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MEMORI. Measurement, effect, assessment and mitigation of pollutant impact on movable cultural assets. Innovative research for market transfer.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Bellendorf, P.; Schieweck, A.; Drda-Kühn, K.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Vandenabeele, P.; Larsen, R.; Sommer, D.V.P.; Potthast, A.; Marincas, O.; Thickett, D.; Andrade, G.; Tabuenca, A.; Odlyha, M.; Laurenson, P.; Hackney, S.; McDonagh, C.; Bowe, P.; Ackerman, J.J.

Publication details

Poster presented at the conference "Increasing Europe's competitiveness through cultural heritage research" - an initiative of the EU project NET-HERITAGE, Brussels, 24 March 2011.

File: NILU PP 2/2011 (pdf)