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EU projet PROPAINT: ‘Improved protection of paintings during exhibition, storage and transit.’ Final results and implications for conservation.

Grøntoft, T.; Dahlin, E.; Lopez-Aparicio, S.; Odlyha, M.; Jakiela, S.; Scharff, M.; Larsen, T.; Andrade, G.; García, A.T.; Ortega, A.; Mottner, P.; Leissner, J.; Obarzanowski, M.; Czop, J.; Kozlowski, R.; Wilk, D.; Fraczek, P.; Colombini, M.P.; Bonaduce, I.; Ryhl-Svendsen, M.; Thickett, D.; Hackney, S.; Wadum, J.; Christensen, A.H.

Publication details

COST Action D42 "ENVIART" Final Conference, "Impact of the indoor environment on the preservation of our movable heritage". Dublin, Ireland, 7-10 November 2010.