovedansvarlig for "Overvåking av langtransportert forurenset luft, nedbør", OPS, TOV Luft, nedbør: Aas, W.; Berg, T.; Manø, S.; Solberg, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants. Annual report for 2005.

Aas, W.; Solberg, S.; Berg, T.; Manø, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Chemical characterisation of the urban aerosol during Göte-2005.

Hallquist, M.; Andersson, P.U.; Boman, J.; Emren, A.; Hagström, M.; Hasegawa, S.; Janhäll, S.; Langer, S.; Ljungström, E.; Nemitz, E.; Olofsson, K.F.G.; Pettersson, J.B.C.; Synal, H-A.; Szidat, S.; Shannigrahi, A.S.; Svane, M.; Thomas, R.; Yttri, K.E.


Transboundary particulate matter in Europe: Status report 2005.

Yttri, K.E.; Tørseth, K. (eds.) . Yttri, K.E.; Hanssen, J.E.; Tsyro, S.; Lazaridis, M.; Facchini, M.C.; Jennings, S.G.


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants, annual report for 2004.

Aas, W.; Solberg, S.; Berg, T.; Manø, S.; Yttri, K.E.



Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants, annual report for 2003.

Aas, W.; Solberg, S.; Berg, T.; Manø, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Light alkyl nitrates in the marine environment.

Aspmo, K.; van Ekeren, J.S.; Yttri, K.E.


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants. Annual report for 2002.

Aas, W.; Solberg, S.; Berg, T.; Manø, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants. Annual report for 2001.

Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Solberg, S.; Berg, T.; Manø, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Monitoring of long-range transported air pollutants. Annual report for 2000.

Aas, W.; Tørseth, K.; Solberg, S.; Berg, T.; Manø, S.; Yttri, K.E.


Airborne Microplastic Detection, Origin, Transport and Global Radiative Impact (MAGIC)

Alternative title: Deteksjon, opprinnelse, transport og global strålingspåvirkning av luftbåren mikroplast The project with the short name "MAGIC" will incorporate advances in atmospheric sampling (e.g., from Global Atmosphere Watch stations, GAW) and detection […]

Project period: 2023 – 2027
