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NORTRIP. NOn-exhaust Road TRaffic Induced Particle emissions. Development of a model for assessing the effect on air quality and exposure.

Johansson, C.; Denby, B.R.; Sundvor, I.; Kauhaniemi, M.; Härkönen, J.; Kukkonen, J.; Karppinen, A.; Kangas, L.; Omstedt, G.; Ketzel, M.; Massling, A.; Pirjola, L.; Norman, M.; Gustafsson, M.; Blomqvist, G.; Bennet, C.; Kupiainen, K.; Karvosenoja, N.

Publication details

Series: ITM-report, 212

Publisher: University of Stockholm, Department of Applied Environmental Science

Year: 2012

Link: http://www.itm.su.se/documents/publications/NORTRIP_final_report_20120625.pdf