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Leif Marsteen

Senior Scientist

+47 63 89 81 07

+47 922 94 985

Monitoring and Instrumentation Technology


Leif Marsteen

Leif Marsteen has 88 publications at NILU:

Årsrapport 2023. Nasjonalt referanselaboratorium for luftkvalitetsmålinger.

Marsteen, Leif; Johnsrud, Mona; Hak, Claudia; Dauge, Franck Rene; Tørnkvist, Kjersti Karlsen


Prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus in questing Ixodes ricinus nymphs in southern Scandinavia and the possible influence of meteorological factors

Lamsal, Alaka; Edgar, Kristin Skarsfjord; Jenkins, Andrew; Renssen, Hans; Kjær, Lene Jung; Alfsnes, Kristian; Bastakoti, Srijana; Dieseth, Malene Strøm; Klitgaard, Kirstine; Lindstedt, Heidi Elisabeth Heggen; Paulsen, Katrine Mørk; Vikse, Rose; Korslund, Lars; Kjelland, Vivian; Stuen, Snorre; Kjellander, Petter; Christensson, Madeleine; Teräväinen, Malin; Jensen, Laura Mark; Regmi, Manoj; Giri, Dhiraj; Marsteen, Leif; Bødker, René; Soleng, Arnulf; Andreassen, Åshild Kristine


NDL4 instrument mapping

Marsteen, Leif


Final report, on-going key comparison BIPM.QM-K1, ozone at ambient level, comparison with NILU, January 2018

Viallon, Joële; Idrees, Faraz; Moussay, Philippe; Wielgosz, Robert; Marsteen, Leif


SR5: Assessing the spatial representativeness of air quality sampling points – TASK 3

Tarrasón, Leonor; Hak, Claudia; Soares, Joana; Røen, Håvard Vika; Ødegård, Rune Åvar; Marsteen, Leif


NILU’s Environmental Management Report 2018

Braathen, Ole-Anders; Marsteen, Leif; Langholen, Trine; Andresen, Eva Beate; Fjeldstad, Heidi


NILU’s Environmental Management Report 2017

Braathen, Ole-Anders; Marsteen, Leif; Langholen, Trine; Andresen, Eva Beate; Fjeldstad, Heidi


Måling av svevestøv

Marsteen, Leif


NILU’s Environmental Management Report 2016.

Braathen, O.-A.; Marsteen, L.; Skogvoll, T. L.; Andresen, E. B.; Fjeldstad, H.


CTT 2.0 Carbon Track and Trace, NILUs know-how and experience from previous research activities.

Sundseth, K.; Castell, N.; Marsteen, L.; Dauge, F.R.; Ødegård, R.; Driscoll, P.; Anthonisen, F.; Vesterkjær, A.


Måling av støv.

Marsteen, L.


NILU’s Environmental Management Report 2015.

Braathen, O.-A.; Marsteen, L.; Skogvoll, T.L.; Andresen, E.B.; Fjeldstad, H.


Activity segment 0. Overview of project deliverables and outcomes.

Randall, S.; Sivertsen, B.; Vo, D.T.; Dauge, F.; Marsteen, L.; Sundseth, K.; Clemetsen, T.; Ødegård, R.; Uddin, N.


NILU’s Environmental Management Report 2014.

Braathen, O.-A.; Marsteen, L.; Andresen, E.B.; Fjeldstad, H.


Review of ambient air quality monitoring programme in Poland.

Bøhler, T.; Guerreiro, C.; Marsteen, L.



Quality manual.

Dauge, F.R.; Marsteen, L.; Guerreiro, C.B.



Air quality information for Cyprus. Poster presentation.

Dudek, A.V.; Kleanthous, S.; Marsteen, L.


International Comparison CCQM-P28: Ozone at ambient level.

Viallon, j.; Moussay, P.; Esler, M.; Wielgosz, R.; Bremser, W.; Novák, J.; Vokoun, M.; Botha, A.; Van Rensburg, M.J.; Zellweger, C.; Goldthorp, S.; Borowiak, A.; Lagler, F.; Walden, J.; Malgeri, E.; Sassi, M.P.; Gomez, P.M.; Patier, R.F.; Madruga, D.G.; Woo, j.C.; Kim, Y.D.; Macé, T.; Sutour, C.; Surget, A.; Niederhauser, B.; Schwaller, D.; Frigy, B.; Váraljai, I.G.; Hashimoto, S.; Mukai, H.; Tanimoto, H.; Ahleson, H.P.; Egeløv, A.; Ladegard, N.; Marsteen, L.; Tørnkvist, K. et al.


Air Quality Management Project, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2006. Final report.

Sivertsen, B.; Larssen, S.; Laupsa, H.; Marsteen, L.


Evaluation of existing Air Quality Network. Abu Dhabi Air Quality Management Study.

Bøhler, T.; Guerreiro, C.; Marsteen, L.; Sivertsen, B.


Air quality profiling using low-cost gas and particle sensors (Airify)

Airify is an industrial innovation project where NILU will contribute to evaluate the performance of novel low-cost sensor systems developed by LASTING Software. During the project we will test Airify […]

Project period: 2020 – 2021


Leif Marsteen has 88 publications at NILU:

Årsrapport 2023. Nasjonalt referanselaboratorium for luftkvalitetsmålinger.

Marsteen, Leif; Johnsrud, Mona; Hak, Claudia; Dauge, Franck Rene; Tørnkvist, Kjersti Karlsen


Prevalence of tick-borne encephalitis virus in questing Ixodes ricinus nymphs in southern Scandinavia and the possible influence of meteorological factors

Lamsal, Alaka; Edgar, Kristin Skarsfjord; Jenkins, Andrew; Renssen, Hans; Kjær, Lene Jung; Alfsnes, Kristian; Bastakoti, Srijana; Dieseth, Malene Strøm; Klitgaard, Kirstine; Lindstedt, Heidi Elisabeth Heggen; Paulsen, Katrine Mørk; Vikse, Rose; Korslund, Lars; Kjelland, Vivian; Stuen, Snorre; Kjellander, Petter; Christensson, Madeleine; Teräväinen, Malin; Jensen, Laura Mark; Regmi, Manoj; Giri, Dhiraj; Marsteen, Leif; Bødker, René; Soleng, Arnulf; Andreassen, Åshild Kristine


NDL4 instrument mapping

Marsteen, Leif


Final report, on-going key comparison BIPM.QM-K1, ozone at ambient level, comparison with NILU, January 2018

Viallon, Joële; Idrees, Faraz; Moussay, Philippe; Wielgosz, Robert; Marsteen, Leif


SR5: Assessing the spatial representativeness of air quality sampling points – TASK 3

Tarrasón, Leonor; Hak, Claudia; Soares, Joana; Røen, Håvard Vika; Ødegård, Rune Åvar; Marsteen, Leif


NILU’s Environmental Management Report 2018

Braathen, Ole-Anders; Marsteen, Leif; Langholen, Trine; Andresen, Eva Beate; Fjeldstad, Heidi


NILU’s Environmental Management Report 2017

Braathen, Ole-Anders; Marsteen, Leif; Langholen, Trine; Andresen, Eva Beate; Fjeldstad, Heidi


Måling av svevestøv

Marsteen, Leif


NILU’s Environmental Management Report 2016.

Braathen, O.-A.; Marsteen, L.; Skogvoll, T. L.; Andresen, E. B.; Fjeldstad, H.


CTT 2.0 Carbon Track and Trace, NILUs know-how and experience from previous research activities.

Sundseth, K.; Castell, N.; Marsteen, L.; Dauge, F.R.; Ødegård, R.; Driscoll, P.; Anthonisen, F.; Vesterkjær, A.


Måling av støv.

Marsteen, L.


NILU’s Environmental Management Report 2015.

Braathen, O.-A.; Marsteen, L.; Skogvoll, T.L.; Andresen, E.B.; Fjeldstad, H.


Activity segment 0. Overview of project deliverables and outcomes.

Randall, S.; Sivertsen, B.; Vo, D.T.; Dauge, F.; Marsteen, L.; Sundseth, K.; Clemetsen, T.; Ødegård, R.; Uddin, N.


NILU’s Environmental Management Report 2014.

Braathen, O.-A.; Marsteen, L.; Andresen, E.B.; Fjeldstad, H.


Review of ambient air quality monitoring programme in Poland.

Bøhler, T.; Guerreiro, C.; Marsteen, L.



Quality manual.

Dauge, F.R.; Marsteen, L.; Guerreiro, C.B.



Air quality information for Cyprus. Poster presentation.

Dudek, A.V.; Kleanthous, S.; Marsteen, L.


International Comparison CCQM-P28: Ozone at ambient level.

Viallon, j.; Moussay, P.; Esler, M.; Wielgosz, R.; Bremser, W.; Novák, J.; Vokoun, M.; Botha, A.; Van Rensburg, M.J.; Zellweger, C.; Goldthorp, S.; Borowiak, A.; Lagler, F.; Walden, J.; Malgeri, E.; Sassi, M.P.; Gomez, P.M.; Patier, R.F.; Madruga, D.G.; Woo, j.C.; Kim, Y.D.; Macé, T.; Sutour, C.; Surget, A.; Niederhauser, B.; Schwaller, D.; Frigy, B.; Váraljai, I.G.; Hashimoto, S.; Mukai, H.; Tanimoto, H.; Ahleson, H.P.; Egeløv, A.; Ladegard, N.; Marsteen, L.; Tørnkvist, K. et al.


Air Quality Management Project, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2006. Final report.

Sivertsen, B.; Larssen, S.; Laupsa, H.; Marsteen, L.


Evaluation of existing Air Quality Network. Abu Dhabi Air Quality Management Study.

Bøhler, T.; Guerreiro, C.; Marsteen, L.; Sivertsen, B.


Air quality profiling using low-cost gas and particle sensors (Airify)

Airify is an industrial innovation project where NILU will contribute to evaluate the performance of novel low-cost sensor systems developed by LASTING Software. During the project we will test Airify […]

Project period: 2020 – 2021
