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Terje Grøntoft

Former Employee


Terje Grøntoft has 180 publications at NILU:

Måling av gasser i Statsarkivets lokaler i Trondheim. Fase 2 – 2024

Berglen, Tore Flatlandsmo; Håland, Alexander; Grøntoft, Terje


Måling av gasser i Statsarkivets lokaler i Trondheim

Grøntoft, Terje; Håland, Alexander


Evaluation of novel cleaning systems on mock-ups of unvarnished oil paint and chalk-glue ground within the Munch Aula Paintings Project

Stoveland, Lena Porsmo; Frøysaker, Tine; Stols-Witlox, Maartje; Grøntoft, Terje; Steindal, Calin Constantin; Madden, Odile; Ormsby, Bronwyn


Make it dirty: Simulating physical and chemical changes in mock-ups for the cleaning of unvarnished oil paintings by E. Munch

Stoveland, Lena Porsmo; Ormsby, Bronwyn; Stols-Witlox, Maartje; Grøntoft, Terje; Caruso, Francesco


A Portable Tool for the Evaluation of Microclimate Conditions within Museum Enclosures, Transit Frames, and Transport Cases

Odlyha, Marianne; Slater, Jonathon M.; Grøntoft, Terje; Jakiela, Slawomir; Obarzanowski, Michal; Thickett, David; Hackney, Stephen; Andrade, Guillermo; Wadum, Jørgen; Christensen, Anne Haack; Scharff, Mikkel


The influence of outdoor air pollution to indoor air quality in a mechanically ventilated museum envelope

Glytsos, Thodoros; Kopanakis, Ilias; Katsivela, Eleftheria; Grøntoft, Terje; Violaki, Vaggelio; Lazaridis, Mihalis


Particulate matter and gaseous pollutants in a baroque library hall – Assessing the consequences for books and manuscripts

Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Smolík, Jiří; Mašková, Ludmila; Souckova, Magda; Ondráčková, Lucie; Stankiewicz, Jurke; Grøntoft, Terje; Benesová, Marie; Ondráček, Jakub


EU project PROPAINT: Analysis of environments inside microclimate frames for paintings

Grøntoft, Terje; Dahlin, Elin; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Odlyha, Marianne; Jakiela, Slawomir; Scharff, Mikkel; Andrade, Guillermo; Garcia, Ana Tabuenca; Ortega, Antonio; Leissner, Johanna; Mottner, Peter; Obarzanowski, Michal; Czop, Janusz; Fraczek, Piotr; Bratasz, Lukasz; Wilk, Dariusz; Colombini, Maria Perla; Bonaduce, Ilaria; Ryhl-Svendsen, Morten; Thickett, David; Hackney, Stephen; Wadum, Jørgen; Christensen, Anne Haack; Larsen, Tanja


ICP Materials trends in corrosion, soiling and air pollution (1987-2014).

Tidblad, J.; Kreislová, K.; Faller, M.; de la Fuente, D.; Yates, T.; Verney-Carron, A.; Grøntoft, T.; Gordon, A.; Hans, U.


Assessment of indoor air quality and the risk of damage to cultural heritage objects using MEMORI® dosimetry.

Grøntoft, T.; Thickett, D.; Lankester, P.; Hackney, S.; Townsend, J.H.; Ramsholt, K.; Garrido, M.


Performance of adsorbent media for sustainable mitigation of organic pollutants.

Schieweck, A.; Andrade, G.; Hackney, S.; Lankester, P.; Thickett, D.; Grøntoft, T.


VOC emissions from canvas and acetic acid deposition to canvas and glass.

Grøntoft, T.; Schmidbauer, N.; Wisthaler, A.; Mikoviny, T.; Eichler, P.; Müller, M.; Hackney, S.; Larsen, A.S.


MEMORI. Measurement, effect assessment and mitigation of pollutant impact on movable cultural assets. Innovative research for market transfer. Project final report.

Dahlin, E. (eds.) Grøntoft, T.; Wittstadt, K.; Drda-Kühn, K.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Vandenabeele, P.; Larsen, R.; Potthast, A.; Marincas, O.; Schieweck, A.; Thicket, D.; Odlyha, M.; Andrade, G.; Hackney, S.; McDonagh, C.; Ackerman, J.J.


The impact of organic acids on varnishes in museum environments.

Bonaduce, I.; Colombini, M.P.; Di Girolamo, F.; Orsini, S.; Odlyha, M.; Rutkowska, S.; Scharff, M., Grøntoft, T.


Measurement, effect assessment and mitigation of pollutant impact on movable cultural assets. Innovative research for market transfer. Project final report. MEMORI. Grant agreement no. 265132.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Wittstadt, K.; Drda-Kühn, K.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Vandenabeele, P.; Larsen, R.; Potthast, A.; Marincas, O.; Schieweck, A.; Thicket, D.; Odlyha, M.; Andrade, G.; Hackney, S.; McDonagh, C.; Ackerman, J.J.


Volatile organic compounds in the museum environment – a PTR-TOF pilot study on canvas samples.

Mikoviny, T.; Eichler, P.; Müller, M.; Grøntoft, T.; Wisthaler, A.


The role of organic and inorganic indoor pollutants in museum environments in the degradation of dammar varnish.

Bonaduce, I.; Odlyha, M.; Di Girolamo, F.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Grøntoft, T.; Colombinia, M.P.


The MEMORI dosimeter – a user friendly tool for evaluation of indoor air quality for cultural heritage.

Grøntoft, T.; Wittstadt, K.; Bellendorf, P.; Dahlin, E.; Håland, S.; Bernardo, C.; Ødegård, R.; Røen, H.V.; Heltne, T.


The role of indoor environmental pollutants in the degradation of natural resin.

Bonaduce, I.; Colombini, M.P.; Di Girolamo, F.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Odlyha, M.; Sharff, M.


The MEMORI dosimeter – a user friendly tool for evaluation of indoor air quality for cultural heritage.

Grøntoft, T.; Wittstadt, K.; Bellendorf, P.; Dahlin, E.; Håland, S.; Bernardo, C.; Ødegård, R.; Røen, H.V.; Heltne, T.


Non-destructive and minimally invasive test methods for the evaluation and assessment of movable organic-based heritage materials.

Odlyha, M.; Bozec, L.; Hacjney, S.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Di Girolamo, F.; Larsen, R.; Axelsson, K.M.; Sommer, D.V.P.; Scharf, M.; Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Chelazzi, D.; Baglioni, P.


Impact loads of air pollutants on paintings: performance evaluation by modeling for microclimate frames.

Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Scharff, M.; Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Andrade, G.; Obarzanowski, M.; Thickett, D.


The MEMORI dosimeter for indoor environment.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Bellendorf, P.; Wittstadt, Schieweck, A.; Drda-Kühn, K.; Perla Colombini, M.; Bonaduce, I.; Vandenabeele, P.; Larsen, R.; Poulsen Sommer, D.V.; Potthast, A.; Marincas, O.; Thickett, D.; Andrade, G.; Tabuenca, A.; Odlyha, M.; Hackney, S.; Laurenson, P.; McDonagh, C.; Ackerman, J.J.


Damage assessment of organic-based heritage materials in monitored locations.

Odlyha, M.; Bozec, L.; Thickett, D.; Hackney, S.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Di Girolamo, F.; Larsen, R.; Mühlen Axelsson, K.; Vestergaard Poulsen, D.; Scharff, M.; Marincas, O.; Vandenabeele, P.; Potthast, A.; Ahn, K.; Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.


The MEMORI dosimeter for indoor environment.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Bellendorf, P.; Wittstadt, Schieweck, A.; Drda-Kühn, K.; Perla Colombini, M.; Bonaduce, I.; Vandenabeele, P.; Larsen, R.; Poulsen Sommer, D.V.; Potthast, A.; Marincas, O.; Thickett, D.; Andrade, G.; Tabuenca, A.; Odlyha, M.; Hackney, S.; Laurenson, P.; McDonagh, C.; Ackerman, J.J.


Effects of air pollution on materials and cultural heritage: ICP Materials celebrates 25 years of research.

Tidblad, J.; Kucera, V.; Ferm, M.; Kreislova, K.; Brüggerhoff, S.; Doytchinov, S.; Screpanti, A.; Grøntoft, T.; Yates, T.; de la Fuente, D.; Roots, O.; Lombardo, T.; Simon, S.; Faller, M.; Kwiatkowski, L.; Kobus, J.; Varotsos, C.; Tzanis, C.; Krage, L.; Schreiner, M.; Melcher, M.; Grancharov, I.; Karmanova, N.


Future pest status of an insect pest in museums, Attagenus smirnovi: Distribution and food consumption in relation to climate change.

Hansen, L.S.; Åkerlund, M.; Grøntoft, T.; Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Schmidt, A.L.; Bergh, J.E.; Jensen, K.M.V.


MEMORI. Measurement, effect, assessment and mitigation of pollutant impact on movable cultural assets. Innovative research for market transfer.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Bellendorf, P.; Schieweck, A.; Drda-Kühn, K.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Vandenabeele, P.; Larsen, R.; Sommer, D.V.P.; Potthast, A.; Marincas, O.; Thickett, D.; Andrade, G.; Tabuenca, A.; Odlyha, M.; Laurenson, P.; Hackney, S.; McDonagh, C.; Bowe, P.; Ackerman, J.J.


The MEMORI technology for movable cultural assets.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Bellendorf, P.; Schieweck, A.; Drda-Kühn, K.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Vandenabeele, P.; Larsen, R.; Potthast, A.; Marincas, O.; Thickett, D.; Odlyha, M.; Andrade, G.; Hackney, S.; McDonagh, C.; Ackerman, J.J.


Study of the influence of atmospheric pollution on the open-air collection of the Railway Museum in Warsaw.

Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Kozelska, A.; Brama, K.; Zatorska, A.; Mróz, J.; Zukowska, G.; Marczak, J.; Skrzeczanowski, W.; Strzelec,M.; Zasada, D.


Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: Results from the PROPAINT project.

Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Scharff, M.; Wadum, J.; Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Odlyha, M.; Andrade, G.; Ortega, A.; Obarzanowski, M.; Czop, J.; Hackney, S.; Thickett, D.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaducci, I.


Relationship of indoor and outdoor air pollutants in a naturally ventilated historical building envelope.

Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Smolík, J.; Mašková, L.; Soucková, M.; Grøntoft, T.; Ondrácková, L.; Stankiewiczet, J.


Airborne particles in the Baroque hall of the National Library in Prague.

Andelova, L.; Ondraxkova, L.; Ondracek, J.; Smolik, J.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Stankiewicz, J.


Characterization of airborne particles in the Baroque hall of the National Library in Prague.

Ondraxkova, L.; Andelova, L.; Ondracek, J.; Smolik, J.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Stankiewicz, J.


Aerosol particles in the Baroque Hall of the National Library in Prague.

Smolik, J.; Maskova, L.; Ondrackova, L.; Ondracek, J.; Souckova, M.; Stankiwicz, J.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Grøntoft, T.; Zikova, N.


Microclimates in museums, churches, and their impact on heritage materials.

Odlyha, M.; Jakiela, S.; Slater, J.M.; Theodorakopoulos, C.; Bozec, L.; Larsen, R.; Bergsten, C.J.; Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Thickett, D.; Hackney, S.


EU projet PROPAINT: ‘Improved protection of paintings during exhibition, storage and transit.’ Final results and implications for conservation.

Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Odlyha, M.; Jakiela, S.; Scharff, M.; Larsen, T.; Andrade, G.; García, A.T.; Ortega, A.; Mottner, P.; Leissner, J.; Obarzanowski, M.; Czop, J.; Kozlowski, R.; Wilk, D.; Fraczek, P.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Thickett, D.; Hackney, S.; Wadum, J.; Christensen, A.H.


Windborne-sea salt aerosol.

Grøntoft, T.; Svenningsen, G.


High wind > 15 m/s.

Grøntoft, T.; Svenningsen, G.


TeACH. Construction of a new compact soiling and dust dosimeter for indoor measurements. Deliverable D2.5.

Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Grøntoft, T.; Bernardi, A.; Becherini, F.; Bonazza, A.


Characterization of airborne particles in the Baroque Hall of the National Library in Prague.

Andelova, L.; Smolik, J.; Ondrackova, L.; Ondracek, J.; Lopez-Aparicio, S. Grøntoft, T.; Stankiewicz, J.


Indoor air quality assessment in the Baroque Hall of the National Library (Prague, Czech Republic).

Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Stankiewicz, J.; Grøntoft, T.; Smolík, J.


Pollution monitoring by dosimetry and passive diffusion sampling for evaluation of environmental conditions for paintings in microclimate frames.

Grøntoft, T.; Odlyha, M.; Mottner, P.; Dahlin, E.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Jakiela, S.; Scharff, M.; Andrade, G.; Obarzanowski, M.; Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Thickett, D.; Hackney, S.; Wadum, J.


Measurement of organic and inorganic pollutants in microclimate frames for paintings.

Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Grøntoft, T.; Odlyha, M.; Dahlin, E.; Mottner, P.; Thickett, D.; Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Schmidbauer, N.; Scharff, M.


Involvement of conservation professionals in an EU funded project.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.


Air quality assessment in cultural heritage – locations by dosimetry.

Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.


Dosimetry for characterization of environmental conditions for paintings in microclimate frames.

Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Odlyha, M.; Mottner, P.; Scharff, M.; Andrade, G.; Obarzanowski, M.; Hackney, S.; Thickett, D.; Wadum, J.; Colombini, M. P.


Monitoring, modelling and mapping.

Hamilton, R.; Crabbe, H.; Fitz, S.; Grøntoft, T.


Risk assessment and management strategies at local level.

Yates, T.; Drdácký, M.; Pospísil, S.; Grøntoft, T.


MASTER deliverable D.3.1. Sensor and environmental data from the field test programme.

Grøntoft, T.; Henriksen, J.F.; Hanssen, J.E.; Ofstad, T.; Dahlin, E.; Lazaridis, M.; Czop, J.; Sommer-Larssen, A.; Hallett, K.; Calnan, C.; Pitzen, C.; Cassar, J.A.


EU Project PROPAINT – Assessment of environmental protection for paintings offered by microclimate frames and varnishes.

Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Dahlin, E.; Odlyha, M.; Jakiela, S.; Mottner, P.; Scharff, M.; Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Andrade, G.; Obarzanowski, M.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Hackney, S.; Wadum, J.; Thickett, D.


Environmental effects dosimetry for paintings in microclimate frames.

Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Odlyha, M.; Mottner, P.; Thickett, D.


Improved protection of paintings during exhibition, storage and transit – PROPAINT (EU project FP6, 044254).

Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Odlyha, M.; Scharff, M.; Andrade, G.; Mottner, P.; Czop, J.; Colombini, P.; Hackney, S.; Wadum, J.


Corrosion measurements 2004-2006.

Ofstad, T.; Grøntoft, T.


An early warning system for organic materials in museums, historic buildings and archives.

Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Henriksen, J.F.; Rentmeister, S.; Hanko, M.; Heinze, J.; Taylor, J.; Blades, N.; Cassar, M.


Improved protection of paintings during exhibition, storage and transit – PROPAINT.

Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Odlyha, M.; Scharff, M.; Andrade, G.; Mottner, P.; Czop, J.; Colombini, P.


Global climate change impact on built heritage and cultural landscapes.

Sabbioni, C.; Cassar, M.; Brimblecombe, P.; Tidblad, J.; Kozlowski, R.; Drácky, M.; Saiz-Jimenez, C.; Grøntoft, T.; Wainwright, I.; Ariño, X.


Impact assessment on organic materials in selected European museums.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Lazaridis, M.; Taylor, J.; Howell, D.; Blades, N.; Glytsos, T.; Henriksen, J.


Development of an early warning sensor for assessing deterioration of organic materials indoor in museums, historic buildings and archives.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Rentmeister, S.; Calnan, C.; Czop, J.; Hallett, K.; Howell, D.; Pitzen, C.; Larsen, A.S.


Terje Grøntoft has 180 publications at NILU:

Måling av gasser i Statsarkivets lokaler i Trondheim. Fase 2 – 2024

Berglen, Tore Flatlandsmo; Håland, Alexander; Grøntoft, Terje


Måling av gasser i Statsarkivets lokaler i Trondheim

Grøntoft, Terje; Håland, Alexander


Evaluation of novel cleaning systems on mock-ups of unvarnished oil paint and chalk-glue ground within the Munch Aula Paintings Project

Stoveland, Lena Porsmo; Frøysaker, Tine; Stols-Witlox, Maartje; Grøntoft, Terje; Steindal, Calin Constantin; Madden, Odile; Ormsby, Bronwyn


Make it dirty: Simulating physical and chemical changes in mock-ups for the cleaning of unvarnished oil paintings by E. Munch

Stoveland, Lena Porsmo; Ormsby, Bronwyn; Stols-Witlox, Maartje; Grøntoft, Terje; Caruso, Francesco


A Portable Tool for the Evaluation of Microclimate Conditions within Museum Enclosures, Transit Frames, and Transport Cases

Odlyha, Marianne; Slater, Jonathon M.; Grøntoft, Terje; Jakiela, Slawomir; Obarzanowski, Michal; Thickett, David; Hackney, Stephen; Andrade, Guillermo; Wadum, Jørgen; Christensen, Anne Haack; Scharff, Mikkel


The influence of outdoor air pollution to indoor air quality in a mechanically ventilated museum envelope

Glytsos, Thodoros; Kopanakis, Ilias; Katsivela, Eleftheria; Grøntoft, Terje; Violaki, Vaggelio; Lazaridis, Mihalis


Particulate matter and gaseous pollutants in a baroque library hall – Assessing the consequences for books and manuscripts

Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Smolík, Jiří; Mašková, Ludmila; Souckova, Magda; Ondráčková, Lucie; Stankiewicz, Jurke; Grøntoft, Terje; Benesová, Marie; Ondráček, Jakub


EU project PROPAINT: Analysis of environments inside microclimate frames for paintings

Grøntoft, Terje; Dahlin, Elin; Lopez-Aparicio, Susana; Odlyha, Marianne; Jakiela, Slawomir; Scharff, Mikkel; Andrade, Guillermo; Garcia, Ana Tabuenca; Ortega, Antonio; Leissner, Johanna; Mottner, Peter; Obarzanowski, Michal; Czop, Janusz; Fraczek, Piotr; Bratasz, Lukasz; Wilk, Dariusz; Colombini, Maria Perla; Bonaduce, Ilaria; Ryhl-Svendsen, Morten; Thickett, David; Hackney, Stephen; Wadum, Jørgen; Christensen, Anne Haack; Larsen, Tanja


ICP Materials trends in corrosion, soiling and air pollution (1987-2014).

Tidblad, J.; Kreislová, K.; Faller, M.; de la Fuente, D.; Yates, T.; Verney-Carron, A.; Grøntoft, T.; Gordon, A.; Hans, U.


Assessment of indoor air quality and the risk of damage to cultural heritage objects using MEMORI® dosimetry.

Grøntoft, T.; Thickett, D.; Lankester, P.; Hackney, S.; Townsend, J.H.; Ramsholt, K.; Garrido, M.


Performance of adsorbent media for sustainable mitigation of organic pollutants.

Schieweck, A.; Andrade, G.; Hackney, S.; Lankester, P.; Thickett, D.; Grøntoft, T.


VOC emissions from canvas and acetic acid deposition to canvas and glass.

Grøntoft, T.; Schmidbauer, N.; Wisthaler, A.; Mikoviny, T.; Eichler, P.; Müller, M.; Hackney, S.; Larsen, A.S.


MEMORI. Measurement, effect assessment and mitigation of pollutant impact on movable cultural assets. Innovative research for market transfer. Project final report.

Dahlin, E. (eds.) Grøntoft, T.; Wittstadt, K.; Drda-Kühn, K.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Vandenabeele, P.; Larsen, R.; Potthast, A.; Marincas, O.; Schieweck, A.; Thicket, D.; Odlyha, M.; Andrade, G.; Hackney, S.; McDonagh, C.; Ackerman, J.J.


The impact of organic acids on varnishes in museum environments.

Bonaduce, I.; Colombini, M.P.; Di Girolamo, F.; Orsini, S.; Odlyha, M.; Rutkowska, S.; Scharff, M., Grøntoft, T.


Measurement, effect assessment and mitigation of pollutant impact on movable cultural assets. Innovative research for market transfer. Project final report. MEMORI. Grant agreement no. 265132.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Wittstadt, K.; Drda-Kühn, K.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Vandenabeele, P.; Larsen, R.; Potthast, A.; Marincas, O.; Schieweck, A.; Thicket, D.; Odlyha, M.; Andrade, G.; Hackney, S.; McDonagh, C.; Ackerman, J.J.


Volatile organic compounds in the museum environment – a PTR-TOF pilot study on canvas samples.

Mikoviny, T.; Eichler, P.; Müller, M.; Grøntoft, T.; Wisthaler, A.


The role of organic and inorganic indoor pollutants in museum environments in the degradation of dammar varnish.

Bonaduce, I.; Odlyha, M.; Di Girolamo, F.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Grøntoft, T.; Colombinia, M.P.


The MEMORI dosimeter – a user friendly tool for evaluation of indoor air quality for cultural heritage.

Grøntoft, T.; Wittstadt, K.; Bellendorf, P.; Dahlin, E.; Håland, S.; Bernardo, C.; Ødegård, R.; Røen, H.V.; Heltne, T.


The role of indoor environmental pollutants in the degradation of natural resin.

Bonaduce, I.; Colombini, M.P.; Di Girolamo, F.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Odlyha, M.; Sharff, M.


The MEMORI dosimeter – a user friendly tool for evaluation of indoor air quality for cultural heritage.

Grøntoft, T.; Wittstadt, K.; Bellendorf, P.; Dahlin, E.; Håland, S.; Bernardo, C.; Ødegård, R.; Røen, H.V.; Heltne, T.


Non-destructive and minimally invasive test methods for the evaluation and assessment of movable organic-based heritage materials.

Odlyha, M.; Bozec, L.; Hacjney, S.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Di Girolamo, F.; Larsen, R.; Axelsson, K.M.; Sommer, D.V.P.; Scharf, M.; Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Chelazzi, D.; Baglioni, P.


Impact loads of air pollutants on paintings: performance evaluation by modeling for microclimate frames.

Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Scharff, M.; Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Andrade, G.; Obarzanowski, M.; Thickett, D.


The MEMORI dosimeter for indoor environment.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Bellendorf, P.; Wittstadt, Schieweck, A.; Drda-Kühn, K.; Perla Colombini, M.; Bonaduce, I.; Vandenabeele, P.; Larsen, R.; Poulsen Sommer, D.V.; Potthast, A.; Marincas, O.; Thickett, D.; Andrade, G.; Tabuenca, A.; Odlyha, M.; Hackney, S.; Laurenson, P.; McDonagh, C.; Ackerman, J.J.


Damage assessment of organic-based heritage materials in monitored locations.

Odlyha, M.; Bozec, L.; Thickett, D.; Hackney, S.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Di Girolamo, F.; Larsen, R.; Mühlen Axelsson, K.; Vestergaard Poulsen, D.; Scharff, M.; Marincas, O.; Vandenabeele, P.; Potthast, A.; Ahn, K.; Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.


The MEMORI dosimeter for indoor environment.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Bellendorf, P.; Wittstadt, Schieweck, A.; Drda-Kühn, K.; Perla Colombini, M.; Bonaduce, I.; Vandenabeele, P.; Larsen, R.; Poulsen Sommer, D.V.; Potthast, A.; Marincas, O.; Thickett, D.; Andrade, G.; Tabuenca, A.; Odlyha, M.; Hackney, S.; Laurenson, P.; McDonagh, C.; Ackerman, J.J.


Effects of air pollution on materials and cultural heritage: ICP Materials celebrates 25 years of research.

Tidblad, J.; Kucera, V.; Ferm, M.; Kreislova, K.; Brüggerhoff, S.; Doytchinov, S.; Screpanti, A.; Grøntoft, T.; Yates, T.; de la Fuente, D.; Roots, O.; Lombardo, T.; Simon, S.; Faller, M.; Kwiatkowski, L.; Kobus, J.; Varotsos, C.; Tzanis, C.; Krage, L.; Schreiner, M.; Melcher, M.; Grancharov, I.; Karmanova, N.


Future pest status of an insect pest in museums, Attagenus smirnovi: Distribution and food consumption in relation to climate change.

Hansen, L.S.; Åkerlund, M.; Grøntoft, T.; Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Schmidt, A.L.; Bergh, J.E.; Jensen, K.M.V.


MEMORI. Measurement, effect, assessment and mitigation of pollutant impact on movable cultural assets. Innovative research for market transfer.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Bellendorf, P.; Schieweck, A.; Drda-Kühn, K.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Vandenabeele, P.; Larsen, R.; Sommer, D.V.P.; Potthast, A.; Marincas, O.; Thickett, D.; Andrade, G.; Tabuenca, A.; Odlyha, M.; Laurenson, P.; Hackney, S.; McDonagh, C.; Bowe, P.; Ackerman, J.J.


The MEMORI technology for movable cultural assets.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Bellendorf, P.; Schieweck, A.; Drda-Kühn, K.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Vandenabeele, P.; Larsen, R.; Potthast, A.; Marincas, O.; Thickett, D.; Odlyha, M.; Andrade, G.; Hackney, S.; McDonagh, C.; Ackerman, J.J.


Study of the influence of atmospheric pollution on the open-air collection of the Railway Museum in Warsaw.

Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Kozelska, A.; Brama, K.; Zatorska, A.; Mróz, J.; Zukowska, G.; Marczak, J.; Skrzeczanowski, W.; Strzelec,M.; Zasada, D.


Gaseous pollutants inside microclimate frames: Results from the PROPAINT project.

Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Scharff, M.; Wadum, J.; Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Odlyha, M.; Andrade, G.; Ortega, A.; Obarzanowski, M.; Czop, J.; Hackney, S.; Thickett, D.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaducci, I.


Relationship of indoor and outdoor air pollutants in a naturally ventilated historical building envelope.

Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Smolík, J.; Mašková, L.; Soucková, M.; Grøntoft, T.; Ondrácková, L.; Stankiewiczet, J.


Airborne particles in the Baroque hall of the National Library in Prague.

Andelova, L.; Ondraxkova, L.; Ondracek, J.; Smolik, J.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Stankiewicz, J.


Characterization of airborne particles in the Baroque hall of the National Library in Prague.

Ondraxkova, L.; Andelova, L.; Ondracek, J.; Smolik, J.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Stankiewicz, J.


Aerosol particles in the Baroque Hall of the National Library in Prague.

Smolik, J.; Maskova, L.; Ondrackova, L.; Ondracek, J.; Souckova, M.; Stankiwicz, J.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Grøntoft, T.; Zikova, N.


Microclimates in museums, churches, and their impact on heritage materials.

Odlyha, M.; Jakiela, S.; Slater, J.M.; Theodorakopoulos, C.; Bozec, L.; Larsen, R.; Bergsten, C.J.; Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Thickett, D.; Hackney, S.


EU projet PROPAINT: ‘Improved protection of paintings during exhibition, storage and transit.’ Final results and implications for conservation.

Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Odlyha, M.; Jakiela, S.; Scharff, M.; Larsen, T.; Andrade, G.; García, A.T.; Ortega, A.; Mottner, P.; Leissner, J.; Obarzanowski, M.; Czop, J.; Kozlowski, R.; Wilk, D.; Fraczek, P.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Thickett, D.; Hackney, S.; Wadum, J.; Christensen, A.H.


Windborne-sea salt aerosol.

Grøntoft, T.; Svenningsen, G.


High wind > 15 m/s.

Grøntoft, T.; Svenningsen, G.


TeACH. Construction of a new compact soiling and dust dosimeter for indoor measurements. Deliverable D2.5.

Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Grøntoft, T.; Bernardi, A.; Becherini, F.; Bonazza, A.


Characterization of airborne particles in the Baroque Hall of the National Library in Prague.

Andelova, L.; Smolik, J.; Ondrackova, L.; Ondracek, J.; Lopez-Aparicio, S. Grøntoft, T.; Stankiewicz, J.


Indoor air quality assessment in the Baroque Hall of the National Library (Prague, Czech Republic).

Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Stankiewicz, J.; Grøntoft, T.; Smolík, J.


Pollution monitoring by dosimetry and passive diffusion sampling for evaluation of environmental conditions for paintings in microclimate frames.

Grøntoft, T.; Odlyha, M.; Mottner, P.; Dahlin, E.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Jakiela, S.; Scharff, M.; Andrade, G.; Obarzanowski, M.; Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Thickett, D.; Hackney, S.; Wadum, J.


Measurement of organic and inorganic pollutants in microclimate frames for paintings.

Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Grøntoft, T.; Odlyha, M.; Dahlin, E.; Mottner, P.; Thickett, D.; Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Schmidbauer, N.; Scharff, M.


Involvement of conservation professionals in an EU funded project.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.


Air quality assessment in cultural heritage – locations by dosimetry.

Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.


Dosimetry for characterization of environmental conditions for paintings in microclimate frames.

Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Odlyha, M.; Mottner, P.; Scharff, M.; Andrade, G.; Obarzanowski, M.; Hackney, S.; Thickett, D.; Wadum, J.; Colombini, M. P.


Monitoring, modelling and mapping.

Hamilton, R.; Crabbe, H.; Fitz, S.; Grøntoft, T.


Risk assessment and management strategies at local level.

Yates, T.; Drdácký, M.; Pospísil, S.; Grøntoft, T.


MASTER deliverable D.3.1. Sensor and environmental data from the field test programme.

Grøntoft, T.; Henriksen, J.F.; Hanssen, J.E.; Ofstad, T.; Dahlin, E.; Lazaridis, M.; Czop, J.; Sommer-Larssen, A.; Hallett, K.; Calnan, C.; Pitzen, C.; Cassar, J.A.


EU Project PROPAINT – Assessment of environmental protection for paintings offered by microclimate frames and varnishes.

Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Dahlin, E.; Odlyha, M.; Jakiela, S.; Mottner, P.; Scharff, M.; Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Andrade, G.; Obarzanowski, M.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Hackney, S.; Wadum, J.; Thickett, D.


Environmental effects dosimetry for paintings in microclimate frames.

Grøntoft, T.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Odlyha, M.; Mottner, P.; Thickett, D.


Improved protection of paintings during exhibition, storage and transit – PROPAINT (EU project FP6, 044254).

Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Odlyha, M.; Scharff, M.; Andrade, G.; Mottner, P.; Czop, J.; Colombini, P.; Hackney, S.; Wadum, J.


Corrosion measurements 2004-2006.

Ofstad, T.; Grøntoft, T.


An early warning system for organic materials in museums, historic buildings and archives.

Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Henriksen, J.F.; Rentmeister, S.; Hanko, M.; Heinze, J.; Taylor, J.; Blades, N.; Cassar, M.


Improved protection of paintings during exhibition, storage and transit – PROPAINT.

Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Odlyha, M.; Scharff, M.; Andrade, G.; Mottner, P.; Czop, J.; Colombini, P.


Global climate change impact on built heritage and cultural landscapes.

Sabbioni, C.; Cassar, M.; Brimblecombe, P.; Tidblad, J.; Kozlowski, R.; Drácky, M.; Saiz-Jimenez, C.; Grøntoft, T.; Wainwright, I.; Ariño, X.


Impact assessment on organic materials in selected European museums.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Lazaridis, M.; Taylor, J.; Howell, D.; Blades, N.; Glytsos, T.; Henriksen, J.


Development of an early warning sensor for assessing deterioration of organic materials indoor in museums, historic buildings and archives.

Dahlin, E.; Grøntoft, T.; Rentmeister, S.; Calnan, C.; Czop, J.; Hallett, K.; Howell, D.; Pitzen, C.; Larsen, A.S.